MOTHER! LOOK AT If cross, feverish, constipated, give “California Syrup of Figs.” temorrow. Children simply will not take the time from play to empty their bowels, which become clogged up with waste, liver gets sluggish; stomach sour, Look at the tongue, mother! If coat- ed, or your child is listless, cross, fev- erish, breath bad, restless, doesn’t eat heartily, full of cold or has sore threat or any other children’s ailment, give a teaspoonful of “California Syrup Figs,” then don't worry, because it is perfectly harmless, and in a few hours all this constipation poison, sour bile and fermenting waste will gently move out of the bowels, and you have a well, playful child again. A thor- ough “inside cleansing” is ofttimes all that is necessary. It should the first treatment given in any sickness, Beware of counterfeit fig syrups. Ask at the store for a 00-cent bottle of “California Syrup of Figs,” which has full directions for babies, children of all ages and for grown-ups plainly printed on the bottle. Adv. be An Optimist. Good the one promised I'd (comfortably) He struck mother She just your heavens, clock and 1 leave at twelve, Good! We've eleven hours yet, An Alberta farmer, who had bor- rowed loan company, in re- the payment on his mortgage, decided to give them the Mani- r anoth- from mitting to them last history of" his toba farm. It was that of er farmer, and for the who contemplate a a {s taken of reproducing “T will you her mary of my experience since here six years ago. I was a new hand at farming, my trade ting and butchering. My capital $100, which irst pe experie n « her it of those chang res x liherty IKE HUDETLY t i i iN brief . Wine coming give e a sum- being meat-cut- was + yment on my quarter Most f my stock, harness, implements, time,” were all “on necessarily. The buildings on the place as nothing and had t or replaced en were about a either to be rebuil tirely. There were , and very b farn inging oor returns the first number = af spite of done we ly 850 worth of poultry fencing ; have built root cellars to hold over 3,000 bushels of potatoes and other vegetables, As to income, I t ten on garden £600 to raise abou ant roots annually which n $1000 total. I generally sell from 20 to 40 tons timothy hay which brings from $6 to £14 per ton. My most all used on the farm except a few hundred bushels sold to the neigh- bors for seed. My four milk cows bring in from $50 to $80 each (counting calf). Last year 80 hens laid 600 dozen eggs which averaged 2% grain is more than 25 cents a dozen (I always work for winter egg production). The surplus hens were sold in spring, dressed at $1 each. My turkeys average $2.50 each in fall. By having vegetables to feed my young cattle, the two-year-old steers bring $70 each in spring."—Advertisement. in the Crowd. “This is a jam!” “Yes, we're in a preserve us!” pickle. Heaven Attorneys, Bankers, Insurance Agencies Make your service complete, place your court and fidelity bonds and burglary insurance in the “WORLD'S LARGEST SURETY COMPANY,” from your own office, We solicit inquiries for agencies from those desiring our IMMEDIATE DELIVERY SERVICE, AGENCY DEPARTMENT, NATIONAL SURETY COMPANY, 115 Broadway, New York, N. X.—Adyv, Plain Reason. “Why do they try new plays on the dog?” “To get ‘em licked into shape, "” REMARKABLE LETTER FROM A WELL KENOWN WASHINGTON DRUGGIST. in reference to Elixir Babek the great remedy tor chills and fever and all malarial diseases, “Within the last five months I have sold 3,600 bottieso! Elixir Babek for Malaria, Chiiiaand Fever. Our customers spank very well of it." Henry Evans, 922 F St, N. W. Washington, D. C. Elixir Babek 50 cents, all druggists, or by Parcel Post, pre d, from Kioczewsk! & Co. Washington, D, C. The Kind. “He writes with a vitriolle pen” “Is that one of them new self-fill- ers?” Dr. Pierce's Pellets are best for liver, bowels and stomach. One little Pellet for a laxative—three for a cathartic —Adv, If life hands you a lemon adjust your rose colored glasses and start to sell tng pink lemonade, on Vigorous Campaign. WILL BE NO PASSIVE WAR Plans—Ildea Of Coast Gained From Experience Of Belligerents Washington. been made for military, naval are based upon plans for warfare of a most thorough gharacter. These estimates are not able In terms of millions, or of hun dreds of millions. They run into bil lions, and will tax the resources of the United States, if they are for as army and experts recommend. describ legislated navy will No Passive War. upon these withheld until President policy After with money-revenue on hand and expenditures on the other Any feeling that may exist in Wash that may be carried Official mates will comes, and until the self has outlined hi: posed his gress will have tion of comment esti be him program that to deal the ques the ons outside anything but a on with will, it ington or passive war out grave cost to the country the Lie removed soon after and Navy before plans, and have i try the expense which will be involved 5 said, be Army spread have artments Congress the campaign confi in thelr execution There need be Dn 000,000,000 is asked fr first year's work T total the proximately 15 war with Spain Revolutionary War mere bagatelle in comparison of the Mexico, $100.000.000, is but a bucket m saurpri if * to finance cost of war with drop which have » army ave long been He has gons wd down, forward and back consideration of all he enormous been Cail arrived at in and navy ulations before the President over them, up ar ward, in conflict as is now figures undoubtedly t it is not hy } in fixing his y which Maney even nt not one yf int the money cost taxes will be increased tent The cost of food r will increase to a m this goes without unlikely that in will exact from But is is case the like a any anything Ameri in from her people vernment much money the 3 can Great Britain, for stance, is demandin There is no thought here of a 50 per tax upon individuals or levy upon corporations will be able Germany without There are funds people as cent. income 67 per cent Th Government finance a war with guch drastic measures. billions of dollars of available in ‘American banks to RELIEF FUND. $10,000,000 Navy League Will Raise Families of Volunteers. Washington. Completion of naval volunteers in case of war, was announced by the Navy League of the Ames, organizer of the Canadian Patriotic Fund, was the principal speaker, WILSON INDORSES FUND. Commends the Work of Raising $10,000,000 for Jewish Sufferers. Washington. —Preaident Wilson sent a telegram indorsing the raising of a $10,000,000 fund for the relief of Jew- {sh war sufferers in which he said, “The Russian revolution has opened the door of freedom to an oppressed people,” and urged that they be en- couraged HEN SETS WORLD'S RECORD. 83 Days. Lexington, Ky.-—A world's record here in the international consecutive egg-laying contest when Lady Walnut, white Leghorn, No. 707, laid an egg. It was the eighty-third consecutive day that this hen has pro duced an egg. She is owned by Dr. R. 1 Ireland, of Louisville, Ky. The best previous record was 82 eggs in that many consecutive days. (Copyright) U.S WILL AGREE War is Inevitable Unless Ger- many Backs Down. ISSUE HAS NOW BEEN MADE Von Bethmann - Hollweg's Speech Brings No Change In the Situa Sound ing Sentiment. tion—President ’ Washingt cessation of Germany's ruthl s campaign of death and Against American Ripping President have laid This was ministration Wash mann-Hollweg's ngton of German-Americs German Reid Chancellor, whil Germany haa not now desir with the tates any change in devast made no announcement as Germany's campaign of His that if the Unit States con statement iders ea for ation submarine npaig : au tion of will not 0 bear irden of respons and that the German bear and in Washington determination to American shall also overcome 3 i cep 0 AB LRINSL mpending war An it was for pre has ttempted 1 in he blame On Wilson her act on other vious occasions Presid taken the position ths justified ir marine ruthlessness sub the } WAY ; because British blockade CANADA DISCUSSES HEAD TAX. Charge Of $8 On Travelers Entering United States. Toronto, Ont.—A head tax of $8 on all travelers entering the United States from Canada, sald to be under consideration by the Dominion Gov ernment, was discussed at a meeting of Canadian Railway officials at Niagara Falls. The new tax will be- come effective after May 1, It is under- atood. The money is to be refunded Legislature Passes Bill Barring Liquor From State, Atlanta, Ga.—A “bone liguor absolutely dry” from to sign it shortly. The Legislature, which was called primarily to con Men Enter the Reservation. Three Watertown, Mass three men to enter An attempt by of them had fired at him. While the officer was pursuing two of the in- truders, the other ran through fence hole into the arsenal grounds. MEANEST KIND OF GHOUL. Ground Glass In Red Cross Bandages. Put New York.-“Instances American Red Cross have been dis ized by Albert W. Straub, director of its Atlantic division. British Now Getting Their Big Guns to Work. FRENCH GROUND CLEARER That Great De- Smashed Before British Recognize fenses Must Be Another Move Can Be Made Forward German heavy lay again over having Hinden of the treat The spread British have discovered a plot to disease among cavalry a German agent having been vial of bacteriological his and in structions how to use them. The Ger mans left behind all manner of traps, the British and received information horses, found with a possession of which, French however, TO IMPEACH ALABAMA SHERIFF, Governor Orders Proceeding Escape Of Seven Convicts. Montgomery, Ala--Qovernor ordered the State's Attorney: General to file impeachment proceed. against Sheriff Batson, of Jef. convicted lawler, recently companions. slayer of Judge escaped with FOR PANAMA DEFENSE. Board Named To Consider Arming Civil Employes In Zone. Washington.——A board, of Lieutenant-Colonel Harding, Canal and Commander Cone, was appointed advisability of organizing Canal e¢lvil employes for the defense BIDS ADIEU TO WEST INDIES. Danish King Thanks islanders For Their Loyalty. London.—A Copenhagen dispatch to the Exchange Telegraph Company says that the King of Denmark has the people of the Danish West Indies The King thanks the people for their loyalty in the past GIRLS ON HUNT FOR RECRUITS. and Army Hats Be. come Auixliary Officers. Chicago. Twenty girls in army hats joined the The girls were as signed to the automobile detail which is searching the city for reeruite, N FAGE OF DEATH British Soldiers Maintain Best Army Traditions. SHIP HAD STRUCK A MINE Paraded On Deck In Perfect Order. Rescuing Vessels Took Them Off and the Transport Was Also Saved. London The iritish transport Tyndareus, with a battalion of the Middlesex Regiment aboard, struck a mine on February 9 off Cape Agulhas, the southernmost point of Africa. The men ware paraded on deck, and, after roll