, THE CENTRE REPORTER. ISSUED WEEKLY. PEN N'A. CENTRE HALL = RSDAY, APRIL %, 1918. TEL SMITH & BAILEY . . . . S. W.BMITH . . . « Proprietors « « + + Bditer Loca! Editor and EDWARD B, Business Manager BAILEY Entered at the Post OfMoe in Centre Hall .“ pecond Class mall matter TERMS, ~The terms of subscription to the Re- porter are one and one-half dollars per year. ADVERTISING RATE3S-Display advertise mont of ten or more tnohes, for three or more in portions, ten cents por inch for each immune . Dis iny Mvertistng wy bg iy space than ten B hes snd for loss than reo insertions, from fifteen to twenty-five cents per inoh for each fssne, according to composition. Minimum gnarge saovonty-five oants, i t of accompanying displis; per itne for each insertion ; cents per line. minimum oants ions, twenty cents per line for three 1 tan cents per line for each ad- artion advertis- other A PPOINTMENTS Hall, morning Centre Hall, HUIRCH gan, Centre Tusseyville, morning ; Georges Valley, evening. gx Hill morning; Tus- re Hall, evening Self at each Sppoiataen) fon, morning ; Hall POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS CONGRESS, rized to sunounce the name of Du Bois, Pa, as a candidate ination for the office of wes for the 21st. district of trict includes Cameron, i McKean counties. Pri 3 slay, May 21st, 1918, address Du Bois, Ps pd AL ANNOUNCEMENT, nouns my candidacy for Repre- the Genera! Assembly, subject to the ( 1 of the Republican voters of Centre anty, att Piimary Election to be held May 1918, on the frliowing principles (— Loyal Support of the principles that will make the world safe for Liberty, and win the war in the shortest time possible. tion of the Prohibition lation, tate wide Prohibition until iment can come into oper mserve the food supply for LOR tenance of State roads already con- he construction of as many others { the will reasonably Amendment to state and established ropriation for Lsyivania State Col Are and HONal ual Sufferage. IVES L. HARVEY, Bellefonte, Pa. e-- This paper h: as enlisted with the goverriraent in the cause of America for the period of the war------+ CENTHE COUNIY W. 8 S REPORT, Per Capita $2 04 SUI Hold New Pian to bs Tried, week ending April 13:b, tre County bad a per capita ts in the War Savings Cem- and for the entire campaign our 1 has been increase: to $2.94. We still retain tenth place in the list of Counties in the Eastern District of nie, From reports received mornieg from the Central Ac- irg Postmaster, I am satisfied t we fell bebind the week ending instant, This is due largely, grest camgaign now Liberty Loan drive, Mr, Charles M, N of the Third Liverty Loar Committee, to turn over to the War.~sving« Committee si! Chairmoen and solicitors immediately after “nv 41, and from that time on 6 bouse to bheuse canvass will be made in Centre (cunty by these same people, includ g the Ladles’ Commit- tee represented by Mr«, El'zabeth B. Beach, A telegram was received st this office on Msiurday afternoon, requesting the presence of every ( ounty Chairman at FPbisielphia on. Thursday of this week, at wiich time Mr. Frank A. V nderlip, Charman of the National War-Havings Committee, Mr, J, D. Lyop, Fed Director for Pennasyle vania, sud Mr, Kevansugh, of Waehe will be present, and discuss sud at length the method of pro- the balance of the came particularly what is Euowp ss the ** Nevrssks Plan”. For the hh formation of the publie, I might s'a'ethat the * Nebraska Plan” is the mot satisfactory plan adopted by spy giate in the Union. For the Cam- paign from December 1, 1817, to March 1, 1915, Nebraska had a per capita of $4.43, and from Murch 1, to April 1, when the plap, above mentioned, wae put into ¢flec’, ber per capita ip creased, for that one month, $6.64, or a tolsl of $11.07 to April 1st, Nebraska is first in the liet of States In the Union, Pledges have been made In that Btale, under that plan, that will net the campaign $30.00 for every man, woman snd ehlid in the State, Upon my return from Philadelphia, a complete report of the meeting, ¢x- plainiog the ** Nebraeka Plan” will be made to the District Chairmen and Liberty Loan Committee, at which time Centre County will get in lone to “Go over the top’, Very truly youre, W. HARRISON WALKER, Cheirman War-savings Committee for Centre County, Penna, Bellefonte, Pa, April 83uc, 1918, Henches Tenth Place — For the 1918, Cen of 28 ce: paigr, per capli ii er, to the » Third intention « f urdy,, Chairman eral ingte i, full grediure for paigl, and mors BOALYBURG # COMMENOEMENT, Olnss of Three to Graduate on Fildey Even- ing of Next We k., Boalsburg's High school graduation exercises will be held on Friday ever- ing, May 8rd, ln the Reformed church, Music will ve furnished by the Belle- fonte High school orchestra. The graduating olass this year num- bers three : Edgar Heese, Ralph Dale, and Fred Wagner. The commence. ment address will be delivered by Dean Holmes, dean of the general fac- ulty of The Penpsylvania Blate College. The entire program Is appended : March Invocation . . . Music Oration . Rev. 8 C. Stover a, Edgar Hess “ United We Stand ”’ Music Oration : . Ralph Dale “ My Native Land "’ Music Oration “ America's Young Men Music Commencement Address . Dean Holmes Dean of Gen, Faculty, State College “ The Dollar Value of + ducation ’ Music Presentation of Diplomas Benediction Rev. Music . Fred Wagner ’? Courtney ee yet Homaep—trohmeler, ~ A quist and unosteniationus, fm presaive, wedding took place in Latheran ¢urch at Centre Hall, day noop, when Clayton Henry Ho- man and Miss Bertra Catherine Strobmeler were happily married ty the pastor of the bridal couple, Rev, D. 8, Kurtz, Only the bride’s parents and a few close relatives and frie witnessed the ceremony. The groom, in fall military dress, and the bride, wearing a suit of khaki colord msteris), designed closely along wil tary lines, made a very Impressive aj- pearance before the altar, Following the ceremony a weddiog dinner was served at the bride's home, after which the pewlyweda took a short auto trip, arriviog In Centre Hall on Tuesday, The honeymoon wag necessarily short owing to the groom’s furlough having expired, and on Wednesday morning he reported to Camp Bhermar, Chillicothe, Ohio, where he is attached to the 3i3d Machine Gun Battalion, His bride accompanied him as far as Altoons, The young couple sre well sod favorably koown In this loeality, where each is held In the highest esteem, The bride is the only daugh- ter of Mr, and Mre, H. G. Birohmeler and is a young woman gifted with tal- ent for various endeavore. The groom is a son of Mre, Emma Homapr, form. erly of this plece, and is one «f » family of sors who sre a credit to their parents. Up until his shoulder. ing a gun for Uncle Bam in the world war, Mr. Homan held a responsible position with the Hal Motor Com: pany, of Cleveland, Ouio, The young man is 8a mechanical genias and will prove a good msn for Uncle Bam, The Reporter joing the many friends the mur. nde perity and haspplioess life's journey. —— pp through For Entrance to Voeatlonal School, An examination for entrance to the Gregg Township Voeationsl -chool will be held on Baiurdsy, Ap-il 27h, at Bpring Mille, This examinsticn will be held for tha pupils outside of Gregg township who may wish to en. ter the Vocational ~e A conrding to the echool code, Article XVI, pupi's who pass the examination for entrance to a first grade High school, or its equivalent, nred not take the exami nation of the county superintendent, On the other hand, those who pass the eighth grade examination given by the county superintendent, will be admitted to the Voesational School, The examination wili begin at 8:30 », mn, at the #¢c ool building. onl, ———————— One Big ¥xpreg:s Company, Heads of! express o mpauies cussed last week with the Railroad Administration 8 proposal for consolle dating the expriss companies into one corporation which would rthore ized by Director Gen McAdn to eonduct all the express business in the country. The coporation would have ospital stock of about $40,000,000 divide. ed among the companies in propor- tion to the physical valuation of their properties, The plan probably will be referred to the Director General for spproval this week. dias be eral — A fl LS FRUITTOWN, C. B, Thomas is haviog a new gars age bullt this week on his farm sat this place.) Mr. and Mre, Holdermar, Mr, Charles Fye and daughter gpent dal. urday st State College, Ammon Bubb, of Reedeville, spent a few days this week wi'h his parents and while bere did some fishing, Orphan Flelsher returned home last week after spending two weeks with ber sister, Mre, D, 8B, Wert, at Aarons burg. Mere. Barson and children, of Brate College, epent Bunday «t the Edward Bubb nome, 62 MEN TO GO 1D OAMP, First Quotes of 11 Go Friday ~41 More Follow on Tuesday, (Centre county will send eleven men to Camp Meade, Md, to-morrow (Friday), They are : (George Long (colored), Tyrone Wm. Pendleton (colored), Bellefonte Joe Bazoski, Philipsburg Thomas Collachio, Bandy Ridge John Cortise, Clarence Karnes’ Dimer, Bellelonte Jarrls Dimer, Bellefonte Antonio Mili, Snow Bhoe Disdo Palumbs, Orviston F. M, Puchalls, Clarence 41 TO GO TUESDAY, ginis, The list is as follows : HB, (. Atkinson, =tate College WwW, H. Benner, Bailefonte G. BR, Beck, Poilipsbarg HR, M, Breon, Millhelm John A. Bryan, Mileshurg (, NH, Hrickley, Ho ard R. 8, Coie, Pnilipsiurg « Joseph Delaney, Nittany E. G. Emenhbiz«r, Runvil'e H. VM. Filemiog, Phillpsbarg WwW. E. Fogelman, Lemont G, W, Gill, Julian LL. W. Greuoble, Mingoviile A.l, Howard Haymond Hoover, Floe Glen , R. Helb, Milibheim . B. Healy, Philipsburg . D. Jone, State Ucllege HW. Bs , Boow “hoe . H. Lsuver, Millh¢im WM. Miller, Howard , E. Msule, State College HR. R. Hiate College Kk, E. McKiuley, Milesburg , W, McCloskey, Clarence RB, F. Mattley, Philipsburg Gurpe McClellar, Philipsburg J. F, Murphy, O-.ceola Mills G, RB, Marks, Port Ma'ilda A. P. Nelson, Philipsturg E. H, Prubel!, Karibhus J. T. Rossmar, Belicfonte L. A. Ray, Axemaun Curt Robinson, Martha E. Rose, P.rt Matilda J. E. Rime, Pleasant Gap E. M., Bchreckengmsst, Bellefonte J. F. Bhook, Spring Mills WwW, H. Stonebraker, Coburn E, W, smith, Spring Mills I. I. Wolfe, Hellefoate NM, O, Yearick, Woodward GG. F. Garrett, Be !«fonte WwW, B, Fryberger, Pollipsburg Doteey Jo , Philipsburg si a e— BOALSBURG Fred Ishler, of Islip, Is viriting hie parents, Mr, and Mre, P. B, Iihler, Mre., Maude Willisms Is spendidg some Lime with ber sliter, Mra. Annie Kreamer, at Altoona. Mr. and Mra. Mit, Union, spent several days last week with friends and relatives here, The Civie Club will meet at the bome of Mrs, Ecnma Btusrt, Thureday evening May 22d, Hea'on, fey Mingle, bP nso: nersl of ber grandolece, Margaret Bartholomew, at Centre Hall, Thuraday, The bsccsisureste sermon to the Boalsturg gradustiog clas will presched by Rev, G, L. Courtney ir the Lu heran chareh on Bunday evens ing, April 18 bh, at 7:80 o'clock, Mrs. Forr st Evey and son and Mrs, George Bohr, of Lemont, were the urdsy, Mie, M. A, Moody, after spending the winter with her deogh'era at Der- ty and Bradford, returned 'o her homn« bere igst week, HBhe wprpccompanied by her daughter, Mre, I'win Johnson, of Crafton, Charles Mother:baugh, Carl Wii sme, G. E. Meyer, Harold Coxey, George Yarne!!, Jon Patterson, Har- ry Kubo, David Bohr, Jicob Meyer, and John Smith were over-MFuudsy visitors at Altoons, ct sen Georges Valley and Mre, Mr, Clark Yetters spent Mis Leora Reeder, Bumgardoer with Ler friend, Mre, Hamu! C. 4G. Ripka home, Mr, and Mr. L. Mayoard Barger | spent Bunday with Mr, snd Mra, D. Foust, Altert Lingle made a business trip | to Centre Hall on Saturday. si Ap A A AA CENTRE MILLS Minnie, the little daughter of Ira Hlul'z who has been ill as the result of a severe cold, ia better at this writing, Mr, Bwoope moved from Jersey Bhore last week to the home of his mother-in-law, Mre, Elina Breou expects to move to Jacksonville and farm this coming year, Doyle Beat and sisters, Mary and Rath, visited re'atives in Nittany Val- ley Inst week, Prof. Godahall and family, of Bpring Mille, called at the J. A, line Don Buturday prior-to M+ Godeshali’a de parture for Jo! nsonturg, Adam Relsh made a trip to Nittany Valley Inst week where hs purchased several coreorete water troughe, ian aby Sr The following is a resume of the work of the local board of Centre county on the first draft, To!al number of men called for examination 2 + + =» . 1181 Total uumber volunteers . 208 BT . 1884 Total Centre county men in ser- vice Aprli 6, 1918 , | . Number qualified for eervice . Total numberof 1 A men . , . 886 . 529 Deferred on account farm labor, 46 Qualified for limited pervice . . . 61 R J oted for slight physical de- . a 62 Rejeoted stuTatily’ on ascenunt of ptiveleal and «ental defects, | 109 Falled to file questionps ire , A Fal'ed to appear for exsmins. of post offices addreas ) Boys and Girls’ T.S. and W, S. S. Club, { Hazel Ripka, Secretary ) For week ending April 2and THRIFT STAMP PURCHASERS Paul Smith Ethel McClenahan Mary Weber Adaline McClenahan Byers Ripka Grace Garis Donald Bloom Louella Bloom Irene Brooks JRCHASERS OF WAR 8S. 8S. Lila Stover Paul Ernest Homan Marion C. Lair Russell L. Lair Ray E. Lair Alics Glaxuner Stover Cather‘ne Glaxner Edna Luse Isabel Snyder Agnes Bible Shirk Ray Sharer CHASERS OF s OR MORE WSS, Agnes Geary Mary Dutrow Anpa Dutrow Claude A. Dutrow Daniel Smith Hazel Ripka Byers Ripka Gervin K. Shaffer Kreamer Hosterman Paul Bogdan A. Hugh Smith S CERTIFICATES OF 20 W.S. S. Beatrice Kreamer, 1 Certificate Edna Luse, 2 Certificates Marriage Licenses, Clsylon H, Homsr, Cleveland, O Bertha OC, Buohmeier, Centre Hall Guetas V, Granlom, Phbg. Annie E. Jones, Morrisdsale O'vn B, Maer, Phbg. Esther E. Boot!, Bsulsburg Elmer Wm, Kruger, Biate College M. Margaret Welbley, Csrlisls Pleasant Gap. Mr. snd Mrs, Ruben Garie and two eh ldrer, of Luxor, are visiting wit the Istter’s parents, Mr, and Mra, Johr Tae, “ Dick” Betialzor, of Lewistown, Is visiting among friends here. Mrs. Mionie Brown, of Millhelmw, visited a few days with her slater, Mre, 14s Houser, Ralph Ri‘die, of Philadelphls, spent the week-end with friends sf this place, Guy Moyer, who ls employed at Yesgertowp, rpeut Bunday with his parente, Helen Zsttle, of Georges Valley, ie i Mre, Cortin Danklebarger smong friends on place, Mre, visited Mondsy at thks Willlam Rossman and Mrs, Gottig are visitors this week with their brother, Charles Rimmey, of Centre Hall, A A AP AAAI, Tusseyville Mr, and Mrs, Samuel Wagner and of Boslaburg, and MM s. Maria Mra. Willisma Bittner | spent Sunday at the M. F. Rossman | home, Mr, and Mre, John Wert and Mr, | | State College, Mies Violel Palmer, of Potters Mille, Mra. Btuart Jordan, Laurence Runkle and family spent Saturday at the John I.. Runkle home, Mr, sand Mre, Ralph Riokert and two children spent Ruoday at the Willlam Rockey home. Mre. Rockey sccompanied them to thelr home Bundsy evening, ———— A PAA, Spring mills. T. M, Zabler sold hie fl sek of chict- enn to Grose Bhook, Luther Bmith, of Johnstown, fs vie iting his brothers, Wililam and Joho, Ammon Deoker and George Wolfe purchased ( hevrolet care, Hukh Wance is quite 11), Mre. Perry Krive went to the Belle oute borpitel for tresimept. Quality First Whether you purchase a single item of canned goods, or patronize our big shoe department, you will always be impressed with the idea that QUALITY is the one big thing in your purchase, It is this which is adding daily new customers to our store, Are you one who has not yet discovered this ? Among the more recent additions to our stock are New Hats and Caps » FOR MEN AND BOYS Dress Goods in an endless variety. lhe patterns are really beauti- ful and goods are moderately priced. “KEDS” FOR SUMMER in White Canvass, Rubber Sole, for Men, Boys, La- dies, Misses and Children, Oxfords--in every style and leather. KEEPING AHEAD! In these times of uncertain railroad shipments many merchants find themselves out of goods—even staple articles. Owing t> our extraordinary heavy purchasing we have been able to keep our shelves full, to overflow - ing, so that no matter what your need may be, you may feel reasonably sure that we will have it, Get in the habit of trading at Smith's, C. ML. SMITH The Big Quality Store of Penns Valley CENTRE HALL Watch This Space for New Advertisement W. F. COLYER, Centre Hall, Pa, We received a beautiful line of Ladies” Fine SILK GOWNS and COATS. Your outfit is ready for you. Just step in and make your selection, Waists of Every Description (eorgette, Spanish Lace, Crepe de Chine, &c. ————— MEN'S CLOTHING New Patterns and Models. You will find a big selection here. ———— —————— A New Spring High Top Brown Shoes for women, at $3.75 to $5.98 Various other shades at same price KESSLER’ S DEPARTMENT STORE MILLHEIM