5 " i 4 # WEERTEIEEL DY) a bo ame ¥F OR PL RSONAL HYGIENE Dissolved in water for douches stops pelvic catarrh, ulceration and inflame ‘mation. Recommendad by Lydia E. Pinkham Med. Co, for ten years A healing wonder for nasal catarrh, sore throat and sore eyes. Economical. Has extraordinary cleannag and germic cidal power, a Free. 50c. all drugguts, or postpaid by sel. 1 he Paxton Tost Company, Boston, Mem, Cuticura For Baby’s Itchy Skin TR x and So & Samp of cura Dapt r. Bost 3" When You Need a Good Tonic Take BABEK IB QUICK AND SUNB Blalaria, Chills s, Feve r and 1Grippe RXX; DRUGGISTS or hy Pa "roy on oi Stock Wanted! — Fr on 21 and the Devil J. H. EER 16 Citizens’ Nat’ 1 Bank, Boulder, Colo. pe Tomato That's what is done food bary and other grains are used with wheat. This adds to food value and flavor, od the sum total ires less wheat. e malted barley I in Grape:Nuts also | helps digest other || foods. i For ane eccnomical, | nourishing and felcious food, rape | ————————————————— a a a: So ————— PL NNSYLVANIA STATE ITEMS ont for putt the R kip-top® int on ending street car sys Tencheors wage inerenss ‘nrhondale here ted n and principals will be in nth, more noah fying if Shenandonh, pn nneongcions In Bryan wna d's wie part wed Mars an aged resident, vith his skull fractured Keven flat ears destroyed hadly damaged in two the Marysville yards of the Pennsylvania rallroad Landisburg After three years as pastor of the St. Peter's Reformed church, Rev. A. N. Brubaker has re signed COV avitle four others accidents in wera ar For Freckles Girls! Make beauty lotion home for a few cents. Try it! at Sauesze the fevieve bottle iwrchard { Quarries KIDNEY TROUBLE OFTEN CAUSES SERIOUS BACKACHE Cuticura Stops Itching. The Soap to cleanse and Ointme soothe and heal burning skin and =« Ideal for toilet use, For free samples address, “Cuticura, Dept. X, Boston." fold by druggists and by mail. Soap Ointment 25 and 50.—Advy, nt to itching, alp affections most forms of Journalistic Amenities. t of contemporars 'savs far the the Tazville 6 as 18 the war is concerned to have earliest Intelligence That is the kind they at than early: © ript. Inims of intelligence always have that office It {« primit is more Boston Trans ive" An Exception, An old proverb “The anvil | {asta longer than the hammer." 1 ” | Thanks be, to it. RAYS, | ception Take | at the kaiser and his brood. His Occupation. “What does he do for his country?” “Hes an automatic hot-air genera | tor—Detrolt Free Press battle of Dr. Peesry's you money, time, anxiety and health, One dose sufficient, without Castor Oil in addition. Adv A corporation in Denmark makes a business of cleaning and disinfecting elephones, ——————— Tenchers In Montrent (Canada) Catholie sehools ask Increased pay. When Your Eves Need Care Ee One will save ea ——————— NN a" I i NN NN - Maryland Ohio rolls storepacked dairy prints, 34 Maryland, Pennayl 290 4x Western Virginia firsts, 33 38 East do, No lina and South a, $44.50; Norfolk-Han do, No. 2, 82 1. $4004.25; do, Rappahannock, No 1, 2. $225@2500 10¢8 ern Sho re Va . 33@ 3.50 Carolina, do, do, No. 2 den nN 3. } Na 1 No 2 No. 2. 3225@250 $4@ 4.05; culls per bu box, $1504 1 wy We: native, 0 SWE oh WS XW Gos ATER ares A ——————— Live Stock CHICAGO B17 A5Q@18.25 packing, $17 18.356; rough, @17.50 Cattle—~RBeel cattle and prime, $16.55@ 18.15; medium, $11.60@ 16.85. Butcher stock Cows and heifers, $8.15 14.50. ners and cutters, $6@8.15 Hogs Bulk butchers, $18 10@ 1835 206017.90; light, $16.50@17.10; pigs, Good, $10.50@13. GOc a Box At All Stores ster-Milbu . Buffalo, N. Y., Chemists ’t Neglect a Bad Back! an Don eglect a Bad Bac i! It’s Mighty Poor Policy to Worry Along Thus Handi- capped When Health and I Sirength is So Needed Ta iE nor woman hana spped v wit} na 1 d back in thes wi mn be hve al fitness if 80 NCCCUSArY, is ir “a ¢ pine. t nw hit yt policy to worry along with an aching ba day after day: work is neglected and the simplest duties are a bt ni. lowing lanting. harvesting, chum. ing, the daily housework all throw 2 "AVY Ein « inevs and kidney ills, with attendant backache, are ¢ amon result, ) vat Neglect may mean gravel, dropsy or Bright's disease. Get a box of Doan's Kidney Pills today. They have helped thousands. They shouid help you. Personal Reports of Real Cases A VIRGINIA CASE. ANOTHER VIRGINIA CASE £ NO WORMS In A Healthy Child All children troubled with worms nave an un- healthy color, which indicates poor blood, and as a rule. there is more or less stomach disturban Grove’s Tasteless chill Tonic contains just what the blood needs, Iron and Quinine in a form acceptable to the most delicate stomach and if given regularly for two or three weeks will enrich the blood, improve the digestion and act as a general strengthening tonic to the wh Bt Nature will then throw off or dispel the worms, and the child will be in perfect health. It is pleasant to take. Price 60c. PERFECTLY HARMLESS. NUX-VOMICA OR OTHER POISONOUS When A General Strengthen-~ ing Tonic is Needed in the Home For The Child, For the Mother or the Father, Take Grove’s Tasteless chill Tonic EE Grove’s chill Tonic Tablets s Tasteless chill Tonic In Tablet d you have always bought. “he Tablets are intended for those who prefer to swallow a tablet rather than a syrup, and as a convenience for those who travel The tablets are called “GROVE’S chill TONIC TABLETS” and contain exactly the same medicinal properties and produce ex: actly the same results as Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic which is put up in bottles. The price of either is 60c. Hot Weather Hits Us Hardest in Stomach EATONIC is the wonderful new compound that absorbs the harm- ful gases and juices and almost instantly drives away stomach misery. « Instead of sudden and painful attacks of indigestion, after you begin using EATONIC you'll for- get you have a stomach. And there will be no more heartburn, food repeating, sour stomach, or that lumpy, bloated AA 80 often experienced after eating. Then your appetite—you know how bard is is to satisfy in hot weather—eat one or two EATONIC Tablets a haif hour be- fore meals—and you will enjoy the re- sults and feel better in every you These are a few reasons wh should start using EATON 1C today Ft fortify yout stomach against the chance trouble this summer, It costs only 500 for a big package. Your Srugglst hom you know and can srudt, prom refund your mons yo y il you are ml Oi CONTAINS NO S DRUGS. You can now get Grove's form as well as in aes: the kir Keep a closewatch on yourstom- ach this summer. We need all our fighting strength. War work— change of diet—will make us all easier prey to stomach and bowel trouble than ever before. It is so easy to become overheated on a blazing hot day, especially after eating a hearty meal. And then the excessive heat makes us flood our stomachs with all kinds of cold drinks. That's bad at any time: much worse—even danger- ous—when there is the slightest feeling of stomach trouble. Keep the stomach sweet and cool and free from too much acid «that's about all that is neces. gary. It's not so much the diet as to keep the poison from start- ing trouble. You can easily do ths if will just take a tablet or of EATO NIC after your meals.