WO eee Be THE CENTRE REPORTER. MARCH 15, 1917 CENTRE MILLS Charles Coble moved from Rockville to Smulton laat Thursday. Mr, and Mrs, Windom Crebs and children attended the wedding of Miss Ruth Crebe at Madisonburg last Thura- day. William Vonada of Spring Bank disposed of his live stock on Batur- day at public sale and everything brought fair prices, He expects to move to Bpring Mills in a few weeks, Mre. Relish and daughter and Mrs, Bweely and little daughter and son Henry visited from Saturday until Monday with friends in Nittany Val- ley. Last Thursday mr. and Mrs. Wim. Hackman and children of Rockville started for this place and when in the vicinity of Arthur Cumming’s the sleigh upset, all the occupants being thrown out, the horse running ofl. He wes found bebind Adam Reish’s his limbs badly scratched. not one of the family was barn with Fortanately injured. Quite a pleasant surprise was sprung on Ad+»m Reish I'bursday even- ing, it being his forty-first birthday. He was busily playing checkers sbout eight o'clock when suddenly the door opened snd a company of friends, rel- laden with gifts The men Inet atives and and choice tered. soon encircled, him and hoisted him almost to the He snjoyed th joke good usturediy and soon all were enjoying games or liatening t the piano and violin, Refrealiments served and at a late all departed, wish- ing biwm day. The following were song those pres- Dutrow, and Claud Raymond neighbors Vialids e! ceiling. themselves playing ) music on Were nour of the many reiurn ent: Mr. Mary, Aope, Dutrow, Mr. and Mrs, Walker and son Russel, Mr, and Mrs, Homan, Edward, Ralpb, Earnest Homan, Miss Sallie Krader, Roy Gar- brick and son Lester, of Centre Hall ; Mr, and M Arthur Cummings, Paul, Ralph and Walter, Wm, Stump, Mr. and M Windom Crebs, Dean, Doyle, Thelms, Twila Crebe, Mr, and Mrs. Chas, 3mull, Hester, Emma, Grace and Neta Bmuall, Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Hackman, William, Lals, Esth- er, and Myrs Hackman, Mr, and Mrs, Breoo, Hackenburg, Gladys and Geraldine Hackenburg, Ed Frank Mr. snd and Mrs, Mrs, Bigler Nevis Gar and Mrs. Clyde J hn, Roy re I'S, AR Weston snd daught Misa Mary, Mrs, Wm. Hubler, Mr, Claud Haines, Bhafler, Mary, Bhaffer, Luther Shbafler, Sarah man, Zeids Day, Stanley Zigler, Har- ry Shullz, Ewery Day, Harold Hack- enburg, Harold Auman, Bruu- gard Miss Nona Yearick, Mahlon Bton- er, Raymond Bair, Nelson Philips George Day, Mary Weber, Bernice Crouse, Mr, aud Mrs, Fred Wil- lis Day, Doyle, Ruth, Helen Best, Mr, Mrs, Wm, Sweely, Hen- ry, Robt. Wallace, Emily snd Kalle Mra, Mr. and Katherine and not, taat Hea, Mae and and Bweely, Lucy Jordon, Mr, Joun A. Kline, Miss Minnie Kliue. — Sa ronsbur, Mrs, Clarence Musser waa a suffer the past week with grip. Archie Bing, who is employed ai Bandy Ridge, is home for a few days. i Weaver arrived on Saturday from Akron, Oulo. Gillard Eiseuhsuer, Leroy and Arthur Weaver, found no employ- aud Poa « Us Mensch ment at Milton and so returoed howe, They will seek new fieide, Mre. Harvey Charles visited her daughter, Mrs. Claude Fiedler, part of last week. Charles Blover, of State College, is visiting his daughter, Mrs. Daniel Btetier, Mr, and Mrs, John Detwiler, of near Centre Hall, drove to the Warren Wiokleblech home where the former's father has bis home, He is pot in his usual health at this writing. Dr. C. 8, Musser took J. F, Krape to a Philadelphia hospital to bave an operation performed, His many friends wish for a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mre. Paul BSwabb, of Farmers Mills, were Babbath guests of Mr. and Mrs, Otto, Mre. Wilillama Stricker and son Howard returned from their visit iv Yeagertown among the former's chil- dren. Mrs, Mary Burd, who is conducting a fraternity house at State College, came home to help her son Frank to move into KE, Wetzle’s house, A QUIET WEDDING, A quiet wedding was solemnizged at the Reformed parsonage on Friday evening, the contracting parties being Prof, Rsuchsu, the grammar school tescher, and Miss Mae Guisewite, Congratulations, Pleasant Gap. The High Sehool will hold a Box Booisl in the school room Haturdsy ev. ening, March 17th, Everybody wel- come, Mra. Horry Hager, of Lewistown, ie sponding an week with friends and relatives at the Gap. Irvin Gettig, Bellefonte, spent Fane day with his brother, H, U', Gettig, Misses Emeline and Anns Rimmey, QOarrie Gettlg and Helen Grenoble spent the week end with friends and NTATE AGRICULTURAL NOTES, The extensive demand for fat and bologna cowa at good prices has bad the effect of reducing many dairies in Bucks county. There are an unusually large num- ber of farm sales this spring snd in some sections the farmers, both own- er and tenant, have given up the work on sccount of scarcity of farm help. Secretary of Agriculture Charles E. Patton urges all farmers not to reduce their acreage in potatoes this year as a continued potato famine would be a great calamity with the country in ite present unsettled atate. A Chester county cattle dealer was fined twenty-five dnllars and oosts amounting to over one hundred do!- lars for illegally importing catile in- to the Btdte, A number of tabergu- lous cows were driven from Maryland without previous inspection or test. The Dairy and Food Bureau of the Pennsylvania Department of Agricul- ture has total receipts for January and February of $200,645.28 against a total of slightly over $308,000 for the entire year of 1916, Prosecution against dealers violat- ing the pure food acts in the sale of adulterated and impure foods resulted in fines of $1,140.00 being paid into the State Treasury during February, he tendency of farmers in the Btate at the present time seems to be for the continued uge of more lime and less commercial fertilizers, Heports from) every section of the State say that the February weather conditions were unfavorable for the winter grain. Detailed tonnage reparts of commer- cial fertilizer in Pennsylvania last year show a shortage o: over 50. 000 ns compared with sales in 1815, sold Georges Valiey (George Breon spent Sunday at the home of his daughter, Mrs, J. (. Au- mau, Mary Btover is making her home at present with P, A, Auman, Mrs. Busan Davis and grandson Carl spent inst Wednesday at Farmers Mills at the Homan home, Joho Vonada and family spent Bup- day at tue home of W. P. Lingle, P. A, Aumen made s business trip to Miffliu county one day last week, D. D. Decker took a load of potatoes to Lewietown last Friday where he gold them at the price of $8.00 per bu. Deaths of Centre Countians, Willian Shirk, a native of Penns Valley, died at his home in Punxsu- tawney, aged over eighly years, Mre, Mary KE. Betz, at Jacksonville, Aged aiXiy~nlne years, Nichoiss Blinger, sged Lhirty years. suicide, cutting his at Philipsburg, He commitied throat with =» I8Z0r, mea ———— A ————— Sslect Valedictorian at ** State,” Kelly, of Brooklypo, N. Y., a senior the department of evcirical engineering at the Peunayl- vania State College, has been chosen dictorian clare, He was a of five candidates for the higheat gift of his class mates, His followed recommenda- tions from the college fscuity as to the students in the senjor class having the highest grades in their studies, Joseph B. in of his vai i or in ins election Transfers of Heal Estate Jobn W. ux to Daniel C, r, tract of iand in College Twp. ; consideration $3000 Catherine Neidigh to Emanuel Beun, gard, tract of land in Gregg Twp. ; consideration $1250, ; J. W.Bummers et ux to Adela D. Hpaogler, tract of land in Bellefonte ; consideration $2765, Adam C. Ripka et ux to Bruce W, Ripka, tract of land in Potter Twp. ; consideration $750. Mary L. Mowery's Exr. to Henry Mowery, tract of land in Haines Twp, ; consideration $510, #usan A, Stumpfl to Henry Mow- ery, tract of jand in Haines Twp. consideration §964.75. i 0. P. Adams to Henry Mowery, tract of iand in Haines Twp. ; consid- eration $217.50, Byron W. Hazel, to Boyd E, Hazel, tract of land in Miles Twp. ;: consider wion $1200, Jennie B., Fledier ot bar to Ernest H. Wise, tract of Iand in Gregg Twp. ; cousideration $2800, Charles E, Henry et ux to James P- Waddle, tract of land in State College ; consideration $4000, Charles Nutting to Effie C, Snyder, tract of land in State College ; consid. eration $5600, Dale ot Preasle ress! Safety First, At the first sign of a cold take—= cascAR] Run | The old family remedy. as am easy Ret BN Fag Sp Be gentine I wit Top . Hill's picture on it-25 cents, At Any Drug Store relatives in Altoona. SILK-HATTED CROOK GONE New York Hasn't Any More Crimi nals Like Those That Throve Some Thirty Years Ago. The dilk-hatted, bewhiskered high- clasp erook has shaken the New York dust off his epate and Qiemppewred. He 18 absolutely extinct. A modern criminal who can boast a good suit of clothes now is termed “Raffles,” or, if he is suspected of wearing what some call a dress suit he is a “gentle- man burglar.” Usually he “Raffleses” a couple of times, making a few small clean-ups, and then {8 netted, arraigned and sent away to a place where he gets hig hair cutting and clothes pressing done free. There are plenty of free lances of crime eirculating around where legal tender or other valuables can be an- pnexed by a little exertion at some risk, but the old-time bands of bold, bad, debonair knights of dark deeds have faded away. There are plenty of men who skulk through what is vaguely termed “the underworld” and who take a desperate chance at im- promptu crimes, robberies, hold-ups or sneak thief jobs, which suddenly come under their attention. These men are not the same call ber as the big criminals of thirty arg ago, although occasionally one of the modern specimens stumbles up- on & rich haul. The police say up-to- date methods have driven them from + game, The green goods men and id brick canvassers have followed bison and the Indian over the last tier, as an organized criminal in. The “wireless” wire tappers + been hunted down and out. This nd dispersed to various -barred havens of rest, leaving the try capitalist safe to wander Manhattan without being i i to play the races on some in- pted tip. has been SAW THEMSELVES IN MOVIES Exhibition at Vassar College That Caused Much Laughter Among the Student Body. The students of Vassar college had opportunity the to sea they I appear as mo ire actresses, says a Pough- to the Ni York mded a show and screen other day w well would nice Pp Ww aken xcla ] "Heavens! vw my belt wee unplanned!’ Bal. "Ohe AtAah % sein f Why didn't 1.look 1A 2 Ben my- ngary, and n years before inople In re * successively of the Egyptian of Berlin it iussians, of Unwholiesome Scotch Atmosphere. The recent rumor that the kaiser is becoming dissatisfied with the con- duct of his eldest son recalls an incl dent which occurred some fourteen years ago when the crown prince was paying a visit to a Scottish duke. The crown prince was having a very good time, and making the most of his tem- porary escape from parental supervis- fon. However, several days before the time fixed for his departure a telegram was received from the kais- er ordering the prince to proceed else where immediately. On his kindly host venturing to protest against this sudden change of plans, the German equerry in attendance on the prince replied: “His Imperial Majesty com- mands that the Crown Prince must more earnest be made!”—London Standard. © Alaska's Timber Resources. The railroad now under construc tion In Alaska from Seward to Fair banks will open large tracts of tim. ber for cutting. It is estimated that twenty million acres of good forest are found in Alaska, and four times that area of scattered timber. Baw- mills are preparing to follow the rail road bullders into the country and in a few years the output of that region will hold an important place in the country’s lumber cut. The principal wood is spruce, but there are fairly large quantities of others, including paper birch.~—Hardwood Record. Centre Heporter, $1.50 per year. ~~ * vmyard, $100 1 this paper will be that there ut lonst one that scien has heen 8s stages, and that is arrh Cure is the only yw known to the ‘atarrh belng’'a constitutional . cauires a constitutional treat Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in- ‘atarrh positive fraternity digens ment ternally, and mucous surfaces of the systema, thare- by destroying the foundatien of the dis. ease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting | nature in doing its work, The proprietors have so much faith in its curative pow- | ers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it falls to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address: ¥. J. CHENEY & CO, Toledo, O Bold by all Druggists, 76¢ Take Hall's Family FPillls for constipation. SALE REGISTER Parties having their sale bills printed at this office will have thelr sales registered under this head FREE of charge. is one dollar, the notice to run until date of sale To all others the charge THURSDAY, MARCH 15th, two miles east of Centre Hall, by Bharer & Keller: Clean up sale of farm stock and lmplements, BATURDAY, MARCH 17, 1 o'clock p. m., to the rear of Reporter office, Centre Hall ; Five pair of mated mules, two yours old at time of sale. These mules will be halter bioke. twenty more milch cows, fresh or springing, Also eral stock bulls, Every annimal offered will be sold, Terms, one year, Free lunch. Mayes, auctioneer TUESDAY, MARCH 20th, 9 o'clock a. m., WF, Stover, one-hall mile cast of Penn Hall, on the road leading to Brush valley, will sell live stock, farm implements and household goods, Wise and Habler, aucis WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2st, 10 a. two miles west of Tussey ville, by D. Gels Wagner Clean up sale of farm stock aud implements THURBDAY, MARCH 2ind, at 10 o'clock a, m., D. Musser, one mile of Bpring Mills, will sell all farm stock, including 8 head of Holstein cattle : also arm lmplementia up sale of everything, FRIDAY, MARCH 2rd, at one o'clock tre Hall boro, Mm. Sarah Kresmer will sell lot Also, or sev. m., about north R A clean- household goods FRIDAY, MARCH, at 10 John Suavely, at Bpring Mills, will sell lot sai Ll. F. rd, o'clock &. m., of fara stock and lm ments, A Mayes, auct, SATURDAY, MARCH 24, 12 o'clock Hill, by L ofl horse, sheep, Mayes, auct, BATURDAY, MARCH 24th, at one Centre Hall, Mm, Elmer stamp will two good t oof clean-up al stock sale, yyd KR. Smith : colts, COws, young osille, oc wk, sell lot of housenold goods, Bove sewing machine, b chickens ele, TUESDAY MARCH 77, the offer at public sale the following “live stock and ments: 4 hesd of young oatlie | undersigned will Seven head of homes al 24 hoad of sheeg 14 head of hogs. Farm Hy recuse plows, 2 Perry harrows, 6 barrow, « barrow, land roller, Evans corn planter, Albright corn worker, 2 mower, sid ielivery fork, wagon, 2 buggys, New Holland feed grinder, rake, haj onder, hay rope and pulleys, Conklin of harness and Sandwich Hay Pres and Power Frank Mayes W, FISHBURN, Baiv al 10 o'clock sharp L Te paid C. WEDNESI MARCH 2% WN 3 miles west of Centre AY E. Tats nh, at ten farm stock and Harry road, will clean-up ls implementa, A sale, rove auct SATURDAY, APRIL 7 } ock ford & Bon, at the Centre Hall BK. BK. Station, will sell a lot of New Farm Machinery of all Kinds L. F, Mays, suet al one © Brad. ADVERTISEMENTS COLT FOR SALE three years oid, will make a 1300] Beason for selling, have more horses than | 1 “JOHN KIMPORT, Bosisburg, Ps Sorrel Mare Coil Tia Tmpe r Hoa TWO BTOVES FOR SALE Perfect sod ithe #yivan Steel Range Cross chuck stove, in good for selling, wi install furnace. - MAN, Contre Hall, Pa te: we in Epox WANTED —A capable woman for geners housework in small private family Address inquiries 0 Mis M. yragier, 26 8B. Gamer streel Stale College, Pa WANTED, A girl for general housework, io a family of two aduita. Must be a good plain cook and come wel recommended No laundry Good wages, Mm J, 1. Quigley, Lewistown, Pa FOR BALE ~One young oow, fresh abot #ov: II weeks ago : five bushels exirs nice Do le Jotatots ~J. ROY SCHAEFFER, Centre Hill, Pa sii ‘phone. 3 it y SERVICES OF BELGIAN STALLION ~The Beigian stallion, formeriy owned by Robert Gisagow, has been purchased by H A. McClellan of Tuseyvilie. Farmers requiring the services of this animal should ‘phone or write the stove named party. STORE ROOM FOR RENT with good ware house, located on diamond of Bosisburg. A good Shines jor ome wd rr man, rent reason - able. ply to H. O. BARK, manager Boslsburg Ratato, Hoalaburg, Pa . N ANTED —AT LEWIETOwWns numeri tal, Lewistown, Pa. Young women fo train as nurses. 3 year course. A High school education is desired and they should be not younger than eighteen years o age. For further information apply Ww Lewistown Hospital, Lewis town, Pa. . G. W. MOORE, R. U,, Supt. 0.12 EN DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE, ~ Letters of administration on the estate of D, W. Corman, iate of Gregg township, deceased, Letters of administration on the above estate having been uly granted to the undersigned, he respeotinily request all persons knowl themselves indebted 10 the estate 10 make —_— diate payment, and those having claims against the same to it thesn duly authen ted without delay for settiement, E ROY CORMAN, Administrator, fold Spring Mills, Pa, CYRUS BRUNGART JUSTICE OF THE PEACE CENTRE HALL, PA. : al attention given to collectt Legs ngn of all classes, including deeds ans! agreements, etc.; marriage lic licenses secured, and all matters office attended to promptly, OILS & GASOLINE | I receive carload shi nis a | can supply you at all times at lov est prices Bring your barrels and drun.s and try my oils and gasoline, William McClenahan WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR - - | — FOTTRO0 NH 000066000600 2 JUSTICE OF THE PEACE LINDEN HALL, CENTRE CO., PA Deeds, Mortgages, Wills, &c, written ar. «x | couted with care. All legal business prom pi! attended 0, Special attention given Wo sed ABL7 Te other Applicator | Rov. 2h 1 jr. i New Springs, Light Weight Goods for Suits and Dresses White Goods Sheeting Pillow Tubing Shirtings Dress Gingham Lancaster Apron Gingham Percales and Linens Ready-made Underwear Gauze Nainsook Long Cloth and Muslin Ready-made Aprons Old-Fashioned Calico for Quilts SUNBURY BREAD EVERY DAY bile Licenses, and all Blanks kept on hand, " " { i Laundry Leaves the Reporter office Sad THURSDAY A. I., MARCH 22 THURSDAY A. M., APRIL 5 and every OTHER WEEK until further notice Returns Saturday following date of outgoing rr red@OB0C0000000000000 t tore closes ev ery Wednesday even. ing at 6 o'clock Insurance and Real Estate Want to Buy or Sell? H. F. Rossman SPRING NILLS, PA. 6000009356 2000009080600 900 000035200000 000CRO0ER0G0CIRPIYLIRANTONONSRDIEITIIVED "geese Raen © 000000000 0Re@i0SR00t vere PPR reR0eRRRP TY eee000@detoeE rT *® SEE US FIRST pring Mills Normal will open about MONDAY, APRIL 25th for Six Weeks’ Term Chas. D. Bartholomew CENTRE HALL, PA, Pere S000000¢) QOCCNONPOEORHO eB PePOGS DORI RTS GOOORCHO BINION O000DOOE ASTER 16-DAY XCURSION Atlantic City Wildwood, Cape May Ocean City, Sea Isle City, Anglesea, Stone Harbor, Avalon Saturday, April 7 Round Trip Fare $7.60 from CentreHall Atlantic Bridge Any Grade Scholars Admitted Special Attention Given Those Who Wish to Prepare for College or for Teaching. 5 cents ad City via i Route Proportionats poinis E FYERS, CONBULT AGENT: Se" August 11. 2 and Annus O0ean J1ove August 23. Pennsylvania R, R. ditions! to elaware River Normal will continue throughout the summer for those desiring to continue studies, fares from other milar Excursions July 14, 28, ! i 8 | Re se sober 1 | Por further particulars add: ess— Kscurton W. V. GODSHALL, B. §., I. S. Spring Mills, Pa. High-clase job work done at the Re- Centre Reporter, $1.50 per year. porter office, MR. FARMER- Now is the time to investigate that Manure Spreader you've been thinking of buying. But before you purchase look into the merits the circular beater. Also, the vertical and floating frame Mowers. A full line ot thelfamousjWalter A.. Wood farm im- plements, : Also, Black Hawk Corn Planters, Crown Grain Drills, Blizzard Ensilage and Feed Cutters, and everything for the farm, and I think I can save you money on your needs for the farm, If you are in the market for anything let me hear from you. Cleve H. Eungard Spring Mills, Pa. yy nt = Punctures Picked My Pockels” OW much money have you spent-—how much worry, annoyance and loss of time have you suffered-—from punctures and *“blow- outs™? What would you give to be absolutely free from these costly and disagreeable incidents of motoring? We can show you a way to do it—equip your car with ESSENKAY, the seal substitute for air in automobile tires and never again will a “flat * os & tire” have any terrors for you. No More Punctlures or “Blowouts” ESSENKAY Tire Filler is no experiment. It is a demonstrated posi- BATE, CHIR Like our vot Pot Eats pa Ete Th Cr oepaage, tuts Ure Dost 3 y = es and ¢ ir p i: away with the exfense and added weight of extra tires, tubes, rims. ete. We are the exclusive agents for ESSENKAY. We install it in your ear, and ire you a careful, continuous, personal service that insures you absolute freedom Come in Today «Don’t Delay! . . . “~ Ey oe Et - Bn CENTRE HALL, PA,