PENNSYLVANIA STATE ITEMS peg mm) . a ———————— Pe in liquor to selective their wi Altoona who furnish foxicating men on eve camp, will feel according to Lovell Bald Blair Shennan by the ( ing « City, hendq "TRONS SOY. Ct of thie Warning is the depuriul ight of rie, county 1 PETROGRAD CLOSED Norwegian Government. Was Forced By Bolsheviki That State Of War With United States Existed. By Declaration Wasi Because the ne tween Rus 1 Ing it ple high realizing great time san ahle tf Langford, — Miss the first | her services mie nt are ¢ price o soll ou ; Annan Rich woman to volunteer the angford ns nurse for ¢ IMITS HAT STYLES. sen's Fur ess Affected By And Felt Head New Order, VARDAMAN LOSES BY 7,253. Returns al And Vardaman 35472. Final Give With he 83 returns avail pomination of Con Harrison, of atic ¢s idate James for Unit K Dre me taten as Lhe ed © Vardaman, { Governor certain, Senator over E. F. Noel, is Harrison's majority on THE CENTRE REPORTER, CENTRE HALL, PA. Patriots Over Here i JOINED a CREW OF U-B0AT Tr LAND ON CONST ALL THE SUGAR Fok | — — PUTTIN’ UP THINGS kL | JF . — | lg Officer of Sub-Marine Recogniz- yh bE ed in New York. MAKES A HASTY ESCAPE Raiders Operating O# The Atlanti Coast Have Been With Shore, in Communica tion Persons On Ny a—————— BLE FRONT ALLIES SWEEP ON = GREATLY REDUCED TAKE 8000 MORE -- French Win in Hard Fight South of Roye. Line in France Measures Only 200 Miles. THE GERMAN PLANS FAIL French es By . 8 Some Praise, Coupled With Blame, By Subcommittee VOMEN TO DRIVE AMBULANCES 300 Will Be Sent in The Next Overseas Six Months, still are stubborn the British pe line south and nortl fll in German hand Kevat« mans anization 14 fields, Vy with Oorps with the inte of ih tion raining RE ET i AE i i mainian il sey a PACE, | tnnoun : R omen ted be 25 year ve vaically fit capabl gers, ambulane Wocamion was vantag on inexper enced forse and favor tiem cont auite charged the near Chaulnes, h are st the INE Ped fore Are Among old must and mes=gen Rove, whic tn rar and enemy which are nes 1o i f to the drives defense line committee NEBRASKAN HEADS G. A. R. TEN NEW SHIPS LAST WEEK. TRIBUTE PAID FIGHTERS, Virginian Chosen Junior VicaCom. 181, mander In Chief, 700 Daadweight Tonnage Added To U. 8, Merchant Marine. hington hips tonn of American merchant ma. week ending August 15, loard announced. Seven were steel and three vessels and two a total tonnage of 53. i L560, were launched during the week. Ore { E. Adams, of | Neb... was elected commander in