The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, January 25, 1917, Image 8

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    IY 25, 107
Uivie Righteousness in the Lend,
In the borough of Nescopeck in Lu-
zarne county, where the population
numbers about 1800 and where there
are four churches and four pastors.s
battle is on against the granting of
two licenses to ell intoxicants—one a
wholesale and the other aretall appli-
Neecopeck has enjoyed being '‘ dry
for two years in the face of most stren-
uous efforts on the part of the liquor
interests to make it wet’. The tem-
perance sentiment runs so high that
it took very great effort on the part
of the two applicants to get the
required number of signers on the ap-
plication, This year the worst *‘ rag-
tag’ element in the town are the on-
ly fellows that could be procured ; on-
ly one is a free-holder, snd it i®
questioned if his property is worth
Not one single signer of the applics-
tion is in any way affiliated with any
one of the churches of that towr, or
indeed is sn attendant upon any of
the services of these churches, This
surely is as it ought to be. What a
shame that any man aoywhere who
professes to be Chris iar, will io any
way lend his ipfloeuce toward the per-
petuation of the accursed businese.
Last yesr the remopsirance against
the ealooa in this town carried about
90 per cent of the names of the adult
population of the towr, and this year
it is expected that it will go even bie
yond that, The town is well orgsp-
jged, all the leading citizens, business
and professional men are in the line-
up for. purity snd sobriety, Every
pastor, with théir respective cobgre-
gations are standing shoulder toshoul-
der in the fight, end if Nrescopeck
does pot stay in the “dry” e’lump
jt will be po fsult of the citizens,
Rev. GG. W. Meclioa:, formerly of
the Penns Valley charge, is pastor of
the First M, E. church ip that town
and is one of the principal workers io
he interests of the ‘drys, ”’
—————— A ——————
Figured in Auto Accident,
Lssat Friday afternoon, Carl Hassen-
burg figured in an auto accident that
might have proven fatal, says the
Lewisburg Journal, He was on his
homeward journey from Centre coun-
ty, and while coming down the Bev-
en-mile Narrows at this time the road-
bed being very icy, snd thus the
chains and brakes on the machines
took littie effect in checking and eon-
trolling i'. He therefore skidded
from ove side of the road to the other,
at times almost thrown over the steep
mountain side. But coming at. ter-
rific speed kept hie bead snd guided
the machine as best he could, until
finally hitting a large stone, the car
was ‘thrown completely the reverse
and upon ita side, thus toroinog *“to-
tle” and pinned bim under, the top
resting on him. At isst be mansged
to get ree, and unsseiated righted his
machine sand contiourd home in »
badly wrecked car,
——— a ——— A —
Police Substation at Piessaot Gap.
Mejor John (,
tendent of the Pennsylvania slate
police, is establishing a number of
new sub-ststions in various parte of
the state, and ove of these will be lc-
cated at Pleasant Gap, this county.
Detatchments will consist of two,
three and four men, They sre ex-
pected to reach their uew posts by the
latter part of the month,
Sr — A Ap
Notlee to News Patrons,
All Philadelphia papers will, after
January 20th, be raised to fifty cents
per month, Patrons who desire to
discontinue their papers owing to the
raise will kindly notify me before that
date.—J, H, KNARR, news dealer.
(Broome ’
The harvesting of ice has been the go
around here fur the past week,
Rev Bradly spent over Sunday with
friends in Bellefonte,
Mre. W, A, Jordan ie spending this
week with her sister, Ads, in Alioons,
Quite a few of the peipls around
here attended Mre, Ripka's sale at
Tussey ville ou Baturday.
Mr. Hpezel of Bellefonte wee a
pleasant caller at the John Weavir
home over Hunday.
Emma Fobringer returned home
Bunday after spending several mouths
in Lewistown, !
Mr, and Mre. C. 8, Thomas and
dsaghter-ip-law Mre, Ruth Thomas,
ieft on Bundsy for Brooklyn, New
York, where they will spend some
time with relatives,
A A ——
Mite, Samuel Bwariz Is on the eick
Mie, Milligan Lucas le ill at the
home of her parents at this place,
. Mire, William Martz, and sister, Mre,
Jane Ruble, spent Saturday at Potters
Mille, . ;
Mrs, Mary Ripka snd dsughter, of
Bpriog Mille, returned to their piace of
employment on Batorday.
The W, C. T. U, beld their monthly
meeting at the home of Mre, M, F.
Rossman, on BSaturdsy. After the
meeting ice cream and oake was
————— A ————
Usatre Reporter, $L.60 per year,
The losses sustained by Pennsylvania
farmers from bog cholara during the
past year were about $60,000,
The honey produced by the bees in
the State during the past year was val-
ued at over one million dollars.
Pennsylvania ranks seventeenth
among the corn producing States, hav-
ing jumped from twentieth place since
1916. z
Although the oats crops was par-
tially a failure, Pennsylvania has in-
creased its ranking from fourteenth
place in 1915 to twelfth place last year,
Farmers’ Iuetitutes in Bomerset
county were a'tceCed by over 6,000
Westmoreland leads the State with
the largest number of registered stal-
lions with Crawford and Chester fol-
An importert role that al] orghard.
ists should foll 'w la to epray socord-
ing to the pests that are at present or
likely to appesr soor, Itis as much
folly to spray on general principle as
it ia to teke medicine for indefinite
A ——————— YA ————
Altooss Murderer Found Guallly,
Alfred Wendt was found guilty of
murder in the first degree by a Blair
gounty jury on Thursday night, He
wns charged with the killing of Cote
giable McGinley pearly two years sgo,
“I don’t care,” was Wendti'sonly
Y.W, 0 48 Noter,
( Continued from first page. )
Fuarosee, or from the General Becre-
tary. The Chairman of the education -
sl Committee, Miss Margaretta Go-
heer, reported on the list of books ard
poems recommended, sxplained how
the Helen G uld sShepsrd Bibles
might be won by any Y. W, OO, A,
weetmber, Bhe slso stalled that some
Voostional Conferences being
plavued to be held in different Jocs!i-
ties this sprivg, and ssked that she be
informed of any interested in Tomato
or Canning Club work.
The report o' the General Becretary
was largely in the form of tablesux,
and talke, by the Bellefonie High
=chool Club and others, A Common-
Weal Club was shown In the midst of
a Business Meeting, and beginnioga
game, This was followed by a talk
from a member of the Commonweal
Clab, Mires Margaret Williams, of the
True Blue Club, Bhilob, who told
i mbout their Club and why she liked
it, The next tgblesu was of a cook-
ing clase, such classes being held at
“pow Rhoe and Btste College. This
was followed by & class in sewing, a
popular sctivity among Clab girle,
Miss Mary Rige!, of Howard, told
about the county week at Camp Nep-
shwin whieh sbe attended last sum-
mer, and voiced the wish of the girls
that Centre County may have
its own camp next summer, The
Junior Club work was shown by
Elizabeth Everte, PFeoretary of Lhe
Dotty Dimple Club, Oak Hsl', who
resd some of the miputes of the
{ ('lab meetings, These girls are from
6 1010 sears of age and condueot their
own business, Letters were read
from sll the Centre County Y. W, C,
A, girls who bad gone to other places,
and by being pul in touch with the
Association hsd found work and
friends, Mise Lols Ulgieb, Leader of
he Bpring Mille Commonweal Clab,
reported on the County Conference
which she sitended st Lake Gevevas
last summer and urged everyone to at-
tend the “County Row" at Eagles
Mere, Pa,, from June 28-July 6, 1917.
The Rev, W. F, Carson gave a short
talk on Church Unity sud the valae
ofthe Y. M.(, A. and Y. W,.C. A, In
bringing about the desired spirit of
coopeiation and developing leadership
smong the young people, asa be had
observed it,
The general work of the Yourg
Women's Christian Association, its de.
velopment and various activities in all
forme of modern life, were expiai
in ap sddress by Mise Esther Hawes,
the exccutive secretary for the East
Central Field, of which Centre county
in a phrt, All were glad to welcome
Mise Hawes on her first visit to thie
Several new directors and those
whose terms expired this year were
elec ed. The board of directors i» now
a« follows : Pres, Mise Anna H, Hoy,
Belle onte ; vice-pres,, Miss Bara C,
Lovejoy, Btate Uollege ; sec’y, Mrs,
H. F. Whiting, Bellefonte ; treas,,
Miss Bertha Laurie, Bellefonte ; ohair-
man finance committee, Mrs, OG. G,
Pond, Btate College ; chalrman edu-
cational committer, Mise Margaretta
Goheen, Boslsburg ; chairman recres-
tional committee, Mre., James I,
Thompson, Centre Furosce ; Mee, M,
A. B. Bom), Boslsburg ; Mrs, Frank
Fisher, Spring Mills ; Miss Clara Cope
do, Bpring Mille,
On Wednesday evening sixty ¥. W,
', A, girle of the Btate College (town)
Branch attended the union evaogelia-
tic services conducted by Gypsy Smith,
Go to church Bunday, February 11,
and help observe Association Day,
Enter the physical contest,
Review the poem you have learned
this week, snd look for the new one
next week.
February and
sale in this column FREE of charge.
March Sales
THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16th, at nine o'clock
sharp, on the D. J. Meyer farm, 1 1-2 miles east of
Linden Hall and 2 miles northeast of Boalsburg :
8 HEAD OF HORSES, Bay mare, 10 years old
weighs 14560 ; bay horse, b years old, weighs 1350 ;
bay horse, 4 years oid, welghs 1100 ; dark sorrel,
8 years old, weighs 1100 ; bay mare, 6 years old
weighs 1150 ; sorrel mare, 9 years old ; weighs
1800 ; dapple grey horse, 4 years old, weighs 1250;
driving mare and 9-monthsold colt. This is an
extra good clean and sound bunch of horses,
10 LARGE YOUNG COWS of different breed.
A number of them arg fresh and remainder will
be by timo of sale, This is the finest herd of cows
in the valley, all excellent milkers, Good Short
horn bull, 2 years old. 8 head young cattle.
yearlings and upwards. 4 calves, Berkshire
brood sow and boar, 9 fine shoats,
CORN HUSKER, good sa new ; two 2-horse
wagons with 4.In, tire, #home wagon with 4in.
tire, § sets hay Iadders, Empire erain drill with
{1 hoes, good as new ; land roller, 2 disc harrows,
Deering hay tedder, fanning mill, 8 Vulean
plows, 2 Oliver plows, potato digger, 2 spring har-
rows. 60 tooth harrow, Evans corn planter, Deer.
ing corn binder, Deering binder, 7-1t. cut, Os
borne mower, Keystone side-delivery rake, bay
loader, hay rake, 2 Albright riding ears work.
ers, Iron Age riding corn warkes, manure spread.
er, double sled. This machinery has been well
taken gare of and is practically good as new,
Grain cradle, 2 hay racks, spring sleigh, top
buggy. 2 horse carriage, 7 bh Pp. gasoline engine
on truck, 2 1-2 bh. p. gawline engine, Delaval
cream separator, chop mill and belt, go shell
er, emery grinder. Hangs. —4 pair tug harness,
driving harness, pair double driving harness, all
THURSDAY, MARCH #th, at 10 o'clock, Ma-
thiss Weagley, on the Alljson larm, 1 1.2 miles
North of Bpring Mills, will sell farm stock and
implements. A clean-up sale,
FRIDAY, MARCH 9, at one o'clock. G, W.
Tresslor will sell at his residence, 1 and 1-2 miles
east of Penns Cave : Farm stock, implements and
household goods.
WEDNESDAY, MARCH WMTH, at ten o'clock
am, L.R Lingle, one-half mile west of Old
Fort, on Earlystown road, will sell farm stock
and implements, This will bes clean-up sale of
everything on the farm.
THURSDAY, MARCH 15th, two miles east of
Centre Hall, by Bharer & Keller: Clean up sale
of farm stock and implemen ts,
SATURDAY, MARCH 17, 1 o'clock p. m., to the
rear of Reporter office, Centre Hall ; Five pairs of
mated mules, two years old at time of sale. These
mules will be trained and hitched on forenoon o
sale day. Also a lot of cows, fresh and springing
TUESDAY, MARCH 20th, 9 o'clock &. m., W. F,
Stover, one-half mile east of Penn Hall, on the
road leading to Brushvalley, will sell live stock.
farm implements and household goods, Wise
and Hubler, sucts
WEDNESDAY, MARCH 21st, 10 a. m., about
| two miles west of Tusseyville, by D. Gels Wagner
| Clean up sale of farm stock and implements,
THURSDAY, MARCH 2Zind, st 10 o'clock a. m.,
R. D. Musser, one mile north of Bpring Mills
will sell all farm stock, including 30 head of
| Holsteln catile ; also farm lmplements, A clean
up sale of everything.
in good condition,
Btudebaker 7-passenger automobile, ta good
condifion. 800 bushels porn eam, 356 of 6 acres
of grain {n ground. Sot hatchering tools, some
household goods and other articles
Terms of sale. ~Credit of one year on amounts
over $5.00,
Amignee for Newton Yarnell
L.F. Mayes, auct,
1 mile north of Potters Mills, Homer R. Treaster
will sell farm stock and haplements ; some house
bold furniture. A clean-up sale. L. F, Mayes
MONDAY. MARCH 5, all day sale, 1 1-2 mile
east of Centre Hill, by Tresler and Datnberman
clean up sale of farm stock and impiements,
WEDNESDAY, MARCH 7th, at 10 o'clock a. m.,,
J T. Potter and Jaa Callahan, will sell gn the old
Potter homestead, four miles west of Centre
Hall: Farm stock, implements, etc; clean up
sale of everything.
riow to Keep Young.
» best way to keep young is tc
as far as possible, with ey.
and everybody that is new
Both men and women get
cing to old ways, thinking
ts and always looking back
if you want to keep
‘outh always thinks of what
the future and
¢ failures of the past. It Is
ahead men who age rap
it is the men who stick in old
ts and follow out long-established
les and methods. Constant change
and variety may be said to form one
the great secrets of youthfulness.
A woman should make a point of
1g out as much as possible ~—
to go
the go
Not a Sentimental Story,
Many years ago a little boy was
having a birthday party. In the midst
of the merrymaking he slipped away
from his young friends and went up
garrett to hide in an old trunk. Twen-
ty years later he again went up gar
ret. There stood the same old trunk.
Ah, children, 1 do not blame you for
asking how in tunkett he could open
the trunk and find his own body in £7?
fe didn't. When he
of Hostetter's Almanac, all the tangi-
ble assets that had been left by his
lamented Unéle Lafe, who had been
8 vaudeville star.—Kansas City Star.
Thoroughly Qualified,
A family of four women bought an
automoblle. In their search for a
chauffeur they were very hard to suit.
At last a man applied whose qualifi-
cation could not be guinsald. Before
demonstrating his ability to manage
the machine he said:
“1 used to bé a window dresser, you
know, In a big dry goods store.”
“Indeed!” sald the eldest daughter.
“And may I ask how that helped you
to qualify for this position?™
“How?” he, exclaimed. “Why, great
Boeott! didn't I learn all about drap-
ing figures in artistic style, and can’t
I pile the robes and furs aseund you
ladies till you will look Hke reguias
fashion plates?
It was fortunate for the women that
in addition te that accomplishment the
young man was also a competent
chaufféur, for he got the job without
further questioning
its Gender,
A somewhat angular, severslooking
spinster was standing on the station
platform outside a mall conch, inspect
ing with undisguised curiosity the in.
genious net arrangement which is abla
to sweep In mail bags while the train
is In swift motion,
"Is she working all right?™ asked
one of the officials,
“Aye, aye, BIL" replied Mes
whent suddenly the lady priests
on the shoulder,
“Why do you eall it ‘she’?™ she in
Salred, as usual athirst for inferms
“Because, madam, its & mall
And the sniff of the angular spinster
almost drowned the shrill whistle of
the engine, then preparing to mewe on
~london Answers,
FRIDAY, MARCH, 25rd, at 10 o'clock su. 1m,
{ John Boavely, st Bpring Mills, will sell lot of farm
| stock and implements, A clean-up sale. L. ¥,
| Mayes, auct,
at Centre
hogs and
| BATURDAY, MARCH 24, 12 o'clock,
1 Hill, by Lloyd R, Bmith : stock sale,
of horse, colts, cows, young ositie,
sheep. Mayon, auot,
TUESDAY MARCH 77, the undersigned w.ll
offer at public sale the following live stock and
farm implements: Hosrmes
colts ; 28 head of young cattle ; 22 head « f sheep ;
| 14 head of hogs. Farm ita-8 Byracuse
plows, 2 Perry barrows, 60 tooth harrow, dise
harrow, land roll, Evans corn planter, Albright
corn worker, 2 mowers, side delivery rake, hay
loader, hay fork, rope and pulleys, Conklin
wagon, 2 buggys, New Holland feed grinder, lot
of harness and Bandwich Hay Press and
Bale at 10 o'clock sharp
Seven head of and
L Frank Mayes, suct
How's This?
We offer One Hundred Dollars
Reward for any case of Catarrh
that cannot be cured by Hall's
Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O
We, the undersigned, have known F
Cheney for the last ii years, and believe
him perfectly honorable in all business
transactions and financially able to carry
out any obligations made by his firm
- Teledo, O
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally,
acting directiy upon the blood and mu-
cous surfaces of the system. Testimonials
pent free. Price 76 cents per bottle. Bold
by all Druggists.
Takes Hall's Family Pllls for constipation.
Notice Is hereby given that the following ao
counts will be presented to Court for confirma
tion on Wednesday, February 25th, 1917, and un
less exceptions be filed thereto on or before Feb
| ruary 27th, 1917, the same will be confirmed ;
The first account of H. C, Warfel
{ Jonathan Bradiey, Philipsburg
Guardian of
The sixth and partial account of D E
ring Committee o! Jesse Newton Cowher,
{ burg
The second and final socount of A
Guardian of Mamie Yeager, Asromsburg
Special attention given to collecting. Legal
writivgs of all classes, incioding deeds, mortgsgoes
| Agreements, eto. marriage loetess and hunter's
licenses secured, and all matiers pertaining to the
| office attended to promptly, otf Ive pd
| Jan. 28, 1017
erreee@@ 00000000000 PO0O0
Insurance and
Real Estate
Want to Buy or Sell ?
Chas. D. Bartholomew
eT A tL
Red Cedar
Which we are offering at
Special Prices
| Zettle & Lucas
Centre Hall Planing Mill,
Centre Hall, Pa,
Centre Reporter, $1.50 per year.
pany is hereby presented.
Balance in treasury January 10, 1916...
Cash premiums received during year.
G. F. Miller ....
John Decker
M. H. Bpicher
Robert Glasgow .
Eimer W, Evey
Foster W. Evey.........
Dr.C. 8 Musser ......un....
BF. Blover
Mrs James Alexander.
Eimer C. Ross
Bmall losses .
Directors’ pay we ——- BoE
Secretary's salary and expenses ............
Treasurer's salary and expenses..........
Bundry expenses
RORDE PRIA ..oosseessecorsescnns
Interest paid ha
Cash balance in treasury
Asseernent No 20
Outstanding premiums {nu course of collection...
Cash balance in treasury.........
Hale in office ————— .
Total cash premium past year
Premium notes taken past year -
Premium notes in force today... co .ovmnnes
Insurance taken past year
Risks in force today
Attest :
$249 4
4085 72
G4 Hw $1840 1%
$1653 @0
42 18
1296 00
100 ¢
100 ¢
12% 77
$1679 ¢
H. Reed, John H. Beck,
H. E DUCK President
Estate of Catherine
Harper, late of Pot
ler Townapip, de
in the Orphans’ Court
of Centre County
The undersigned, an auditor sppainted by the
Orphans’ Court of Centre County, to distribute
ads in Lhe hands of W Runkle, exscu-
tor of the Jast will and testament of Catherine
Harper. iste of Potter Township, Centre County,
Peupeyivanis. deocoassd. as shown by his final ae-
count, to and amongst those en'itied to receive
the mune, will attend +o the duties of his ap
pointment #1 bis office in the Borough of Belle
iotite, on Tuesday. Ianoary 23rd, 1917, at ten
o'clock A. M., when and where all parties inter.
Cialms before the undersigned or be forever de-
barred from coming in on sa'd fund.
od Auditor
means a
me to your home for a
FOR BALE.— Property for sale: BSeven-room
brick house, good stat lv «hed, and all good out.
CORA BE. WAGNER, Boslvung, Pa.
ARY dn-fact |r heirs of Mary A
I receive carioad shi and
can supply you at all t at low-
est prices
Bring your barrels and drums
and try my oils and gasoline,
William McClenahan
Deeds, written and ex.
eouted with All
A a Puy
ETOVE FOR BALE. ~Good, Sunshine
! heater with 184nch fire box ; just as good as new
Besson for selling is that a Monitor Caloric pipe
less furosce has been installed in the home
| D. W. BRADFORD, Centre Hall, Pa
WANTED. ~Man past 50 with horse and bugs 7
{ 10 sell Block Condition Powder in Centre Cously.
Balary §70 per month. Address® Industrial Bidg
| Indianapoils, Indiana.
FOR BALE ~Two good six-room houses, sit
i uated on East Curtin Street, Belle
Pa. One has bath and the other electric light,
Good location. Sale on
st the Court House, Bee
ai 20'ciock p.m,
on a
not a
JAC ang
The average American home seems
to be losing its attraction for the
household, Anna Gladden writes in the
New Orleans Times-Picayune. The
home is frequently only a place in
which to sleep and eat. The chil
dren coming home from school stop
at home long enough tod deposit thelr
books and £0 off in pursuit of enter
tainment. The mother entertains her
visitors by shopping or visiting the
picture show. The evening callers are
treated to = musical entertainment or
a theater party. The call of outside