The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, October 25, 1917, Image 4

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SMITH & BAILEY , . . . « Froprietors
8S. W.SMITH . . +. « + + « + + Bditer
Loo) a
EDWARD BE. BAILEY | Boot anager
* Entered at the Post Office in Centre Hall as
second Olass mall matter,
TERMS, ~The terms of subscription to the Re-
porter are one and one-half dollars per year,
TISING gr lay sdyertus
mentof ten or more inches, ree or m
portions, ten oents per inch for each issue. Dis
Jiaz atvertising oooup leas space than ten
es and for less than three insertions, from
fifteen to twenty-five cents per inch for each
fssue, according to oom tion. Minimum
charge. seventy-five cents,
Looal notices accom ying
lug Sve cents per line for
, eight cents per line,
twenty-five cents,
notices, twenty cents per line for three
1 ons, and ten cents per line for each ad-
ditional insertion,
display advertis-
insertion ; other-
um charge,
Presbyterian,~Centre Hall, morning
Reformed —Tusseyville, afternoon; Centre Hall,
Lutheran—Union, morning ; Georges Valley,
afternoon; Centre Hall, evening.
District 8, 8, convention will be
held at Tusseyville, Friday, November
Wednesday morning the ground
was covered with snow, the first of
the season,
H. G. Btrohmeler, the marble deal-
er, swapped his Ford car on =a
Which would you sooner de, loan
our government money at four per
cent., or pay the war debt of Germany
in the form of taxes 24
The Perry County Times has been
reduced fr m an eight-page to a four-
page paper. Editor Lebo says it was
necessary to reduce expenses or raise
the subecription price,
Buying a liberty bond is about the
least service that one with a spare
“fifty ” can give. Whiie others are
offering their lives the man with mon-
ey is only asked to loan it to the gov-
ernment at a fair rate of interest,
Ladies Toggery Bhop wishes to an-
nounce that in connection with the
tailored to individual measure coat
suite, seperate coats, separate skirts
and corsets, they will have a stock of
ready to wear coate, waists, and oo1*
sets, along with Bwitzerland embroid-
ered wool and silk georetite crepe in
drees patters for both evening and
street wear. Bpring street, Bellc-
fonte, adv.
——— i —————
Epring Mills School Report;
Following ls a report of the first
month of echool in the Bpring Mills
Spring Mills Urammar school :
Those present every day daring
month: Eugene Blegel, John Gram-
ley, John Meyers, Charles Hacken-
berg, Leland Kline, Grace Dunkle,
Katie Ream, Isabel Lee, Catharine
Hostermap, Vera Binkabine, Num-
ber enrolled, males 11, females 13.
Those reaching an average of §5 per
cent, and above at the monthly ex-
amination : Martha Weaver, Grace
Daunkle, Isabel Lee, Vera Binkabine,
Charles Hackenberg, John Gramley,
Catharine Hosterman, Beatrice Decx-
er, Alma Corman, David Hosterman.
—JE. E. Haney, teacher.
Primary school.—QGirls present
every day during the month): Dorothy
Bartley, Barah Duck, Elizabeth Gen-
tzel, Dorothy Lee, Helen McCool ;
94 per cent. average for girls. Boys
present every day during month :
Mearl Bartley, Morris Boob, Nevin
Musser, Russell Gentszell, Alvin Miller,
Carl Myers, Jona Ripka, Clifford Wil-
fame, Henry Zuby. 92 per cent,
average for boye.~Ruth Bmith,
———— ———————
Governor's # ppointments Hold,
The Dauphin county eourt decided
that the Governor of Penveylvnia has
the right to appoint 20 office after the
final adjournment of the legislature
the same men that occupied the posi-
tion previously, President Judge
Kankel wrote the decision, which up-
holds Governor Brumbaugh at every
point, Auditor General Bnyder had
refused to pay salaries because the
Legislature bad failed to confirm the
The men directly concerned are
Banking Commissioner Lafear, Secre-
tary of Agriculture Patton, Printing
Buperintendent Long and Fish Come
missioner Buller, Three other men—
Wm. Young
examiner of ex-
are also Included.
Commissioner Young
Jat led gins the question was pend.
Pasture conditions have increased
and are now rated at 65 per cent. by
Little Deer, Uhased by Dogs, Sought Refage
on Grange Park. —D, W, Bradford Has
It in Ubarge. /
Hoores of people visited the barn of
D. W. Bradford, in Centre Hall, on
Tuesday and Wednesday, to get a
glimpse of a live deer, Bure they had
seen lots of them, but only after a
hunter's bullet had laid them out.
The beauty, innocence and native
“spunk” can only be appreciated in a
live deer, The deer in question wae
captured by Mr. Bradford on Grange
Park early Tuesday morning, It had
been run by dogs and sought the en-
closed grounds as a place of refuge.
Mr. Bradford chanced to discover
the animal—a buck fawp, old from
spring, and not yet of the age to be
within the law for killing im deer
sesgon—as he was on bls way to the
fields lying west of the plenic grounde.
The little beauty was lying on the
ground at the upper end of the park,
Mr, Bradford first thought it was a
goat, but closer investigation proved it
tobes fawn. It had evidently been
lying on the ground for some time,
for a pool of blood was about the deer,
which came from wcundson the pose
and mouth, caused, no doubt by etrik-
ing on the fence, - It is presumed the
dogs were chasing the mother deer
and the little fawn ran in another
Mr. Bradford ¢ttempted to pick up
the deer, which weighs about seventy-
five pounds, but sithough very weak,
it ran towards the fence and was 800d
fast in the woven wire, He released
it and soon found that to attempt to
take the deer home was more than he
bimeelt could do. He then went for
aid and with the aesistance of W. F.
Keller and D. Geies Wagner, the deer
was carrled to Mr, Bradford's barn,
but only after a chaee over the en-
closed park snd after the animaal had
again become tied up In the wire
Upon making irquiry of = State
constabulary Mr. Bradford was ad-
vised to keep the fawn until it gath-
ered sufficient strength and then to re
lease it in the mountaloe,
Those who venlured near the deer
in the stable to give it a ‘kind touch
were given a eample of the force it
carries in its front legs and its short
horns, It charged several who came
too close and is surly full of “pep’’ for
a little wounded animal, As it nestles
in its warm bed smidst the hay, it
presents a picture sq pure and ionc-
cent that we feel constrained to esy
that the species should be free from the
buntsman’s rifla and be permitted to
roam in the mountain fastnesses un-
————— ——————
27 Called Out of 100 Mcn,
The following is a tummary of the
work of the Exemption Board of
Centre county on the 100 men called
for examination last week:
27 called into service; passed physi
cally and filed no exemption elaime,
8 failed Lo sppear.
60 discharged for physical reasons
and on valid exemption claime.
5 claimed exemption who did not
furnish the neccesary sflidavita.
Pleasant Cap.
William Bilger, who had been il’, ie
now able to be out among his frieude,
Miss Myrtle Deitrich epent the week
end with her mother st Hublersburg,
Born to Mr. and Mrs; Boyd ¥F picher
on Saturday, s son,
Mrs, Ida Houser has gone to Tyrone
where she will epend eeveral weeks,
Miss Ethel Fatkine, of Btate Col-
lege, spent the week erd with rele-
tives in this place.
Mr, and Mre. Charles Zettle and
daughter Isabell spent Sunday with
Mr, and Mre. Bamuel Porman.
* Misses Helen Bwarlz and Carrie Gel.
tig left Bunday on a visit with friends
at Altoons.
Mis Frances Rapp, of Eellefonte,
spent last week with Mre, Margaret
Misses Rose and Ophelia Haupt, of
Milesburg, spent Bunday with their
slater jMre, Geo. Bhowers,
Mre, Cllay Showers, of Niagara
Falle, 1s visiting among relatives in
this place.
Mie, Fred Lose, of Bandy Ridge, Is
spending & few days at the home of
Lester Gill,
Harry Hile and family spent Bane
day at the home of George Eile in
Mre, Elmer Musser and daughter, of
Piteairr, are spending sn indefinite
time with the former's father, Wm. A,
Hoover, before leaving for their fatare
home in Cleveland, Ohlo,
Our school houses were fumigsted
on Monday Isat, since severml new
cases of scarlet fever have been reports
ed. The home of Milkman Markle
has been stricken and sas consequence
ie quarantined. BSiringent measures
sre being enforced In order to avoid an
epidemic of the dreaded disense,
Three of the schools are closed.
The post office department Is urging
more than sver the necessity of early
mailing of Christmas parcels, provided
delivery Is desired on or before Christ.
mas day, THO G1 MEY step Is
early planning, ently buying,
——————— SAT
John Kuhn is visiting his daughter,
Mre, F. W. Weber,
Mre. (Dr.) Widder, of Harrisburg, ie
visiting his sister, Mrs, H, O. Barr.
Miss Ada Kune spent several days
of last week with friends at Millhelm.
Mre. W. A. Wagner, of Juniats, was
a recent visitor with relativea here,
Miss Annie Lohr, after visiting her
brother at Philadelphia, returned to
her home Tuesday.
Frank Fisher, of Altoona, spent a
few days last week with his mother,
Mrs, E. A. Fisher.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Plummer, of
Altoons, are visiting the latter's par-
ents, Mr. 8nd Mrs, John Rujp.
Robert Harter, of Btate College,
spent Bunday at the James Roes
home, :
Mr. and Mrs, Edward Bellers, of
Linden Hall, spent Bunday at the
Charles Corl home,
Mrs. Henry Reliz and grandaughter
Dorothy Lonberger, spent Saturday
at Spring Mills.
Samuel Roberts, of Pitcairn, spent
several days last week with his family
Rev. 8, O, Btover attended Bynod at
Lancaster last week and from there he
went to Philadelphia where he spent
Satarday with his son John.
Mr. and Mrs. Luther Dale, and
family, of Oak Hall, and Mr, and Mre,
Clement Dale, of Houserville, spent
Sunday at the A, W. Dale home,
Hall, and Mre. Elmer Royer, from
week at the W. A, Murray home,
The Boalsburg High School will
have their first Literary Beclety on
Saturday evening, October 27, in Boal
Oa Funday afternoon Dr. L. E.
Mre. A, L. Baker, Mr, and Mra. J, W.
On Wednesday of last week Mr. and
the day at the Bamuel Wagner home.
evening, October 80th, at 7:45 o'clock.
lecture course,
Mre. G. N. Fisher,
winter months with
Mre. Maude Norris,
Beulah, Mies Rosalie McCormick snd
Mr. send Mrs, Dorsey Btrub'e and
Houlz home on Bunday. Mr. and
Mre. Struble relurped to their bome
lls Houtz,
—— Rs fA ANT,
Spring Mills.
Mre. Andrew Rote has been guile
ill, due to cut on her thumb,
The scarcity of sugar is causing con-
sternation among housewives,
The Red Cross members number
over a bundred. They are doing their
bit by knitting, eewing, clo
Ebon Finkle, of Johnstowne, came
home on Baturday to visit his parente,
Mr, and Mrs, C, J. Finkle,
Mre. Miles Johnson aud children
went to Union county on Tuesday for
a few days visit,
Mrs. James Goodhart and two chil
dren are spending some time at the
Jasob Lee, Br., home,
Mre. William Deibl, of Miflioburg,
is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
A. 0. Dunlap.
Ethel Genlzell, who hss her home
with William Allison, is Il with
A little dsughter arrived at the
home of Charles Zettle Bunday, Octo-
Neese before her marriage.
formed congregation, preached a fine
preciative audience,
Calvin and Robert Kennelly, em-
ployed at Burnham, also Danlel Ken-
pelly, of Shamokin, were home to see
Georges Valley
Miss Mary Gobble spent Funday
Mrs, F. M, Ackerman is spending
Mr, and Mre, Howard Foust of Cen-
Mr. and Mrs, J. B. Ripka spent Ban-
mre, Esra Reeder hes returned
home after spending several weeks
Litter Fiom Word Motor Company,
i The following letter was received
from the Ford Motor Co., and explains
thoroughly the eitustion on Ford cars
this year :
To All Agents :
If you are one of the numorous
agents who hes on file a larga number
of unfilled orders for Ford care, disre-
gard this letter. If ycu are one of our
few agents who has only a few orders
on hand, kindly regard this as a notifi-
cation that from now on we will not
ship you cars unless you have regular
bona fide orders on band #0 that yoo
can immediately deliver cars to own-
BE You will remember on Dee, 10.b,
1916, we notified all our agents that
during the winter that was then ou ue,
we would positively deliver no cars to
agents unless they bad them sold in
advance, Some agenis thought they
could not sell during the winter and
some prospective purchasers thought
we were bluffing, but there are thour-
ands and thousands of people/in these
United Btates who now know that If
they had taken advice of our agents
and sccepted delivery of a car at any
time it could be delivered, even If the
snow was deep, that they would have
had a car now, instead of being with-
out anything at all or riding around in
something whose first cost was con-
siderably more than the first cost and
upkeep of a Ford for several years,
Our fiscal year ended July 81st, 1917,
and at that time the Ford Motor Com~
paoy closed its books with 850,000 up-
filled orders. The Company to-day is
now building 8300 cars a day, and
some of our agents are delivering this
month, orders taken I st April and
In looking over our list we find
sgents with anywhere from 50 to 178
upfilled orders. If you doubt this
statement, we will be more than glad
to show you the sctual figures the
pext time you areat this Branch. Our
total of unfilled orders this month ie
over 2500 at this branch only. Isn't
it fair, therefore, that we should hand
the care out to the agents who have lhe
orders Instead of those that feel they
can pell a cor. oad of cara i” we ship It
into their territory ?
Ae you kpow, we hisve changed cur
plan of distzitution somewhat this
year and esch agent fs gelilog a cer.
tain number of cars every month, so if
you bave orders you are bound to get
some cars esceh month snd should be
able lo estimate sbeut when yeu could
meke delivery to your customers,
Tbe price of the Bedar, Coupelet and
Town car hes jaet been raised, but the
Tourlog ear and Runabout price, ex-
cept for the sddition of the war tex
just declared, remaips the same, We
haven't any means of knowing when
wo may be forced to ralee the price on
all modele. Just as lsst year, it can-
not be considered that there is a short.
age of Ford ears, but eimply that there
is sn Increased demsnd and the msn
who puts off buying a Ford car until
spring, will, from present indications,
either have to buy scmethiog else or
go withoui allogether,
Last winter you will remember that
on posi'ive instructions from Detroit
we had lo ship 1000 of pur care South,
W bad hardly gotten started on these
shipments before all cur agents were
awake to the situation and eryiog for
the care, but it was too late, If we can
show by vur demand st this Branch
that the Ford cars are needed in the
Pittsburg territory, we have a very
good chance of getting more than our
allo!ment during the nex! few months,
It wil’, therefore, be up to all agents to
get very busy right away acd keep or-
ders on file ahead of the quantity we
are shipping from this Branch each
day, or our production will be deliver-
ed elsewhere, As it je, we shall sim-
ply divert from one poiot in our terri-
tory, where there are no orders, to
those points that have orders, so make
it plain to your trade that they had
better place that order tc-day and take
delivery of the car any time that we
can get it to you, instead of putting it
off and running the risk of their go-
ing without altogether or paying a
higher price later for some other make,
Keep this letter with you. Bhow it
to your prospective ocustomers—give
them time to read it. If they won't
believe you and us in spite of the well
known experience of last seasor, you
cars to pomeone with more foresight,
Forp NV oroR ( OMPANY
—— A ————
A series of evening services conduct-
ed by Rev. W. H..Brown in the Evar-
gelicul church closed last week.
John Meyer, of Coburn, with his
parents, Mr, and Mre, Thomas Meyer,
motored to the home of his uncle,
George Weaver, on Bunday.
Mr. and Mre. Bamuel Boyer spent
a few days with their daughter, at
Green Burr, Clinton county.
Mr. and Mrs, H. E. Crouse left for
Pittsburg to visit the former's brother,
Fred Crouse, From there they will
£0 to Obie, Illinois and other pointe,
to visit relatives,
Mr and Mre. Thomes Hall enter
Valuable Real Estate.
Pursuant 10 an order of the Orphans’ Gourt of
Centre County, Pennsylvania, there will be sold
at public sale, at the Hotel in Centre Hall Bor-
ough, in sald county, on Baturday, November
8rd, 1917, at 1380 P. M,, the following described
real estate, lato of John William Mitteriing, dc-
ceased, to wit :
No. 1--All that certain mowsuage, tenement and
parcel of land situsted in the Borough of Centre
Hall, County of Centre aud State of Pennsylvania,
bound- 4 and described as follows: Beginning at
the point of intersection of the East side of Penn-
sylvania Avenue and the South side of Ridge
Blret, thence North fifty four degrees East to au
alley ; thence along said alley South thirty six
degrees East, to lot owned by Agn « Bhreffler:
tnence along the line of lot owned by said Agnes
Bhrefiler, South filty four degrees Wet to the
East wide of Pennsylvania Avenue; thence North
thirty six degrees West, to the place of beginn.
ine: Containing about eighty perches: THERE.
garage sand other out buildings,
No. 2 All that certain message, tenement and
it of ground situated in the Borough of Centre
Hall, County of Centre and State of Pennwsyl-
vania, bounded on the West by Pennsylvania
Avenue, otherwise knowh as the Bellefonte and
Lewistown Turnpike ; on the north by an alley,
said alley being the dividing line between this
property and that of the late Michael Derstine ;
on the st by an alley ;: on the Bouth by Jot of
Mrs, M. B, Richards : Contsining one fourth of
a: acre, net measure: THEREON ERECTED A
stable and other out bulldogs,
No 8—All that certain messusge, tenement and
tract of land situated in the Borough of Centre
Hall, County of Centre and State of Pennsyl.
vania, bounded and described as follows : Begin.
ald Ridge Street to lands of B, H, Arney ; thence
ov. lands of mid B, H. Arney North 0 land of
argaret Bmith; thence by land of Margaret
Bmith t3 the place of beginning on Miles Alley :
more or i i
ire county and Slate of Pennsylvania, bounded
snd described as follows : Beginoing at a post,
thenee siong lands of Mrs. Issac Smith and J. w,
Mitteriing, South thirty ome degre-s Fast sixty
five and elgbt tenth perch + to a post ; thence
along lands of George Durst's estate, North fifty
pine degrees East, forty and five tenth perches to
& post ; thence along lands of M:s. Flora Ba'rfoot
North thirty ore degr 3 West, #lixty five and
four tenth perches toa § rt; thence slong lands
of John ©, K« sman, South fiity rine snd one
fourth degre « Esst, forty snd sixth tenth per-
NG 8 ; ARD NIN :
PERCHES, ny ax
TERMS OE BALE : Ten per cent of th pure
chess money 10 be paid ner h, on dey of sale;
forty per cent t9 be paid on confirmation of sale
and the balance, being filly per cent, to be paid
within one year from confirmation of sale ; the
deferred payments 15 bear interest and 10 be se
cured by bond and morigege on the premiss,
The purchaser may pay the entire purchase
money in fall or confirmation of sale, i 80 di-
Administrators of John Willlam
Miteriing, decenscd,
BATURDAY, OCTOBER 27th. at one o'clock,
James E Frohm, one and one ball miles cast of
Centre Hall, at the George Vonada home, will
sell lot household goods,
* THUREDAY, NOVEMBER 5th, at 10s. m., on
the Duck fern, located 2 miles West Spring Mills
and 1 mile south Penos Cave station, by A. J,
Lee : Farm stock and full line farm machinery,
practically good as Dew.
Clement Dale,
TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 20th, 10a m., Samu.
ehCramer, 1 mile west Linden Hall, Will sell ; 7
| head of exceptionally fine horses, 5 milch cows,
{ 4 hellers, 8 steers, Bhrrithoin bull, 2 brood sows,
{ with pigs by side, Poland China boar, lot of chile.
kens arm implements Deering Binder, Weg-
| ons, Empire Gra'n Drill, Manure Spreader, sud
| complete line farm implements, Aso houschold
| BO0a,
THURBDAY, NOVEMBER 22, at one o'clock,
| John H, Burkholder, 1-2 milesouth west of Cen-
{ tre Hill, will sell : 7 Holstein milch cows, Guern.
2 Holstein heifer calves, 4 Holstein
| bulls, ¢ Holstein heifer calves, 12 ghoats
| and
| brood sow,
TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 20th, at 12:80 o'clock,
Elizabeth Mitterling and D, C Milteriing, ad-
ministrators of J, W. Mitterling, will sell st late
home of deceased in Centre Hall : Lot bovsehold
| goods, farming Implements, 2 bogees ; Overland
| sulomobi’e, ete,
and MEN'S
All of the latest styles
your every need.
in many different varieties.
of Public Sale
On hand all times
of Hog Stock.
— .
— a. a—— —
he Sol
has grown to manhood
Contre Jal, Pa, J
is to be commended
when they lay aside
money in a bank_ac-
count for the littl: one.
Compound interest on
the money will grow
into a fine account for
the child by the time it
womanhood, Why not