ea a —_———.— LUOALS, Robert Meyer was home from Al- toona for a few days beginning of the week, Miss Edith Sankey, of Potters Mills, is spending a short time at the Hon. L. Rhore home. Elmer Miller, teacher of the Gram- mar grade, made a trip to Philadel phia on Batarday. J. B. Fortney, tax collector for Pot- ter township, was a business caller at this office last Friday. Erdtuan West, who is a Penn Btate tate student, spent Bunday with his wife at the Lambert home, Mre. Cora Keefer, youngest daughter of 'Squire and Mre, Cyrus Brungart, is il! at her heme in Young wood with pneumonia, Charley Stump, who spent part of several months in Fort Mitchell, Virginie, returned to Centre Hall last Friday morning. Lewistown flung to the breeze a new $118 American flag last Batur- day, which was purchased through the means of popular subscription. Mre, W. B. Mingle, who spent the winter months with her daughter and son in Philadelphia, returned to Cen- tre Hall on Wednesday and opened her home for the summer, The family of Elmer McClellan, of near Tusseyville, and F. J. McClellan, of Centre Hall, motored to Lewistown on Euuday to visit the families of Robert Homan and Bamuel McClel- lan, Mr, and Mrs. G. R. Betts and daughter, Ruth, Mra. James Betts, daughter Beatrice, and W. HB, Krise, motored from Johnstown on Baturday and remained until SBunday at the Prof. W. A. Krise home, . Those who attended the funeral of Irvin V. Musser, at Mifflinburg, on Tuesday, from Centre Hall and sur- rounding country were: Mr. and Mrs, W. H. Meyer, J. W. Runkle, Mr, and Mire, Foster W. Frazier, Mr, and dare, Charles Miller, and Miss Sadie Lee, E. Roy Corman, of Bpring Mille, a student in the senimary at Lancaster, very scceptably filled the pulpits of the Reformed churches at Tusseyville and Centre Hall last SBunday. Rev. R. R. Jones, was acting as supply in the Paradise charge, Troutville, Clear- field county. Mre. Alvin Keck, of Hindsdale, Montans, is the guest of Merchant and Mrs. C. M, Bmith, in this place, and will remain for a week or more hefore leaving for the wes!, Mre, Keck is a sister-in-law of Mre. Bmith and is re- covering from a lengthy illness during Ler stay in the east, Noises heerd in the air early Suan- dey morning by Bellefonte residents were taken by the excitable folks to mean that a poesibly hostile aeroplane was flying over the town, The calmer element, however guessed it was only a flock of geese drumming the air on their northern journey. Dorothy, the three-year-old daugh- terof Mr. and Mrs, Harry McClena- han, of near Centre Hall, had the misfortune to break her right arm be- low the e.bow on Friday afternoon, when she fell off a small hand wsgon with which she was playing at her home, The little tot bad the fracture reduced and is getting along fine, The following attended the funeral services of the late Rev, J, L. Meizgar, at Rebersburg, on Tuesday: Rev. G. L Cpurtney, Boalsburg; Rev. D, B, Kurtz, Centie Hall ; Rev. J, B, Hun- sicker, Rev.. Womelsdorf, Rebersburg ; Rev. M. D. Geesey, Aaronsburg; Rev. A. H. Bpangler, Yeagertown ; Rev. M. B. Cressman, Lewistown ; Rev. John Reisb, Loganton, A son was born to har. and Mre, Ed- win D, Crowell, at the home of the mother’s parents, Mr. and Mrs, George Ishler, near Centre Hall, on Baturdasy morning. The new arrival goes by the name of Jules Edmund Crowell, Mrs, Crowell was Miss Effle Ishler and with her husband has her home at Tyrone, The past few weeks have been spent at the parental home, Having provided for the enrollment of high echools and college men to aid in farm work, the Committees of Public Bafety emphasized today the neceseily of farmers furnishing imme- diate information to the local Com- mitiees through the State of the num- ber of volunteers they will require, Quick section is imperative so that workers may be assigned to their re- epective posts with the lesst possivle delay, and full advantage be taken of the plantivg season, A conference of the various Wo- men’s Clubs in Centre county was held in the basement of the Lutheran church st Boalsburg, on Saturday. Twenty clubs were represented by more than two hundred memliers. A lunch was served at the noon hour d an interesting talk by a Phils. Iphia club member occupied part of the afternoon session. The next con- ference will be held in Bellefonte in October. Centre Hall was represented by the following members of the Clover Club : Miss Florence 8, Rhone, Mre, D. W, Bradford, Mre, G., 0, Benner, and Mrs, W, F. Keller, ———— A —— New Bridge at Lewlk town, The Penveylvsuia Rsilrosd com- pany will begin the erecting of a five epon iron bridge over the Juniata vers ab Lewistown to succeed the one now in service on the Bunbury branch. Buys Auto for Minister, A short time ago It wes recorded in these columns that the Ford oar be- longing to Rev, O. W. Rishel, pastor of the Methodist church at Howard, was destroyed by fire when the min- ister’s garage and other outbuildinie were burned, This loss gave Rev. Rishel’s parishioners an opportunity to show appreciation of thelr pastor's work, and led by J. W. Mayes funds were collected and presented to Rev. Rishel with instructions to purchase a new car. A few days ago, Rev, Rish- el made a trip to Centre Hall and pur- chased a Ford from the Boozer-Smith firm, Of course, Rev, Rishel is great- ly pleased over the liberality of bis members and they in turn are just as happy to be able to be of service to the minister, S—————— — ——————— The Brooks Boys Some Farmers, April 1st Jewett Brooks began farming on the D.K, Keller farm, east of Centre Hzll, and on account of just beginning farming operations did not have a chance to line up his work in advange. The Brooks boys are hustlers, and while Messrs. Richard and Cloyd both live on large farms they turned,in teams and men in saffi- cient number on their younger broth- er’s farm a few days ago to turn up- side down fifteen acres of sod in one day. With this aid the young farmer will be able to plant in good season, ———— A rp ——— For Sale, ~Uraln Elevator & Ooal Yards, The Oak Hall grain elevator and coal yards are offered for sale by the undersigned, The business is well established and enjoys a floe trade in grain ( wholesale), coal, baled hay, fertilizers, otc. The plant is located on the L. & T. railroad. This is a fine opportunity for anyone desiring to enter a business that has slwaye yielded excellent financial returns, For farther particulars, address EB, E. WEBER, Boalsburg, Pa. ————— A A —— Floughed Up Old Waten. While plowing In a flefld formerly owned by Charles Doebler and later by Ernest Beirley, at Rebersburg, last week, George E. Wiee, the auctioneer, turned up an old watch, which after a little polishing revealed a siiveroid ease. He woind up the timepiece and it has been going ever since, Just how long sgo and by whom it waa lost is a conjecture, but evidently a good many crops were raised over the buried timepiece. Mr, Wise ap- pears to be especially foriupate in finding watches since this is the fourth be has found. No doubt his being continually on the * waich” for bid- ders has something to do with Mr. Wise’s good fortune along that line, a ————— I— A ————————— Hichard Brooks Bays Tate Farm, tf Richard Brooke, on Saturday, pur. chased the Willlam E. Tate farm, abeut three miles west of Centre Hall, for the sum of $8000.00, The farm containe 115 to 120 acres, and is one of the best in that section of the valler, Mr, Brooks, nextepring, when he will move onto his new possessions, will have occupied the D. A. Boozar ( for- m-riy G. M. Boal ) farm, west of Old Fort for a period of seventeen years, He is one of the prosperous young farmers of Pepns Valley who by dint of hard labor and s liberal use of grey matter has been able to accumulate the means for purchasing a first-ciass farm. EE ———— I ————— Fotato Spraying. The great Irish potato famines and heavy crop loeses last year in America were caused by the ‘late blight" of potatoes, Beveral other disesse and insects which carry blight and sattsck foliage, stems and tubers can be con- trolled by well known sprays. It pays to spray. A Colorado potato beetle may deposit upwards of one thousand egge during the summer ov- er a long period, Two generations are common in this state, Foliage in- jury in plants is equivalent to reduc- tion of lupg capacity In avimals, bence very detrimental, The tiny black jumping beetle attacks both leavee and tubers. The adult eats tiny holesin the foliage and carries the blight fangues, while the larvae burrow into the tuber, Hpray potato vines with Bordeaux mixture (3 lbe. bluestone or copper sulfate and four Ibe, fresh lime in 50 gale, of water)—with 2 lbs, powdered arsenate of lead added.. Onpe