whe, S a a DEATHS, wre pnBOr2006000000000000 2 SIXTEEN PUBLIC MEETINGS Te be Held Throughout the County on Saturday Evening. --Patriotic and Agricultural Speakers. paredness propaganda which is being instituted in Centre county under the auspices of the Public Bafety Commit- tee, organized at the instance of Governor Brumbaugh, will be in the form of sixteen public meetings to be held throughout the county on Bat- urday evening, Ope of the places designated is Centre Hall, A com- plete list follows: Centre Hall, Bpring Mills, Boalsburg, Potters Mills, Mill- heim, Rebersburg, Bellefonte, How- ard, Hublersburg, Philipsburg, Pine Grove Mille, Port Matilde, Rock Bpringe, Unionville, Boow Bhoe, the moet important ope in The speaker has not yet been ap- lems will be appointed. Nef will be the acting chairman of zene, in the spirit of patriotism, to at- tend. The meeting will be called to order at 7:80 o'clock. The local P. O, B. of A, will have charge of the singing. LATER Just before the Reporter went to) press the following list of speakers for | Penps and Brush Valleys was received. The first named epeaker in each case! will talk along patriotic lines while the second speaker will talk on sgri- cultare, Centre Hall—Dean Holmes and W. | H. Tombave. Epring Mille—W. 0, Zarby and A. A. Borland, Potters Mills—James R, Hughes and F. M, Fagan, Boalsburg—W. Harrison and B. W, Fletcher. Millbeim—Dr, E, E. Bparks and Fred Rasmusees, Rebersburg—Robert Glanding and F. P. Weaver, Walker LOUALS, Farmer Harry Hettinger, of Egg Hill, is driving a new Ford car. Dou’c fail to attend the patriotic meeting in Grange ball on Salurday evening of this week. Miss Edva Gray, of Milton, spent Sundsy with her uncle and aunt, Mr. | and Mrs. Andrew Zettle, in this place, | Mre, John Meyere, at the upper end of town, is recovering from a severe csee of blood poisoning which a week ago threatened to prove fatal, Prof. W. V. Godshall, principal of the Spring Mills school, has decided to open the summer Normal in that place on Monday, April 30tb. Bee ad. in this issue, John Bubb, of Colyer, was another lucky fisherman on Monday the first day of the trout season, when he suc- ceeded in cateblog the limit—forty—in the Beven Mcuotaio streams, It really appears that the school] board must be reminded that the flag stafl is broken and old glory does not | float over the American youths as they approach the Iceal educational | center. The local W. C. T. U. held a recep- tion for ils new members in the Gracge hall on Friday evening. An interesting program by members of the Y. P. B. was a feature, Delicious refreshments were served, Rev, and Mrs. W, R. Jones and two daughters, after a month’s stay with | the former's parents at the Reformed parsonage, returned to their home ip Bhawville, Clearfield county, on Wed- nesday. The young minister has fully recovered from the operation on bis head aud is ready to continue his | mivisterial duties, ('. E. Royer, of Bpriog Mille, was ip | ‘PUBLIC SAFETY COMM. BUSY | Maps Out Plans for Home De- | fense.--‘* State !’ Students to | Help on Farms.-MotorTrucks for use in Home DefenseWork Wednesday night of last week a Public Bafety Committee for - Centre county was organized at the home of Lieut. T. D. Boal, at Boalsburg, as announced in this paper last week. A second meeting of that committee {was held on Tuesday night in the | arbitration room of the court house, in Bellefonte. A number of citizens attended and the spirit of patriotisim { ran at high tide, Dr. E. E. Bparke, of Btate College, outlined a plan whereby Penn Btate later periods. D. F. Kapp, chairman of the agricultural commit- tee, outlined a plan for accomplishing bis important work throughout the county. Farmers who are facing the serious problem of help are requested to get in touch with him. Dean Watte, of the Pennsylvania Btate mittee on agriculture resources, Along the line of home defense Col. H., B. Taylor reported that all local fire companies have offered their services and where no fire companies exist, regular volunteer companies bave been formed, A committee for the organization of motor trucks was formed with Robert Hunter as chairman, The Decessiiy of the mobilization of motor trucks for home defense purposes ie a plain one, The werk of the Public Bafety Com- mittee in this county is assuming large proportions and each meeting is destined to grow in importance and interest to the county's forty odd thousand of inhabitants with ite varied interests, ————— TY ——————— September 8th to 14th, 1917, are the datea for the forty-fourth annual Eo- campment and Exhibition at Centre Hall, ————— A ————— The 8B. 8. convention for the twelfth district of Centre county will be held at Millbeimo, May 17h, LOOALS, Rubbish ! Bkiddo! Plowing is on in earnest, Mrs, Fraoklin Moyer, west of town, is recovering from a recent ilinese, John B. Ruble, who is employed ip Altoona, epent Bunday with bls family in this place, Charles Geary, of Newport, is spend- ing a few days with his brother, F, P. Geary, and family, J. F, McUoy, of Philadelphia, spent aA few days the latter part of last week in and about Centre Hall, Aaron Thomae, the carpenter, after being housed up for ten days on ac- count of sickness, is again at work. The interests of the farmer will be the keynote of the patriotic meeting to be held in Grapge hall on Baturdsy evening. Mre. Della Musser, of Bpring Mille, was discharged as a patient at the Lock Haven hospital the middle of inat week, Patriotism and agricalture are close- ly allied. Go to Grange Arcadia Bat- urday night and learn how you can do your bit. The present week opened with a delightful day and with promises for more seasonable weather from now on to the end of April, Mra, W. B, Slick and son, William, epent a few days with the former's sisters, Mre. B, F. Releh and Mrs. J. W. Brown, in Milroy. One of the town’s present needs is a large flag for display over the dis mond, The flag purchased by public subscription some years ago is no longer presentable, The local Rebeka's Lodge, I. O. 0. F., conferred the degree upon a olace of four members on Tuesday night. town Haturday to arrange for the | Beveral auto loads of Millheim mem- semi-annual district Sabbatb-school | bers and one from State College were convention of the eleventh district, | present. Refreshments were served, coroprising Centre Hall borough, Pot-| Boozer and Smith, the local Ford ter and Gregg townahipe. Mr. Royer agents, are facing a shortage of cars fs president of the district, Rev. J. that promises no early relief, The (. Btill has been appointed missionary | firm could right now deliver a dozen superintendent to fill the vacancy cars but the Ford plant ls facing sn which occured by the death of Rev. inprecedented call for their product Mies Bara A, Meek died In a Phili-| g delphia hoepital on Thureday eveniog | of last week, Bhe suffered a stroke of | paralysis several years ago snd lust | Insurance and Real Estate autumn decided to take treatment af | Philadelphie, She was the youngest | @ Want to sell 7 daughter of the late Reuben and Mary | t Buy or Sell? Gray Meek, early settlers of Patton | township. Fifty years of her life wae | epent In the echool room, having taught in many counties in the state, | She is survived by two brothers: Olie | Meek, of Philadelphis, and Hoo, P. | | | SEE US FIRST CPODOOVINEI J gee BRWDeY EN 3 Gray Meek, of Bellefonte. Burial UBNTRE HALL, PA, was made in Meek’s cemetery nesr| Pine Grove Mille, on Monday morn-| Fw ow BEB “a0 PeBRER ing, Rev. Long of Btate College officl- | ating. OENTRE OAK Fine spring weather and the farm- ers are making good use of it, | Wilbur Lucas built 8 new garage for | bis car. I receive carload shipments anc can supply you at all times at low est prices, Bring your barrels and drums and try my oils and gasoline, Miss Mary Zerby, of Centre Hall, | spent Bunday at the Fetterolf home, | William McClenahan Mr. White spent Bunday with his) WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR parente. CENTRE HALL, PA. Mrs. E. D. Feltonberger, from | = Madisonburg, spent last week at the HBpayd home. The Bupervisors of Gregg townshij ' have purchased a new road euit FOR THE FARMER . aud are busy making roade, They are | certainly fixing up the roads in good shape, i The Easter service on Bunday even- ing at the Union church at Farmers Mills was very well attended and the | “=. services were grand ; the children did ( fine, all knowing their parts very oO OD % well. The audience showed their sp- ARP a preciation by the liberal offering on| — = Teeter the plate. NT 1 A Full Line of A fr s— Coat sulle, coste, dresses, separate conte and skirte, made over your own individual measurements, Your own WALTER A. WOOD cloth or cloth furnished.— Ladies’ Toggery Bhop, Bellefonte, Pe. Bell FARM IMPLEMENTS — Crown Grain Drills, Black WE HAVE JUST BEEN INFORMED TuAT the First National Nurseries of R por, x ¥ Hawk Corn Planters, Krouse Cultivators, Binder Twine. are anxious to secure either ladies or gentlemen to represent them In this section, in the sale of their complete line of orlental tree, shrubs, roses, vines, bulbs, fruit trees, berry bushes, etc. They inform us that without previous experience it is possible to make good wages every week. Any oue out of employment or desiring to take up work of this time will do well to write them for terms and in doing #0 enclose this notice CYRUS BRUNGART JUSTICE OP THE PEACE CENTRE HALL, PA. We also have a Jeffrey Lime Puli. verizer and are prepared to crush stone for Concrete or Agricultural Lime Cleve H. Eungard Spring Mills, Pa. Epecial attention given to collecting Legal writings of all classes, Incloding deeds, mortgages Agreements, ole. marriage loenses and hunter's Heenses secured, and all matters pertaining to the office stiended Ww wamriy ects 196 pd {et tre Reporter, $1.59 per year, New Spring Wearing Apparel At Most Advantageous Prices This store was never so at- tractive and so bright with new merchandise in all depart- ments as it is this Spring. Our Ready-to-wear Apparel is more varied and more beautiful than for many seasons past New Clothes for Easter You will want to wear new clothes for this festive oc- casion, and we most cordially invite you to come and visit our store and make your selection of Easter wearing apparel, mrt ————— SPECIAL ATTENTION IS CALLED TO OUR LINE OF Ladies’ Coats and Suits FOR SPRING This line is undoubtedly the finest that has ever been seen in Millheim, D. J. NIEMAN MILLHEIM ~ We are Ready for Summer Off with the old—on with the new, With the coming of warm weather there is that natural desire to cast off the heavy apparel which the long winter months demanded, and don new, brighter, and lighter dress. We are prepared to show the ladies the most beautiful patterns in SUMMER DRESS GOODS We can’t go into detail ; just come in and exam- ine them for yourself. No matter how particular you are, we can show you goods that will please, . HATS and CAPS For Men : press Sirs Styles are Right, Quality is Right, Prices are Right. m—— i ——— Shoes for all the family in up-to-the-minute styles. Mulford’s Cold Cream, 25¢ OR Parke-Davis’ Cold Cream Cough Syrups— Dr. Longwell’'s Syrup White Pine and Eucalyptus Dr, Longwell’s Syrup Honey and Glycerine, THE CENTRE HALL PHARMACY ; A Store You Like to Go to W. H. Behuyler, It is likely that the Sabbath-school convention will be held at Spring Mille, on Friday, May 4b. . The Post Officsa Department far. ‘nished a high-class flag for the local post office, and it is now hung to the breeze every morning. The Knights of the Golden Eagle, who occupy the third floor of the Reporter building, will also unfurl a flag of large dimen elope in the near future, as will also the order of Patriotic Bons of Amerios, ocoupyliog a portion of the bank bulld- ing. Compared to other towns simi- lar in size, Ceu.tre Hall Is just a bit Jacking in the number of flags on dis play, bul it wor’c te long uotil Old look," and it is possible that the demand cannot be met, The * gas station” in front of D, A. Booger’ saddler shop was broken off at the base on Thursday evening when Henry Houser accidentally ran into it with his car. Mr. Houser was making his maiden trip in a new Ford oar just purchased from Boozer & Smith and was driving up before the store to have the fan belt fixed, He came to a full stop a eafe distance from the pump but lor attempting to turn the car in closer to the walk, failed to avoid a collision with the red pump, breaking it off close to the base, The State Board of Agriculture will hold iia annpz! sormal loatitute st DuBois on May 22, 23, and 24, a Groceries-always fresh We always have something new and freskron our counters, Come in and see. C. M. SMITH The Quality Store CENTRE HALL, PA. We treat the small depositor with the sideration as we do the large one. No one cause to complain of discourteous treatment at Farmers National Bank, When financial favors needed don’t think because your account is a cone that your wishes will not be appreciated. The Farmers National Bank Miliheim, Pa.