ese Anson CRISIS OF Taking Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. Wagoner, Okla. - of praising Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vege- table Compound because a g Change of Life was In bed two years and had two operations, but all the doctors and op- erations did me no rood, and I would ave been in my grave today had it not been for Lydia E. Pinkham’s Veg- etable Compound which FrouEht me out of it all right, so I am now well and do all my housework besides working in my garden. Several of my neighbors have got well by tak- ing L ydia J. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com- pound.’’ — Mrs, VioLA FINICAL, Wagon. er, Okla. Such warning symptoms as sense of suffocation, hot flashes, headaches, back- aches, dread of impending evil, timidity, sounds in the ears, palpitation of the heart, sparks before the eyes, irregu- larities, constipation, variable appetite, weakness and RD should be heeded by middle-aged women. Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound has earried many women safely through the crisis. Too Model. “I think sou have a model ment,” “Yes; my hu of the real thing.” apart ELIXTR BABEK IN GOLD IN THE wy contrae ted malaria in car's fru 5 treatment by r ne } + ir SHxir Ane k iving here I came al malaria-—the worst form e for Babe k. Again it proved its value- i worth ft right in old here.” Brasie Troop E, Sth 8. Cavalry, Balay a2 . Ph © Elixir Babek, x Parcel Post, prepal a, Washiogtor DD, C. WORTH ITS WEIGHT PHILIPPINES, 1508, a i af jop a druggists or by icczewsk! & Co, Stuff. ted us to din No Amateur vis ha ge raised by prof essiona Danger From Lightnl ng. 11 A tchforks r shower of trees fire. from the mm room If a plate e or the and place lass iron (ireen's bed post G ees, water and Frui copper tors t Grower The othe draft r Y¥ a man telephoned to for Marion and F to have the wife's s e on at davit for an exemption claim was told It is necessary if exemption on the groun is depend- ent on him. “Won't anyot asked. “My + i$ The the best th ready the se lee outside asked whether it inquirer won't sign board member told. the man that “great ng he could do wa go.” 8 to 10 Reproof Not Effective. The pew maid would not rise early enough. med vain and finally {stress tried the inferen ne d « and left the damsel asleep they Dre ared the breakfast selves “ Ye i eproof Nee fisier biame whilst for them shame her t t." said the master Not o'clock girl tapped at the door room “Is th mum?” There go to bed, bi something “lf morning, find the " ord the same was sald unt il nine evening, when the ’ £44 of the sitting “re else I can do inquired turned to r remembered anything she respectfully was nothing and she you're de hefore me in the observed, “you'll leebox In the pan Wn mum,” eggs in the she The wholesome nutrition of wheat and barley in most appetizing form » ba ii BLL Donovan In the first few by using this met ze play often and ha the play. the Yankees twice worked the squeeze Buees with only one or none out, NOTES Detroit is the best of the country. Tensive team in * *» . Waites Johnson Is still the strike- out king®f his league. * Vitt is this year th much better gear an he did . In Inflelder Debu lin. Pittsburgh gay that her Arthur Dev- the critics s is anot * . » leveland is one of semen in fast com Wambsganss of C the best second ba pany. * * * The Reds had two reversals of form. One when they went up and one when they came down. * * ® petitioning for Sun- day baseball, Ought to go slowly, thes might demoralize that pious ity, . * * New Yorkers are is gaining In favor In due to Uncle War is a great educator. ® » * Jaseball Britain, the war, Lee Fohl's accusation that the White Sox are using unfair is creating much of a furore in the East. * * ® tactics It P: wonders around short for the Chuck Wortman will soon be hunting 8 new job, Cubs, * * . Grover Land, former eatcher for St Paul, and well-known in big league eir cles, is doing the reeelving for Vir ginia, Minn. * BL » The” work of Larry Cheney and Gene Packard must make great read Ing for Charley Weeghman these siz- zling August days. » . » the Robins, fare surely Phillies, coming. Shakeups In Braves and Cubs Some of the old will walk the plank. » * * ender, Art Nehf of the ens to win the season's league pitching honors, * -. » Braves threat- Babe Borton, former White Yankee, Brown and St, baseman, was seriously injured sther day on the Pacific coast. * - » There is certainly nothing rum about He isn’t called upon to perform very often, but when he do . \e - Catchers are doing some heavy hit- ting In the National league this sea- Bill Fisher of the Pirates, Tom * 2» 9 The Piratés will not get very high In two or three in the place of prominence which Fred Clarke's team formeny held, *. » Powell, the new outfielder of the Boston Braves, has long been regard. ed as one of the greatest outfielders in the International league. He once got a tryout with the Tigers. When he hits the ball he ita it a mile,” @ If the Giants a the National league pennant, who will have the honor of pitching the first game, Schupp or Salee? The former did some great work early in the season, but the veteran has been coming along in fine style recently, - a are frequent users of then Donovan has battles with it. Since a number of close y time a runner reaches third NINN NSN NINN NNN NSN NSN] NNN NN ow OO Nee eT os 00D STEALING STUNT pitcher ee eae on a oe > ov a, o * delivering - - NG - odd x) at on Ath oklyn, N. col- oi * ball was the *, stunt DCX OX me between the Crescent m of Bre ganization of Lr oe AAS XX club ten » xX) Ra » * eee i of the aserunner » play prob- 1 right of the the ngers bobl ver his wider, ng about fifteen feet behind 5% - & -, a! (J OO) oe CX ae To » - * » eee ve eo wl , , x) » * * - a , a. * LX) ed wr CNX a Tit RC nf - » - a runner was of The and Witcher both went after the the latter getting th he runner reached third the ball did. team-m over oe. i 3 4 » 800C0ON ad base nan », oN -_ he OO o », . - . * ow > *, ore eee vv MKC *, *, fitew the pitcher's ol . Le en sed oi » slightly ine dent ww XXX NC) wv RCN a , > ee TTT TOTO? ‘BILL DINEEN AS A PITCHER Better Than Umpire, Says Donnie Bush When Arbiter Made Remarks About Tiger Heavers. During a Detroit-Athletic game at when the Tiger pitchers mpire Bill DI. i hj ———y Donnie Bush, neen tried to pass a few appropriaté remarks about the pitching of the De- troit heavers, “I could certainly pitch better than that myself, if I went into the box to- day,” Dineen told Bush as Donnle came to bat, “Yes,” answered Bush, “and I wish you were out there pitching. I haven't made four hits In one day since you quit, and you know that I made that off you in one game. At that you were a better pitcher than you are umpire.” WILL DIE A NATURAL DEATH Dave Davenport, Who Had Narrow Es. cape Last Winter, Gets Hard Slam in His Short Ribs, Pitcher Dave Davenport of the Browns seems destined to die a nat ural death. He exploded a load of buckshot Into his anatomy last winter and it didn't fease him. The other day in batting practice he was struck! in the short ribs by a ball coming at a terrific clip and crumpled up like a dead man, but soon was up and on his feet. Examination by a physician re- vealed that he had suffered no serious injury, though the blow might have gL a put an ordinary man in the hospital, PRAISES DR. KILMER'S SWAMP-ROOT 1 believe you T hive as a splendid, reliable | liver and blade ler medicine in Dr. Kilmer's Sw amp-Root, and my customers who have A it ring the past thirty- six years have nothing but praise for what it accomplished for them {nn account of the splendid reputation which it enjoys in the trade I have no hesitancy in recom- troubles for which it is Yours very truly, J. G. BIEBEN, Hastings, 10186. Druggist, % Minn. 21, Letter to Dr. Kilmer &» Co. Binghamton, N.Y. Prove What Swamp-Root Will Do For You Bend ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a sample size bottle, It will convince anyone You will also receive a booklet of vi in- formation, telling about the kidneys and bladder. When writing, be sure and men- tion this paper. Large and medium size bottles for sale at all drug stores.—Ady, pable The Difference, The looked nt 'r terials wif : Just gent w faction. “There I% no chase,” sald, Her husband opened his in with a view to future en and sighed with sati lots of spirit she ergencies “There's in mine” It's suspenders to a pity as well as his Washing room hotel a Net Contents 15 Fluid | Drach fi © Ca "ees In TTD 24 1 o—— Canadian Farmers bushel is therefore She wants 8 invitation attractive. low prices. During n the acre ing many you Guverntment grains. Wri rallway rates ww Supt. is ur wn are the o posec. ood sch ools, ate excellent, r io res the war nee the I'he ian Uta ws, C ansds, or anadiar ‘3 Obviously. the EN AP aes. Cire mt rtm arrE— i TEE 3 PER GE NT. | ' AVegetabie Preparation forAs | similating the Food ty Reguld- | ting the Stomacks and | Bowels of 7 + a oa Ne EO INES re EEE FER ita Ha VE inG Be Savi #d Fite her le ; tente a. FALTAS DE SOMNO b Cheerfulness and Rest Gontaiss i neither Mineral. NoT NARGOTIC J Fier of Gide SANUELATCER Somplin sed Rar LXE ad Le ENA rity a EL isto «na ABE 5. A helpful Remedy for * Constipation and Diarrhoea. Yi and Feverishness and H Loss OF SLEEP HL resulting therefrom © inle i Fac Simile Signature ot z i — | Tux Gexravn GoNPR ~NEW YORK ims fmm Brinad own Ea Pew + HEA Peg Aare ad rremedinutilpara fv Cons Fgaenct 5 ks ORR 8 gd ” é r ome § mes Lope ire eps Turn for the Worse. In the where 11 a little girl passionately fon py. Three days ago ‘the and his condition has or less a tople of comm fly circle. When I came breakfast this morning I sal Httle girl seated at the table: your puppy this morning?” “He's not so well” promptly re plied: “he died last 1 eit = Tribune SOOTHES ITCHING SCALPS And Prevents Falling Halr Do Cuticura Soap and Ointment. On retiring, gently rub spots of dan- druff and itching with Cuticura Olnt- ment. Next morning shampoo with Cuticura Soap and hot water using plenty of Soap. Cultivate the use of home board there Is ‘ a pup puppy fell ili if gince been more she Chicago Free sample each by mall with Book. Bold everywhere. ~—Adv, A Slow One. Mary--He'd make you a model hus Elsie—Yes, last your's model. Dr. Peery's “Dead Shot” " not a senge” or “syrup,” but a real old-fashioned dose of medicine which cleans out Worms or Tapeworm with a single dose. Adv, In after years a man begins to ap- the ley mitt, Bpaln, In 1916, grew 1,146.0500 tons of olives, Don’t lose heart. Pluck brings luck in Business. — — aR Murine Is for Tired d Eyes. Eyes ~~ Sore nt Age é es Stomach and Bowels, aids the healthy and natural sleep. Mother's Friend. assimilation of Food: giving ildren’s Panacea—The INTEREST Where Left WHERE HE LOST Working Man Couldn't See Ther: Were Any Bones to Be From His Sunday Joint, For half an hour the workin audience had listened patiently lady was speakin them about economical and nou She had ta puddings and butterless sald, with a smile: yw tell you ean be Take A r Sunday joint At that a man In the middle of the hall rose to his feet with a disgusted look on his face, and sald to his mate: “Ere, Bill, let's get out o' this” “What's wrong?" asked the other, in surprise. “Don’t you like soup?” “Aye, 1 like soup well enough,” was the grumbler’'s reply: “but how many bones does she think there are In a half a pound o' lver?'-—London Tit- Bits, talented who Conk ry iked less and now “T will oup whi nothing from you about a splen made for next bones left " : the Ove s— sn. Got a Line on Them. {happened to meet an old Irishman breaking stones on the roadside. They | {inquired of Pat how long it would take to get there. Pat simply looked {at them and made no reply. Thinking {he was deaf they walked on. When {they had gone about 300 yards he | called after them, so they came back. “Ye asked me how long It would take to go to Birmingham?” “Yes,” they sald. “Well,” sald Pat, “it will take ye four hours” “Why didn’t you tell us that be- fore?” they asked. tell ye untill 1 saw how fast ye could | walk first?” Kansas City, Mo, has a charter re vision movement. Siam Inst yen imported 153.872 gallons of beer, Seized Her Opportunity. or nine had been he farm. on other day Lakes of years he of t long woolng the fair daughier “Jennie” the old fence that 1s that In ie mused, as they sat “1 read the housand years the dry up.” cintched his arm exe nn!” she exclaimed the matter, ns you pron honeymoon better be a lit they don't will itedly, lass?" ised] to take don’t tle me vou careful get our Ww e'd dry up before we there r N. B~The next month the wedding bells rang in the village. Whenever You Need a General Tonle Take Grove's The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic is equally valuable as a Gene eral Tonic because it contains the known tonic properties of QUININE IRON. It acts on the Liver, Drives out Malaria, Enriches the Biood and Builds | op the Whale System. 0 Sent Nothing to it. “What Is this rumor I hear of your | having inherited vast estates? “"Groundless.” Louis claims 805,650 population} Hii estimate, A GUARANTEED REMEDY FOR HAY FEVER--ASTHMA fa FEE ETE AsTimADOR STHMADD AND ete NST CIGARETTES Ww. N. v, BALTIMORE, NO. 7.0. ;