The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, November 09, 1916, Image 7

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sues wor coran| ======== | \RE YOUR KIDNEYS WEAK?
Easy of Constr ruction and Ferfectly |
Suite! for the Purpose fo» Which 2
It Was Intended. \ — Thousands of Menand Women Have Kidney
hen 1 our ‘house | NEW YORK_W : Trouble and Never Suspect It.
Last ‘all when found NEW YORK. —Wheat-—Spot, easy;
For Infants and Children. was too cold, writes a correspondent | No, 1 Durum, $2.07; No. 2 hard, $1.93;
of Farm Progress, I eonciuded to close | No, 1 Northern Duluth, new, $2.02 and Nature warns you when the track of ing increase and remarkable prevaleney
the sitting roomy and ase the dining {| No. 1 Northern Manitoba, $1.97 fo b health is not clear. Kidney and bladder | of kidney disease. While kidney dis
0 ers no room fo that purpose, too, In order | New York. troubles cause many annoying Sriuptom { orders are among the most common dis
. . ' ' and great inconvenience both day and | cases that prevail, they are almost Lip
to keep it in order and be convenient Cor No. 2 vellow 3 r ¢ ’ g
I 1 rn! 2 yellow, $1.11% nominal | pi pe last recognized by patients, who usually
= e
Genuine Gastonia cif New York Unheslt thy kidneys MAY cause jJumbago, | | content themselves with doctloring
¥ Oats—Standard, 67% @5H8¢c rheumatism, catarrh of the bladder, pain | effects, while the original disease 1uaYy
_ ALGOHOL- “3 PER GENT. 3 ] : Butler — Creamery, higher than | or dull ache in the back, joints hl netantiy undermine the system
, tionforAs Al J i ; axtras, 36@ 36% ¢; creamery extras (92 cles, at times have headache or indiges-| If you feel that your kidneys are
AVegetable Prepara on ways IV ers - x aeore). 25M Gu3548. 0 firsig. 34% @abe; tion, as time passes you may have a sal-| cause YOUT SICKnDess or run Gown
Li similating theFood by Regia: = Wid / ae nd RAE hley MH + AY aut, low complexion, puffy or dark eircles | diLi01 try taking Ir Kilmer's §
’ > INAS, S40 6%
A ‘ y 2 uch | B the famous kidney, Liver and
¥ ting the Stomachs and Bowels do oO th Z . a . A Ue under the eves, sometimes feel as though |?’ i nou Set
cars 0 . ie | : Eggs—Fresh gathered, extra, fine, | you had heart trouble, may have plenty | idles bres Alas as SOOR an Ges
{ 2 fe ty “5 / "y 4 oF “
J9@40c; extra firsts, 3 firsts, | of ambition but no strength, get they will
244036¢c: se is 3 190 .arby | sud lose flesh 1%; aa
i44p36¢c; seconds, 3 ¥ Nearby | sud lose flesh ‘ re already
-— . * Seng ¥ *
| Therety PomotineDigestin] Sigmature 4 EE e L0dae. re? |" ‘much conditions are permitted
| Cheerfulness and Rest (ost y 1 hennery browns, 42@50¢ | eontinue, serious results may be expect
nor 1 | . edn Sy Kidney Trouble i its ver v
| neither Opium, Morphine nx f ¢ on | h Stat resh specials, 21¢ od I ; . : i i fn very Ww
Mineral. NoT NARCOTIC, ! 911 : do. AVErage / orm may steal upon you.
Rocipoaf Ud SANUELPTR | ; Live Poultry rollers, pe wis, | Prevalency of Kidney Disease.
b@19c; turkeys, SD@2Z5 | Most people do not realize the alarm
Promphin Sack
i ‘ JRA ILA Vv eal ten cent to Ur. K mer & Co,
d pot, £1.704 id N 2 Bouther: to prove the remari ral ie mer
1 g1 T4601.77% do do steamer. Ni | ¥ajuatl le information, contain ge m 1) tt thousands of gra
$1726 1.75: 4d . - from men and women who say they found Ls loot to be
7 3: d - : -
8 A . i fs, G0 00, NG, 4, 72 | in kidney, liver and bladder troubles. The value and success ol 1 t 2
i 7 & r bud Pr ~ i . a
Tg] | ENDnG 7 hb: rejected A, $1.68@1.71 re- | well known that our readers are advised to send for a sample mze bottle, A idres
g A helpful Remeds hy A A + Z | jected B, $1643,@1.66% | Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. When writing be sure and mention this paper
! Constipation and Diarrh oY J OC fester: ; \ ;
at and Feverishness & : ; : | frat No, 2 yellow
Es Loss OF SLEER Irate arr: nnn aa
: inlnfancy / | $1.11%@ 214 o do, No. 3 yellow, |
resutting therefrom-t > ; or Ver [on 151 40 20, We Jotlow, | a -
inc natare of sompleted Cupboard. | $1.06%@1.07Y
GH Completed Cupboard oe No. 2 white, 59% @60c: stand- | | $3.00 $3.50 $4.00 $4.50 & $5.00 18%
Th l rt Ye ars | for me 1 pad my husband ! ke fl small | ard white L9G 547 » 7 wi , 58 | Save Money by Wearing WwW. IL. Douglas 4
Tar Co reTau GONPANY. | cupboard about four feet high and just 5 : No white, 56% @57%¢; | shoes. Forsale by over 8000 shoe dealers.
NEW Y YORK. = | a8 wide as a cracker Hox | sample, 531% G84 % i The Best Known Shoes in the World. (5
eight | tte ’ y alid.nacks L. Doug is pune an] Une seta price is stamped on the bot-
| inches wide and eight incl apart, in reamery. fan sasisle. Ate: dn Ao 3 tom of all shoes at the factory. The value is guaranteed and
| y {0 f the cupboard. This I place xtra pn te be or the wearer protected against high prices for inferior shoes. The
Lin one corner. of the ro Asm flier} REFRELL on dhe x Oo 2a An Re retail prices are the s everywhere. They cost no more in San
I li tein = heat T ectintadt he 2 1 A a aL 2, G0 Li Francisco than they do in New York They are always worth the
; A 2 | ¥ a4 y : URCK., paints it to maich gecon : 1€ATDY prints, ancy, | price paid for them.
VV Woodw he OVers f acer | i G i0, AVYETag:« *Xira 1 £ 4 by mor
ve quality of W. L. Douglas product is guarantee
than 40 years experience in making fine shoes. TI
styles are the leaders in the Fashion Centres of
They are made # well-eq d factory at Brod
Of Course He Was Young, but Just
Then His Habits Were Abso- thi 4 Hae | ——— | ext or p axis h buy.
4 i . Ask your shoe dealer for W. L. Donglas shoes. If he can
lutely ber I roachable. y ws 4 . S11 v “ TRY THIS CREO} L RECIPE $44 ™ ! ‘ : : pot supply you with the kind vou want, take no oth
er CA TAN ’ ob | - B14 refris x 4 xira g r make, Write for interesting booklet explaining haw to
i >) 4 et shoes of the highest standard of guality for the price,
yy return mail, postage free.
That Is Declared to Be | : dad . ss "
Those Who Have 4 d iy CanaQi LOOK FOR W. L. Douglas
SAVE YOU R MONLY. Bo Partaken of It. oh ut 1 4 a. : : name and the retail price
stamped on ttom.
One box of Tutt s Pills save many Soliats in de Ce
tor's biis. A remedy for discases of e Hver Tal ef ckon wast RN !
k 1 jache iy constipation and . Wa $21 i d rt skin 1140] Pert mt Im
{ le 3 ye f ve ¥ ts i nt Ju
™ 2
To 5 tanity Awaits +00
Je i 1
— A ——————
es Pt
Was Ur
With Bore
f fm 4 t : I
LJ ~ 4 Sh
Mechanic Falls Me,
Church Workers! oar
£1 XT A AN
& . py 7 Nw silos : i y ihe an ir v ii. ot all smother ¢ oT vod 1 FY i i i ‘ A i
Surprised Dinne ty. of } J A eo em : 4 . i 3, 4 a :
Educated Roostc
w mers ¢
; &
LADIE 6 The)
Wats n E.Colemas. Ta
EE TE | do, Chloe, 3435; do, Food. 3314; | ins the wat of a specialy construe PATENTS Seanfisges
Certainly Not
in quarters §
g to Him. ind fry on hat vi vey 1 1
fr) nl y \ nearly brown
Suffering From Itching, Burning
gar corn, seas |
Rashes, Eczema, ete. Trial Free,
3 3 it ‘ t ¢
n with salt, paprika and a pinch of
era tod { '
grate nutmeg. Pour over whol« are quoted i
Give baby a bath ith hot walter and
\ 1 br 8 wWery opporiu v ’ enough cream and tomato sauce tol IAve Poultry hicken old hen i :
" eer cover. Put in oven for about ten min | Ibs and ove 7¢: do. da. mall to me | : 3 S04 : niy OL O04]
A Growin t nis indi utes and serve as chafing dish. | dium, 17; do, old rosters, 11@12; do Dry lightly and apply Cuticura Oint
nab n will therefore be | gif ———————— springers, Jars - 1, . ment gently to all affected parts In-
Iarge iat 0, « gmall
stant relief follows and baby falls into
evening, her worthy spon . -
ening ! Orange Jelly. to medium, 17: do, do, white leg
a refreshing sleep, the first perhaps
ustom { cfm 3 home and proudly announced Two tablespoonfuls gelatine, one horns, 161% ducks. voung Pekings
nat +» had joined oose clul y : 2 » ; edt i . hing w afoot
C he had joined a goose club. For | half eupful cold water, one and a half § 8% lbs and over, 16@17: do, do, pud in weeks. Nothing more effective.
htsi ah d . : At all dealers :
| something li} e an hour she poured the | cupfuls boiling water, one cupful dle, do, do. 15816: do. do. muscovs Free sample each by mail with Book. "
. viaig of wrath on her unfortunate hus | sugar, one and a half cupfuls orange | do, do, 15@16; do, do smaller HG Address ‘yosteard, Outicura, Dept, 1, { YAG ER =
The custom of placing BGC head, while he endeavored | juice, three tablespoonfuls lemon | 15; geese, nearby, 15@16; turkeys Boston. Sold everywhere.- ~Adv.
Crape-Nuts on the table ||" 1 Jnl it oll. tha ‘atcank 1 TE CE: young, 8 ibs and over, 22@23; do, do. a ther Too. Econo INIMENT
. . . 4 a the warmth of the attack Soak gelatine in cold water, dissolve | smaller, 20@21: do, old 22023; Altogether Too Economical. i
at all meals 18 growing in proved quite too much for the long-en | in the hoiling water, add sugar and | pigeons, young, per pair 20: do old Mr. A—~So the Tompkins-Chorkins | L SILBERT BOSS wie
Amarican-homas. during John, and hie decided that the | fruit Jjulces: serve with whipped | do, 20; guinea fowl] young, 1% Ibs and match is broken oft, is it? : | x oo
| time had conte for him to fire up in re | cream. Very nice, over, each, 75; do, do, do, smaller, do Mr. B.—Yes,. The Tompkine ahjeet-
| turn ————— — 60@ 65. : * Ted to Chorkins being so economical.
Both ch 1 1 d ren and | “1 suppose, my dear” said he, en Red Peppers Stuffed With Cheese Mr. A~You astonish me.
Mr. B~Yes., You know he is a con- | | Avoid orerntions. Pou Positive Liver 3 Blowach
{ denvoring to be sareastice, YOU were D
own-u hel them- || - rain a few canned red peppers and 1 Reve! :
er ps P | never in a lottery, were youd stuff them with nicely seasoned cots ive Stock tractor himself, and so sent circulars | Ealitons Remedy Co. Dept W- WoL 2188 Dessburn St,
selves to this delicious | But, alas for the speaker! Mrs. | tage cheese to whic ar to all the ministers in town asking for
. ge ch to which a few chopped
¢ m often as they like brown turned upon him with wither | nuts have been added. Allow to re- CHICAGO. — Hogs — Bulk, $9.85@ their lowest estimates for performing ! W. N. U, BALTIMORE, NO. 46-1018
ood ing scorn, main in a cool place for half an hour, | 10.20; light, $8.66@10.20; mixed, $9.70 the Ceremony. os
It contains the entire nutri- “Once, John, and only once” suid | These red peppers are delicious sliced | @1035; heavy, $9.70G10.30; rough ————— Colombia faces a deficit for the con
she. "They say, as you know, that | and served on lettuce leaves $9.7009.85; pigs, $7.75G9 &5 ’ ' Kobe has 408317 people. ing year of $1,634 485,
ment of wheat and barley, marriage is a lottery, Well, I went in 0 Cattle— Nati beet ti 36.600 —
- ’ as ve el cattle,
digests quickly, and 1s for that, end I myself won a goose I" C
: : 3 ; ombination Pile. 11.65; Wester : ma
a Er Hbe n steers, $6.15@9.50; Seials tha las
wonderfully energizing. naon Dare Lire a pie plate with rich pastry, fill | stockers and feeders, $4.85@ 7.75; cows Buy : t
with a cupful of rhubarb and one of | and heifers, $3.35@9.60; calves, §7
Element of Uncertainty. strawberrios. and’ * ‘one
| Tw : of sugar. | @11
Every table should have || How 4 vy tive your state Is go | Sprinkle with a bit of flour, as it is of — Wethers, $7@8.35; ewes en
: : : Ling next election?” ve uley, put on the se ' : "4 0 00 ie
its daily ration of fee 20 tiv. arvik over” Jor Juley, e second crust and | $3.75 7.40; lambs, $8.60@10.90.
bake until brown. It's a dandy p
| replied Senator Sorghum. “But I'm ‘ andy ple, KANSAS CITY, MO. -~Hogs--Bulk,
§ : 1 he «Ba
G N not quite stire which of us is going tc Heavenly Mash. $0.85@10.25: heavy, $10.10810.30; Fully guaranteed For sale by A
rape- u £ get walked on, Three quarts red currants, stemmed ; | packers and butchers, $9.95@10.30; ie iliy Roofing hee.
Even vs - one quart red raspberries, three pounds | light, $9.76@ 10.35; pigs, $8.7569.50. at
“Th , # 1! “Did the doctor pay au visit?” white sugar, one pound seedless raisins, Sheep-—10@16¢ higher; lambs, $10@ General Roofing Manufacturing Company
: eres a Reason : pay u three oranges, peel and chop all | 10.45; yearlings, $7.50@8.50; wethers, Waris larvent Sivutuuturare of Roofing aud Botts Ropes
“Yes, and the visit paid the doctor. | fins, Doll all to Bee luk Cy Cieass Pifindsishis 80 Lonts, Basten Brive bus
] \ § gether until thick. | $7@8; ewes, $8.5097.25. Ortenms Wines pelle etiarapele. tosen Santa Woven Lowden ror ydig
~ Exchange. This i= delicions with meats, - a a — _