So BR THE CENTRE REPORTER. ISSUED WEEKLY, CENTRE HALL - - PENN’A. THUREDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1916 SMITH & BAILEY |, Proprietors B.W.5MITH. . . . « . . . Hditor { Loca! Editor and EDWARD E, BAILEY; Business Manager Entered at the Post Office in Centre Hall ss second Ulass mail matter, TERMS, ~The terms of subseription to the Re are one and one-half dollars per year. ADVERTISING RA Td. Display advertise ment of ten or more inches, for three or more In sertions, ten cents por inch for each issue. Dis slay advertising ocoupying less space than ten fne oa and for less than three insertions, from fifteen to twenty-five cents Je inch for each issue, according to somposition, Minimum charge seventy-five conta, Local notices soccompanying display advertis- ing five cents per line for each insertion : other. wise, eight cents per line, minimum charge, twenty-five cents, Legal notices, twenty cents per Hine for three insertions, and ten cents per line for each ad- ditional insertion, CHURCH APPOINTMENTS. Reformed--Centre Hall, morning, communion ; Tusseyville, afternoon Union, morning ; Centre Hall, evening Lutheran allernoon ; Georges Valley, Methodist—Sprucetown, morning ; Centre Hall aiternoon ; Spring Mills, evening. LUOUALS, Mre, Lavina Walters offers for sale her Hoffer street property in Centre Hall, Bee adv. Frank P. Floray, of Potter town- ship, publishes an executor’s notice, in the estate of his deceased father, in thie issue, F. P. Gear gasoline ligh of John E, last week, Mr. and Mrs H. E. Homan and family attended the funeral of the former's brother-in-law, George F. Miller, near Pine Grove Mills, on Monday morning. installed a ‘* Wizard?’ ing aystem in the home Rishel, n: ar Tusseyville, v J 4 i Unelained letters in ¢ flier, Adner Mey Bmith, postiuaster, Mrz, D. A. Boozer and Miss Bernice Swartz attended the field day events at the Mercersburg sesdemy, on Batur- day, at which institution the former’s son, George Booger, is a student. Cenire Hall Nov. 20th : N. F. Keller, Noles MN, W, pos! er, Jange Recelpte for next year’s sutomobile licenses already have reached $66 867. Receipts for 1817 licenses continue to reach Harrisburg at the rate of about $4,000 a day, and this sum is ex pected to mount rapidly. Prof, (. F. Bhaw, mention of whose coming east from California was made a few weeks ago, arrived in Centre Hall Tuesday morning and for a few dsys will be the guest of his father-in- law, Dr. G. W, Hosterman. A large catamnount has been furnish- ing some excitement for the sons of William Fetterolf, and their dogs, along the foot of Nittany mountain, two miles east of town. The boys are planning to capture the animal, which carries a bounty of six dollars, wv” Two more real estate transfers place in Centre Hall beginning of the week. B. H. Arney sold his property \ Church street to Mre. Laura Lee : JKrumbine property, occuped by Hweelwood, has been purchased cifford 8B. Thomas, of Pott 1s Ae; Mr. and Mrs. Hufus Blrohm, of Herantop, traveling with an auto party to State College, stopped off with the former's mother, Mre. M. E. Stroh, in this place, Wednesday night, return- ing to Beranton when the party return- ed from the college town vext morn ing. . To-day (Thureday ) is the time set for the dedication of the new Odd Fellows’ brick bullding at State Col- lege. A big parade is scheduled, to be followed by addresses by Grand Lodge visitors, The dedication exercises will be held in the afternoon, to which the public is invited. The college town has planned * big’’ for this event which will be a red letter day in the history of Btate College Oddfellow- ship. In an item appearing in last week's Reporter, referring to the western trip of Mr, and Mre. G, O, Benner, an error was made in stating that the Benner stopped at the James Boyder home in Freeport, Ill, A correct list of the former Centre county folks with whom Mr. and Mre. Bevner spent a day or more, besides those mentioned last week, is ss follows: Jacob Der- stine and Oscar Emerick, at Freeport, Ill; Harry Hulbert, at seloit, Wie, ; Mre. Agnes Benner and other relatives, at 8t. Louie, Mo.; and Willism H. Lawyer, of the same city, through whose kindness the many points of interest in Bt. Louis were pointed out, {OOK Mr. and Mre. T. M. Evave, of Ipe- wich, Bouth Dakote, are visiting relatives io the valley, and for a few days this week were the guests of Mrs, G. L. Goodhart, a cousin of Mr, Evans. It is Mr, Evane’ first visit to the scenes of his youth in forty years, He was born at Hpring Mills and on reaching manhood’s estate left for Illinole, lo- eating near Freeport, where he engeg- ed in farming vp until ten years ago when be and Mre, Evens removed to South Dekots, They are now retired and are enjoying a well-earned rest They expect to visit among relatives for » month or more, and upon return ng home make numerous stops ep- route. STATE AGRICULTURAL NOTES, Lancaster county farmers obtained an average of 656 bushels of shelled corn to an acre, Berks county farmers who have had A successful season report an average of 51 bushels of shelled corn to an acre. The tobacco crop in Leneaster coun- ty shows a general average of about 1825 pounds to an acre, & decrease ovr last year, Present indications are that buck- wheat crop of the state will be about twenty per cent, below that of last year, An estimated ioorssee of 200 per cent, ie the apple production of Elk county over last year is noted by crop reporters, The high prices being obtained by farmers for the 1916 wheat e¢rop has caused an increase in acreage of about 8 per cent. sown this fall to wheat. Delaware county farmers have inoreas- ed the acreage sown to wheat and rye and both are reported in the ground above average condition, Bradford county, where the dairy interesle are large, shows forty per cent, of the farmers to have silos, Crawford county shows twenty per cent of the farmers having siloe, There is a steady increase In the acreage of alfalfa harvested each year and the tonnage production per cent. has shown some improvement, Few counties below the centre of the state fail to get three good cuttinge, A —— A ——————— Peunsylvania Day Observed, Pennsylvania day was celebrated at State College last Friday. More than ten thousand vieitors participated in Penn Btate’s observance of the oe- caslon, They came from all parts of the Commonwealth to inspect the in- stitution, to witness the foot ball game between Penn