MARCH TO VICTORY Courage Is a matter of the blood. Without good red blood a man has a weak heart and poor nerves, In the spring is the best time to take stock of ene's condition, If the blood is thin and watery, face pale or plmply, generally weak, tired and list- less, ome should take a spring tonic, One that will do the spring house- cleaning, an old-fashioned herbal rem- BO years ago is still safe and sane be- le. en’ Seal root, Oregon Grape bark-—extracted with made into liquid or tablets. toni¢ was first put out by Dr. Pierce in ready-to-use form and since has been sold by million bottles as Dr, Plerce's Golden Medical Discovery. If druggists do not keep this in tablet form, send 60 cents for a vial to Dr. Plerce's Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y. Kidney disease carries away a large percentage of our people. What glyderine meat, eat coarse, plain food, with plenty of vegetables, drink plenty of water between meals, and take an uric acid solvent after meals for a while, such as almost any drug store. It discovered hy Dr. Pierce. Most every “=e troubled with uric acid finds that re dissolves the urie acid as hot ter does sugar. You can obtain a al package by sending ten cents to Lrtor Pierce's Invalids’ Hotel and .ixgical Institute in Buffalo, N. XY. Cluticura Soap —1Is Ideal— For the Hands “The fuming Step.* GET FORM AND PEP jhe jiunning te. tells how. Sent for £1 bli) by H. 8 LOOMIS, Dept A, 58 Mutoal Life Building, Buffalo, New York Michigan Hardwood Land: good 50,000 Acres roads. schox a, churches, markets; aay terms. Address II. W. Abbott, Boyne Clty, Mich HE — ——— THE GREAT WAR HAS MADE CIGARETTES A N<£CESSITY, “Our boys must have theif smokes. Send them cigarettes!” This is a familiar appeal now to all of us. Among those most In demand 18 the now famous “toasted” ciga- rette—LUCKY STRIKE. Thou- sands of this favorite brand have been shipped to France. There {s something homelike and friend- ly to the boys in the sight of the famillar green packages with the red circle, This homelike, appetizing qual- ity of the LUCKY STRIKE ciga- rette is largely due to the fact that the Burley tobacco used In naking it has been toasted. “It's toasted” was the “slogan” that made a great success of LUCKY STRIKE in less than a year, Now the American Tobacco Co. is mak ing 15 million LUCKY STRIKE Cigarettes a day. A good part of this immense production 1s making its way across the water to cheer our boys.—Adv. More Children in Court. the children's York city show that 14.510 children came before the court last year, an increase of 2,004 over the | pres ou "1 "ny ror "i f » annual report o he annual repor { court of . Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA, that famous old remedy for infants and children, and see that it Bears the 2 Signature of LZAL In Use for Over 30 Y ears. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria Naturally “Can you tell me on what lines +» lieth on tha + “1s +1 »” 1 stocks here y¥ be a strike, For centuries GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil has been a standard household remedy for kidney, liver, bladder and stomach trouble, and all diseases connected with the urinary organs. The kidneys and bladder are the most important organs of the body. They are the filters, the puri- fiers of your blood. If the poisons which the kidneys and bladder you are doomed. Weariness, Smspondency, backache, st dache, pain in lone, and lowe Ben, gallstones, gravel, difficu @rinating, cloudy and bloody urine, ri matism, sleeplessness, mack sriatica lambago, all GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules are what you need. 8 “new discovery.” For 200 years they have been a standard household remedy. They are the pure, original imported | Haarlem Oil your greatgrandmother used, and are perfectly harmless. The healing, soothing oil soaks into the cells and lining the kidneys and through the bladder, driving out the poisonous germs, New life, fresh strength and health will come as you continue this treatment. When completely restored to of your usual vigor, continue taking a cap- or two day. They you in condition and prevent a the disease. | sule each will keep return of Delays 3 w- A ney ana Po not delay a minute. | especially der trouble GOLD MEDAL | They will are langerous in k blad. druggists Haarlem Oil refund the money if not as rep. reliable sell Capsules, In three sizes, sealed packages. the original GOLD Accept Ask for MEDAL imported no substitutes, Stop it or you never can keep well, If you wake with a bad taste in the A torpid liver Dr. Tut's Puts a .. Stop to all exposed bottles. All good Liver Pills $5 and $10 a dozen druggists and turf goods houses greater food production. able to be sent to the allies overseas before the crop harvest. Upon the Farmer and Farm Hand Must Assist J 1 operation. the men. When we want to direct him there. best serve the combined interests. nile from Canadian boundary points They will get a rate of one cent to destination and return \ Ww THE AMERICANRIFLELS BETTE ING AND GREATER ACCURACY CLAIMED FOR WEAFON., BIG SUM FOR MOBILE CANNON Bureau of Ordnanze Program Calls $2,000,000,000 Expenditure By Division—Empicyment Service Farm Workers. for Gun Flana to Supply department M0 commercial 3 (y unpantes nr 15 nee prod than 400 are nrodnes ing + arts, necesgories, nnd sup Naval fi of 102.068) in su have n 04.000 mon ining eamps Sanne. mer, in wit In 18 ennt ter rit Of sed, LOOO000 feet of the navy drew S30.000 000 In for munitions: pureh for the for 1015 wore 210.000.0000, Paymaster general for more Febru advert lami checks than ne any ry 23 total navy Res During February, with 23 business days, $13,878,811 the feder: and hanks, accord. ing to a siniement of the farm loan board, T fe R2.000.204 more than the January total On March 1 the total placed loaned to farm. nmount of mortgage loans gince the is $01.532.043, covering 28,405 loans, merece have entered military and naval rvices, —— ing statements nro of the first year il i £10 “ ad conti hat time for S49 Before the had | Congress ns m ves a total font aor alr service, SO 0ON.000 avail. een appropria Mle able for aircraft production In first vear of war 190 firme nufacture of There are Germany in the m for new 1 an output of 400.000 4 Now solu woo chiefly thy Beechwom] has been any hardwood onk, will serve equally with exception well, of gas in dis‘riets » ode for ¥ 'y gently n ord r Lins bh Ww national work Hse Of gas by nny specific undertaking may those used by the undertaking Heelf, The Augtralinn wheat crop for the 020,000 bushels, compnred with lest fonrs yiekl of 152,605,000, The per result of reduced acreage and wafavorable eotditions, % Following the sun with Because of its benefits and because iglanc s wes on a Lom Brimful of Val Hiustrated and “John Baer’ Tomato The Earliest and Best Tomato on Earth Shipping Fruit in 30 Days + in oF days from larg strong weil matured plants grown in veneer bands with roots undisturbed “John Baer” t « OP of tomatoes Entirely free Tomato produ from 53 to | from core r No missh nn fruit Mild delicious flavor, A perfect shipper, Growers ty of its fruit, a Oz Oz. 80c Oz i] “iL S15 W% iH S00 We offer Vencer Bands 50c per 100 Bolgiano's New “Early Sprieg” Beet The First Beet in Market Most perfect in shape and beautiful deep red color it is earlier in maton ing than Crosby's Egyptian and sof a much finer grain, Has a very small tap rood also top not being as large as Crosly's Egyptian. Even in ma- turing. Can be sown under glass and transplanted out. doors or sown in the open field and will mature uch sariics than Crosby's, Bolglanc's New "Early Spring” Beet is the result of years of resclecting and improving, resulting in, we be lieve, the earls Pkt 10 202 est and best beet on the market, Oz. 25¢ 2028485¢ Lb. 75 2 $2.59 Postpaid. Special Offer 1810 » NEWE, ; il Interested. Big Boston Lettuce Bolgiano's Famous Stock For years we ha 2 ve cultivationn, 1 the me lettuce in buttery, 3 ualities have made extensively used and, large, tender Big Bost« fo seed bh ed to cool, open ground culture. Pkt, 10e O2.15¢ 202s 25¢ % Lb. 35 “Lb 6c Lb, $1.00. Postpaid Bolgiano’s “Early Fortune” White Spine Cucumber The Ideal Cucumber for Home or Market The Earliest and by far the best Rich Dark Green, White Spine Cucumber, The greatest producer of all varictics and at all stages of its growth, it is a model In shape, being the most andsome and attractive cucumber ever grown The gquali'y is superb, favor delicate, refreshing and delightful, entirely free from bitterness, fine Jraiued, flesh compact, exceedingly crisp and Pkt. 10e Oz. 15% 202 25% % Lh 85¢ Lb. 8c Lb $1.50 Postpaid “Big package of 1918 Pratt and Light Sts. An Impossibility. “Here's a woman to be di her husband is too per wants foot.” “Well, do you suppose any busband who chance to find woman with a gave her a ault?” Different. “No 1 understand he won.” they are too Inzy to work for, When Your Eves Need Care Try Murine Eve Remedy Brogtia mall White tor Foe re Boot NEEYE REMEDY CO. CHICAGO Baltimore, Md. PREVENT ABORTION IN COWS! Jt any of Four cows, heifers the ire ve ann Qin y+ wash or out with « David Roberts’ Attitapta and Flushing ruta, Pre 0 calves can be avid by ‘hie Bil hs by this simple tn Cony write town, bvenos. Wakenha, Win bockiet on f no dealer in your Brad toliet preparation of merit opr to eradionte dangruf, Loring For Rest or g Bie, anid BALWSMEN a ey FURL comming cheaper: pon-infurions, power. Vromisies; ho Blin repeat ery I oarhon Tg Poend elrsive soniraet (14 AJIF¥L Vo WL OO, Akron. ¢ BI00 to 1,000 a month adver 1ndinn Rew hos, money. i —_ h Forel. | Wits: Aono apking prop Balt Lane, Dus