PLEGE FLOMALT BY THE INDUSTRIE Convene to Work Out Plans to Assist Government ACTION AFTER WAR ALSO UP Control Of Materials and Machinery Is As Necessary To Victory As Mobilization and Train- ing Of Men. Atlantic City, N. J.—American indus- tries’ support of the government iu its prosecution of the war was reaflirmed at the opening of the war convention here of American business men, called by the Chamber of Commerce of the United States. held by the Chamber's national coun- cil, J. W. Fahey, of Boston, honorary vice-president of the organization, de clared that the country's erty of the nation. “This fundamentally of nations in which terials and machinery is a control are as of added: is the task of American industry humanity makes upon it. million business men, corporations and firms. This chamber has at its posal offices, equipment, and capital. No similar machinery to equal it is available to any indeed negligent of our duty and re- to the utmost. heard the call, and never before have those of our country.” Plans for assisting the government and food conservation problems, it was chamber soon. A discussion of these topics developed the general that the coal shortage is due adequate transportation Some speakers predicted coal famines the subject is not dealt with wisely. AMERICANS SINK U-BOAT. tacking Schooner. Copenhagen. — Two German marines have been sunk by naval forces, reports the Bergen cor- respondent of the Tidens Tegns. Six oners. An armed British (later reported American) steamer in the North Sea sank a German submarine which was shelling a neutral sailing vessel. The second submarine was sunk by a Brit. ish torpedo-boat destroyer while at. tacking an armed steamer. PREPAREDNESS IN SPAIN. Army and Mobilization. Madrid—At a cabinet meeting it was decided to create two new regi- rents of field artillery, seven bat- talions of garrison artillery and seven battalions of heavy artillery. It was decided also to appoint a special com- mittee to draft a plan of industrial mobilization from a military point of view. Eduardo Dato, the premier, ox. plained that these reforms were not undertaken in any militaristic spirit. Plans - For Industrial The American anti-Vivisectionist Se ciety, named in the will of Grace NM. "ogg, of New Haven, as heir to her « tate of approximately $120,000, wil roeeive about $100,000, while a sistw will’ receive $15,510. The cases of Mrs. Annfe Riley Hale, of New York, and Alfred E. Whitehead, arrested in Hartford, Conn, at meeting of the Hartford branch of the People’s Council of America for Dema. cracy and Peace, were postponed. Every plumbing establishment in El Pago was affected by a walk-out of the union plumbers, who demand $8 a day, Inspectors from the medical division of the Army declared that the lar. racks buildings at Camp Dix are soo srall Snes Oficial announcement was made that duly qualified women registered at Radeliffe College would Ss admitted to the Harvard Medical School this year, The Indiana women's suffrage law wns declared unconstitutional and void by a judge of the Marion County Buperior Court, ‘ 4 ZACK WHER HARRY COVELESHIE oe oy % CLYDE ITILAN There are many ball-playing broth- ors in the minors and in semi-profes- vade the major leagues, and the case of Stanley and Harry Coveleskie is because both are rated as stars, and both are pitchers. But the Coveleskie boys are by no Washington's Star, Clyde Milan, the outfielding star of the Washington club, has a brother on Milan, is also an outfielder. Two other brothers are drawing ssl- aries from a major league team this Zach and Mack Wheat of the on Form Shown-—Executing Every Kind of Play. One of the leading experts connect- ed with the summer pastime calls at- tention to the play of Heinle Zimmer- The Eminent Zim has drawn his share of ups and down, but at pres. ent he Is undoubtedly playing the greatest game at third shown in either league. Not even the immortal Collins or the equally immortal Bradley at their best had anything upon the Bronx Firefly as he is now moving along. Helnle is no beardiess youth, He was me of Frank Chance’s collection back nn the old days of Cub greatness, But Heinle has never played the ball be- Heinie Zimmerman. fore that he has played this season. Hn has been at top speed, executing every variety of play known with won- derful ease and dash. On his form shown so far he is beyond any debate the most brilliant third baseman of the year, MORIARITY STARS AS UMPIRE Former Detroit Tiger Getting Along Well With Players and Exercis. ing Fine Judgment. George Morlarity is getting many compliments for his work as an um pire. He is pow getting along well with the players and covering all sorts of plays well, at the same time exer. clsing fine judgment. Morlarity gives | » Dodgers are the lads, and President Ebbets has had a string to both of them for several seasons. The Wheat brothers play different positions, for Zach cavorts in the outer gardens, while Mack Is a catcher. Something to Crow About. So the Coveleskies, the Milans and the Wheats have something to crow about, for when a ball-playing family sends two of its members to the big show It has the right to claim distine- tion. In the minors this year there is a case where three brothers may be found playing ball, though not in the same class, Otis Crandall is pitching in the Coast league and his brother Karl is a member of the Salt Lake club of the same circuit. A younger brother of this pair has bloomed out a8 a pitcher and, although he has had several trials with big minor league teams, he Is still getting his education in the smgller minor leagues. BASEBALL STORIES Cobb receives $123.83 for each game, or $20,000 for 154 games, * . » Uncle Wilbert Robinson is bént on turning Jimmy Johaston into an in- fielder, » ’ ® Sherwood Magee has been playing great ball sinceh Is shift from Boston to Cincinnati. * * =» It is rumored In American league circles that Tris Speaker will manage the Clevelands in 1018. . ® t Comiskey's players are drawing $120,000 in salaries, and he says they are earning the money. ® - . Guy Morton and Joe Boehling of the Clevelands were recently fined for breaking the training rules, - . » Clark Griffith's Washingtons are cer- tainly coming to life. Maybe General Crowder suddenly got after them. - . * Fred Mitchell has pulled the Cubs together and they are making another fight to wind up in the first division. *® - » Young Smith of the Giants wasn't good enough for the Pirates, but he looks rather sweet In a Glant uniform. * * » Stallings has made a dismal failure with the Braves this year. President Haughton has not interfered with his policy, * & » It loos as if the Pirates have an ex- cellent chance of finishing the season with a lower percentage than any club in the major leagues, ® & =» The overhead charges, exclusive of players’ salaries, that must be met by the owners of the Braves this year are more than $80,000, * * » That was a good joke about Sher wood Magee being heanded for the minors, in case some major league club did not elaim him, . ® » President Frazee of the Red Sox is working the wires for another eatcher, Cady is too slow, Thomas Is too fat and Agnew is 4ong al the work. The Giants need a reliable right. handed pinch hitter, As soon as Lew McCarty's leg gets a bit stronger the big catcher may fill in at this role. POOR BOMB THROWERS Training of Professional Baseball Players Is Wrong. Lieutenant Elliott of Australian Army Expresses Himself After Morn. ing’s Practice With Cleve- land Indians. “I hate to discourage you, but your professional baseball players will make bloomin’ poor bombardiers, unless they go through a lot of training” is the way Lieut. Lester Elliott of the Aus- tralian army expresses the situation, | following a morning's exercise with the Cleveland Indians. “I've been told that American base- ball players expect to raise havoe against the Germans because of thelr is all wrong. soldlers In the France requires camps in | the bombers | intensive that two hours. each bomb weighs from 7% to 915 | culty hand. as used In English ericket., Seldom do the throwers see thelr target. observer, looking through a periscope, | enemy's trench. the enemy's trench. able to throw a bomb 20 feet. If they in- throw thelr arms away. intelligent. new motion and be quite as effective | as any other force on the firing line.” Several Expressed Desire to Secure Services of Frenchman. in into the big league, proached the baseball powers with a | one club has made him a tentative of fer to manage it next year. : Lajole is satisfied with his lot in | Toronto. He is well-liked there. His | temmn has been in the pennant fight all i : i i i KNOWN WASHINGTON DRUGGIST, in reference to Klixir Babek the grear remedy dor chills and fever und 8! malarial diseases, “Within the last five months I have sold 10% botties of Elixir Babek for Malaria, Chilisand Fever. Our customers speni very well of 1." Henry Evans, #2 ¥ 5... N, wv. Washington, D.C. Elixir Babek 5 cents, all druggists, or by Parcel Post, prepaid, from Klocrewski & Co, Washington, D. ©. The Limit, Bellee—Is Jack's wife so critical? June—Dreadful! She'll pick fluws In a perfectly good lie, Jack says, If your eyes smart or feel scalded, Ro man Eye Balsam applied upon goin~ to bed is just the thing te relleve them. Adv. The wise man makes two tracks to- ward the cellar when the barometer in: ——————————— OS AGUARANTEED REMEDY FOR ASTHMA Your HOSEY WILL BE REFUNDED by your 6 without any question if this remedy does not be! every case of Asthmmn, Bronehial Asthma, Hay Vover or Diffiealt Breath Ing. ho master vivieul the sllecks of obs inate case A DR. R. SCHIFFMANN’S » Mixture or Powder) KLIKY in every case in sither forme Cigarette, Pi positively gives (START and permanently cured thousunds who had been considered incurable, after having tried every othes means of relief in vain. Bollerers sre afforded SP nunivy of svalling thewse) ves of this * Mo; ack” guaranties offer as through purchasing f their own reguisr } ot, ti are sure % oney will be refunded by him if the remedy falls on will be the sols Judge as to whether you are benefited and ld got your money back if you sre | not, We 40 not know of any fairer proposition | Which we could make. R. Schifimann Co., Proprielors, St. Paul, Mian, A ALGOHOL~3 PER CENT. fable tionforAs J ANokelie pars Befula J GEXTAUR gy FTE PE LL Sih Between Us Girls. Miss Sharpe-—Some men can be led, but others must be driven. Young Sharper—Oh, yes! But while you can drive a man to drink you To Drive Out Malaria And Build Up The System Take the Old Standard GROVE'S what you are taking, as the formula is on every label, showing it is ids up the system. Go cents Left Them Outside. Bre your manners, “Where sir? Nap Lajoie, the way, and the club has been pros. perous. Hence he Isn't figuring very heavily on leaving. The amount of money offered him for his work as a big leaguer, however, is expected to have its effect. And there are clubs which are ready to put up a big price for the Frenchman's services, Toronto is expected in baseball eire cles to have an American league club before many seasons pass. In fact, it i¥ confidently expected the transfer will be made this winter. If Lajole could be given the managership of this aggregation, or even if he were given n berth as a player, he probably would be satisfied. WIN EXTRA-INNING AFFAIRS New York Yankees Fortunate in Grab. bing Off Games That Go Beyond Nine Innings. The Yankees may never win a pen nant, but they are strong in the extra. i answered the irate caller, “where 1 was insulted by two or three of your fmpudent clerks” “Wife a Good Sport™ W. 8. Desmond, a carpenter of Huntington Lake, Cal. is above the se- lective draft age limit, but he wanted He told his wife. offered to match pennies with her. 8he agreed. at home, tails go to the front. They matched and talls won, Des- mond enlisted in the field artillery. recruiting officer. An [Humingating Postcard. achieved fame as an actress in Lon- don. Feeling the necessity, however, of a rest from her labors," she wrote to try village, nsking him if she might C. to say if 1 may come.” A few days later her landlady rushed upstairs with an awesstricken coun- tenance--g policeman wanted her! The girl descended with an ominous feel- ing at her heart, says London Tit-Bits, “If you please, miss,” sald the stolid being who confronted her, eyeing her with stern disapproval, “I'm the P. C. but I may as weli iell you straight away as I'm a respectable married man. Your uncle's prepared to take you in if you're willing to make your self useful--feed the pig, clean his of. fice, and the two cells” Who wants and butter, when a feller can have For Infants and Children, Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature of Use For Over Thirty Years GASTORIA THE CENTAUR SOMPANY, NEW YORE OITY, Nitrogen From Air. The production of nitrogen from the i air in Germany, which was only 50,000 tons in 1913, has been so successful | that 300,000 tons were so produced In 11918, and it is expected that 320,000 { will be produced this year. According { to the Frankfurter Zeitung, the cost Is only six cents a kilogram. MOTHER! Have you ever used MOTHER'S JOY SALVE for Colds, Coughs, Croup and Pneumonia, Asthma, and Head Oa- | tarrh? If you haven't get it at once. It will cure you.—Ady. Plenty of It. | “Bragley says his new house is heat | ed with hot alr” | “Then it is well heated. i Bragley talk.” A PHYSICAL WRECK Laid Up In Bed, Barely Holding Onto Life. Doan’s Effected Marvelous Recovery. "Without warning I was dr to the brink of the grave by mal kidney trouble,” says Robert (Ven: gate, 114 Cypress Ave, Bronx, N. Y. “My kidneys seemed to stop acting and I've heard