The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, July 11, 1918, Image 7

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LC ai a —
TAKES OFF TAN | aE whi erening| FOR W WOMEN"
GLIAN \ SE = a Applicants for Insurance Often Speaking at a dinner, Represents
i NEW y OI 01 pot ‘ Rejected i tive Joseph J. Russell of Missouri re . I} 2
+ Girls! Make bleaching ke tion ii . fread od . (} y, IW, | ferred to the glory of feminine fash What Lydia ia E. Pi ®
iF ott : i tna t + YOHOW $C ions and fittingly related a little gtory
if skin is sunburned, JUDGMENT IN THINNING FRUIT = | : i Nev: Yor) An examining physician for one of the | ,\ =~ Vegetable Compound hd
| a. : prominent life insurance companies, in an i. ATT ee 7 .
——— | GT rt A 4 interview of the subject, made the as- Recently Smith and Jones met in 213 For Ohio Woman.
Common Rule ls to Thin So That | 8% tonishing statement that one reason why restaurant, and while dalntlly manip eC ,——"op
, I : t : : ae wiv; pA nany i ants for NEuTabee gre. Yoo ihe A inted hh thelr talk
Squeeze t ulee wo lemons in i 2 | b ry igh #0 many ipplicants ior insurance are re ulating the abbreviated bits, thel .
Squeeze the ju ES ofa VO lemons into Fruits Will Not Be Nearer To : ‘ jected is because kidney trouble is 80 com- | turned to a comparison of domestie Portsmouth, Ohio.—* I suffesnd fem
a bottle containing three ounces of gether Than Four Inches. ) mon to the American people, and the large Exel Nr Tt wer eel “Daxt it trregulsrities, pains in my mide sod wes
3 | red 1 t £20 444 i . KX DOTISes, ’ wt i as Deel x1 P fares
Orchard White, shake well, and youy = = - | : t 0a majority of those whose applications are 9 In y came 80 W at k
have a quarter pint of the best freckle, | (Prepared by the United States Depart. | “lOc, current make num . declined do not even suspect that they | Was butter, and finally milliner) Ml eould get
sunburn and tan lotion, and complexion | ment of Agriculture.) | Eg ‘resh 11h xii 1271 | have the disease. up for a few sighful remarks, around Se
beautifier, at very, very small cost fredgerdfrodeedeedrodeedredeodeedroddodgee | ee gathered 01a Judging from reports from druggists; ‘You should have seen the peach | work, sad as
t i ! 1 who are constantly in direct touch with | of a hat my wife toted home a few { four in arnillyy
the public, there is one preparation that day ago,” sald Smith “It was all | and three
tanned or freckled
Your grocer has the lemons and any | Most varieties of peaches, as
drug store or toilet counter will supply | well us other fruits, for that | has been very successful in overcoming . hell ine things itmade it r andl
three ounces of Orchard White for a | matter, under favorable condi 8: Stats eqn vania and nea these conditions. The mild and healing plumes and other embellishing bara for me. BE
few cents. Massage this sweetly fra- tions often set much more fruit by Wertern hennery white { t influence of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is | #0d, after telling me that it WES Slanc
grant lotion into the face, neck. arms than the tree can possibly de | fancy, 52@54; State, Pent sania snd | soon realized. It stands the highest for Ing a my account at $50 she
its remarkable record of success. sweetly asied me what I thought of
We find that Swamp Root “ strictly ' (¢.»
an herbal compound and we would ad- “I gee” was the smiling response
vise our readers who feel in need or such a
Pinkbam's Vege
table Composnig:
and hands each day and see how freck- velop to a good degree of per-
les, sunburn, windburn and tan disap- fection for commercial purposes,
pear and how clear, soft and white the The natural tendency of the tree
skin becomes, Yes! It is harmlesg— is to pe rpetuate its kind, To Cheese tate, freeh speci : remedy to give it ia It is on sale
of Jones, “Of course you told her”
ops the largest possible number | " L.A 1S "TTA . medium and large. grim expression. *I Smply Yaved over pny "irs SARA 3 fin B
of seeds, with each seed pos- "oa = = a rr : . n i How eves, i Jou wish Sat to test His that hat Jor an hour Philadelphia Portsmouth, Ohio.
sessing thé possi ibility of a new { ‘ Sh i , y . ee 795 wh great pitpara i. Ra N v ; for Evening Telegraph Mrs. Shaw proved the merit of i
tree a tis go \ 4 i winter sample bottle When writing be sure and ’ 4 vy medicine and wrote this letter in ordes
- : £0 20. Ae rire it A. mention this paper.—Adv. He'd Forgotten Something. that other suffering women may Sail
. Baby's Second Summer | wdvedeedeocfedofedeodrodrodeodrod R Feet, Lat oli 4 i ed nie It was in » earlier days of recruit- | relief as she did.
GROYR'S BAY HOWL YA pe, The grower's aimgls for the tree to be . la, soit, 3l.44 > : - Had His Own Method. ‘ng, when a particula smartly at Women who are cuff ering a the war
lutely banniess. Can be given to infants with | ; pe 0, soft, $2.5 aba 3 " Loa np Hired man presented imself before the ghould not drag slong from day to
puitctmlay, Sed difusiaisan Whe hope { produce the largest possible amount of | mn arol iw local 1rd Driving along ope day 1 picked up sergeant at a recruiting office, without givin this famous met
ai i > | fruit that can attain the highest com- | 5 f1 ui ’ . % gags | B small boy trudging home from coun- fie. 4 ted um mir of great saperi herb remedy, Lydia E. Pink} ro
Sufficient Reason. mercial standard. The effort of the | #1594 Ne , 7," | 1¥ school, and questioning him about | CC LL Le time in | table Compound, a trial For, roth
“Don’t be too hard on poor Khakiby, | tree and the ohject desired by the | L8 : : what he was learning, his letters and | 97 ¥. displaying aL Sm a " advice in regard to such ailments wiles
Veutenant.” grower tend to impose Incompatible | at 0 white, 80@ 89Y aN numbers and so on. “And is teacher al apbetil lous manner, 8 Walgh- ut H to Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. Lynn,
“Why not? requirements. The development of a | Ard white 2 @ YO. & While % | teaching you to sing?’ I asked, with big Hen 3 Boop i a pi, Mass. The result of its forty yemss
“Well, he's just a raw recruit.” | great number of seeds is a tree-ex- | “% "2. ¢ vhite, £6% @%87} “Oh, no,” he sald; “she can't teach studs, cuff links, as well as several experience is at your service.
“Sure—that’s why I roasted hi hausting process, This is | Live Poultry— Fowls, 36@37c. excep | me to sing.” Hage
Florida Times-Union. the development of large fruits. To tional lots, higher: spring DiCKens, | “Phat's too bad,” 1 answered. Ab, sergeant : he Jaa De »
meet his ends in this respect, the grow- | 10t leghorns, weighin 4 @2 pounds | “Oh, no,” he reassured me, ‘cause fndnher ge , Gary wo :
er has recourse to thinning the fruit. piece, Bi weighing @1% | I'm teaching myself, CM = isn ness and skin blemishes cam
On retiring gently rub spots of dan- Perhaps no operation in the pro- | pounds apis 7 white } 10Irns, | “How 7" portant engagement. : i be quickly removed with
druff and itching with Cuticura Oint- duction of peaches requires keener | according uu 7 G@iv. ) I roos- | “Well, when the rest 8 sing > s un! . } 2 . oe x y
ment. Next morning shampoo with judgment than thinning the fruit. No | t¢ par) 26: uid foosts 22@ | right slong behind them.” hicaz OW 0 ste jiy as 4 ough » arc} ing fos Glenn “
Cuticura Soap and hot water. For free | 4. .4 rh106 for it ean be given. A com- | duck rekins IK do, In- | Tribune. Som hi Eh could not ind. Sudden i h
samples address, “Cuticura, Dept. X, mon rule, very generally applicable, is n Runne 6627: puines ver pair, | - WT SPH 5 ns ee . Vian < u 4) ur
Boston » At druggists and by mall | .o thin so that the fruits will not be | $1 2561.47 tzeons. old per pair. 40 | Of No Vaive to Him. “I have it.” h exclaim d 16a+ S
Soap 25, Ointment 25 and 50.— Adv, nearer together than 4 to 6 inches. ¥ 450 do 1 ner pair, 2R@ 00 i “Can yi Adve me any uotatic iy ho nan, Je ve lolpoticn er 1d oap
laut the strength of the tree, the fer- | Puts { i packed crean €X yn the Bible" asked he plous-look- | — p———— Delightful in a warm bath
ti.ity of the soil, and especially the |: t d or ng i 4 ng individual of his friend, the stock . before rating. 90 us
soil moisture, together with the size E48: « ira first 4 first 4 roker. \W hat he unluckiest stone ing sleep. Druggists.
f . et Fie t I'he diamond “1 a Young ul “Hill's Hair and Whisker Dra.
number of fruits allowed to develop on Vv. ¢ & Ar { $66 4 f t ook them up, bu gon t ve You t3 Black or Brown, SOx.
the tree), govern very largely the size
and perfection of the individual fruits,
Of i
A self-closing door spring ad
anger of the man who want
the door.
fi peremp
Soothe Itching Scalps.
A Question.
What are
of the crop (or, in other wards, the
mond «
tree growing
Automatic Water Pan for Furnace. und hid et ' i
nee © CON Ons as to mois-
A t t ool 1 Je he Bs 48 lo | ' f 1 is Record.
AD extr: iry i i : IstT 1 .
’ : v nt ture, ntfood, ¢., Can lop a : at 11 v i
in I I r Ay ~ Mag ' Vo amr tors) - P44 . "
or even the
ked de-
ot preparation of ween |
Helps to eradionte Sonton®. §
For Restoring Color and _
4 Beauty to Grayor F wr
‘ boa, and $1680 al Deoageiens.
A Great Responsibility,
HE responsibi ility a attached to the preparing of a remedy for infants and children
is undoubtedly greater than that imposed upon ue manufacturer of remedies
for adults whose’ system is sufficiently strong to counteract, for a time at least, any
- meg
injurious drug, It is well to observe that Castoria | is prepa. ared to day, as it has bees
v a) Ga
for the past 40 years, under the personal supervision of Mr. Chas. H. Fletcher.
wy ad Can
What have makers of imitations and dsstion utes at de What are thew
responsibilities ? 4 To whom are they answerable? They spring up today, scatter
their nefarious wares broadcast, and disappear tomorrow,
Could each mother sce the painstaking care with which the prescription for
Fletcher's Castoria is prepared : could they read the innumerable testimonials from
grateful mothers, they would never listen to the subtle pleadings and false arguments
of those who would, offer_an imitation of, or substitute for the tried and true
cach Tree After Its First Year's
Fletcher's Castoria.
Children Cry For
f ; ¥ § f : £ I i
\ - A * GC } ' ? 3 “
2 § ¢ ed Pi i
on one w i NCAYIHIY over p “Wd ” 1 ely ~% g1 a
- py i. 4 = Nar
per Fabrics in Nor
The thinning should be done after
“In ir "” z 1 alls 1 PR
June drop”——which usually occurs
the : bh { Wid In oe t yg E : ;
from a month to six weeks after the ; ia o : hs ’ aa ; £- 4 por ER GENT. y
blossoming period, when the imperfect: | : ; : 4 : ] ALGOHOL - 3 PE
] fort to4 d and other weakly devel : ©] wi ’ } 3 ; : ’ N A inpochad it F
oped fruits drop off—and before the ngrel, o #6, co, V gs & similating the Food by Regu
pits begin to harden. After the “June NES, OW, ibs Co, puaa ia, « : i tinghe Stam and Bop ’
drop” is over there is very ttle drop- a do pring MN and v @ | Yad :
ping of the peaches. Hence practi
cally all the fruit which remains then | Pigeons d, per p b@40; do, | SIL EN | Ther Promoting Digest .
WHll be on the frees af harvest time, | youne, do, 354 GI merry pees) Extracts from Letters by Grateful
i goods . It will have to be picked then, anyway, | ¥ Veal, cho p ] { . ; ' Morphine » “
The Christiania sejlugsfabrik (sail | 14 probably costs considerably less to 191 do. good Ta17 rhoic Tit 2 \. P ts Ch H Fi ch
cloth factory) has also been experi pick a portion of the crop in June or | . t vou) ; Heh ovdl. Ya iW etme aren to as. LJ et er.
menting with paper as a substitute and : '
has obtained some promising results
| July and drop the fruit on the ground | nary. 15@16: heavy. smooth. fat : Gide SANUELPITE G. J. English, of Springfield, Mass., says : “It was your Castoris that
than to pick it later and put it in a |, ives, per head, $20@24 heavy, ; pis HY Sala, |
basket, where much of it will have
| toush. per hend-4i0018 Mrs, Mary McGinnis, of St. Louis, Mo., says: ove have given oar
. eh, 1 . $15 3 :
Besides Savi | to be handled over several times In | p[ambs and Sheep—Sheep—No. 1 Hr bab Jour, Castoria ever since she was born, and we recco it to ak
| grading and packing and then finally | wool i 2
: ¥ ol on, per Ib, 10@12¢; do, bucks, N. E. Calmes, of Marion, Ky., says : *‘ You have the medicine
ays I m | Bo Sitinglties Ke Aided "a wis be- | 4« to quality, do! 8@19; do, sheared, ) the world, as I have given your Castoria bo oy HY eb Ch dice te
king When i en over, the fruit on Smal oe. | do, 7809. Lambs, spring. 40 Ibs and er——— Mrs. Albert Ugusky, of Lawrencebu Ind., says: “As I have bal
will sometimes Hoen le aded tree | vor. per 1b, 18@19¢: do. ordinary. do, 1 your Castoria in use for nearly three years, I am pleased to Ee
POST Wil, omg timen pen Yow Vaifofly | ya@ 17 | . as represented. My children are both well and bappy-—thacke is -
e 1 Sa oderate | :
a | R. P. Stockton, of New Orle
. 4 Castoria to our baby when sr Lr: 3 and x
TOASTI ES 2s the development of its pits is an Live Stock ll since, never having had to give any ght dayw od a 1 and Bare
| exhaustive process, the limiting of the amps dll Mrs, Dolph Hornbuckle, of Colorado S Re says 1 “We com
| number of fruits tends to conserve the PITTSBURGH. Pa Cattle—Prime Sh menced giving your Castoria to our baby tg she was or iy abd,
vitality of the tree. A large portion | $166 16.50 She is now seven months and weighs 19§ pounds. Wrery one
of the flesh of the peach is water: H16@ ae : Prima wethers, $i250 1 ‘What a healthy looking baby." We give ria erodit Tor Tow
hence, if the goil {x well supplied with ee Bijabrs, nly Sd :
molsture the development of the rain | $1475: culls and common, $5@1; 3! New YORE. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS BEARS
’ i lambs, $8: veal calves, $11,508 18 t oil CI old
portion of the fruit makes a relatively 4 : CLL R
light demand on the strength of the Hogs Prime heavies, $146 5016.80: I EY 5 35¢ | hl the
tree, medium and heavy Yorkers, 216.65Q K¥ N BE Signa
16.75; light, Yorkers and pigs, $17.75@ SS ture
Mature Grape Vine Buds. 17.90; roughs, $14.50@15.26 of z
Sixty buds on the mature grape vine Hoge-~State and Penneyivani 4
gra; R nneylvania hogs, THE SENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK SITY
Is enough. These will produce a hun- | $17.20@ 17.90; roughs, $15.50.
og hey Will SLT SSN