I SPRING will be the great test of a life and death struggle on the Western front. In the everyday walks of life, it is the spring time that brings ill health. One of chief reasons why the run-down man March or April, is because he has spent within the walls It is the rea- five months penned u of house, factory or office. son for our diminished resistance—that is, lack of out-door life, coupled with perhaps over-eating, lack of good exer- cise, insufficient sleep, and constipation. In other words, we keep feeding the furnace with food but do not take out the “clinkers,” and our fire does not burn brightly, Always keep the liver active. here is nothing better for health than taking an occasional mild laxative, per- haps once a week; such a one as you can get at any drug store, made up of May-apple, jalap, aloes, (sugar-coated, tiny, easily taken ), which has stood the test of fifty years of approval—namely, Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. But for the “Spring Fever,” the general run-down condition, lack of ambition, the “blues,” one should take a course of treatment every spring: such a standard tonic as Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis- covery, now to be had in tablet form in sixtv-cent vials. Watch the people go plodding along the street. There's no spring, no vitality. A vitalizing tonic such as this vegetable extract of Dr Plerce's gives you the power to force yourself action. The brain responds to the new blood in circulation, and thus you're ready to make a fight against stagnation which } idage. Try it now! Don't ay is the day to begin. Gain a "and laugh and live. Vim and are the natural out-pouring of a body. It does not spring up in a the into Av. A Av a a a aw av A Don’t Use Any Other Than Cuticura Soap To Clear Your Skin ETO NY SY HELP WANILD [ote #8 Menthol lnbalens Address Cosmes Supply Howse, Box B18, Jewsit (ity, Cons oot . Menth ile Cure. Laboratories Cornell Company, Ine. LL, Great Barringwon, Mass W.N. U, BALTIMORE, NO. 13-.1918. ET. ® 5 oe AOS UE Net Conten ER | tena / 5 : "ar ” the Eris aLy "i f NEW YORK. Pk ALGOHOL~3 PER GENT. § AVegetabie Preparation brs similating the Food by Regula ting the Stomachs and Bowels o J RI bean i hE Theretry Promoting Digestion Cheerfulness and Rest Contains “I neither Opium, Morphine nof Mineral. NoT NARCOTIC Recipe of Gide SAMUEL PTR § Pronplsn Seed A Alx Sean Rachelle C2 Anise Sood Fegparmast ’ oS Laramie Jers Powe Tamd {Lartfied Spar Jristeryrren Fever SAW ARAY ¥ - nm 5 4 VAT CREE “dnte gs ADS Na y ' FRREGC EMER Na vel vaentey edinrrhon is bre ist nn anfancia AN EA A sv we a eed AIRES oe? ah Ya eEl An ERO AD Be NARCO FIOM A helpful Remedy for : Constipation and Diarrhoea. and Feverishness anc Loss OF SLEEP n psyiting therefrom in Infancy , ® ote He [ ge TAF Cres ae XE preven a bend aN EEEY oF 4 Fac Simile Signatore of GENTAUR oMPANY. Taz 7 NEW YORK. MOTP Linen niiae onl 2 NY cL mivin til oe a Exact Copy of Wrapper, Heavy Editorial. Alexander H. Stephens, vice presi dent ef the Southern Confederacy, who after the Civil war was repeated- ly elected to Georgia, One day there fell under his observation a news | congress from | | paper Item saying that he weighed 90 i | { | | | was an exceedingly thin man. pounds. In reply to this he wrote a letter to the editor of the offending Journal demanding an hmmediate re- traction. “I will not he this manner,” he protested, “my weight Is 04 pounds.” The former vice president was himself an editor, with a habit of writing very long articles for { his paper in Georgia, and the contem- slandered in statement regarding his welght refused to retract it for the reason, he of his editorials In his pocket when he last tried the scales. This wonld nceount for the difference of four pounds between the two figures.” Fate of the Duck. Two women day at the whole display made by ¢ poulterer in Smithfield ducks, blackened dried by long hanging in cold storage. “If yer arsks me,” re- marked one, pointing an accusing fin- ger at one of the birds, “that feller's Westminster Gazette, two and anda been gassed,” How's This ? We offer $100.00 for any that cannot be cured by CATARRH MEDICINE HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE | en Internally and acts through the B on the Mucous Surfaces of the Bvstem Sold by druggists for over forty years Price 7 Testimonials free F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. HALL'S Yet It Bored. First Elder—The had no point te it, Second Elder—And vet the greatly bored me, preaclier s sermon t had gh no point it Acid Btomach, Heartburn ulckly disappear with ndlan Vegetable Fills to 372 Pearl BL, Ne and Nausea the use of Wright's Send for trial box w York Adv Garfield blood punifi 1 and its many attendant ailments, Tea is Nature's laxative and er. it over nslipation Adv. GASTORIA For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature MNEs Of Use For Over Thirty Years GASTORIA THE CENTAUR SOWMPANY, NEW YOUR Orry, YW greater food production. able to be sent to the allies overseas ted States and Canada are asking for before the crop harvest. Upon the Farmer and Farm Hand Must Assist Wg operation. the men. States developed first of course; we want to direct him there. She has the land but needs States wanty every man who can It wants the land in the United | When- | supplied, | GBD Dre Dre Dv te Pra Pre Bee Gmt owen [meonly ; A ne 1 Sy HQ J ] Ton De Dna Pmt a Smtr rete neil signed a contract ment with 16 siate hii for one and eighth miles of vitrified ick paving on Front part the Lincoln highway. Order out from the offices of District Attorney Light for th re mayal at once of all punch boards and other gambling devices frfor- Leba- | non barber shops and cigar stores Abundance of food staples » | risburg is survey. For { deer, hway depart ¢ treet, a went shiown permitting his Simon Keiffer, of dogs to White Rundown by a freight train at | van Dell, Bernard L. Milton, was fatally injured. Girl elevator operators Syl proving many Altoona' office and department are a success In buildings The Grangers at Carlisle ha stores, famous interstate picnic of aban war, { {er} ireigi been doned for the duration of the Falling between cars o ! arles FF, Thomas, Brakeman C known athlete A's § "+ an Evang Salem » makers ibmitted =a iployers for a wage to $5 a day, start. ipotte, of elehrated their golden ary with a reunion and great-grand Riebe, of x started last fall from the that received Fame fnstrugt ons ommission fore any bounty will be paid. The Perks County P. 0. 8. of A worth of stampe, war savings and justice of the peace for Avoca. Lu | zerne county, State Sanatorium at Hamburg ECZEMA AND PILES Thousands and thousands of people, says | Peterson, are learning every week that one 80 cent box of Peterson's Ointment will abolish Eczema and banish piles, and the | grateful letters [ receive every day are worth more to me than money. | I had Eg¢zema for many years on my head and could not get anything to do it | any good. 1 saw your ad and got one box | and 1 owe you many thanks for the good | it has done me. There isn’t a blotch on my head now, and 1 couldn't help but | thank Peterson, for the cure is great, Mrs, | ve had itching pres for 15 years and | Peterson's is the only ointment that re | A. B. Ruger, 1127 Washington Ave | Wis. Use Peterson’s Ointment for old sores | salt rheum and all skin diseases. It ban | leasant to look upon. Druggists guaran | ee it, Adv. The Cockney's Tact. the French people, “Now, I got in a bit of a fix the other day,” sald Watkins. “1 billeted with a French family, and after I'd been shown to my room I started out for a walk. Well, I 'appened to apen the wrong door. It was an and there was a lady in the tub, was bathroom She let out a scream, and It might ‘ave been tion, but an deucedly embarrassing situa my tact saved the day” “Well, wot did va “I tos’ dong, monsieur.'"” back Boys Wanted to Be Sure. “I'l give one of vou hoy GREEN'S AUGUST FLOWER has been 4 household remedy all over the eis orld for more than half ry for constipation, intestinal troubles, Hzed w torpl generally ES TARY « the B A Valuable Iron Tonic for the Blood ROY BLESS chili TONIC Pung & and vou move frog Don't be a Infections or fammat whether fron Are promptly Eye Balsam healed at night up Philadelphia is building cente are building at In her yard one “ SSSA i VAVLV A . SS SSS em ee eee VaR a5 ATA VA — coc ce i Ved glava AAR, ee et SL ANL HI a VARTA prey am. cn —————————————————— © To The There is no foundation for the alleged violations of law attributed to our Com- pany by agents of the Federal Trade Commission and I want to say emphatic- ally that Swift & Company is not a party to any conspiracy to defraud the Govern- ment. Nor has Swift & Company been guilty of improperly storing foods or of making false entries or reports. Conferences of packers, where prices have been discussed, have been held at the urgent request and in the presence of representatives of either the Food Administration or the Council of National Defense. And yet the packers have been accused of committing a felony by acting in collusion on Government bids! We have done our best, with other packers, large and small, to comply with the directions of the United States Food Administration in all particulars, including the furnishing of food supplies for the U.S. Army and Navy and the Allies, now be. ing handled through the Food Adminis- tration, We will continue to do our utmost,un- der Government direction, to increase our production and assist the Food Adminis- tration. We consider that the opportunity to co-operate whole-heartedly and to our fullest powers with this branch of the Government is our plain and most press- ing duty. The Trade Commission Attorney has, by false inference and misplaced empha- sis, given to disconnected portions of the correspondence taken from our private files and read into the Record, a false and sinister meaning with the plain purpose of creating antagonistic public opinion. The services of the packers of the United States are most urgently needed, and I regret exceedingly that we should at this {ime have to spend our efforts in defending ourselves against unfounded, unproved, and unfair assertions such as are being daily made public. ”~ 2 No Xa I elu 7 President SST AT, Ts a 1 or Tees Your Silk ns for mak #3 } § i 8 Senet 0 NL LSS SSL SILLS RS SALT L ILLS Tg pm VAT g RG 75 hd Va aR 4 rg! AY Nr ———_... * x 0) 3 - LE oth ut _X- BB BS —— STE fo A wy i 0] ( " R Bags, Lamp Tablecover are in ible of doe — per week, the saving by using this recipe in % teaspoon salt 1 cup white flour 4 teaspoons Royal Baking Powder Roll out lightly on floured board. Cut with biscuit cutter and Apply to our Employment Service, and we will tell you where you can | bake in greased pan fifteen 10 twenty minutes. - ) netted $80 for the benefit of the local best serve the combined interests. Red Cross, Western Canada’s help will be required not later than April Sth, Wagey | Services were held in Ebenezer { Evangelical chirch, Reading, in mem. to competent help, $50.00 a month and up, board and lodging. | ory of Sergeant Paul H. Ludwig, re. I'hose who respond to this appeal will geta warm welcome, good wages, | cently killed in France as a member good board and find comfortable homes. They will get a rate of one cent | of the Rainbow division, 8 mile from Canadian boundary points to destination and return. { The Mauch Chunk Knights of Co. | For particulars as to routes and places where employment may be had | '9mbus have organized a club to vig apply to: U. S. EMPLOYMENT SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF LABOR | [77,7 promote the sale of war say. ngs stamps, Our new Red, White and Blue booklet, “Best War Time Reci pes,"’ containing many other rec.pes for making delicious and wholesome wheat saving oods, mailed ras ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., Dept. W, 135 William Street, New York FOOD WILL WIN THE WAR