Vol. LXXXIX. No. 49 LODA"S, Prateoted game nf all kinds cannot be sent by either exyreca ar mnaree! post. * December is almost half over, and Chrigtmas comes six days before the end of it, Lessor or lessee, no matter which, are preparing for the official notice on Janusry 1st, Farmers are not a bit alarmed about the high cost of living when sutomo- biles are cheaper than ever and gaso- line the same price as before wheat got to $1.75. The bazaar of the Ladies Ald of the Methodist church, will again be opened on Saturday afternoon and evening of December 16, in the Bar- tholomew store room, ¥ Three dwelling houses are in the course of erection In Centre Hall, There ought to be a good many sddi- tional homes bullt bere next summer if Centre Hall wants to keep on grow- ing in the right direction, George F. Potter, of Phoenixville, is visiting his parents, Mr, and Mrs, George W. Potter, south of Old Fort, Bince leaving Penns Valley four years ago, Mr, Potter has been having good success in farming in Chester county. Ralph D. Robb, of the firm of Balsbach and Robb, proprietors of the Bellwood Bulletin, is the husband of a former Centre Hall girl, Miss Lalo Bhultz, daughter of Rev, J. F, Rhultz, formerly pastor of the Evangelical charch in this place, Mre, J. B. Bpangler, of Tusseyville, while attending the funeral of Mre, Mary Fortney, whose body was In- ferrediat Lancaster, took a severe cold which later developed into pneumo- nis. Her condition during the middle part of last week was quite serfous, ¥ Homer R. Treaster, after three years farming on the old homestead near Potters Mille, will quit the farm next spring and take up the saw and equare with ‘'W. D. Bteinbach and Bon, of Yeagertown. Mr. Treaster is a skilled carpenter and can command a good figure at his trade. He has selected Thursday, March 1st, "as the day for holding his sale. not camp a8 la the custom of other parties, week old ibe boys had killed four deer, msn — Sale Register, THURSNMIY NPOEMRRER 21st, at one o'clock DA. Boorrrana J, 1, farmer's parses fe © oo "2 hae ood rpc nmiobiice Bed ned Furd ; a sumbor of new sleighs, bob sleds, cutters, spring wagons, buggies, ete. A dissolution sale, TUESDAY. MARCH 6TH, 100'clock a. m., 8 miles west of Contre Hall, on Henry Potter farm, Daniel Callahan will sell: farm stock, imple men's, eto ; aclean up sale, = FRIDAY MARCH 9. al day male, 1 1-2 mile east of Centre Hill, by Tremler and Dauberman : clean up sale of farm stock and implementa FRIDAY. MARCH 0 at one o'clock. G. W, Tremsler will sell at his residence, 1 and 1.2 miles east of Penns Cave : Farm stock, implements and househnld goods. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 7th, at 10 o'clock a. m JT Potter and Jas. Oallahan, will sell on the oid Potter homestead, four miles west of Centre Hall: Farm stock, implements, ete.; clean up sale of everything. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 14TH, at ten o'clock a m, LR Lingle, one-half mile west of Od Feternlf will soll at the — Tom and Implements ih will be a clean-up sale of | everything on the Centre Hall, by Sharer & Keller: Clean up sal el of farm stock and Implements, BATURDAY, MARCH 17, 1 o'clock Bn m.. to the rear of Reporter office. Centre Hall : Five Pio of mated ranles, two years old at time of sa'e mules will be trained and hitched on Th o sale day. Also a lot of cows, fresh and springing TUESDAY, MARCH 20th So'clocka. m W._F. Stover, one-half mile east of Penn Hall, on the road leading to Brushvalley, will sell live stock, | and Hubler, ancta. WEDNESDAY. MARCH 21st, 10 a. m.. about Clean up mle of farm stock and implements 2 HSEaPAY, MARCH 2ind, at 10 o'clock a. m. D. Massér, one mile north of Spying Milla will ‘sell all farm stock, including 20 head of Holstein cattle - also farm implementa, A clean- up sale of everything. John Soavely ab Spring Mills, will sell lot of farm stock and implements, A clean-up ssle. Lo F. Mayes, anet SATURDAY. MARCH 24, 12 o'clock, at Centre | Hi, by Lioyd R. Smith : stock sale, consisting 6f horse, colts, cows, young csttle, hogs and | aHe.p Hayes, auct, a —— — JUST RECEIVED Carload Red Cedar it Shingles Which we are offering at Special Prices Zettle & Lucas CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS Proprietors Centre Hall PlaningIMill, Centre Hall, Pa, Beware of Ointments for Catarrh th-* Contain Mercury of smell and Jaik ne : Lise i i surfaces. © iu articles should used except on Oe oa 1 ans, as the damag« 1d to the good you from them. Hall's if tured by F. do, O., contains n n Intern ally, actir yi and mucous sur In buying Hall’ get the Rony yr and made Ir the mucou never be from reputable physic they will do is ten fi My + ry. and is take ai rectly upon the bi faces of the aystem Catarrh Cure b>» sure ine, It is taken Inter n Toledo, Ohlo, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Tes- timonials free Sold by Druggists, Price 75¢ per bottle. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation, CYRUS BRUNGART JUSTICE OF THE PEACE CENTRE HALL, PA. Special attention given to collecting Legal | ling deeds, InOrtenges i marriage licenses and hunts | sgreaments, eto. ; oti 1916 pa | | Oysters From now you will find us supplied with the choic- est quality of Opysters the market affords. | Two grades—for stew- ing and frying. FRESH CRACKERS THE GOOD CRISPY KIND, that fairly melt in the mouth, BREAD, PIES AND CAKES ALWAYS FRESH AND GOOD CANNED GOODS of various kinds, Pennington’s BAKERY In the Hotel Building CENTRE HALL OILS & GASOLINE 1 receive carload shipments and can supply you at all times at low- est prices Bring your barrels and drums and try my oils and gasoline, William McClenaban WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR CENTRE HALL, PA. or GEOCOETEEO0ETORRRO60008 ——— Kitchen Cabinets Bissels and Yacuum OWeEpers Turkish Rockers Rockers Man or Boy Grand Buffets In Leather—Big and Massive Sure to Please “Father” ath