POON WE RTO IR “BEST MEDICINE What Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Did For Ohio Woman. Portsmouth, Ohio.—**I sufferad from trregularities, pains in my side and was 80 weak at times 1 could Basgly get around to m four in m and three it made it very hard for me. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound was recommended to me. I took it and it has restored .| my health. It is ' certainly the best medicine for woman's ailments I ever saw. ’—Mrs. Sama SHAw, R. No. 1, Portsmouth, Ohio. relief as she did. should not drag along without giving this famous root and table Compound, a trial. to Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, experience is at your service. RHEUMATISM Lumbago or Gout? Take RHEUMACIDE to remove the cause and drive the poison from the system “RESUNMACIDE ON THR INSIDE PUTS RHEUNATISN OF THE OUTSIDER” At All Druggists Jas. Baily & Son, Wholesale Distributors Baltimore, Md. Red Cross Canteen Service. Y { { v The served nun! by A throug now teens 15.000 ing rapid that the 3 within a month fl service will be Soothe Itching Scalps. On retiring gently rub spots of dan- druff and itching with Cuticura Oint- ment. Next morning with Cuticura Soap and hot For free samples address, “Cuticura, Dept. X Boston.” At druggists and by mail Soap 25, Ointment 25 and 50.—Adv. water, Chinese Bellis. Chinese and Ja periess and tones being produced by stril with wooden panese bells are clap- are never swus in ! To Sharpen Razors. If razor are placed strong razors will be fiat, idiy and accura hones Magnets, und t can tely. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets, late liver, bowels and Any small boy snowballs ean nu tremble. with an armful } strong ne A ma Dr Peery's “Dead Ehot™ Worms or Tapeworm but cieans mucus in which they breed snd ihe digestion Une dose sulliclent the out british mixed in food is According cinnamon jent Tn n physics preventative against meas HEALTH WAS WRECKED Nothing Brought Relief Until Dean's Were Used. Wonderful Improvement Was Effected, *I had such awful cutting pains in the small of my back and hips, 1 often had to cry out,” says Mrs, Er- nest Wiethoelter, 550 Madison St, St. Charlies, Mo. “The pain 1 knife-like and I couldn't turn in bed, in fact I was almost helpless, My feet and ankles swelled hadly, my hands were puffed Ip and there were swellings under $y eyes, “1 often 80 dizzy 1 had sit down to keep from falling and my health was complete- ly broken down. The kidney secre tions pained terribly in passage and in spite of all the medicine I took, I kept getting worse until I was a wreck. “By chance I rend about Doan's Kidney Piils and bought some, After I had used half a box there was a change and I continued to tmprove; the pains, aches and swellings left and my henith returned.” Sworn to before me, WM. F. WOLTER, Notary Public. ALMOST TWO YEARS LATER, May 25, 1017, Mrs. Wiethoelter said: “I think as highly of Doan's as ever, Whenever I have used them, they have benefited me.” Get Doan’s at Any Store, 60c » Box DOAN’S ®iaNE PILLS CO, BUFFALO, N. Y. A BAD COUGH is risky to neglect. Take it In hand, and safeguard your health by promptly taking got to NEW YORK.—Corn, spot, kiln dried, No, 2 yellow, $1.92, and 4 vellow, $1.85, cost and freight, York, 15 days shipment; $2.05, cost and freight, to arrive. Qat: Butter Creamery, higher than ex tras, 523 @53¢; extras (92 score), 52; firsts, 47@5H1%; seconds, 43@46% Eggs-—Hoesh gathered extras, 65c; extra firsts, 63@64; firsts, 61%; steady INK New Standard, 93% @ 94. fancy. 73@ 75; nearby hennery, brown, 665@66, frige ator, special marks, 43; firsts, 4 @42%. Cheese--State, whole, milk, fresh, specials, 21% @24c; do, average run, 238. Dressed Poultry fowls, 19@28%:; re Go Lowe Chickens, &i6, turkeys, 30@34 PHILADELPHIA ment $2.27; $2.24; prices $2.19; Wheat standard inspection, No No. 1, soft, No No. Minimum No No. 3 No. 4 red, $2.18; No. 4 No. § red, 32.15; No #( sample grade, red, $2.04@2.13; $202@2.11 2 Western, in export ele per bushel; nearby, $1.75@ 1.80 per bushel Western No. 2, No. 3, nominal; do do, No. §, nominal No. white, white, 81% @52 white, 31¢ 01%: No. 4, white Poultry-—Fowls, do, small to Govern 1 S Or did, §2.22 red, $2.21; soft, a soft soft 1 $2.15; sample grade soft, Rye No, vator, $1.86 vb Corn vellow m- 4, n inal; do, N¢ Oats 92G 92140 No Qa sl Ave heavy, extr . 26@2c; medium chickens, roosters, 19@ 20 In i Har QO Gian 1 fancy, June, 2 made, best, 23@23% fresh-made, fair to good 22Q 22 JALTIMORE. Wheat soft $2.25 $2 nt i « ara N¢ Nt % fe a 2, soft 22 white, 80 %6¢ Hye $188@1.59 no. NO Weste lots bag - EXIM rt nearby No Hay tandard 2, $2800@ 2 No G0 timothy, timothy 1 $2050@G3 $29.00@ 29.54 No 0 - @ 28.50; lover No mixed, Vi 26.5 do, 0.00G 2 i creamery, blocks 12G 45 and Penr nearby, and JACKS Pennsyvivania 26. process butter Eggs Asking pr £2 os ohha cald storage CERES Are quote ad at 0G 42 pet Live Poultry—Chickens Smooth, 26@ 27 “Ego 27G 28 Muscovy, 24 @25;: White Pekins @26;. puddle, 3% !bs. and over, 24 do, emaller, poor, 20@22. Geese—Maryland Virginia, fat, 26@26: Western Southern, 24@25; Kent Island heavy, 26@27. Turkeys young hens, 30; do, do, gobblers, 284 30¢ hs to poor, rough, hens, 4 and over do, 10, amall medium, Ducks old and and fat, 30; Dressed Hogs Maryland and weights, 20@21; Southern Maryland and Virginia lightweights, 19@20; choice mediumweights, 19@20; heavy weights, smooth, 17@18; and sows, 16@ 16. Choice Pennsylvania slags PISO’S Live Stock KANSAS CITY, MO. Hoge--Bulk, §$16.20@16.45; heavy, $16.40@16.55; packers and butchers, $16.30@16.50; light, $16@16.40; pigs, $13G 15.60, Sheep—Lambs, $16@17.10: vear lings, $1250@14; wethers, $11.50Q@ 12.76; ewes, $0.50@12. Lambs and Sheep—Lambs, choice, 40@70 lbs. fat, 18; do, heavy bucks, 16@16: do, rough and poor, 18@14 Sheep, No. 1, 9@ 10. i i | i PROVEN SWAMP-ROOT AIDS WEAK KIDNEYS The symptorgs of kidney and bladder trouMes are often distressing and leave the system in a run-down condition, The kidneys seem to suffer most, as al most every victim complains of lame back | and urinary troubles wiich should not be | neglected, as these danger signals often { lead to more dangerous kidney troubles. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root which, so { many people say, soon heals and strength. | ens the kidneys, is a splendid kidney, | Yver and bisdder medicine, and, bein | an herbal compound, has a gentle heals ing effect on the kidneys, which is al | mo#t ‘immediately noticed in most cases by those who use if. A trial will convince anyone who may | be in need of it. Better get a bottle from | your nearest drug store, and start treat | ment at once. However, if you wish first to test this | great preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. for a sample bottle, When writing be sure and very Chicago quarantine check pueumonin may to A torpld liver prevents proper food assim. fiation 3 up your iver with Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills. They act gently. Adv. one European factories each week make 160.000, 000 of artificial as a base, | about i butter pounds with coconut oll Constipation, | | course of Garfield Tea. Drink on retiring. Ady, Sugar Produced in Paraguay. Paraguay in 19017 produced tons of sugar, «fourth home con- i sumption requirements, Following His Bent. “My boy always liked to get at the bottom of things." “Where Is he now? “In the t: To Drive Out Malaria And Build Up The System Take the Old Standard GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC | | i { | { i i T0 CURB “0” BOATS “Sea Jitneys” Suggested for At- tack on German Bases. Canadian Naval Airplane Fighter, Home to Recover From Shrapnel Wounds Expresses an Opinion, Theorizing about war conditions hus grown quite as tiresome, no doubt, to has to most of the people who write for them. Ye! pow and then, you ‘meet a man who theorizes from the facts of experience and knowledge and who points something out that gives food for thought. Buch a case, It seemed to several of us, when a quiet little chap, son of 8 Canadian million- alre, told us his view of the war In spondent of the Cincinnati Times-Star writes, { { i { { BECIPE FOR GRAY HAIR. To half pint of water add 1 oz. Ba um, a small box of Barbe Compound, snd 14 oz. of glycerine. Any druggist can | put this up or you can mix it at home at | very little cost. Full directions for mak- Compound. It will gradually darken sticky or greasy, and does not rub off. Adv, | Kaiser Eats War Food. i War menus recently figured on the | kalser's table, for he 18 reported to | anve entertained the chancellor, Von | Hindenburg, and Von Ludendorff to | vegetable soup, pulling and cheese, | St. Paul Is expanding toymaking {in lustry. —————————— A FIGHT FOR LIFE It has been fight or dle for many of us | im the past and the lucky ople are | cover from shrapnel wounds received some thousands of feet above a town on the Belgian coast, “The outstanding fact, just he sald, “is that the German U-boats are doing pretty nearly as much of Dr. Plerce's called “An-u-ric.” You | should promptly heed these warnings, | of the urine or the painful page. To delay may make possible the The Germans are aimost justified in into submis. sion. If we don't find a new and suc- cessful way to combat the U-boats the situation in England will soon be very But It entirely new in warfare. I am convinced that success must be something For my part, can be perate undertaking of assaults by sea 1 say ‘appar- desperate” By any known or printed on every label, showing it is Quinine and Iron in a tasteless form. The Quinine drives out malaria, the Iron builds up the system. Go cents To Calculate Amperage. ¥ > af SOTMOIWY i t placed the United i food ad The president's action tion of the in answer to a threatened she +} irl. ie supply of arsenical hich are the his ore ps agal the “biting insects.” Oth if Prices of Monkeys Soaring. would think that the European nid g do with Well, it does, too, says the Popular have anythin to monkeys? The price of monkeys food, paper, shoes, ir of the pathologist sorrow of the hurdy-gurdy with desta a x he causes for the sudden cor ner world monkeys Is the closing of the ® wild market lack of animal and the lities. Not lon: f the ns principal at Hamburg shippir e foe patholog henith bore {ee Rout tseormany lor ngo the public Wash wanted American monkeys for nental purposes. They appealed animal des in this zoos, and to the sallors finally purchased six at “is 1 tional nt ngton 1 a « exper OZet h {to every wild the wd aie Tr country, to ports, ai + £18 enc? “The German harbors are mined, netted from end to end and fortified with shore batteries of heavy and alreraft guns. How can the bases be attacked? Well, of that will be settled by some one else than IL but I have heard a theoretical plan of attack proposed by one of our naval men which made a u He said thousands of small subs remendous ref Course, “i gion on me “ 1 thing like u turers the ‘set ’ t have talked abou into the German harbors with of them, at the risk of losis out of hundres 8. Barrage fire and Ix been the new and successful land fight “This officer's proposal is thing like an undersea duplication this plan of Most of the little boats would be lost, no doubt, but 1 of them in terial damage with one or two does, Nets would be blown away, exploded, guard ships suak and such oth nine every i Crew ng. gtinck. “ would succeed doing $ ¥ mines or disorganization of the harbor de- tenses accomplished as to give the big ships a chance to complete the work. Yes it's true that a man would hardly worry about his return trip if he went In on one of these little boats, It would be work for volum- teers, But volunteers would be plentiful enough. That I am sure of. “j# such attacks promised to win the fight aguinst the U-bonts, would be willing to go. It would enough for them to know that were striking the sea murderers and that some of them the be they German Schooling. German schooling has proved antag- although de manding unity of action through mass It has falled to foster real for co-operation is a method by which persons of thelr own no compulsion may together harmoniously, writes Winthrop Talbot in the Century Magn- gine. Only when training and school ing are the common privilege of all Is that state of civic development possi ble which permits society to become co a soclslized society becomes more and more possible only as all individual members acquire each the widest ate harmoniously. The Crow. { have seen no bird walk thé ground with just the same air the crow does, strut or swagger in it, though perhaps just a little condescension ; it is the contented and self-possessed gait of a lord over his domains. All these acres are mine, he says, and all these crops; men plow and sow for me, and 1 stay here or go there, and find life sweet and good wherever 1 am. The hawk looks awkward and out of place on the ground; the game birds hurry and skulk, but the crow is at home and treads the earth as If there were none to molest or make him afraid.-—John Burroughs. The Mystery of Love. Love Is the great mystery of life. It may be the growth of years, months or an instant, says the Christian Her ald. Man sees a million beautiful faces: he hears a million sweet voices; he meets a million wémen with flowers ‘at their breasts and light In their eyes wand they do not touch him. Then he ‘secs the one, and she holds him for life and death. She is no nobler, bet. ter or more beautiful than were those he passed by, and yet his world ls empty without her. Assuredly there fs far more than fashion in this uni yersal force we call love, | i | | To overcome these distressing condi. dons take plenty of exercise in the open alr, avold a heavy meat diet, drink freely and at each meal take Dr, Plerce's Anuric Tablets (double strength). will, In a short time, find that you sre one of the firm indorsers of Anuric, as are thousands of neighbors, Btep into the drug store and ask for a 60c bottle of Anuric, or send Dr. V. M *lerce, Buffalo, N. Y., for trial pkg many times more potent than dthia, eliminates uric acid as hot water neits sugar. 10c¢ J. 8B. St. l« Roper, hos Way reuring at JULs, traveled O80 fis a rail conductor. Constipation can be cured without drugs Nature's own remedy—selected herbs—u Garfield Tea. Adv. Plenty of It, She Talk | ! He (acidly) Fliers En r the & Ih d Strike. Durr wirike recent Catarrhal op BRppa a Deafness Cannot Be Cured hey cannot rea 3 of the rere Be i diseased port only one way 1« nd that Is by a cons 3t aly LIS CATARRH MEDICINE acts sul the Blood on the Mucous SBurfaces the Bystem. Catarrhal Deafness Is ged by an Inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the FEustachian Tube When this tube is Inflaumed you have a rombiing sound or imperfect hearing. and when It is entirely closed, Deafness is the result. Unless the inflammation can be re- duced and this tube restored to its nor. mal condition, hearing may be destroyed forever Many cases of Deafness are caused by Catarrh, which is an inflamed condition of the Mucous Burfaces ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS any ease of Catarrhal Deafness that cannot cured by HALL'S CATARRR MEDICINE. All Drugzists Tc. Circulars frees F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio ear ire Catar reals for Merely Lazy. The town sitting at the city 1} Bits, was asked by a lad: clerk, fii, MUSES the telephone put a three “There is no cha the clerk. “Oh, but yo enny- 3 I indy. “I'd seriously. rather not” “You ROE, money it becor es the prog then make itor city. 1 must to the the tres Then there ports about ance of about two pounds’ worth me a favor and take it back.” “You are very kind,” said the lady “Not at all” “I'm only lazy." Ihe ag surer in penny-bit ’ Of : and this three work : taste sald the clerk. Meant Business. She—1 like the the men has talking in the days of old when kr were bold. He—How did they tal She—They had a habit “Ah, marry, will 1!” Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of way k? of { for infants and children, and see that it » Bears the Bignature of ) In Use for Over 30 Years, Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria | Self Deception Easy. Nothing is more easy than to de celve one's self, us our affections are | subtle persuaders.—Demosthenes. n the Pneumonia dls CASCARA QUININE %%0 MO The old family remedy in tabinl form , sure, cary to take. Me ures colds in 14 hours LR days. Kimey bach 1 1¢ fain. Gein of Old-Time Fairmont, W, Va—"8ince I cam so» member, when ® boy at homme, Bem, Plerce's reasadien were used In my family at fe ent thoes and they always proved to be Jue as advertised. [ personally have taken the Cekd- en Medical Dlg covery’ and know it to be a splendid remedy for the blood, liver and shame nach or deep-seated coughs and bees chial trouble. 1 have also taken the ‘Pleasant Pellets)’ They clear ene system of nll impurities and ia weg mild and egsy manner. I know olf De Plerce's remedies to be good.” Hi NEAL, 808 Virginia Ave. All druggists.—Adv, c—— Eat Them Quickly. Orage at 12 cents, is Ba ration of Berliners. The tate that as large part of rom which this modest eo~ ire products of tae ve are urged te "Petrik 1 consume hewn delay.” BOSCHEE'S GERMAN SYRUP ough remedies, Syrep bas gefully for Gftpene of fhe United bronchitis, eokds especially bang ¢ patient a good m coughing, with the movaiag, » to soothe Ge 7 the disenes, y regain bis rod cogtiries ex INNeCessnry Why when been us use ordinary « Bossche serman YOeurs States wstal card to Garfield Tea Co, Brack : sking for a sample . mpl achelor is a man whe is foe November npend DER Distemper Can Be Controlled by vaing Dm Davin Ronee FEVER PASTE 3% and WHITE LININENT 333 Hor - Practical Home Vetavioesinm Rend Tor [ree booklet om Apeayrres In Cows 1 po dealer In pune Sonny write Sr. David Roberts Vel Ca, 100 Grand Rweose, Wcesia, U0 A Hard Nut to Crack When a cold hits you in the bead or throat, it's hard to get rid of it Don't experiment, Break it up with Hale's Honey of Horehound and Tar. Prompt and effective All druggists, 25cts. a bottle. $4 it Try Pike's Toothache Drege KAISER BILLY AND HIS BATTLING BLOCKS cture 1H212 inches, Interesting Battle Beene. A world wide The big- EF rear ram + | A Hull fishing skipper has earned | £125,000 since the war broke out, and | another made $75,000 in two years, a Eee rs i