El ns 5 GE sn oho Bh ae sm aI A THE CENTRE REPORTER. ISSUED WEEKLY, ne CENTRE HALL - - PEN N’A. APRIL 11, 1918. SMITH & BAILEY « Proprietors 8. W,. SMITH . . . "wu Editor Loca! Bditor and Business Manager THURR DAY, EDWARD B, BAILEY Entered at the Post Office in Centre Hall as second Mass mall matter TERMS. ~The terms of subscription to the Re- porter ars one and one-half! dollars per yoar. ADVERTISING RATEY=Display advertise meant of tan or more inches, for throa or More in gertidns tan cents nar inoh for aach fsne . Dis lay advertising ooounying lass space than ten vd bo and for less than three insertions, from fiftoan to twontv-five cents par inch for each fame, according to composition Minimum charg” wvantiv-flve fonts Local notions accompanying display advertis- {ng five cents per line for each insertion : other- wise, alight pants per line minimam charge, twenty-five rants Lagan! notions twenty oanta par line for three fpaertions nd tan nants per line for aaoch ad Alte Te cartinn CHIDO APPOINTMENTS Methodist —Sprucetown, morning, Centre Hall, afternoon; Spring Mills, evening. Reformed —Centre Hall, morning; Tusseyville, afternoor Lutheran—Union, morning afternoon; ( ¢ Hall, evening. United Evangelical —Trsseyville, morning’ Egg Hill, afternoon ; Centre Hall, evening , NEW IURA IN BUYING W, 8, », \ “ National Aore ” Plans for Boorting Sales of uncle Sam's Securities, For the week ending March 30h, Centre County was credited with 44 cents per capita in sales of War-Bav- ings and Thrift Stamps, or a tolal of $2.44 for the entire campaign, and we retained tenth place in the list of Counties for the Eastern District of Pennsylvanis, but for the week we dropped to ninth place, while Union County bad a per ospita of $2.17, Lan- osster $1.21, Wayne 64 ote, and Ek 60 ote. For the information of those in'er- .ated in the War-Saviogs Certificates, please note the per capites of the nine Counties leading Centre County for the entire campaign, Onion, ...........%145 Colambia, . . . . . soins 38 Eix, . 8 80 Carbon, . . . 3.01 Cameroon, . 289 Eullivap, 2 86 Montour, , . 276 Lancaster, "a 2.69 Cumberland, . . . . . 2.61 POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS CONGRESS, Bois, Pa, his district and McKean counties, May 21st, 1918, iress, Du Bols, Pa. Pri pd esday, « » -~ This paper has enlisted with the goverriraent in the cause of Americe for the period of the war------- D. ©. Etters Elccted Scperinteadens, At a meeting of the school directors of Centra county, held at the Court House at Bellefonte, on Tuesday morning, Prof. D. O. Kiters was unan- imous'y reelected superintendent of the county schools for a term of four years, The meeting convened at 10:45 o'- cloek, Dr. Locke was elected president of the meeting, Charles F, Cook, secre- tary ; A. B. Cross and Prof, Maire, te)- lere. The nomination of Prof, Etters was made by Mr. McDowell and was the ouly nomination made. The en- tire body of school directors—nipety- nive in number—voled for Prof, Et- ters, The county superintendent enters upon his fourth term, ————— 12 Inches of Snow It remained for April to surpass rec- ortd-breaking January in the amount of enow to fal at one time. Tuesaday morning the first flakes fell and while much of the early enow melted under the wa'm ts mpera‘ure, a drop in mer cury csused the snow to remain until a depth of ten inches was resche ', Easily two of snow melted at of the fall, Monday night storm set ip, ceusing drifts Ip inghe the start many places The to return ural mail earriers were forced heving gone but a thelr routes, On Wednesday afternoon the snow turned to rain, after short distance on pet —— All Deaths In County Mast Be Investigated, Under the act of July 11, 1817, it is incumbent on the register and record- er of every county in the state to care fully investigate snd report on the death of each indiyidual in the county from infancy to old age, to the state suditor general, so that the direct ip- heritance tax may be collected in all cases, This work makes necessary an additional clerk in the office of the register and recorder, to be known as an inves'igator of deaths, who will algo be as.lstant deputy register an recorder, . ———— AYP ———————. Auto Ace dent Proves Fatal, Apother auto accident in Mifflin county proved fatal last week: Law- rence H, Nale, of Dry Valley, died on Funday morning se a result of severe ipjuries sustained a week previous when his car collided with a trolley at Mark’s crossing, Open Hearth, Hie family wes with him at the time and all received irjaries, but none sv se- vere as the driver, The deceased was aged sixty-six years, snd an uncle of Brown Nale, of Centre Hall, —————— A ——— Centre County to send 52 More Men, Centre county's quota in the new call of 11,000 conscripts from Penneyl- vania will be 52 men, 41 of whom are to be sent to Camp Les, Virginie, aud 11 to Camp Meade, Md, The date for thelr departure is April 26th. . EE a —— Back from Ualifornia, * J. M, Moyer, who left Potters Mills for California last fall, returned east a week ago and ls pow visiting an old friend, William Taylor, at Reedaville, Mr. Moyer states that he I'kea Califor. pia In the winter but prefers Pennsyl- vania in the summer, ———————— AA A———— The onion snow wus slow appear. ing, but it blossomed forth Tuesday morning. 4 The Bellefonte High Bchool + ar- War-Ssvings and Stampe. I'be week ending April 6:h was the ‘banner’ week, with $1080.00 to its credft. Arrangements are now being meade for a meeting at Bellefonte during the coming montb, at which time the State Director, Mr, Cassnt, and several others in charge of the Na ional War- Baviogs Committee, for Pennsylvanls, will be present. The exact day and time will be annougsced later. List ua suggest to (hose interested in winning this War to adopt the ** Ns- tional Acre’ plan: Het azide one acre of your farm to be planted and cultivated ss the '‘ Ne- tional Acre’’, the proceeds of which are to be used In buying War-Savivgs and Thrift Btampe. The ‘"National Acre” plan has been adopted, and is rapidly spreadivg over Georgia and South Caroline, and let me suggest the advisability of every person in Centre County think- ing seriously of, and floally adopting, this plan. We must raise the money with which to win this War. We must maintain the young men whom we send to the Front. You will be performing a patriotic duty by loso- ipg your money to the Government. Qur Government has the same power to conecript wealth ss it has to con- script men. Let every mip, woman and child in Centre County join io every movement to lend money the Government by purc aslog War- Savings and Thrift Stam pe. From the tabulated report of sales above indicated, you will notice that altbough Centre County retaips tenth place in the Eastern District of Peonn- sylvanis, yet we have dropped Io weekly sales, and there are three or four Counties within a few centa of the amount credited to Centre County and unless we make considerable gair within a very short tine, we will not be able to maintain our present stand- ing. Tben sgain we should pot be satisfled to stand still, We should move toward place No, 1, but we car- not do that uniess every man, wWoma: and child in the County will do bis or her patriotic duty. Very truly yours, W, Harrison Walker, Chairman War-Ssvings Committee for Centre County, Penne. April 8 b, 1918 The following table ahows the W, RB, 8B and T. 8, sales daring March, as well ga the sales from Dee, 1, 1917, to April 1, 1618, io a number of post «fll- ces in Centre county. . wes No from from TR Declito Decl Mch April toAprl 4 12 8942 648 No T8 Post Office No. W. 88 for March Aaronsburg ....... 423 Bellefonte, | un Boalsburg 218 Centre Hall Bs xn #19 Coburn “aa 27 7H Lemont . an 12% Linden Hall, . 0 Z 0 Madisonburg, a1 Miliheim 965 Oak Hall Station Philipsburg Pine Grove Mills, 13 Pleasant Gap 20 Rebersburg . 2 Bmulltom . ......... b 0 9 Spring Mille, 2M 12 “3 State College, .. "8 1354 2860 Tumeyville, 9 17 87 124 “ Zim. .......... 73 4 A —— a Third Libarty Loan Hatton, The button which will bs given to every subscriber to a Liberty Loan Bond of the third iseue, whether of a §50 bond or a $10,000 one, will have » border of brilliant red, and a blue fleld with a liberty bell, and the words “Third Liberty Loan’ io white, Sixteen million of these buttons are pow ready for delivery and will be given out when the subscriptions are made, 5401 64 A —— The Cost of the World War The great war thus far has oost $100,000,000,000, Represeniative Howe, Tennessee, lnancial suthority in the House, declared Inst week, '' Despite the prediction of four years sgo thet it would be Img omible for the world to finance such a war, the cost has now reached the sum of $100,000,000,000, BOALSBURG. David Stuart was a receht visitor | with his mother and brother here, Mre. William Goheen and daughter | spont Bunday in Bellefonte, Mre. A. E. Les, of Linden Hall, | spent Bunday with Mre. B., P. Lonbarger. Mr, and Mre. Henry Btitzer, of Reb- | ersburg, spent Bunday at the Frank Ream home, Mre. Edward Kaffer, of Perryville, | Ohlo, spent last «eek with her broth-| er, J F, Z:chmap, Mrs. Edward Bellere, of Linden | Hall, was an over Sunday visitor at | the George Close home, Mre. Emma Stoart, after spendiog | the winter wi'h ber sons near Pitte-| burg, returned home on Wednesday. | Mies Helen Coxey, of Tyrone, wa: | recent visitor with her mother, Mr, | Nannie Coxay, | Mr. and Mre, OO, U. Wieland, of Mt, Udon, are vi-itlug friends and rel] tives here, Jlement Daley, E q., of Bellefonte, A. W, Dale, Mire, George Bohr, of Lemont, spent nere, Do Bols last we. k where Mr, expects to flod employment, of last week with Mrs, Traxlet’s par- eute, Mr, ard dare, Henry Reltz Mre. Laura Bricker spd son Penns Grove, New ]-reey, came ing to Penns Grove for the summer, Mre. Anna Rine, after spending the winter months with her dauguter at Coatesville, came to Boalsburg Isst mer with her daughter, Mre. George Fisher. eatin ifhcesmem— Spring Mills. Mre, Margaret Bariges has been quite {ll Her sister, Loulse Burrell, is home taking care of her, Mr. OC. E. Royer snd Andrew Bhook were Bellefonte visitors on Saturday. Walter Wolf and slater, Mra, Estella Stoverjwent to York on Thursday to attend the funeral of their nephew, Broce Burrows, Mr. and Mre, Andrew Rote and Mr, and Mrs, C. P. Long attended the Lenker sale at Asrousburg on Thure- day. Toe following families have chang- el thelr residences this spring : Lutk- er Royer Lo the home he purchased from John Boavely ; Wm. Haney to the Royer farm; Mr. Winkleblech from Funbury to the Hspey home ; Jacob Lee to the Elias Weaver farm ; Milea Johnson to the C. P. Long home, vacated by Lee ; Howard Wea ver to the W., M. Grove home; Frank Ripka to the Rote home vacal- ed by Weaver; Ezra Harter to his farm vacaled by Ripka ; Ernest Wise from Brush Valley to the Jasper Wag- ner home ; Prof, Godatall to the Ham- vel Long bome, Bamuel Wise from Farmers Mills to bis home, vac led by Godshall; Frank Fisher moved to Centre Hall, Prof Rei z to the Fisher nome at Peon Hall, Mar: lage Licen es, D. L. M. Homap, Spriog Mills Ruth M. B'over, Asronsburg Wickl f12 H, Gardner, Howard Jennie HH. I'wiv, Beliefonte —————— A ARTO Give the boye and girls of the L. T.| I. a Lit of spcoursgement presence, Saturday evening. offering, that'a all, Just an | OT PRIZE CONTEST BY YOUNG FOLKS jog. ~Admission Free, A prizs contest will be held by ths Young People’s Branch of the W. (. I. U., Saturday evening at 8 o'clock Arcadia, The local mei tions, Immediately following the contest an annual dues pay!pg meet ing will be held and nll W., ©, T. U snd Y. P. B. members will kindiy come prepared to pay their doee, The first part of the program, rendered by the children, conslats of » Be During the time consumed by the jadges in deciding as to the merits of the contestante, a playlet will be rend- ered by the members of the L, T. L.,, entitled ** Duane’s New Regime,” CHARACTERS Dusne Carter, ist arrived at hotel, 8'- LRelIvVe yOOUng womab ‘aie Adaline Me! {legs Perrsu't, Mary, Lula and =te - Il», four other you: g girl borders, Mars Zt) Nona Wagner, Esther Wayne Hazel Ripks, Anns Bell Bmith, Pear! Ruble, Beatrice Kreamer, Fred Dillaye, Wallace Hunt, Hail Brown, and others, young mei borders . , Ernest Fran! Reuben Z-ttie, William Bweelwood Haro'd Keller, Frederick Moore, Everybody is teartily invited 1 the contest, No sdmission will t charged 'ut a silver offering will t lifted after the contest, S——————— ee ————— ‘Matt and Je 1's Divoroe.' “ Mutt and J«f’s Divorce’, one o | the kind of shows that po one can a'- ford to ruler, is coming to the Garma: Opera House, on Tuesday, Ap:il 16 b. The new Bud Fisher care-chaser scored one of the biggest hits of the year during ite recent performance I New York. Isa Broadway produoc- tion in every essential, bullt for speed sud mirth, color snd melod;. The priveipals inciude some of the gayes! men and women of the musical com- edy field and the chorus the pick of the girl beauties In this season's Crop. [Ve divores that keeps Matt and Jef! on the grid-iron this trip, and they're not out of one complication threater- ing their domestic happiness upti they're into snother. A baby dol type of girl starts the trouble sud Mre. Mutt snd Myre. Jefl keep It golog uc- til the finish, he play ls fn three sacle, the scenes said to be of opuler quality snd the costumes spectacular, Prices, 85, 50, 75, $1.00. Chiidre: £ fenmtin a dd others , rt ——————— A A TAIT Petition School Boards to Uni German Gabriel H, Mover, state president of the P. O. 8B, of A, has sent a leller to the seoretary of the slate organization of the order, direciing lmuanpce of s circular letter to the 550 camps io Penvsylvania calling on them “io pass resolutions to petition boards of education having in charge the public schools of the stale lo immediately ex- clude from the curriculum the teaching of German.” Mr, Moyet's letter say» that the atrocities of the German sol: diers will make the German natio: bated for all time to come. Georges Valiey E. L. Noll, of Rod Mill, visited bie pleter, Mrs, D, D. Decker, oun Hundsy. Mre. Bruce Davis and little daugh- ter, of Carwenaville, are visiting Mire, susan Davis, Emanvuzl Z-ttle, of Lock Haver, spent a few days with his parents, Mr, and Mre, Roland Z ttle, Mr. and Mre. Frack Leister, of lewisturg, spent *unday at the hom: of the formet’s parents, Mr, and Mire, P. A, Leleter, a — have one This means a cost to «very mar, woman aud child in the world of $60.” bk reserved. Paper et Sa f + Already you will find this store crammed with spring Merchandise, and we are adding new lines al- most daily, New Dress Goods We are showing a very large assort- ment of dress goods in many pretty pat- terns and of extra good quality. It shouldn't be hard for you to make a choice from the new materials which we have recently purchased. NEW SHOES ARE HERE for Men, Women, Boys, Girls, and the Baby, The Spring and Summer Styles are here in full array, and it will pay you to look over this lot before deciding fi- nally in th: matter of your Spring Shoe purchases. Remember, it is our aim to keep our store inviting and interesting to you at all times, We strive to do this by constantly adding new lines which the ordinary country store feels it “unnecessary” to handle, It is our way to try to please you, Visit our store ; you are more than welcome. C. M. SMITH The Big Quality Store of Penns Valley CENTRE HALL Watch This Space for New Advertisement W. F. COLYER, Centre Hall, Pa, We received a beautiful line of Ladies’ Fine SILK GOWNS and COATS. Your outfit is ready for you. Just step in and make your selection. Waists of Every Description Georgette, Spanish Lace, Crepe de Chine, &c. MEN'S CLOTHING New Patterns and Models. You will find a big selection here. CS — A——————— New Spring High Top Brown Shoes | for women, at $3.75 to $5.98 i i Various other shades at same price KESSLER’S DEPARTMENT STORE MILLHEIM