CENTRE REPORTER. | £5 TH THURSDAY, FEB RKUARY 15, 1817 Tusseyville Mrs, Bamuel! Bwariz is able to be around again, Mre. Adam Krumrine is on the sick list, Miss Mamie Wert, of Woodward, spent a week with her sunt, Mre, Arthur Blatterbeck, The relatives and friends of Mre. Williarn Rockey gathered at her bome Tuesday evening in bonor of her birthday and gave her quite a sur- price. Bhe received many presents and some money. Ios cream and cake was served. All depesrted, hav- ing had a fine time and withing Mrs, Rockey many more birthdays. Those present were : Mr. and Mrs, Cherles Flink, Mr, and Mrs, Charles Milier, Mr. and Mre, Charles Neff, Mr, sud Mre. Wm, Neff, Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Lingle, Mr, and Mre, Artbur Blatter- beck, Mr, and Mre, P:ul Eminhizer, Mr. snd Mre. Wilbur Runkle, M-, and Mre. Fred Horner, Mr, snd Mre, John Rishel, Mre, Tilman Klinefelter, Mie, Ella Hettinger, Mre, Michael mar, Mre. Mary Iebler, Mrs, Elmer Miller, Mre, Eanuel Klinefelter, John, Bomer and Hoy Neff, Charles Blutter- beck, John Resmey, Wm. Bwsriz, Rockey, Rufus Ripks, Bsmuel Bitper, Edgar Miller, John Fort: ey, John Hettinger, Walter Horner, Grace and Mary Nel, Mary sSlatterbeck, Mamie Wert, Rebecca Cox, Eeiber Biter, Margaret Bwsrz, Ida snd Dora Klinefelter, Anna Mary Fortuoey, Ruth Rockey, Martha) Horner, Mary Alice Eminbizer, and Goldie Blutter- beck. Hose Be N ro. rad con A A ————— Colyer Willlem Msriz snd eister, visited the Meliss home, . \ Mie. Rube ’ Mre, Fri- i Moyer from Potters Mills visit- ed his uncle, P. B. Jordap, on Nub- day. Colyer meat uarket has been ferred and is now in the bands of G. R. Meigs ; all orders promptly filled. _ Mrs. Ida Weaver, daughter Wills Wallace Weaver and Carl, of Reading, spent Bunday with relatives at Farmers Mille, Mrs, Stewart Jordan bad the fortane to fall on the ice and break her arm below the elbow, Baturdsy sfier- noon. Those who attended the funeral of Jacob Lee's little eon, Btanley, at Bpring Mille, Baturday, were : Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Miller, Miss Badie Lee and J. R. Lee. John Zerby, Jr., made a business trip to Mifflin county Monday, which place he expects to move the 1st of March. {here will preaching apd Munday even'ngs ; {raLe- snd son &OD mig to be Faturda Bish UI UAY morning, in the Evangelical chureb, Rev, Bieriy and Rev, Wence expect to be present. FRUITTOWN., ¢ efell Fred Kiit t HFundsy at home. Hruce W AR er of Burnl dq I move Ons y MifH 1] & ve (al re ace ployed Rush Dippery, who is m this p i“ Were be is empid afin In week i i Lt ial Huru epent with bis ismily. Mre, ~. E. Jordap, of this placer, the misfortune to fall urdsy, breaking her right just below Lhe elbow, Mrs, Edward Bubb is prenmonia writing. friends and peighbors bope for apredy recovery. Harris and VWillism bome al presebt; they home on account o of their mother. Mr, and Mre, David Stoner and #on Johp, Mr. and Mrs, William Sloper snd daughter Edos and Ray Hmitb, spent an evening last week very pleai- sntly at the William Kiivefelter howe, sm, wt on the igs asl = very ill wi h this Her al Bubb were are at Called ihe serious illvess C—O A—————— County Grange Mee! ings. Centre County Pomoua Grange will meet at Centre Hull, Thuredey, Feb- ruary 22nd, Wid Tarkeys for Propagation, Ten wild turkeys were received just week from the HSiate Game comiie- sion by the Blair County Game, Fish and Forestry sesocistion. [hey will be relessed later in the forests of the gounty, with ten other birds received gotue time BRO. The turkeys, trapped under the di- rection of the state commission, were shipped to York for distribution, ten of a large lot belog allotted to the Blair club. The birds, all large and healthy, were taken at once to CU. R. Qorbe't poultry farm in Juniata Gap, where they were placed in large pene with ten birds received from the siate several months ago. During the pext two months the game committee of the Blair county club will make a survey of the county in an effort to learn the number of wild turkeys iu the diflerent districts and the way in which they are die tributed as regards hens and gobblers, The twenty birds to be liberated will be place! secordivg to the present die tribution of the wild turkeys, aiming toward the best interests of propaga too. » a——— Bow von ITY PY Uentre County ¥. W_ C. A, Notes. A load of girls from the Bpring Mille! Commonweal Club erjoyed eleighiig to the home of one of their members a week ago. A ‘* Kitchen Bhower n caused much surprise and merriment, After a short business meeting a social evening was greatly enjoyed by all, I'hree new members were received ine to the Club at this time, The True Blue Commonweal Club at Bhiloh oslebrated a ** Fathers’ and Mothers’ Night?’ at the howe of Mies Maury Dale on the third of this month, I'he Club beld asbort business meeting at first to show the parents how these meetings are conducted by the girle, Miss ova Tresslar recited * My Creed” after the reports bed been given, The address of Welcome was given by Mics Isnbel Grove, aud responded to by Mr, Dale and Mre, Hoy, who told what {hey thought the Club should stand for, sud offered suggestiore, Ihe Mies Margaret Williame, called for expressions from all the par- ents, and a free diecussion fo lowed, All present seemed to feel that the Club wes 8 grest help to the gitls and to the community, and many suggestions for ineraing its usefulness were cflered, Games and refreshments were next on tLe programine, » {ig t President, The Howard Branch 14 negotiating for a room which will meet the needs of ithe girls and which they will‘ fix up’! for all kinde of user, Mire Emma Pletcher hus been appointed Leader of the Junior Club, and Miss Edythe Weber, Assistant, As soon as wealh- er permits the girle are planniog for cut=of-d. or thinge. Mre. Robert Beach entertained the High Hehool of Bellefonte and their Advisory members last Wednesday evening. Plans were made for a “Post Office’? for Valentine's Day in order to raise money to send a delegate to the High Hehool Couneil at Camp Nepab- win next summer, A “Stesple Chace" ¢ i wae part of the fun of the veniog. Fiversl pew classes are belog offered by the Htats College Brauch this term, crocheting, sewing, American Litera ture, Marebman gave an inter esting talk on ber experience among t! Mormons after the last business Bible Clser, runday after. three o'clock until time by class members, Come and tell what time will suit you better, Mre. Wright is the teacher, The sub. jeet “The Greatest Book the World—Joseph'’s Gospel.” The Wabun Annupg Commonweal lob at Osk Hall is learning to crochet, Plana for a play are in progress, The Dotty Dimples are making Valentines, Nie, f meeting. poon at ie changed j= in 1 : he True Blue Club held a Box Bo- cla! at Lemont on the 8t1, and swelled their Camp Fund thereby. It you s Le not ave Mire, yet sent In your GG. G. Pond for this work, call her on tbe "phone at You want to have } in the county Y. W, C. A, and the girls of your community. Just this week from Vo s Rong of Triomwph,” by An pledge ) year’s | Mute (nllege, fn ait one verse God for the might of it, lor, the urge, the delight of that springs from the hears iting the brain aud the soul on 0 A And wi , what ia go good as the hest of if, id wi is vo glad a= the beat of it, ia #0 kind ne the stern 4 LL By o mmand, lengis eR {hn band ? g brain sod heart and ————————— oT ————— Pioneer of North Dakota Writes, Lishor, North Dakots, Jan, 1917, Editor Reporter ; At nearly seventy-nine years of age I manage to get arotind almost aa well ss any boy, I ean truly say that I walk three miles to church almost Habbatb. how I would like to come back to my old native sta ¢ and see the town of Centre Hall, [ have now been away from there al- most six y-eight years or over, and have taste | the hardships of the wild wea! ; have met the wild men of the prairie aud the woods by haodreds, I'hey could vot speak my psme ; they slways called me * Busko,” 1 ssid, “ an’t you say Zerby,” '* No, no, too hard name,” Mr, editor, I can tell you and the Centre Fall people that the cost of living up here in the far northwest is fearfully high. Flour $4.00 and $56.00 per 100 pounds; clothing is so high poor people can hardly buy any; the same overalls I bought two years ago for 680 and 70 cents are now $1.00; ment is so high that it ls almost too high for poor people to buy. Concerning weather, Japuaty 8ih we had a thaw ; the 9th a snow storm which lssted 28 hours, and now #0 cold we can hardly be out doors. Our meil carriers were all snow bound, I will close with these remarke. May God watch and protect the people of muy old native state now aud for all time to come, every by, WILLIAM ZERBY. Kill Deer Any Time, Ia the court of quarter sessions of Franklin county last week, Judge W. Rush Gillen banded down a decree thai gives toe right to a farmer to kill wild deer at any time when on his inud destroying hie crops mss A SA ' February and March Sales | [ Parties having their sale bills printed at this office will receives condensed notice of their sale in this column FREE of charge. To others the rate is 81, | - a ——————— ——————— Sudden Cold. Look out—it’s dangerous. ole CASCARA RL QUININE | 0 i The old family re form-—safe, sure, ¢ opiates—no unple Cures colds in 24 days. My y back if it fails, the genui® box with Red Top and Mr. Hill's picture on it—25 cents At Any Drug Store THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16th, at nine o'clock sharp, on the D, J. Meyer farm, 1 1-2 miles cast of | J T Potter and Jas, Callahan, will sell on the old Linden Hall and 2 miles northeast of Boalsburg : Potter homestead, four miles west of Centre | 8 HEAD OF HORSES, Bay mare, 10 years o'd Hall: Farm stock, implements, ete; clean up | weighs 1450 ; bay horse, b years old, welghs 1350 ; | sale of everything. bay horse, 4 years oid, weighs 1100 ; dark sorrel, | THURSDAY, MARCH 8th, at 10 o'clock, Ma- 8 years old, weighs 1100 ; bay mare, 0 years old | thins Weagley, on the Allison farm, 1 1-2 miles weighs 1150 ; sorrel mare, 9 years old ; weighs | 1800 ; dapple grey horse, 4 years old, weighs 1260; | fmplements. A clean-up sale, driving mare and 9. months-old coit This is an | extra good clean and sound bunch of horses FRIDAY, MARCH 9, at one o'clock. G. W. 10 LARGE YOUNG COWS of different breed, | Tressler will sell at his residence, d and 1-2 miles A number of them are fresh and remainder will | east of Penns Cave : Farm stock, implementa and be by time of sale, This is the finest herd of cows | household goods. in the valley, all excellent milkers. Good 8hort- | horn bull, 2 years old. 8 head young cattle | yearlings and upwards. 4 calves, Berkshire brood sow and boar, ¥ fine shoats, CORN HUSKER, good as new ; two 2-horse wagons with 4.in. tire, 4-horse wagon with 4 in. tire, 2 sets hay ladders, Empire srain drill with 11 hoes, good as new ; land roller, 2 disc harrows, (WEDNESDAY, MARCH 7th, at 10 o'clock a, m., medy ~ in tablet North of Spring Mills, will sell farm stock and WEDNESDAY, MARCH 14TH, at ten o'clock la. m,, LR Lingle, one-half west of Old Fort, on Earlystown farm stock | and implements, This will bea clean-up sale of | everything ou the farm. i | THURSDAY, MARCH 16th, two miles east of mile LOST. -A brown muff, on the public road be tween Spring Mills and Centre Hall, Finder lease return same to VERNA ROWE, Centre iall, Pa, road, will sell i ——— JUSTICE OF THE PEACE LINDEN HALL, CENTRE CO., PA. Deeds, Mortgages, Wills, &c, written and ex | souted with cars, All legal business promptly | | attended to. Bpecial attention given 10 | ting of Estates, Marrisge Licenses, Automo- | and sil other Application Blanks kept on hand Nov. 261 yr. | OILS & GASOLINE I receive carload shipments and can supply you at all times at low- est prices. Pring your barrels and drums and try my oils and gascline. William McClenaban WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR CENTRE IIALL, PA. | Centre Hall, by Bharer & Keller: Clean up sale Deering hay tedder, fanning mill, 8 Vulcan | of farm stock and lmplemen ts. plows, 2 Oliver plows, potato digger, 2 spring har- rows, 60 tooth harrow, Evans corn planter, Deer | ing corn binder, Deering binder, 7-ft. cut, Os SATURDAY, MARCH 17, 1 o'clock p. m., to the | rear of Reporter office, Centre Hall ; Five pairs of | mated mules, two years old at time of sale. These borne mower, Keystone side-dqglivery rake, hay | ie will be trained and hitched on forenoon 0 loader, hay rake, 2 Albright riding corn work. | sule day. Also a lot of cows, fresh and springing ers, Iron Age riding corn worker, manure spread. | er, double sled. This machinery has been well | TUESDAY, MARCH 20th, 9 o'clock a. m.,, W. F, taken care of and is practically good as new. | Btover, one-half mile east of Penn Hall, on the Grain cradle, 2 hay racks, spring sleigh, top road leading to Brushvalley, will sell live buggy, 2 horse carriage, 7 bh. p. gasoline engine farm implements and household goods on truck, 2 1-2 h. p. gasoline engine, Delaval and Hubler, aucts cream separator, chop mill and belt, corn shells er, emery grinder. Harness.—4 pair tug harness, bridles, collars, breechbands, checks, 2 sets single i driving harness, pair double driving harness, all in good condition. i Studebaker 7-passenger automobile, in good condition. 500 bushels corn ears, 35 of 656 acres of grain in ground, Set butchering tools, somo household goods and other articles. Terms of sale. ~Credit of one year on amounts over $6.00, stock, Wise numbers h In order heard WEDNESDAY, MARCH Zist, 10 8. m,, about two miles west of Tussey ville, by D. Gels Wagner Clean up sale of farm stock and implements pa has THURSDAY, MARCH 22nd, at 100'clock a. ma, BR. D, Masser, one mile north Spring Mills, will sell all farm stock, including 80 Holstein cattle ; also farm implements, up sale of everything. head of If vou will always repetition, saying “Cor A clean FRIDAY, MARCH, 3rd, st 10 o'clock & John Busvely, at Bpring Mills, will sell jot of farm stock and implements, A I. F. Mayes, auct m., 1 JAMES W. BWABB, Fy Amignee for Newton Yarnell ciean-up sale. sone dill L. F. Mayes, auct. y 1 “i, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY at 12 o'clock, 3 miles east of Boalsburg, on the James Kimport farm, 8, BR. Lingle, George W. Howe, Johan F. Kimport, will sell : Live stock, full line of farm implements and household goods. L F. Mayes, aUCL BATURDAY MARCH 24,12 0 Hill, by Lioyd KR. Smith ; of horse, clock, at Centre ; be benefited accordingl stock sale, oonaisting Lo oolla, and Mayes, auct, cows, young cattle, hogs sheep, THI. BELL W. 5 MA 27, TUESDAY MARCH offer at public sale the farm implements: 23 head of young cattle ; 14 head of hogs, plows, 2 Perry harrows harrow, land roller, Evans corn planter tker, 2 mowers, deliv ioader, fork, rope a § wagon, 2 buggys, New Holland feed grin of harness and Sandwich Hay Press and L { the w il following live stock and beven undersigned THURSDAY, MARCH 1st, al 10 o'clock & m., 1 mile north of Potters Mills, Homer RB Treasier will sell farm stock and haplements | some hotise hold furniture, A clean-up sale. L. F. Mayes auct, head of horses and onils 24 head oe tooth harrow, Qiso Albright rake, Conklin 1¢ f sboep ; Farm impleme 6 BY racuse MONDAY, MARCH 5, all day male, 1-2 mile east of Centre Hill, by Tremior and Deuberman clean up sale of farm stock and implementa. TUESDAY. MARCH 6th, at 10 a, m, 1 west of Madisonburg, on the J. J. yramley farm by William E Hagen : Clesn up sale of farm stock and implements. Wise & Hubler, sucts TUESDAY, MARCH 6th, at 12 o'clock sharp, H. F. Grove, on the W G. Grossman farm, North of Tuseyville, will sell farm stock and lements, Mayes, ancl, i corn Ww side ry hay hay ar Jlleys, r, th Power mile ; ‘ 0 Sale al 10 o'clock sharp Frank Mayes, ancl W, FISHBURN paid WEDNESDAY E. Tate MARCH 2 miles wont 280, ol len 0 COCK A 1 of Centre Hall or 1 © 1 Hrush valley A road, will up soil farm stock Harry ar mena, clean hie Grove ’ . Can Now Insure Eggs By Mall How's This? . , ; Ev¢g«, when sent through tt ¢ mails, d allec c from to correc Bure y, the er you. Mane t vay ! i listen to this rect” when such L y. ECO, OF PA. cal Manager, PA. We offer One Hundred Dollars may how be josured, like other Tare Reward for any case of Catarrh ft d ox ment Moe to be aware of 115 Thies week | shOWSR ntlicier, Bt L.Cow nos that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O We, the undersigned, have known F. J Cheney for the last 16 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm NATIONAL BANK OF COMMBRCE, Toledo Hall's Catarrh Cure ia taken Intern: acting directly upon the blood and n cous surfaces of the system. Testimor 4 pent free. Price 76 cents per bottle. Sold by all Druggists, Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. made the Ure! nat x Depurtme nt Bs fact t Jast will the were < esfier four! CES 5 ITrReUri 8 he everywhere fs ti ‘| || Manure Spreader y mail if prcked in accofdance wilh Postoffioe De partfuent snd their os delivery will be guaranted, fe EGAL NOTICE ~ ou’ve been thinking Notice is hereby given that the NOTICE TO OWNERS OF DOGS reser ie on { y , February 28th, 1917 Of 5 « sme will t OT Notice is hereby given that all dogs in the following districts, not massessed, |; ss required by Act of Assembly, approve ed June 3rd, 1916, will be killed by the | proper authorities thirty days from the date of this notice. Dated at Bellefonte, Pa., day of January, A. D. 1917. By order of the County Commissioners DANIEL A. GROVE, WM. H. NOLL, JR, ISAAC MILLER. R. FOREMAN Frothonot D CYRUS BRUNGART JUSTILE OF THE PEACE this 25th [CENTRE HALL, PA. Special attention given to ooliecting, writ Legal &% of all classes including deeds, mortgages ment, ete. marriage locnses and hunter's i wos secured, and all matiers pertaining to ihe office attended to promptly. otf IVE pd the circular beater. jen wn 3000000000200 00000 Attest : H. N. MEYER, Clerk plements. Insurance and Real Estate Want to Buy or Sell? CENTRE HALL BORO D. A. BOOZER, ASS EBSOR H.J. Lambert, James Smetaler, J. H. Milles, E. E. Balley, Harry Moyer, CC. M. Arney, Drills, Blizzard Ensilage and Feed Cu Male Male Male Male Male Maile Cleve H. Eungard tters, and everything for the farm, and i ‘ee + Spring Mills, Pa. Wilbur Meyer, Male SEE US_FIRST C. Brungart, T. L, Smith, E. 8. Ripka, W. J. Smith Orvis Meyer, Orvis Meyer, 0. F. Funk. B, D. Brisbin, DOGS NOT ABSESSED John Meyer, Elmer Runkle, Male Male | Female | Maile Male | Female Male Male Chas. D. Bartholomew CENTRE HALL, PA, V6Es SOOT SRW DO YOU OWN SE0OADAVLINOCCOTSO00 OTN 006000001 SOS: BO0+ 67 OOWS Female | Male | Punctures Picked My Pockets” OW much money have you spent— how much worry, annoyanee and loss of tinge have you suffered from punctures and “ul outs”? Whatwould yougive to be absolutely five irom these costly and disagreeable incidents of motoring? Good Printicg at the Reporter office, “Those Pesky For a small sum you ‘ YW » We ean show youa way to do it—og with ESSENKAY, tho seal substituts {or ole in avis and never again wild a "flat tire” have any tearor For Home For Triumph No More Punciures or “Blowouls” ESSENKAY Tire Filler is no experiment. It is a demonstrated posi. tive snecess it Jrevents punctures and “blowouts,” dout los tire mileagn, cuts tire cout ® air over smooth surfaces and easier than air over rough roads; docs expense and added weight of extra tires, tubes, rims, ete. We are the exclusive acents for ESSENKAY. We install'it in your ear, jod Five you a careful, contio uous, personal service that nsures you absolute reedom Come in Today«=Don't Delav! eu Ft can have your instrument $5.50 - 6.75 6.75