ETT dl Had To Quit Work Gave Up Hope of Recovery, But Doan’s Restored His Health. Has Been Well Since. J. B. Ragless, carpenter, 210 W. 60th 8t., Chicago, Ill., says: “My back gave out completely and I had to quit work I could hardly endure the pain in my back and nights 1 tossed and turned, unable to sleep. Often in the morn ing my back was as stiff as a board, so that I couldn’t stoop to dress myself. When 1 did manage fo bend over, everything before mn! turned black. My head seemed to be whirling and sometimes I was so dizzy 1 had to grasp something to keep from . falling. Mr. Ragless “The kidney secre tions were irregular in passage, getting me up at night and the passages burned cruelly. I lost my appetite, was weak and listless and went down twenty-five pounds in weight. When I had almost given up hope, Doan's Kidney Pills cured me Soon after, 1 passed an examination for life insurance and I'm glad to say my cure has lasted.” Sworn to before me, GEO. W. DEMPSTER, Notary Public. Get Doan’s at Any Store, 60c a Box DOAN’ KIDNEY PILLS FOSTER-MILBURN CO., BUFFALO, N.Y. | GREEN'S AUGUST FLOWER | Has been used for all aliments that are caused by a disordered stomach and inactive liver, such as sick head ache, constipation, sour stomach nervous indigestion, fermentation of food, palpitation of the heart cnused by gases in the stomach, August Flower is n gentle laxative, regulates digestion both in stomach and Intestines, cleans and sweetens the stomach and alimen- tary canal, stimulates the liver to se blood. Sold in nll civilized countries, | Give it a trial.—Adv, i { How to Live Cheaply. | There is at land which ¢an snap its fingers ut Lord Rhondda and whose members are not to be found in food queues. The head of the family recently wrote to a Lon don newspaper that himself, wife family of four have lived for 14 weeks wholly on raw vegetable salads made of ‘grated turnips, beets, ecabbages, | fruit salads, | says they are all healthier as a result, CHTITOLR, together porridge, stronger ele. toast and much tea nor coffee and grow thelrtfown veges regarded in Engle tables, and so may be most independent fal | New York World, —— Gets Big Wolf. J. W. Fountain, ¢ Kenzie Valley, living | Ore,, recently bro rancher Have you RHEUMATISM Lumbago or Gout? Taxe RHEUMACIDF toremove thocause and drive the poison from the system “REIUNACIDE OX THE IXSIDB PUTS RHEUNATISEN ON THE OUTSIDER" At All Druggists Jus. Baily & Son, Wholesale Distributors Baltimore, Md, Laborers Wane White and Colored APPLY FFICE FACTORY FROST PROOF CABBAGE PLANTS By Sx press, buyer paying charges. , $1.35) 1800, 20! f.oh 5000 as 1.78 { . bore 10.000 at | 80 aty, Barllana and Stone fpelt of a huge black him. He caught it in t to each other, broken had Mr. Fountain not arris did. There are mals in that vic have been result of their This wolf was one of the lar ever in this measuring over eight feet from tip to tp. 0 traps Ww and the animal have would and { several 1 ana ian nity, losing cattle and deg redations +3 1 reest seen county What “His Bit" Really Means. As first used In England, “His Bit’ | was Intended t rossi { of “his nll,’ in this task before us. “his bit™ than in a sense of consecration of their | all Let's find stronger, o convey the mg i ns used the of one doing but the term “bit country rather minimizes Men think in a sense of smallness rather SOME Dew eXpression alli-em- h do more emphatic, more not meek dail whi 1st wWar.~— bracing, and yet profans th Me that we m our utmost in tl great worid How's This ¥ We offer $10.00 for any case that cannot be cured by CATARRH MEDICINE HALLS CATARRH MEDICINE is tak en Internally and acts through the Blbod on the M ous Surfaces of the Eystem Sold by druggists for over forty years Price 5c. Testimonials free F. J. Cheney & Co., Toled of catarrd HALLE , Ohlo “Home Grown" Drugs. War conditions have cut off « ply of d t pagital 1m, g Plants, N. X. Improved. 5 805 jg, 235; fob 100, S400 &t 200 Jato 1.08, 8 N, D.F.JAMISO SALESMEN choaper. non sroubles: long established repeat seller: eirsive contract. INAJIFFI FUEL CO PATENT njarions Patant Lawyer Washin © 26 Varieties SLpuichred eh urkeys; stock and eggs at | W. N. U., BALTIMORE, NO. 15-191 the eyel! Anoint is with Ron night and ir sam at ' the the refreshed and sirengthe your eyes Adv ned oe No man ever has ns the woinan he is eng has, . An Implement | York reson to thread a New 8. [x Work in Joint Effort the Soil of the United States and Canada greater food psoduction. Scarcely 100,000,000 bushels of wheat are availe Upon the Every Available Tillable Acre Hust Conmtribuie; Every Available ing operation. To secure this she must have the men. The Government of the ever we find a man we can spare to we want to direct him there. ssistance. She has the land but needs United States wants every man who can It wants the land in the United When- Canada’s fields after ours are supplied, best serve the combined interests. Western Canada’s help will be to competent help, £50.00 a month required not later than May Sth. Wages and up, board and lodging. They will get a rate of one cent You Cannot be Constipated and Happy Small PIN Small Dose Small Price A Remedy That Makes Life Worth Living Genuine bears signature ABSENCE of Iron In the Blood is the reason for grany colorless faces but ARTER’S IRON PILLS will greatly help most pale-faced people i } i — PENNSYLVANIA | STATE ITEMS | NA | | | Lancaster county milk prod R25 to 830 a month MW Her clothing Mrs, Lida Jar venty-four, His stove, residing Mrs a mile from Union nged se of Muaust, the home her daughter, ~ Own, died wis her that she ten Mrs, Des bed when her reach minutes | later, ore making her clothing caught fire | from the stove, An announcement MoeCune, superintendent that at the | Uniontown was | made by CC, N. LI 'nlontown schools, the war department a ra for all of the Union he opened shortiy request of “4 jee Ie will be the instructor and | will be | dio school, tives, would wit Conw ny select leave given the ¢ {Or ives before they Campy Berks {ary S000 bushels of March 1 To.000 bushels have Reading dred hooks ‘Soldier 1 Hers po than Reading i 1ntoes, county 3 hold over ind 8s nos ors heen sold Two thousand sever contributed daring Drive” In I rded to the boy ihr Louis A of the rks county, One Be of way for 1 inte CON hetween Bangor and ) n oldained and be ne S110Mxk) 5 Allentow ' advertise«d, the estim Orders have n $103 bose low ax $0 flour to Grass fires dg rks. set fire to the the are m'y d men and Bos tle dd nmarried men cau this of whe here, according to fig se | * const of the tro po res | ice foros the police department, | Too much money if the reason given by the police { Altoona i. Mahon left August duty her half-brother the In September and in a few months France, where he met hie a hase hospital, near the camp where fic was In training Allentown — Maecungle, Lehigh coun | ty had a small prairie fire when sev. oral fields caught fire from the sparke a passing locomotive, While got of farmers plowed furrows Mm pre the fiames from spreading, an force boat out the fire, whieh barns and fiat lose Me. | nurse in | Ww iiitam | hid | William | found | { for ns n and station to gooiby enlisted himself in at one vent other Allentown —=Muach to the surprise of his friends, II. W. Hucord, Jr., former 1y of Breinigsville, Lehigh county, has writfen to relatives from Winchester, England, that he was on board the American transport Tuscania when it was torpedoed, but that he was res ened. He is in an American engineer COrps, Allentown. Exemption board Neo, 2 received In reply to a notice sent a foreigner to appear for examin tion for the army a note saying: ‘I wan't come: I'm dead.” Investigntion show ed the man had really died, a friend having answered the notice for him WITH VOICE OF EXPERIENCE | Possibly Mamma Spoke of What 8he | Understood to Be General Habit of Married Men. Tre i along a | suburban avenue, talking about thelr | ' of thom was 05 ‘Charley up to see me last | she sald, “That's twice in na week, isn't 1t7 In- | quired the other, “Yes,” and she blushed “lI suppose Le'll come three the next week?” ig | Buppose £0." “Andr four times the next?” “That's what brother says.” “And five times the next?” “That's what sister says.” “And six times the next 7” “That's what auntie says.’ “And sgven times the next?” “That's what papa says.” “That's about all he and giggled, | times In | ’ can do; what | “Then we'll get married ; that's what | “And then what?” “Then 1 won't see him any an evening; that's what mamm Pittgburgh Chronicle-Telegrapr, more of | fn says.” Had to Register. of the dus) kind | appen and in- | A negro lad, one up from the draft 0 red board res for quired “How and his “It wasn't nec ter for the dn he was told “Not De y} Alan, you know that Ah fi questionnaire. old are you?y he was asked, Fit answer was: "Eighteen" osenry for vou to regis fr i don’t registered wns treet when 1 r sie] HIG BHIG, and paere Wasted Energy. Narcissus, who pined i at or sleep uty, didn't he pe d uve His Fear. t tomniteel ¢ t tempted Cuticura Kills Dandruff. Anoint spots of dandruff with Cutl. cura Olntment. Follow hot shampoo with Cuticura man; next morning If a ree samples address, “Cuticura, Dept X, Boston." At druggists and by mall Soap 25, Ointment 25 and 50. —Adv, | ut once by a Soap, If a Bn. For Different. Huggins Kill the Flies Now and Prevent direnne A DAISY FLY KILLER will do it. Kills thousands. Lasts sl! sensors All dealers or six sent express paid for § SOMERS, 1% De Kalb Ave., Brox Y. Ady TL * HiT Bay Her Duty. ki on ta Lhe ted « # also i ; her bit = To Drive Out Malaria and Build Up The System eo the OM Ruandard ROY ES TASTELESS TORK 3 3 5 Thi oh he formulas is print Juinine apd Iron is Dr. Plerce's Pellets are best for liver, bowels and stomach. One for a laxative, three for a cathartic. Ad Many a man's bell wisdom makes a fool VERY month we make enough Lucky Strike Cigarettes to reach, IT’S TOASTED Jo AE BAF ORATED 10 “Another he remarked period of life, bein the of The thousands of U. S. farmers who have accepted Canada’s generous offer to settle on homesteads or buy farm land in her provinces have been well repaid by bountiful crops of wheat and other grains. Where you can buy good farm land at $15 te $30 per acre — get $2 a bushel for wheat and raise 20 to 45 bushels to the acre you are bound to make money ~—that's what you can do in Western Canada. In the provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta you can get a HOMESTEAD OF 160 ACRES FREE and other land at very low prices. During many years Canadian wheat fields have averaged 20 bushels to the acre — many yields as high as 45 bushels to the acre. Wonderful crops also of Oats, Barley, and Flax. Mixed Farming is as profitable an industry as grain raising. Good schools, churches: markets convenient, climate excellent. Write for literature and particulars as to reduced railway ratesto Supt. of Immigration, Ottawa, Can, oc 10 J. P. JAFFRAY Cor. Walnut end Bioad Sts, Philadelphia, Pa. Canadian Gey nl Agent erm Not to whale, sephine hs Expected. t wedding, had to be Be a Qguis« : she saving dayll " idn’t she?" “Oh, no to be, I feel taking and the annoying s on A FLY A 0 So LYDIA E.PINKHAM MEDICINE CO. LYNN. MASS,