ASE SO PAINS SHARP AND STABBING Weman Thought She Would Die. Cured by Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. Ogdensburg, Wis.—*I suffered from female troubles which caused piercing pains like a knife through my back and side. 1 finall lost all my strength so I had to go to bed. The doctor advised an oper- ation but I would not listen #o it. 1 thought of what I read about Lydia E. Pi ans Vege table Compound and tried it. The first bottle brought great relief and six bottles have entirely cured me. All women who have female trouble of any kind should try Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound.’’ —- Mrs. ETTA DoRION, Ogdensburg, Wis, Physicians undoubtedly did their best, battled with this case steadily and could do no more, but often the most scientific treatment is surpassed by the medicinal properties of the good old fashioned roots and herbs contained in Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound If uny eomplication exists it pays to write the Lydia E. Pinkham M Co., Lynn, ] Medicine ass. forspecial free advices. Corym Girls’ lub Anexqguisitely perfu vyolveLly ®ailing Corym At the Theater. . We de Oh NEVER WIAD A CHILI After Taking ELIXIR BABER & Abug Ars © , sue aged and Babek. a chill since Cyrus Helms, 32 F BE. Wa nrton + Elixir Babe nts, all druggists or by Parcel Post } ii & Cou, Washington, 1 Igav Had Made Good Use of Time. The Anz read 1 i he has met Elizabet] reaqy peare, Queen Mark Twain, Bal others.” “Gee I” “Jim il bin des Bits Testing Good Nature. Time: 6 a. m. Place: Between the COVers, Occupation 1 ear.” Wowie! Old Morph sleeper -with a rudene ling. It's the door bell! phone! Downstairs goes house, barefooted, paj three steps at a time, wife’ age the tures, “Well ! tien from No answ “Hello! es tly tho tis per. “What cenira proverbia It was rang: who response, “Excuse it, (Form Coffee Drinkers who are change to the delicious, pure food- POSTUM “There's a Reason” NEW WORLD PASTIME i Jimmy Callahan Predicts Big In- | ternational Series. Sees Games Between Championship Teams of England, France, Japan, United States and Possibly South America. International baseball after the war? A world's series between the cham- teams of England, France, the States, Japan and possibly pion “Why not?” asked Jimmy Callahan, ex-pilot of the Pirates, who rounded this little old globe four years ago with All-Americans and All-Nationals, and who is now interested in baseball behind the trenches in France, “It will not surprise me if England and France take up baseball after the war,” sald Jimmy. “Tho baseball trouble is the gan has never the only been allowed there, “I like to think four years as We played to vast of that trip we took a Ago NN PSN NINN ASIN RETORT ENDS G 8ilk O'Loughlin Resents Statement of Washington Leader That He Had Made Wrong Guess. Clark Griffith, man ington Amer i of the hardest | rer of the Wash dered ond Clark Griffith, Griff"s friends say he to drop a ball game, Detroit because of a close decision which gave Cobb a base on balls, O'Loughlin was the umpire. Griffith met O'Loughlin and his part- ner after the game, “You two highwaymen looked fine in there today!” sald the National's man ager, “What's Silk. “That third strike yuu missed on Cobb cost us the game, that's all.” the matter, Griff?" asked 1 never made a mistake in my life” chirped O'Loughlin and he moved away, leaving Griffith speechless, THIRD MAJOR LEAGUE RUMOR Intimated That Plan May Be Put Into Effect When Season Ends-—Eight Cities Named. | There are rumors and much whisper- | fog about the third major league plan ' which, it if sald, may be put in effect | when the season ends. The plan pro- | vides for clubs from Buffalo, Toronto, { Baltimore, Newark, Indianapolis, To- ledo, Milwaukee and Kansas City, Let | ns hope some of these predictions come | true. Tt will be good to see those cites | got good material to work with, too, i represented in the big leagues, They've i DIAMOND NOTES Jimny Callahan. 1 , “Bu HE as Cobb ever . * =» rer of Ag the Lhe George Davis, once ms and White Sox, ywins as Bead coach » * * with nd scout. » veteran Terry for 1 is a high-class - occasionally Cleveland, tobbie is lon champions int it shouldn't be a * . Vision. has Whi 1.1 er ond Jim Corbett » ck woul i the Sia { But it we an awful blow to the L118 allies, More and mare more 3 deeply concerned | ne vara a 3 <4 of eggs than about rage. president inch Rickey, a todd Iain over thie , the pitcher from Milwaukee, » » - The Browns made seve { ball game the would have heen a pleasant guy to t { to after the game, * - n errors in alk » Jawn MeGraw probably couldn't see the joke if Matty, h, | a few more Glant cast-offs should beat him out of the flag. * ’ Eddie Lafitte, who was with the Brooklyn Feds and who has hurled for the Paterson Silk Sox of late, has quit baseball to enlist in the army. * " » h and LO {s10 ® President Wilson has announced that he wants baseball to be continued for the rest of the season at least, which | assures a world series this fall. X 0» Johnny Brock is the name of a young catcher who will soon Join the Cardi- He hails from the Muskogee team of the Western association, * *® » If the war is responsible for intro- ducing baseball as the international pastime, it will atone for much by add- ing vastly to the gayety of nations, es» Nobody ever believed that Frank Ba- ker tampered with Pitcher S8othoron of the Browns. It looked like a case of sour grapes on the part of the disap- pointed Fielder Jones, vy % # Philadelphia osteopath tells Guy Morton that the troubles with his pitching are mostly imaginary. That's been the trouble with his winning average this year, too. 1 Gs and i play T | Bohemin : i be ’ Greasy Neale of Cincinnati Made Home Run and Single in One Time at Bat in Giant Game. Inces ita Every haseball seas | freaks, and 1017 i Dre is no exception to the | Grounds hom time at hat, “Can't he done I" small change first Neale second and hit to center fleld for four bases. But as Pol Perritt, the Giants’ pitcher, wound up to pitch the ball that Neale slammed for a homer, a fan who had recovered a foul in the grandstand tossed it onto the age of play and Umpire Harrison raiséd his hand, calling time, just before the ball was hit, Fol a you say? Bet you came to bat with Chase on and managers it was decided that the home run was illegal and Neale was called back to the plate, He drove a thing which doesn’t happen often. Owner of Ban Francisco Club Releases Manager Wolverton and Does Directing Himself, —— Henry Berry, owner of the Ban Fran. elsco club, has gone the other mag- nates of his league one better in cut- ting down expenses. Harry Wolvarton wis recently released as manager of the Seals, and now Berry is sitting on the bench and doing the directing him. wolf. although he has never had prac {ical experience in such work before, Feed the Fighters! Win the War!! Harvest the Crops — 8ave the Yields On the battle fields of France and Flanders, the United States boys and the Canadian boys are fighting side by side to win for the World the freedom that Prus glanism would destroy. While doing this they must be fed and every ounce of muscle that can be requisitioned must go into use to save this year's crop. A shert harvest period requires the combined forces of the two countries in team work, such as the soldier boys in France and Flanders are demonstrating. The Combined Fighters in France and Flanders and the Combined Harvesters In America WILL Bring the Aliied Victory Nearer. A reciproeal arrangement for the use of farm workers has been perfected between the De ment of the Interior of Canada and the Departments of Labor and Agriculture of the United Staten, under which it is proposed to permit the harvesters that are d in the wheat § homa. Kansas, lowa, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebrask: nnesota and Wisconsin 10 more over into Canada, with the privilage of ister returning to the United States, when the crops in fhe United States have been conserved, and help to save the enormous crops in Canada which by time will be ready for harvesting. HELP YOUR CANADIAN NEIGHBOURS WHEN YOUR OWN CROP IS HARVESTED I13 Canada Wants 40,000 Harvest Hands to Take Caro of its 13,000,000 ACRE WHEAT FIELD. One cent a mile railway fare from the International boundary line to destination and the smd rate returning to the International Boundary. High Wages, Good Board, Comfortabie Lodgings. An 1dentification Card issued at the boundary by & Canadian Immigration Officer will gusesly tee no trouble in returning to the United States. AS SOON AS YOUR OWN HARVEST IS SAVED, move northward and assist your Canadas neighbour in harvesting his; in this way do your bit in helping fin the War For particulars as 9 routes, identification cards and place where employment may wd, apply to Superiut of Immigration, Ottawa, Canada, or to J. P. JAFFRAY, Cor. Walnut and Broad Sts., Philadelphia, Pas. Canadian Government Agent, Mental Hooverism She Didn't Look Good, MOTHER! AY A100] Re YOU MAY TRY CUTICURA FREE That's the Rule—~Free Samples to Any- one Anywhere, CHARGED TRACE UP TO PAT Finnegan Probably Right When He Put Forward Thompson as Mean. est of All Mean Men. Er Get Doan's at Any Store, 60c a Box DOAN’S ®iprer FOSTER-MILBURN CO. BUFFALO, N.Y. AGUARANTEED REMEDY FOR HAY FEVER--ASTHMA nt BOFEY Wii FE REVUSDER by your Sens any gestion {ff this remedy dose net b y Ahn Bromehin! Asthma and the Asthma mpanying Hay Fever. Np matter how iow BOC ul Ube aitacks OF Ob nae Le CRED sTHMADOR AND ABTHMADOR CIGARETTES witively gives INSTANT RELIEF in every sase and bas permanently cured thousands who had boas sidered incurable, afer having ried ever n f relief in vain, Asthmatios shou 1 # orth gaid I wilh an’ the o not know of any fairer p which we could mae R. Schifimann Co., Proprietors, Si. Paul Mion Glenn’s Sulphur Soap What He Feared. During some building operations it necessary for the workmen walk across a single plank some dis tance from the ground. i When it came Pat's turn the fore- | man noticed that he went across on | nll fours. So he went up to Pat and | asked contemptuonsly : “What's the trouble, man? Are you afrald of walking on the plank? “No, sor,” replied Pat. “It's afraid No other toilet scap is as effi- cient in clearing the com- plexion of blemishes. The sulphur Purifies (ALL Dynpginte.) Contains 80% Pure Sulphur. WIe Hal & Witekor Dys, Black of Brown, Bis was fo Wise men make haste but never worry. i If a jallbird doesn’t fly, it isn't his | A Juliet preparation of meth alps to eredisate & For Restoring t ta Tom $5,000 to $15,000 From One Acre of Land RB RL EWA SS want to haar about | Ter any ocllerm ~ o LINER ON “WHEATLESS DAYS PATENTS purr innit. Start a Mail Order Basiness [ Ei a Tie W. N. U, BALTIMORE, NO. 36-10uX.