The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, October 26, 1916, Image 5

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    The Lecture Course,
‘The eighth season of the Ce tre
Hall Lecture Course opened under the
most favorable conditions, The first
Dumber was entirely satisfactory to
every one in the house, and the ve-
maining five numbers for the 1918-17
Beason are guaranteed by the Eastern
Lyceum Bureau, who farnish the st-
tractione, to ba even of a better class,
The next number of the course wil
be the Griswold Sisters Quartet e,
whose program is made up of instru-
mental and vocal selectione, sketches
and readings, on Baturday evening,
November 4th. The vumerous press
Comments on the Griswold sisters
invariably state that each one is an
artist. This in itself ,is a strong
recom vendation. They present a de-
lightfal and varied program, each one
contributing capably to make a pleas
ing whole,
The committee takes pleasure in an-
nouncing that more course tickete
have been sold this season than for
several years past, indicating that our
citizens are willing to continne to
patronize clesn, wholesome, inspiring
and educational lectures and er ter-
tainmente, There are few localities
similiar to this where lecture courses—
courses with lectures in them—are
supported longer than two or three
years at a time, The continued
patronage of our people is gratifying
to the committee and is compliment
ary to the community,
There are yet five numbers in the
Course, and it will not require much of
8 mathematician to calculate that
from a point of economy it will be
profitable to purchase a season ticket
for one dollar, which ticket carries
with it a reserved seat,
I —— ———————
Wilson Day velebration,
Saturday, October 28:b, hss been
set aside by the Democratic Nations]
Committee as Wileou Day. This dey
will be observed by people all over the
United States as 8 day upon which
they wiil pay their respecta to the
President of the United States apd
show their sppiecistion of the grest
public service that he bas rendered bis
On that day President Wilson is to
send a message to his couptrymen
which is to be read in every county,
city, town and bamlet in the laud,
This me-sage is 10 be a sort of procis-
mation of the New Freedom, snd is to
be read with sll the solemnity of the
occasion by some prominent person
appointed by the log | committer.
A AA ——————
State College Politics Lontrollec Bb; 1 Bone,
Two poii ical psrties working tooth
and pail to elect their candidates, ano
one boss demineting both factions is
the unusual situation st the Pevnsy!-
vania State College, Students in the
course in political eclence have divided
Into Wilson snd Hughes fupporters,
and both organizations are combing
the college community for votes, Dr.
George ' , Z oF, associste professor of
history, holds the election result in
the holiow of his hand, for he is the
instructor of the class. Equal suffrage
hee been extended to the women
students for the first time, and they
will exercise their ballot privilege ar
the mock election to be beld nex:
EE —— I ——————
“State” Wios in Batter-Jadgiog ( outest.
Highest honors in the butter-judg.
ing contest at the National Dairy
Bhow have been won by students at
the Pennsylvania State College. The
three-man team which represented the
ipstitution returned last week from
Bprinefield, Mass., bringing more than
$300 in awards,
In addition to winning the team
prize from eight of the foremost agri.
cultural schools of the country, the
Btate College a'udents were rated fire’,
second and third fo the individu.
8cores, Htate leads the flald by mors
than 200 points over South Dakots, ite
near: st competitor,
A AA —————
Pleasant Gap.
Mrs. Reuben Garis, of Luxor, is
payiog a visit to her parente,
Mr. and Mre, Joaah Z~igler, of
Bellefonte, were in town, Sunday.
Mre, Wm Coldren fpent Hondsy
with her « nughter, Marion, at Belle
M.s. Clyde Love, of Bellefonte,
spent Bunday awong friends at this
Mrs, Frank Weaver and daughter
Freda are spending a few days among
friends at Millheim,
Mre, Elizabeth Bliger and dsughter
Virgie spent Bunday at the Wilson
Bilger home at Belisfonte,
Miss Marion Gettig-is paying a visit
to the Thomas Adam's home, at
If we only had sbout six more
officers in P. G, the game laws would
be half respected.
William Rimmey and family of
Jersey Bbore, spent Bunday among
friends at this place,
and Mre, Martin Keller of Cen-
®: | spent Bunday in Pleasant
Dr, Barlett, of this plsce, and Dr,
Longwell, of Ventre Hall, performed »
minor operation on Miss Kdns Wolfe,
Joho Herman and William Keene
Inst week for Niagara at which
plus they expect Lo obialn employ-
The service held v'y Rev, Barvie, of
Bellewood, wes largely attended on
Ruling, ¥% belog twenty-five years
since . Barvis delivered his last
sermon here as our local minister.
, Briwgy Yewulve—s Reporter adv,
Spring Mills,
James Goodhart and family spent
Bunday at the Jacob Lee, Sr., home,
Mre, Michael Smith and daughter,
Mrs. Ruth Thomae, spent Bunday
with relatives,
John Neese and family, of Auburn,
New York, are visiting Mr. Nees 's
sint-re, Misses Lavina and Alice Neese,
A daughter was born to M', and
Mra. Cleveland Gentzell on October
200 h,
Mr. and Mre, Jacob Lee attended
the faneral of Mre, Lee's grandmother,
at Bhenadoab, on Nsturday,
Mr. G. CC. Decker and family, se-
enmpanied by Mre, (', E, Fir kle, Mra,
Robert Kernelly, and Mre, RH. QO.
Kennelly epent sunday at Yeager-
The Commonweal club, Y. W, (, A.
girlie, had a social at the Ethel Het-
tinger home on Saturdav afternoon,
After the socinl and business meeting,
r freshments consisting of sandwiches,
ice cream, coflee a d candy .wers gers
ved. All present had a delightfu
a ————— ————————
Florence Bartges spent Sunday with
her friend, I'ma Shook,
Mr. snd Mre. Ralph RBhook #pent
Sunday afternoon at the home of
Sawuel Ulrich,
Mre, Ephrism Bhook snd grand.
daughter Miriam spent Sunday at the
home of Georg Mhook,
Clarence Musser, who ia teaching
“chao! at Colyer, visited his parents
over Suuday,
Mre, Marah Hartman is visiting her
brother, George Wise, pear Rebers-
Georve Bhook
model Pullman
RB, Live,
George Hoy from ab we Miate (Cole
*@e vistied at the home of John Al-
bright, over Sunday,
Harry Ulrich and family, from
Npriog Mille, spent Baoday at the
home of Mr, and Mrs. Frank Musser,
Mr. and Me, Charles Hennigh
visited Mre, Hennigh's brother, Arct
Decker, at Mint urg, on Sunday,
Mr, sud William
from spring Mille, spent *unday »t
bome of Willisnm ~ inkabioe, and help.
ed to eat the 20-ib,-wild turkey M
=lubkabive shot inst week,
purchased a 1918
touring ear from A.
Mra, Gramley,
le psp
Potters Mills
Charles Wagner killed a iarge wild
turkey lsat Friday,
Mre, Alice Bible entertained on Ror.
day Fispk Bible snd family of Centre
F. A, Carson, J. Frank Me y and
Edward Allison peut Tureday 4
A crew of Bell
tosrded several
J. Finok Mo' 0 of
hestie, Mir tasin « jo w
he ¢Xpeels tO re Urn
Mr. J hn Wilkinson spent Tuesds,
tu Beltefonte the guest of her #0
Harry, sud to see ner grandsor ’
ber two,
telephone workm gy
days at the Eotas
i adeip in,
# the ale
somuetime- thie
A —— ———
To Dedicate New Lodge Home,
The State College lodge, 1.0, 0. F,,
has set November 23 and 24 aa the days
for the exercises of their
new ball, Revorts from all commit-
tees point to a very succesful event,
The program bss not yet been com -
pleted but will son be ready, Ar.
rangements have beer made with Dr,
Sparks to bave all coliege buildings
open to visitors,
From present indiestions there will
be a large turnout of O 1d Fellows and
the parade will be one of the best a1 d
biggest ever beld in the central pert of
the SHiate,
The success of all this depends cn
the raliroade, [he commities is try-
ing to get specials from Tyrone, Lewi «=
burg and Lock Haven, announcemert
of which will be made later,
EE —— A A A———
The short time between now ard
election day will seem an sge to the
average pnlitigian,
TE aati
os pp ROE
Garman's Opera House
Matinee and Night
ep We, wa han) slo, 500, Wy
Sule Reginter,
18TH, 20'cloe
R ISTH. at 12 o'clock, { Daniel Callahan will sell
ments, ete, ; a clean up sale,
Monday, October 30th
The Dramatic Sensation of the Season
The Girl Without
A Chance “==
A Model and Fearless Plea for the Betterment of
Young Girls Who Are Without Parents and Homes
25¢ — 35¢ -— §0C — 75¢ — $1.00
Seats on sale Parih’s Drug Store,
16 admitted.
NOTICE. No children under
—Agents for—
Filtered Gas : Oils : Kerosene
Work done by man of large experience,
First-Class Auto Service
Centre Hall, Pa.
Sure enough ! the signs of autumn are here. The falling of the
The last
few weeks people have been eager to see the new winter goode which we
leaves, the cutting of corn and t re massing of itinto shocks
ordered in earlier than usual to make certain that they would be under
our roof when wanted and not be sidetracked by the raise on materials
as well as the scarcity,
Often our good customers give us valuable advice when they inspect
our lines, whether they purchese or not. Your suggestion is of value to
us. So we extend a general invitation to the public to call upon us,
Our line of merchandise consists of the new and up-to-date
Ladies’ Coats, Suits, Dresses,
Skirts, Waists, Furs, Shoes.
Men's Suits, Overcoats, Hats,
Shirts, Ties, Shoes, etc.
Boys’ & Girls’ Complete Outfits
LADIES you ought to see the new plush, velour, and mixed coats
for dressy occasions. All models to suit your build and style. Dresses
Soft clinging Satins, Prench Berges, Silk
of the most elegant tastes,
18, Taffetas for the sporting outfit as well &s for the formal
} 3
Waists in Crepe DeChine, Georgette Crepe, Chiffon, Voil and
The best range of styles we have ever carried—
Worsteds, serges, cashmeres, etc. European dyed goods which we can
i for first class colors. So try and secure your outfit from
Get in line for your New Overcoat—Pinch Backs, Balmes-
il as consereatives,
' Grey, Brown, Slate, Plum Brown high cut kid Shoes.
MEN'S Mahogany and Black Calf Shoes with the new style NEO-
LIN soles 1y not select your Fall HAT now from our new and very
attractive assortment just received,
Just come in to see our Beautiful FUR SETS for Ladies and Chil-
dren. They are unusually attractive,
Don’t forget, you are welcome whether you buy or not ; come in
and inspect our goods. We feel confident that your wants can be supplied
Kessler’s Department Store
Virginia's golden sunshine
The rich, golden tobacco leaf that grows
under Virginia's sunny skies is famous the
world over for the character it gives a
Character being that refreshin liveliness
which smokers like and that oe Virginia
tobacco can give.
The_ tobacco in Piedmont’s is highest
grade Virginia—ALL Virginial Mellow as
the sunshine of the south.
“A package of Piedmonts, please”,
V drgimia tobacow to market.
NOTE: —A package of ten cigarettes made of
all Tarkint xabedage of ete nade ul
A package of ten Piedmonts
grade Virginia tobacco
pay mo uty, mo ocean freight no marine ingwrs
“nce, wo expensive importing charges