Help That Weak Back! N THESE trying times the utmost effort of every man and every woman is necessary. But the man or woman who is handicapped with weak kidneys finds a good day's work impossible, and any work a burden. Lame, achy back; dail headaches, dizzy spells, urinary irregularities and that “all- worn-out” feeling are constant sources of distress and should have prompt attention. Don't delay! Neglected kidney weakness too often leads to gravel, dropsy or Bright's disease. Begin using Doan’s Kidney Pills today. They have brought thousands of kidney sufferers back to health. They should help you. . Personal Reports of Real Cases A VIRGINIA CASE. J. F. Thomas, 27 Roxbury St, Clifton Forge, Va., says: "Uric acid had poisoned my blood and 1 had lost th? use of my limbs. I wag emaciated, my limbs were stiff and I endured awful suffer- ing from pains in my back. I was in bed for months and {it seemed as if nothing would help was hard to straighten. The kid- me. Finally I began taking | ye scanty and Doan’'s Kidney Fills and In a few 1 felt days a great change took place serable Before long I was able to walk around and in a little over a A MARYLAND CASE. Mrs, 1. T. Second St, Says: Somers, Extension Pocomoke City, M4. March bad way with a run down condi- “Last 1 was in a tion of my kidneys. I had severe pains in the small of my back whenever I would bend and it secretions were distressing in passage and tired and worn out and mi Through a friend, I learned of rit 1” Ctdney $ . say Ai me » I was well and happy Doan's Kidney Pills and they did again. My kidneys are now nor- me more good than any mal and I gained medicine I had ever taken. I pounds.” : am in fine DOANS "#ii% 60c a Box at All Stores. Foster-Milburn Co,, Buffalo, N.Y. Mfg. Chem. other now health." Most Ww are people are two-faced, three-faced. The Appropriate One, y “bs i York is peeved tomb as a billboar New Grant's Packers’ C and Profits How much do you think it costs— To dress beef, cure hides, and prepare all the numerous by- products ? To cool the meat for two or three days before shipment? To freight it to all parts of the country in special refrige- rator cars, iced daily ? To carry it in hundreds of branch houses, each with its refrigerating plant? And to deliver it to the retailer — sweet and fresh — in less than two weeks after dressing? Swift & Company did all this for you in 1917 at an expense of less than 2% cents per pound of beef sold, including an average profit of Y of a cent a pound. Figure for yourself how little effect this cost and profit had on prices you paid for beefsteak. Swift & Company, U.S. A. ¥ onl T PENNSYLVANIA STATE TERS | | a Hazleton enjoyed a Mayor H. W. Helden decideq@ that he hoboes, but will hereafter them out of town The first group were tunken in charge by mount ed officers who herded them past the city lines and told them to keep mov ing. aston sent official lish a student army Lafavette college, be detailed to Hazleton, tramp parade, relch having lock up won't march The notice war department that it will estab and an officer proceed with the or of the unit Uniontown ganization Farm Agent P. E Dougherty has just notified all Fayette county farmers that of all threshed must he kept accurate record this and reported to him for the state department of agriculture At the present monthly reports for wheat expected with other ceren included at a later whent summes time only are 18 to he date, New ( they n strong box and did not pat relied on thelr 1 nstle —RBecause money in a bank, Thomux Powell un¢ Waumpu they works at John Nagy, of £1120 While the cement mm, are out about work Is Wampum thieves were nt entered thet money No residence and got the arrests have been made re are reported un mers of the Kresgeville Bes numerous hy far nit) Aut them along the public highways At ut they are feeding m URN olgts also frequently pass kKieberries, whict = Seholl ag the presented the coll Shamokin Joh residin E at Kualpn ont, empl track repairman at the Scott stantly killed when vhich Lar ii | Samuel B. Wait, age} ghty.-«ix venrs, died" at h's home here i result of advanced age and be ng 1 fTected by the intense heat H ix irvived by a widew and three dang! fers Hazleton The Freeland board i heen notified that 11 444 dra heen relected percentage of Luzerne draf iR por men sent to Th's is the rejections fo hi cont of the fred amp have lowest eleven county d's ts Bethlehem Menn! ploye of the Bet Baltazar, an em hiehem Steel com pany, twenty-four, is dead as the re sult of injuries received when squeez work a dynamite cap with Millie playing exploded, the fingers and suffered that prove fatal Ephrata. Hanging himself with na of binding twine, Phares Hem ling. neat the flacr, the while at Whe n KEVen-vear« 1d Rosero which Capose child lost other In Vas three Huries mny here, rope his life Lawrence Rifles guard company, week for the Rifle range held regu Inte to save Castle The Castle's home il go into camp next remainder of the summer drills ii Low New actice and will be i larly, New cd here Castle Word has been receiv. that John Abdlel Smith, a former New Castle boy, now at Wash ington, D. C, has been appointed a mor in the army. Perkasie Instead of the regular county fair at Menlo Park, this loenl promoters will put on day exhibition. Pittston. For the third time in ten years a large store Building In Dupont borough, occupied by Harry Friend's grocery, wag destroyed by fire Park View.—Mine eave-ing through. out Banks township recently swallow. ed up numerous war gardens, but ver) Httle damage was done to buildings Wentheriy. Citizens here have won their fight against the proposed ad vance in water mates from £6 to £0.60 fn year, a four. British Advance Their Lines Over 1,000 Yards Famous Lys Salient In Region West Of Giving Way Under British Pressure. Armenticres famous Lys Armen: pres- Gradually the region Way London salient in the tieres is giving sure of the British west of under the Again Field Mar. have compelled the eastward forces emmy Ww seek ground to the more gecure from the big guns that for several firing criss-cross ghells of the been over the entire salient, working hay defenders of the ir weeks have among Lhe line Likewise the Germs: given no rest by th forees and the the Vesle, and and south of Amer norton French and aine, also are haras tillery has the 1 a) nits fire and local i enemy had pressed on and potwithstanding ment by the enemy SOLDIERS GET FRESH PORK. Now Being Substituted In Camps For Beef. Washington. —Fre k i* now be Ing is d to cantc States iroops nments throu two days 1: temporary pybativuts the There is ar dance of at thir time, Will beef is not This temporary subsiitut the saving ol fresh supply of pork fresh up to normal requirements ion will. mean large quantities of beef and is expected to the recent relieve omewhat strained prices for that commodity. BUILDER OF OREGON DEAD, George W, Dickie Was Widely Known Naval Architect, Oakland, Cal George W Dickie one of the most noted naval architects and marine engineers of America bullder of the died at his home flinegs, He been the here after a wae 74 years old and had personal Emergency Fleet Moore, Scott Shipbuilding Company gince the Government entered upon ig shipbuilding program. HAIG GETS FRENCH CROSS. Decorated By Premier Clemenceau Al Field Meadquarters. Paris Field Marshal Sir Douglas Halg was decorated by Premier Clem. enceay with the French military medal at headquarters in the field. The award was made on the recommenda: tion of Marshal Foch. EENESNENENNSNENCUNNETED BEE naasenss Cavory hot sandwiches Libby's Dried Beef, toast and cream sauce. Tender— Delicate Sliced Beef HE tender delicacy of Libby's Sliced Dried Beef will surprise you. The care with which choice meat is selected, the skill with which it is prepared, give it the exceptionally fine flavor. Its uniform slices will please you, too. Order Libby’s Sliced Dried Beef today. Libby, M%Neill & Libby, Chicago be no go ver 3 Houlihan-—Moike¢ ile loife.—Boston Evening script. La Mee, i oO BB A A A A Ml WA LEMON JUICE TAKES OFF TAN Make if skin is sunburne fASTHMADOR AVERTS - RELIEVES HAY FEVER AST . Begin Treatment NOW All Druggists Guarantees SPEED JOE DROS SEER MG ie A GREAT SESS rocer has the » or toilet count of Ore Commissioner of Mediation and Concil. iation Board Tries EATONIC, the Wonderful Stomach Remedy, and Endorses It. we Judge William IL. Cham- bere, who uses EATONIC as “* 8 remedy for loss of sppe- tite and indigestion, is a» Commissioner of the U, 8, Board of Mediation and Conciliation. It i» natural for him to express himself in guarded language, yet there Is no ge mn in his pronouncement ARON ee valine of TONG Writing fro A ngton, D. 0. to the Eatonic Bem edy O o0., be says. “"EATONIC promotes appetite and side digestion. | have ased it with beneBicial results.” Office workers and others who sit much are martyrs to dyspepsia, beiching, bad bresth, beartburn, poor sppetite, blost, and impair ment of general health, Are you, yourself, a sufferer? EATONIC will relieve you just as surely se it has benefited Judge Chambers al thousands of others. Here's the secret: EATONIC drives the a out of the body—and the Bloat Goes With If It is guaranteed to bring relief or you get your money back! Oosts only scent ortwosdayto use It. Get a box today from your druggist Pimples ‘ rashes, hives, red. ness and ekin blemishes can be quickly removed with Glenn’s Sulphur Soap Delightful in 2 warm bath before retiring —soothes the nerves and induces refresh. ing sleep. Druggists. § “Hill's Hair and Whisker Dre, Black or Brown, 0c. KIDNEY TROUBL CAN make no 0 Ht : Fed bleaching tanned or freckled Fn ee BE Bl ol i i a i ae a a Still, He Gets Along pretty Well. {ine Feller It seeins i i taker is placed under a y far as modern busi neerned ner leaves, Nautical Terms, rk bride oom hegan and iT noon by making a trip to wrts my a coast- 1, who took a lively ! passengers, said one : hushand : “Did you notice the great that man of “y og be what they pers, appetite us at dinner?” her husband, “he must call a stowaway."—Har- posite Is a deceptive discase ~{housands hava it and don't know it. If You want good results mistake by using Dr. r's Swamp-Root, the great kidney medicine At druggists in large and me- dium size bottles, Sample size by Parcel 01d people wh feeb a ie A¢ ar aise gy ou { who are feeble an “unger ddress Dr me 0 » to | ®ho are weak, will be strengthened na Coated Yo Y., and cachet eS A Fo throw nh the geptemin eit of summer by tak. 5 Hh i oy Jag GROVES TASTE] ehill TONIC. It purifies nas papes AB enriches the biond And builds u he whole aye. wm. You ean soon feel | . | sting Be oy oe Frans invigor said The Strong Withstand the Heat of Summer i Better Than the Weak It's Easy | If Thelr Wind Is Good. - Every Woman Wants Weary Willie Hohenzollern—But pa pa, how is it we can eat Christmas dinner in Paris if we are ronning to ALA | ward Berlin atretty? Bl ANTISEPTIC POWDER Wily Wilhelm—Keep on running mein poy. It can’t be more than 25, 000 miles by the new road we have dis. covered for beople. our brave Why Bald So Young? | Dandruff and dry scalp usually the fause and Cuticura the remedy. Rub the Ointment into scalp. Follow with | hot shampoo of Cuticura Soap. For | free sample address, “Cuticura, Dept, | X, Boston. At druggists and by mail, | soap 25, Otutiment 25 and 50. ~Ady., AETINLE bi Lh Lao Yon can secure valuable information and as sistance by writing for a free copy of our “SONG WRITERS GUIDE” the best book of Ite kind on the market. We revise song poets, compose and arrange music, sechre copyright and facilitate publication or sale. Y our i Relreshing and pari | Authors snd Composars Service Co. 1421.A Broadway New York. N.Y, Eyes: ching and Burning | Mountains of it oo pop valoes of it ferinr ors ol ER © red the investor, Inv or mat wolleited, | Murine Eye Remedy Con Co. Chicago | Ww. N. vu. BALTIMORE, NO. 10m “Well, they have dark possibilities” —— — Box ih, Mr 1.