Red-blooded men of courage are on the firing line-——and there are many anemic, weak, discouraged men and women left at home. At this time of the year most peopla suffer from a condition often called Spring Fever. They feel tired, worn out, before the day is half thru. They may have frequent headaches and sometimes “pimply"” or pale skin. Bloodless people, thin, anemi¢ peo- ple, those with pale cheeks and lips, who have a poor appetite and feel that tired, worn or feverish condition in the springtime of the year, should try the refreshing tonic powers of a good al- terative and blood purifier. Such a one is extracted from Blood root, Golden Seal and Stone root, Queen's root and Oregon Grape root, made up with chemically pure glycerine and without the use of alcohol. This can be ob- tained In ready-to-use tablet form In sixty-cent vials, as druggists have sold it for fifty years as Doctor Plerce's Golden Medical Discovery, It is a standard remedy that can be obtained In tablet or liquid form. A good purge should be taken once a week even by persons who have a movement daily, in order to elin matter which may remain and ca condition of auto-intoxication, pot ing the whole system. To clean system at least once a week Is to prac- ice health measures, There is nothing so good for this purpose as tiny plils made up of the May-aphle. leaves of aloe and jalap, ar sold bP? almost all drugg rists in this coun Pierce's Pleasant easy to take. the doullate CUCLS, RHEUMATISM Lumbago or Gout? Taxe RHEUM Al IDF to remove thacause and drive the pois 8 from the sF5tem C“HHEEUHACTDR he ha ising PUTS ROEKUHATISN ON THE OUTSIDE" At All Druggists Jas. Baily & Soe, Wholesale Distributors Baltimore, hid. Absolutely Nothing Better than Cuticura for Baby's Tender Skin Soap 25¢. Ointment 25 and 50c¢. When a ma: humanity, he's 1 back to the jungle. FRECKLES Now Is the Tiny to Get Rid of These Ugly Spots Thera's no ager pd feeling ast scription t anteed to r Simply get strength—ds 18 slightest Be sure to nak for thse ds ine, as this is sold back If it fails t under © "e i * guara p remov It is a good once In a are useful O14 People Who Are Feeble and Children Who Are Pale and Weak Would be greatly benefited by the Genera) Stren > en! Tonle Effect of GROVE’ a TASTELESS ¢ TOXIO. I: purifies and enriches the blood A bulids up the whole system. A General 8: saing Tonic for Adults and Children. a The only friends Is of them. NERVES GAVE OUT Serious Kidney Trouble Had Made Life Miserable, But Doan’s Removed All the Trouble. » Hasn't Suffered Since. *T had such severe pains in m back,” says Mrs. Albert Akro 804 W. Indiana Avenue, Phila ol phia, Pa., “that they almost doubled me up. Mary a day 1 could not do my housework and at every move it seemed as If my back would break in two. My feet and ankles swelled until 1 had to wear large- gized slippers and sometimes 1 couldn't stand up. “I had dizzy spells and dreadful head- aches and fleey flashes passed be. Mr Akroyd fore my eyes. Had a heavy weight been resting on my head, the pain could not have been more distress- ing. The least noise startled me, I was 80 nervous, I couldn't control the kidney secretions and the pain in passage was awful, “It began to look as though my case was beyond the reach of medi- cine until 1 used Doan’s Kidney Pills. The first box benefited me and four boxes cured all the trou- bles. I have hat no further cause for complaint.” Sworn to before me, Thos. H. Walters, Notary Public. Get Doan’s at Any Store, 60c a Box DOAN’ KIDNEY PILLS vay to think an lot of your to do a lot to be worthy Save the Calves! | Stamp ABORTION Out of Your Herd and Keep If Out} Apply treatment yourself. Small expense. Write for free booklet on Abortion, "Questions and Anawers''. Bilate number of cattle In herd. fe. David Roberts Vel, Ca, 100 Grand Avenve, Waskesha, Wis, BUY LIBERTY BONDS Sam's Bank Is the Safest in Entire World. You Could Not Place Your Money to Better Advantage, at Same Time Helping the Greatest Cause cf Humanity. « (By BOOTH TARKINGTON.) When we intrust our savings to a bank, we like to know that it's a sound bank. We feel safe then to leave our in charge of that bank and its They will use it In various ways which seem good to them, but we will get it all back, if the bank Is sound. Yet no bank in the United States of America can be as sound as the United States itself. Therefore, when the Uunlted States government turns banker, the safest place for our monoy to put is in the hands of this government. Anybody can sce that, without bothering to look twice, Uncle Sam himself will take care of our money, and we'll get it back, We know that, His word Is so good that we can get the back whenever we need (t, 1 sell, any time, for just al vhat we pay for fow hence, of 1 sell for more than we be money because his bonds wil yeurs course, pay for then During the time t with Uncle Sam-—what the Lil £ y Loan he Well, I've had leave our we call rest, hat we money pays us Inte a higher per cent for a : 3 loan, becaus weed 13 } # int reduced tl ich 1 place wit margin all I ca onds be the world, regard vestment's of s fore 1 get Liberty b of all he whole safest. Nobody except Uncle Sam or can give us his rate and ¥ nOossibie I $41] absoly absolute certainty that we ‘ interest pald promptly and the pal when It is due, That's the se side of It; = tter with the money for ves. er side of it | ¢ Sam uses the money for ou in France and our boj our boys whose har dally fish The oth work is done deat always fer air above gtrike up at them from t! water beneath [3 from the bear this for us, lom ne lost forev we 1 not be of servant. A good for the ideals, what ant our ia sha me the interes safety 1 saf money, and and for our liberty get when Liberty loan! our } we we invest in th WORDS AND DEEDS (By WALT MASON. ) I may use language till 1 ma mosthenes look like a fake. I may rear up some nine feet high, and tell how 1 would bleed and die, If I were not so old and gray and crippled up and full of hay. I may denounce the foreign foe and tell how gladly I would go to wield a shotgun in the scrap and shoo the kalser off the map; but If I think more of my wad than of my country and my God, the things I say won't cut much grass; my words are merely sounding brass. Our Uncle Sam Is needing men; he's needing rhino by the ton: he can't conduct a high-class ke Dee To raise the dust he asks all lads to lend him all their surplus scads, to buy his bonds—gecurity the safest ever man will see. And if I do not gambol up, as gay and frisky as a pup, and buy the bonds till I go broke, my loyal splels are merely smoke. Oh, boys, most any tin-horn skate can work his jawbones and orate; most any hick can chew the rag and say nice things about the flag; but when we come right down to tacks, the patriot who's his roll, They Bayoneted the Wounded. A returned Canadian officer, in tell ing of an engagement In which he had taken part sald: “We retook the out.” has to fight over there, whole-hoarted support! Give him your Buy bonds! Grit Your Teeth and Buy a Bond. the papers and occasionally we see home to us in the middle West. We know now that Americans are fighting over there and this third Liberty loan ever before, and more cager, to come kalser, juying Iiberty bonds Is now as much our duty as it is their duty to grit their teeth and beat the Hun. WOMAN WORKS 15 HOURS A DAY Change from Weakness to Strength by Taking Druggist’s Advice, Peru, Ind.— ‘I suffered from a dis. placement with backache and dragging down ains so badly tat times I could not be on my feet and it did not seem as though I! could stand it. oy tried different ymedicines without any benefit and several doctors told me nothing but an operation ould do me any My drug- PE, told me of dia E. Pink. Bows 8 Vegetable Compound. took it with the result that I am now well strong. I get vp in the morning at four o’clock, dom housework, then go toa factory and wor all day, © come home and get supper and fou! , I don’t know how many of FD I have told what Lydia E. Pinkham’ 8 Vegetable Comp nd has done for me, ""—Mrs, ANNA METERIANO, 86 West 10th St., Peru, Ind. Women who suffer from any such sil. ments should not fail to try this famous root and herb remedy, Lydia E. Pink~ bam's Vegetable Compound. A Cold Proposition When you are whee zing and sneez- ing, coughing and ha awlkis Ig, you're facing a col Handle itright, Hales Hones of Horehound and Tar quickly relieves bad cases All druggists, 25cts. a bottle, Try Pike's Toothache Drops SCORE ONE FOR DIPLOMACY Henry's Remarks Rather Stirred Things Up, but He Got Out of It Quite Neatly. replied. “What 1s *“Whenevs ! } you can gnmble ti dried up face" “Oh, I don't | “It's a fact" “Wel, 1 can te “What's that?” “WW he ney ¥ womnn she Is man.” - h it Kk BO “Yes, I d y the “Then I'm that “What's that? “That there earth a few couple mnfched. 3 an . “Hen you are a Yona on Telegram. 1s the ty on iat are perfe wonder.” Right There. “Professor, 1s Mother deep student?” deeper, ma'am; he's al tom.” gONn A None ways at the bot- my Professor The prophet of horror loves to peck at the carrion of the people’ s hopes, Matrimony is an ; optical institute for the blind. — When Coffee Disagrees INSTANT PDOSTUM ‘BAKER REPORTS | ON TRIP ABROAD With President and Department Chiefs. SAMMIES ARE DOING WELL He Found The American Soldiers Healthful And Happy And Eager To Get Into The Fighting ESCAPED ACTIVE SERVICE. 1772 ’ . Within Draft Chair Commissions. Men Swivel Age Got In reaponee (O & res Senator T follows by homas, | which d much ad of offi ington imber « in Wash Acting riticiam of the m ft age kept duty Secr¢ offecors witl jved commis of the staff ho have nee the outb WAr, in Was I ingion Of thes th the nreau, 3° } Signal Medical Corps and | raster a8 in the the gquart« CONGRESSMAN JONES DEAD. Years From First Vir | ginia District. ington.~ Jones, Representative Wil of Wars Va. died from the effects of a stroke of vale suffered more than a week He 69 vears cold, and his the seventh among members | atives dur Was aw, was by is i ing the ‘ of Represent Sixtyfifth Congress NEW DRAFT BILL IN WAY. ably Reported. olution men who have | reached 21 vears of age since June 5 1017. was ordered favorably report od to the House, The registration date would be fixed by presidential procia mation ¥ Te i | | i Regitsration Measure Ordered Favor | | The Senate i Washington for reglatration of a sr A RRS rf ALGOHOL- 3 PER R GENT. | AVegelable Preparation similating the Food by ting! the Stomachs ICIS Ta Promoting in Digestion i Che erfulness and Rest ot Contains ¢ nof} neither jum,» orphin , Mineral. ! VOT NARGCO i Thereby A helpful Remedy for § " Constipation and Diarrhoea. and Feverishness ant i Loss OF SLEES P | resulting { therefrom in Ind f Pac Simile Sin natare © GAIT i i nC COMPANY. ¥ a A Tue pe AL? "NEW YORK. yx [Ts a RD Hi OA sre mada util Lan CONSE uc g ie Exact Copy of Wrapper, — GASTORIA For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Use For Over Thirty Years = GASTORIA THE CERTAUR SOMPAWY, NEW YORK re son human being, young or old. than almost any sliowed to go unheeded. Dr. Tutt’s more ills and suffering d never be samhon get I'R. ly used for this crs everywhere, Liver Pills cation of consti] ¥ igh you iL when You SPOHN'S ents a ir st is ante ! BE Ines A a bottle are His Wife. Knew What Baby Needed. Mother happened om as Wii Ff sister git dow into the r fryet » Was mi n in her | one Willie spank fn him by th girenuousiy arm an “How ds cried. “Well,” he spolled, ane thority Are defended, “she’s getting 1 someone's got to have au- over her” A ingle application of Noman Bye Past sam on going to Bed will prove Its merit for inflammations of the Eyes, external and In- ternal. Adv Abuse is doubly plentiful when wit is used as a convenience. mirror makes a homely a thing of beauty. A golden girl's face wmitheome trom ive all ent the be XO nt the treat ine 2er « Cg Bony Goshen, Ind, U. n Tr BOSCHEE'S GERMAN SYRUP years a ar States for coughs settied In the throat troubles. It gives the night's rest, free easy expector gives nature a chan inflamed parts, throw helping the patient health. Made in Americ: more than half a century. New “How queerly Pe adays”™ “Yes: naturally step” idea. destrians walk now. auto honk has in the goose yo n broughs S00, his friends and call It nck When a man b to drop the “p” are apt tuck. ing operation. She has the land but needs It wants the land in the United we want to direct him there. best serve the combined interests. will get a rate of one cemt apply to: