KIDNEY SUFFERERS HAVE | FEELING OF SECURITY | i i You naturally feel secure when you know that the medicine you are about to take is absolutely pure and contains no harmful or habit producing drugs. Such a medicine is Dr. Kilmer's Swamp- | Root, kidney, liver and bladder remedy. | The same standard of purity, strength and excellence is maintained in every | bottle of Swamp-Koot. Swamp Root is scientifically compound- | ed from vegetable herbs. | It is not a stimulant and is taken in | teaspoonful doses. It is not recommended for everything According to verified testimony it is nature's great helper in relieving and over coming kidney, foes and bladder trou- | bles, | A sworn statement of purity is with every bottle of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp- | Root. | If you need a medicine, you should have | the best. { If you are already convinced that Swamp-Root is what you need, you will find it on sale at all drug stores in bottles of two sizes, medium and large. i However, if you wish first to try this at preparation send ten cents to Dr. ilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a sample bottle, When writing be sure and mention this paper.—Adv. Saving Infants’ Lives. The city of Buffalo is making ® winning fight against blindness caused by ophthalmia It is] using preventive measures those employed in Chleago with the Illinois state Ject. neonatorum, like in accordance | law oun the sub- BOSCHEE'S GERM Why use ordinary cough remedies, when Boschee's German Syrup has been used so successfully for fifty-one years In all parts of the United States for coughs, bronchitis, colds settled in the throat, especially lung troubles. It gives the patient a good night's rest, free from coughing, with easy expectoration in the morning, gives nature a chance to soothe the inflamed parts, throw eff the disease, helping the patient to regain his health. Made in America and sold for wore than half a century.—Adv. College Men Off to War. Only six of the 73 Harvard students who won their “H"” last year are still in the university. The are “in the war.” More than fifty Yale pro- fessors and instructors are engaged war service, rest | ! E MARKETS | A NEW YORK.—Corn—8pot lar; kiln-dried No. 3 yellow, $1.57%.; No. 4 yellow, $1.83: No. 3 white, $2.20%, coet and freight New York shipment; Argentine, $2.50 f. re a b. ea Oats 108%. Butter—Creamery tras, 32% @44c; score), 42% @43; seconds, 30@ 40%. Eggs Fresh gathered extras, @39¢; extras firsts, 37@37%; 5% @36%; seconds, 34% @35; Pennsylvania and nearbv hennery whites, fine to fancy, 46@ 46; State, Pennsyivania nearby hen nery browns, 40@ 41; @ 38. Cheese 0. Spot, firm; natural, $1.07@Q ex- (92 higher than creamery extras firsts, State, ml ana State held specials, 2 1% Q La on “ur £5%ec; do, average run, PHILADELPHIA Wheat Northern sp g red, $2.27: No. 1 red, $2.27; No. 1 Durum 33.27; No. 1] Durum $2.21: No. 3 art will red 1 hard vd 1 red winter, $2.27 4 winter, $2.24; do, soft, $2.22. lots for loeal trade, No do, soft, $2.20 i vellow, $1804 Now Is the Time to Get Rid of These Ugly Spots There's no the slightest need of I iv freckles, as the pre ength—is guar. y spots double t, and apply a ig and you should wet freckles have the lights It is me is needed to gain a beautify jonger Httie soon see th begun to disappes bave vanished « more than clear the complexion Be sure to ask ine, as this | } back if it fail one ou skin for the double strength oth- r guarantes { oney The Brawls’ Criticism. Brawl 1 Brawl Answer Mrs. Mr. London How's This ? We offer $100.00 for any case of catarrh that cannot be d by HALLS CATARRH MEDICINE HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE is tak. en internally and acts through the Blood on the Mu rfaces of the By 1 3 sts for over Price 5c. Testimonials free F. J. Cheney & Co., Tol Proverbial Wisdom. breaks 3 : ' f Know any- Rashy Skins Quickly il healed cura often when all else falls, I'h the Olnt For free Dept. X, by mall 0 and H0.~—Adv, Soap to cleans to s« 1ddres At Soap 20, Olintmer ment samples ig *actan »OSLOEL The Brute. y another Mother Gray's Powders Benefit Many Children Thousands of Moth: ers have found HOTRER GRAY'S SWEET POW DERS an excellent rem edy for children com: plaining of Headaches, Colds, Constipation, Feverishness, Stomach Troubles and Bowel Ir regularities from which children suffer at this season. These powders are easy and pleasant to take and excel leat results are accomplished by their use. Used by Mothers for jr years, Sold by Druggists everywhere, 25 cents | Trial package FREE. Address, THE MOTHER GRAY CO,,Le Roy, N. Y. | POEM on war, polities, religion, fashion and | AL RL I ot all kinds cancelled stamps: on | CASH for sliver; refunded first A Fors Specialty Company, 7 Center Breet, Cambridge, Massnchusetis FOR COUGHS AND COLDS | =take a prompt and effective remedy—one that acts quickly and contains no opiates, You can get such a remedy by asking for PISO’S| BALTIMORE Ww Young hog ao ice light weights iin ights 20 d 8, 1%; bos we oO and rough | Western land and ! iia, choice round. 31.606 ng, 81.5046 New ite, $1.50@1.7¢ setorn | ) Maryl k, 31.25 d, 21.28 1a 1.40 0 to, = and and Virginia, McCor 40; do, Southern Mary @1.560; do, all do, medium al 0 sections. rv 5g Noy - and io tL aives ih ordinary, and 18 do, | per | od, do, 17 15% @16; head, 212@ do, rough ne heavy, os) Lambs Shean and heep-—No. 1, | do, old bucks, 9@10., Lambe, 17@1%; do, heavy do rough and poor, 12 spring, 356 lbs 18 11 : ¢ i wiz; 11, cholee, 14@15 d 0, fat, bucks, 13; @20 or over, Live Stock CHICAGO. Hogs Bulk, $17.20@* 17.95: light, $17.25@ 18; mixed, $16.90 17.95; heavy, $16.25@ 17.60; rough, $16.26@016.60; pigs, $13@ 16.65 Cattie-~Native steers, $9.60@ 11.65; and feeders, $7.70@11.60: cows and heifers, $6.60@ 11.90; calves, $10.50@ 16.25. Sheep--Sheep, $11.26@15.75; lambs, $14.36 @ 10.15. stockera | | | i | IN MISERY FOR YEARS Mrs. Courtney Tells How She Was Cured by Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. Oskaloosa, Iowa.—*‘ For years I was simply in misery from a weakness and awful pains—and %l nothing seemed to fame any good. A riend advised me to take Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vege- table Compound. 1 did so and got re- lief right away. I can certainly re- commend this valu- able medicine to other women who suffer, for it has done such good Why will women drag along from day such misery as did Mrs. Courtney, when such letters as this are continually being rom displacements, irregularities, in- flammation, ulceration, backache, ner- vousness, or who is passing through the root and herb remedy, Lydia E. Pink- ham’s Vegetable Compound, a trial. For special advice write Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass. “ The result of its long experience is at your service. Have vou RHEUMATISM Lumbago or Gout? Take RHEUMACIDE to remove tho cause and drive the poison from Lhe system “RNEEIEACIDE OF THE 1SSI08 FULTS REETUEATIAR OF THE OUTSIDE At All Druggists Jas. Baily & Sen, Wholesale Distributors Baltimore, Md, A Hard Nut to Crack When a cold hits you in the head or throat, it's hard to get rid of it. Don’t experiment. Break up with Hale's Honey of Horebound and Tar. Prompt and effective. Alldruggists, 2icta. a bottle, is iv Try Pike's Toothache Drops FROST PROOF CADDAGE PLANTS x press, buyer payiog charges. i POST PAID {i fob 10 i { here LR, Bs tate Plants « Vesey Halle sad Porte Rice gsi; fob BE, she 1% bere Lae ts PF LANTS-April 1st delivery vton Beasty, Barijans apd Sore PUST 1 AID fob iE, #0 1A Bw nis. Ruby King-May let delivery « No. XX. Improved. POST PAID Ee Lex Ba EUMMERVILLE. SC, ay BREE he ee SRIBN 2 £3 uss + § i Moe Bron » i . v3 2i3D wea "ee . Be "3 rn an 8 USE FOR 35 YEARS BARBIE ES The Quick and Sure Cure for MALARIA, CHILLS, FEVER AND LA GRIPPE it Is a FPoweriul Tonle and Appetizer Will enre that tired paine io back Imis and head Contains no quinine, arsenic or hablt«forming ingredient. # eo foe § “BAPPY PIRDLAXD™ All about Birdie It health and ——— (E00. Free “Bookie” now BOSE STYHNTEM (0 8 West Minh. New York City HALL, PA. CHANGE IN THE FARMER'S LIFE “Making a Living” Idea Has De- veloped Into a “Money Making Fact.” A few years sgo—and not so many at that—amost farmers were satisfied if they saw ahead of them the oppor- tunity to make a fulr living, a reason- able competence In thelr falling years, and an assurance of an existence for thelr families, and tilled their acres with this end In { view. Honest struggle, earnest ef- | fort and a true conception of upright | manhood, together with the Increas- ing knowledge that upon “he fruits of | thelr endeavor rested the structure of | the world, whose people had to be fed | and maintained. Economy in method, | improved conditions of working, have | added to the farmer's possibilities, and | today instead of being a plodder for ian existence, which his early training | had bred into him, he has become the of the nation, and, become elevated a where his word and his work. are rec the factors It they should be, He i man of business—of big | He } work, i i placed bulwark [uaa | as such, to ized intended the ns is now business, ins forced an a has of the the { it. today a and true The big men the farmers, value upon re business forethought acumen and from Costs Lo produce a y 1 . are able to tell you thelr books—what it to as intended business, much # an suit of clothes, It Is an industrial business, with more certain than trade, profits accompany It turing enterprise, devold of any of the the fril fashlot fires force upon ordina uits, Food » and the any other line of is a manuf gers that is of and des is something that all farmer produces it an be produc ed the less And 3 iio oughts of the of the r cost to the consumer, the chief th i the memory have h the uinber of bushels Western cently con at ie Wilh ETOWw sons why ve Ie These Ars an digious them, In Americar sands have g West An the pay hy should country nt is in growth i nt PLO n Govern Value of Field Crops 10138 1017 Manitoba 8 64,507,000 §137,470,550 Saskatchewan 120,876,000 840,488,200 Alberta .... 46,712,000 Total 240,645,000 $663,924,550 The total value of field crops for 1017 was $063,024,000, produced on less than 09,000,000 acres of land, Further evidence of prosperity and progress is found In the Government estimate of the value of farm lands, and increase in value since 1008: 1008 sensi 80 20.40 1016 Manitoba ......... 82.03 Saskatchewan 28.07 Alberta AB It will be observed that the average price of lands hag not kept pace with thelr producing value. It is therefore sane oy we the purchase of high-class land is still within the reach of those with lim- ited means. A good idea of advancement In a country's progress may be obtained by production of cattle, and when with Western Canada, a country whose ving been heralded as a grain growling cout idea that that to, try re the ry ing the was what it was mostly adapted it bye that will ized there is of wealth awaiting tho } nd age of in 1012 ther other cattl head, lon ria real pal i are Can- next JOM (Mh, Whenever You Need 3 General Strengthening Toni Take the (14 Standard GROVES TASTELRSE «31 TONIC Jt cons : BOWE Lote properties 1 ’ abe a8 & , the good at of Qi Genera elect ont 3 ean fer i few doses ROO (nM (HH) o ti r ae War aid To keep clean and healthy take Dr Plerce's Pleasant Pellets, They regu- inte liver, hon stomach. Adv. '¢ els and Keep Yourself Fit You can’t afford to be laid up with sore, aching kidneys in these p of high prices. Bome occupations bri kidney troubles; almost any wu makes weak kidneys worse. If you tired all the time, and suffer with lame back, sharp pains, dizzy spells, bead- aches and disordered kidney action, use Doan’s Kidney Pills. It may save an attack of rheumatism, dropsy, or Bright's disease. Doan’s Se thousands back to health. A Virginia Case Alex. Umberger, Bpil- ler 8t.,, Wytheville, Va., pays: “1 had a steady, dull ache across the small of my back, Hard work and heavy lifting brought on the trouble The kidney secretions wore irregular an d painful in [amass and at times, the backache was so severe, I i hardly straighten. was hard for me to gel? out of bed mornings Cu Doan’s Kidney a | strengthened my back’ p and regulated my kidneys and the benefit has been permanent.” Get Docn’s at Any Store, 60c a Bon DOAN’ KIDNEY PILLS FOSTER-MILBURN CO., BUFFALO, N.Y. Ee Eee EI EEE EI EEE EI EEE 4 For a number of years I was a horrible sufferer of Tubercular Bone Disease I have been completely cured in aremarkably short time and this without an operation of any kind. I suffered for years and now in appreciation and gratitude want to help my fellow sufferers. This notice will not ap- pear again simply because I cannot afford it. I have absolutely nothing to sell but will gladly tell you how I was cured. Wo" ADDRESS G. Henry Wilkens 430 Lorraine Ave. Baltimore, Md. 3B IE Bach bottle contains more thal the usual bie botdie of liniment. YAGER'S LINIMENT RELIEVES PAIN | CILBERT BROS. & CO., Baltimore, Ms U INVEST S10 2:3 Write for Rk “Facoia He. Industry 1e pg of ts wonderful Aldred Tarestment Co, § Colombes, Ohle WHEN YOU THINK FLASS Think of Factory Price Same price as before the war, Then write to us for catalogue. r Tree Box x ples- Cail Cream, Corn Oumy Bass, » iboline, Plie Cure. Laboratories, ompany, pe LA, Great Barrisgwn, Mass roel W.N. U. BALTIMORE, NO. 14-1918. 68.97 This leaves § je + oo » for expenses and profit 8.61 1.29