The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, November 15, 1917, Image 7

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    RA EH SE Sg gp REY
“Blue” and Worried?
“Blue,” worried, halfsick people
ould find out the cause of their trou-
les. Often it is merely faulty kidney
action, which allows the blood to get
loaded up with poisons that irritate the
nerves. Backache, headaches, dizziness
and annoying bladder troubles are add-
ed proofs that the kidneys need help.
Use Doan’s Kidney Pills. Thousands
thank them for relief from just such
A Virginia Case
P..T. Timber. wg,
aya. 8. Rowland Pictare Tells & Stary”
quent spells of J
cramps in my hands 4
feet and limbs and ’
was almost helpless (4
for a long time. 1
don't know how
ever stood the knife-
like pains that shot
through my A
After I had
thirteen boxes /
Doan's Kidney Pills
I was cured entirely
and 1 have enjoved . ]
better health since then, than I ever
had before.”
Get Doan'’s at Any Store, 60c a Box
has been a household panacea all over
the civilized world for more than half
a century for constipation, intestinal
troubles, torpid liver and the generally
depressed feeling that accompanies
such disorders. It is a most valuable
remedy for Indigestion or nervous dys-
| pepsia and liver trouble, bringing on
| headache, coming of up food, palpita-
‘tion of heart and many other symp-
toms. A few doses of August Flower
‘will immediately relieve you. It is a
gentle laxative, Ask your druggist,
Sold In all civilized countries.—Adv,
No One Believes Him.
| ‘The patriotism of the man who buys
| booze early to avold the war tax ls
| doubtful,
! Many people Imagine that Worms or Tapes
, worm cannot be gotten rid of entirely.
| Those who have used “Dead Shot"—Dr
| Poery’s Vermifuge, know that they can. Adv.
| ———————————— w-
| A stingy woman 1s one who won't
let you eat the jam she has made un
{ til snow flles,
The Brute.
| “He's Indifferent to suffering.”
“Not to his own, I'll bet."—Judge
grain growing.
into grain. There is a great demand for
Canadian Government Agent
Write now for our
ears we have
Where Many Stop.
What is regarded is a stepping
stone 0 husiness often proves an eter-
aal roosting place.
Housekeepers Can Save
$200,000,000 on Food
In these days when the high cost of liv.
ing pinches nearly every home, no waste
should be overlooked.
flagrant and the most easily prevented, Is
the destruction of food by rats. One rat
will often do a hundred dollar’ damage of
food and property in a single night, and a
careful estimate gives over §200.000.000 as
the value of foodstuffs destroyed annuall
by these pests. Exterminate them with
Stearns’ Paste and save this enormous
Lome of food. A small box of Stearns’
Paste costs only 25 cents aad is usual-
ty enough to completely rid the hogise of
rate and mice; also effective against cock~
roaches and waterbugs. Adv.
Natural End.
“What has become of Professor Fa-
kem's balloon school?”
“I hear it has gone up.”
important to Mothers
Examine carefully every bottle of
CASTORIA, that famous old remedy
for infants and children, and see that it
Bears the
Bigrature of LZ
fn Use for Over 30 Years.
Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria
New York Jews postponed
#1 peace Is declared,
When Memory Lasts.
There Is one thing a man
remembers ~~ and that is
Save Your
Cash and
Your Health
%0 \
Costa less, hod
24 Tablets for 250.
At Any Drug Store
W. N. U, BALTIMORE, NO. 45-1917,
| town and was showing a prospective
| pride to a pretty little
| completed.
| “Do you belong to
asked the visitor.
church belongs to me.”
maintained b
the great kidn
It is a physician's prescription,
Swamp-Root is a strengthening medi-
rivate practice. It helps the kidneys,
iver and bladder do the work mature in-
tended they should do.
Swamp-Root has stood the test of years.
it will help you. No other remedy can
successfully take its place.
treatment at once.
great preparation send ten cents to Dr.
sample bottle. When writing be sure and
mention this paper.—Adv.
Spoken With Feeling.
“How about your wife?”
“You used to complain that she
didn’t know how to market, wouldn't
: shop around, couldn't remember prices
| and all that.”
| “She does now. Prices nawadays
| are engraved on your heart.”
Wright's Indlan Vegetables Plils contain
nothing bul vegetable Ingredients, which act
gently as a tonic and purgative. Adv,
Want Cheaper Gas,
Mayor Buschemeyer has started a
| fight for cheaper gus for Loulsville,
To keep clean and healthy take Dr.
Plerce’s Pleasant Pellets. They regu-
late liver, bowels and stomach,—Ady.
The wise man profits by the expert
ence of others—at the same time mix
ing In a little originality.
' Buccess depends almost as much
on what a man Is as what he does,
Movies 111/108 THe Ets.
NEW YORK — Corn—Spot steady)
No. 2 yellow, $2.15 and No. 2 mixed,
$2.13 cif New York.
Oats—Spot easy; standard, 66@66%.
Butter—Creamery extras (92 score),
d4c; firsts, 4234 @43%c; seconds, 41@
Eggs — fresh gathered eatras, 47@
48c; extra firsts, 44@46c; firsts, 40Q@
43¢c; seconds, 36@89¢c; State, Pennsyl-
vania and nearby Western hennery
whites, fine to fancy, 70@76c; Stats,
Pennsylvania and nearby hennery
browns, 50@%0c.
Cheese -— State, fresh speciale, 22Q
22%c; do, average run, 21%e.
ment standard inspection: No. 1 red,
$2.27; No. 1 soft red, $2.25; No. 2 red,
$2.24; No. 2 soft red, $.22; No. 3
red, $2.21; No. 3 soft red, $2.19; No.
4 red, $2.17; No. 4 soft red, $2.15;
Corn—Western, No, 2 yellow, $2.20Q
2.256; do, No. 3, do, nominal; do, No.
4, nominal; do, No. §, do nominal.
Oats—No. 2 white 66@66%¢c; stand-
ard white, 6536 @66; No. & white, 644
@65c; No. 4 white, 64@64%¢c.
tre, fic;
46c; extra firsts,
seconds, 41@ 42¢;
4334¢c; firsts,
nearby prints, fancy, 48¢c; average ex-
tra, 46@47¢c;: firsts, 44@45¢c;
bing at 51@ b4c.
nearby current
case, do, seconds,
receipts, $12.80
$11.56@ 11.85
$11.55@11.85 per
eggs, extra, $11.70;
case; refrigerator
firste, $10.80; sec
@53¢c per dozen.
June, 26e¢; specials,
made best, 23
24c, the latter
Idve Poultry—-Spring chickens, not
according to quality, 20@
White Leghorns, 19g 21; ducks,
per pair,
guineas, oid,
palr, 60@65¢c; pigeons, old, per
and $2.24 for No. 2
Corn—Carlots of No. 3 vellow corn
Cob Corn
Oats-—Standard white,
Rye — Western spot, No. 2
Hay—Timothy-—-No. 1,
No. 2, $26
$27; stand-
28; No. 2,
No. 1.
$2450@25. Clover mixed,
$24.50@25;: No. 2, sng.
$20@21; No. 2, M17@
18; No. 3, $11@14.
Straw--Straight rye — No. 1, $17@Q
17.60; No. 2, $16.50. Tangled—No. 1
$13@ 14; No. 2, $12@12
1, $11.50@12. No. 2, 310§10.50.
No. 1, §13@13.60; No. 2, $12@12.50.
Butter — Creamery, fancy, {5@46:
45%%c. do nearby, 41@42¢c; ladles, 37@
rolls, 34@35¢; West Va. rolls, 34@ 36¢;
Pa. dairy prints, 35@ 26e¢.
Eggs—Maryland, Pennsylvania and
nearby. 46c; Western, 45; West Vir-
Southern, 43.
Live Poultry-Chickens—Old hens. 4
Ibs and over, 24@26¢; do, do, small to
horns, 22@ 23; old roosters, 15: spring.
ers, smooth, fat, 24@26: do, rough and
poor, 22@23; do, White Leghorns, 23Q
24. Ducks—Young Pekings, 3% Iba,
and over, 22@23;: do, puddle, do, do,
do, 21@22; do, Muscovy, do, do, do,
21G 22; do, smaller, 20. Geese—Near.
by, 19G20; Western and Southern, 18
@19. Turkeys—{Young, & Ibs and over,
28; do, do, smaller, 25@26: do. old,
27@28. Pigeons—Young, per pair, 20;
old, do, 20.
| Potatoes —— Western Maryland and
Pennsylvania cholee round, per bu,
$1.40@1.45; do, do, long. do, $1.35@
1.40; New York and Jersey, do, $1.36@
1.40; Eastern Shore, Maryland and Vir
ginia Cobblers, per bu, $1.30@1.25; do,
do, do. MoCormicks, do, $1.2001.25;
New York and Jersey, per 50-1b. sack,
Calves-~Cholece, handy-welght veals,
per 1b, 15%e; veals, do, do, 1414; light,
ordinary, do, 13%: heavy, smooth
fat ealves per head, $256@28: heavy,
rough calves, do, $15@18; small, thin
calves, do, $8@10.
Lambs and Sheep-Cholee, fat theep,
8@9: spring, choice, fat, do, 16; fair
to medium grade lambs, do, 14% @18,
Beef Cattle — Young, fat steers, in
ing under 1,000 Ibs. per Ib, 708; bull,
Ib in good order, 6Q7%.
Clarksburg, W. Va.—*I heard of Dr. |
Plerce's remedies and used them
: when living In|
g Ridgway, W. Va., |
where we kept a
store. Iwasina
h “delicate way and
Vex ‘Favorite Pre
7 scription’ with
i} ‘Golden Medical | ty I
Discovery’ made | ag
me comfortable | hime gl vil mess SX BOG
and bullt me up. HARRY LEVY
I was greatly | § u0:36 Wes 26th St, New York City
benefited and I! By, ASSOGIMEION
am glad to rec-! Of St ae Ott of Hew Tork.
ommend t”—MRS8. JOHNBON AN-
DERSON, School Bt.
Get the “Prescription” today, in lig-
uid or tablet form, from any druggist,
or send Dr. Plerce, Buffalo, N, Y,, 10 |
cents for large trial package.
Many a man has fallen down because a
test of his water showed unmistakably
that he had kidney disease.
Tha kidneys are the scavengers and
they work day and night in separating
the poisons from the blood. Thelr signals
of distress are easily recognized and in-
clude such symptoms as backache, de-
pressions, drowsiness, irritability, head-
aches, dizziness, rheumatic twinges,
dropsy, gout. :
“The very best way to restore the |
If you prefer
Ei 17] Sn
will return your furs to
fics ie igor dos]
kidneys to thelr normal state of health
and cure such symptoms,” says Dr.
Pierce. of Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N, Y.,
“is to drink plenty of water and obtain
from your favorite pharmacy a #-cent
bottle of An-u-tle, double strength,
which is digpensed by almost every drug.
gist.” You will ind Anuric more potent
Every Woman Wants
ln Nia. hay Yes Wik aio ho "A Dr. Plerce's Pleasant Pellets are |
7, »
Send Dr. Plerce 10c for trial pkg. and | Purely vegetable with no calomel.— | LX ALL
ask for advios If there is need. ~~ Adv. EEE EIT
You Look As YOU FEEL
You know well enough when your liver is loafing.
CONSTIP ATION is the first warning; then you
begin to ‘feel mean all over.”
Your skin soon gets the bad news, it
grows dull, yellow, muddy and un-
Violent purgstives are not what you
need — just the gentle help of this old- COOD HOUSEKEEPING, $2 00
time standard remedy. 2 Years Subscription .
Small Dose, Small Price HEARSTS MAGAZINE,
Small Pi, » 8 . 2 Years Subscription $2.00
Daaviae Sow Roe! Mrs. E. M, Likes, 1718 Evtaw Place, Baitimors, May
signature |
MUSIC LOVERS 12.0 Siam Prone
fh for Jess than BL. Particulan free. Uo-Operativg
usic Co., Boot Wi, 3 Bromfield Bt. Boston, Mask
ill greatly help most pale-faced people. § G76 ACRES 127 120 frareied med
. center, BIO per acre. ©. P. Perkins Magnolia, Texas
Special Offer for 10 Days
Sh QPOLIAN ription $2.00
BSENCE of Iron in the
Blood is the reason for
many colorless faces but
Middle Aged |]
Are Here Told the Best Remedy
for Their Troubles.
Freemont, O.—*1 was passing through the eritical
period of life, being forty-six years of age and had all
the symptoms incident to that change — heat flashes,
nervousness, and was in a general run down condition,
80 it was hard for me to do my work. Lydia E. Pink-
ham's Vegetable Compound was recommended to me as
the best remedy for my troubles, which it surely proved
to be. I feel better and stronger in Svery way since
taking it, and the annoying symptoms have disap-
eared.” Mra. M. Gobpex, 925 Napoleon St., Fremont,
North Haven, Conn ~*‘'Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta-
ble Compound restored my health after everything else
had failed when passing through change of life. There
is nothing like it to overcome the trying symptoms.”
~Mrs. Frorexce lszrra, Box 197, Nort T Conn.
In Such Cases
has the greatest record for the greatest good,
Prize Boy Farmers. ! For the Soldier.
Milwaukee last summer sent 320! Buffalo will provide recreation for
high school boys to work on farms. | selective draft soldiers in New York
| All won medals, | state camps,
| ra oe
Show a disposition to be an easy |
make good.
$100 Reward, $100 | preen—
Catarrh is a local disease greatly influ. Whenever eed General onic |
enced by constitutional a It You N a * T
therfore. oy ites ASShaiutional | trent, Take Grove's
me Ad - EDICIN A
is thicen internally and acts through the ig Old » Standard Grove's Tasteless
Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the Sys. Chill Tonic is equally valuable as a Geo-
tem. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE eral Tonic because it contains the well
destroys the foundation of the disease, known tonic properties of QUININE and
IRON. It acts on the Liver, Drives ont tarrh? If you haven't get it at once
Malaria, Eariches the Blood and Builds It will cure you.—Adv.
gives the tient strength by improving
the general health and assists nature in
up the Whole System. 60 cents i -
A ———— i Sharp and to the Point.
doing its work. $00.00 for any case of
Catarrh that HALL'S CATARRH
Where Money Counts. Hammer—Mr. Tack is a witty feb
When a woman is proud of her | low,
MEDICINE falls to cure.
propia 6c. Testimonials free.
| daughter's husband, you can wager he | Screwdriver—Yes: his remarks an
{has a large wad. | 80 very pointed.
Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio,
Have you ever used MOTHER'S JOY
SALVE for Colds, Coughs, Croup and
Pneumonia, Asthma, and Head Ow
When a man is sure of his job, he
likes to mass the boss,
Royal Baking Powder
~ saves eggs in baking
In many recipes only half as many eggs are required, in some
none at all, if an additional quantity of Royal Baking Powder
is used, about a teaspoon, in place of each egg omitted.
Try the fo recipes which also conserve white
Corn Meal Griddle Cakes Eggless, Milklias, Butterless
| % teasposn salt
an. 1
1 brows sugar
AE, | SEE So
(The Old Method [Frat Cake] called for 2 ogee)
Hp 4]
| for 2 egg)