North Carolina Led Colonies in nnounced the itd the freedom of In 1765 the British stat ip act. Wi arrived « off C nd earrvis wt ple t afr captured the the pariiament hen the fir ape Fear {ror amped paper rize d the captain until land his stuff colonies, war and ther gtamp officer from governor fn made the office take onth would not tempt to enfe the nse stamps. A yea Inter the stam net was repean Int North Caro lina had found that she had n power when the people arose, and t he English crown was never again sure of its ony. The people as gerted the right of free fsseme blage after that, and the assump- tion led to numer clashes with the governor uns << til in May, 1771, he governor, with soldiers, against a bana of men calling theme sedves Regulators; aod a few miles morth of Southern Pines a battle fought in which more than 100 easunl- few occurred on both sides, nearly two score being Killed, This was the first Maoodshed In the Revolution, The in- Mdicisns governor, whose force was sictorious, aroused further hatred on the part of the people by hanging n womber of his prisoners, Herman Besbands, the leader of the Reguln- gars. escaped and went to Pittsburgh, where he settled, weiphin, The feeling was fanned Ly Ereine acts of each gle, Ons the ox- ¢ occasion, before the Declara 1 of Inde Ph il lad: Iphi { that — { Ringing Declaration, “We | independer tleclare ourselves people * Are to he an soverelg: gn dent self-governing association, than int of our Ged and of congress rovernment 18 Nes depen solemnly mutual tion our lives, our fortunes and onr most sacred honor.” The convention that aflopted such startling tions of indepen- resolu- dence to lay the founda- ment for Carolina suitable provided by con- gress, and from that day the au- thority of the British erown was exhib- ited only during those few times when made his ventures with more or less varying success on the territory of the colony, colonies to have nan English settlement, the first to shed blood in the war for and the first to give ut- thrance in explicit form to that inde- | pendence, Nor was the declaration of | the people of Mecklenburg the sole manifestation of the sentiment in the matter. At Fayetteville, on Cape Fear river below Southern Pines, another Declaration of Independence ante | dated that of Philadelphia, The peo- ple in Cumberland county, of which Fayetteville is the capital, Issued thelr tatement In June of 17705. insisting that resort to arms was fastified, and | pledging ench other to sacrifice life { and fortune to the freedom and safety of an oppressed people, In April, 1776, | #til before the Philadelphia Declara- tion of Independence, the provineinl ongress of North Carolina appointed . tind Some Tory Sentiment. All of this section of North Caroling 4 not enthusiastic in the Declaration of Tadependencs A portion of the set tlergs were arden To wries—s0 ardent, in fact, that | as not until the war Scotch of Cape Fear absolutely that the red away royal standard. story The Caps from the The tune is one of singular misfor Fear valley wa tled Inrge the adhere the Stuart which me | set by zs of milly with at ly n ¢ if + such dizaster Culloden that many of the fol lowers of the Pre. tender were han ished to America for taking up arma agninet the British crown, Be- fore these people were permitted to gall they were sworn on a bind ing oath to be loyal henceforth to the English king. When the settlers around them in North Carolina were ris ing against the governor, declaring indepen refusing to pay stamp taxes, royal agninst the king, the Scotch settlers were in arms under the British flag. Their onth and their bitter experience rebellious acts. * Greene's Memory Worthy of Honer. | Next to Washington, Nathanael | Greene was the most potent force in | our struggle for national independence | He was born on May 27, 1742, in a lit | tle farmhouse in Rhode Island. His | boyhood was spent like that of the other youth of the neighborhood. Prob ably It was a little less exelting, for his father was a strict Quaker and pastor of a church at East Greenwich He was also a “captain of Industry” at that period. With his five brothers, he | owned a forge, n grist mill, a sawmill, as well as a store for the sale of gen: GERMAN TRENCHES Americans Carry Positions in Front of Cantigny. CLAIM short, Sharp And Dea To Hold At Cost And Many Are Kil diy Ordered An Any ed COs! and. machine-g The Ameri uo THE MAKING OF A FAMOUS MEDICINE How Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound Is Prepared For Woman's Use. A visit to the laboratory where thie successful remedy is made impresses even the casual looker-on with the reli- ability, accuracy, skill and cleanliness of this great medicine for woman's ills. Over 350,000 pounds of various herbs are used anually and all have to be gathered at the season of the year when their natural juices and medicinal sub- their best. The most successful solvents are used to extract the medicinal properties fron these herbs, Every utensil and tank that comes in contact with the medicine is sterilized combination of together with the It is the wonderful and herbs, 15 DRAFT LAW LIKELY. 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