THE CENTPE REPORTER. ISSUED ‘WEEKLY, CENTRE HALL - - PENNA. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1916 SMITH & BAILEY SB. W, SMITH . . Froprietors Editor f.oca! Editor and EDWARD E, BAILEY { Business Nanager Entered at the Post Office in Centre Hall aa second Class mall matter TERMS, The terms of subscription to the Re porter are one and one-half dollars per year ADVERTISING RATE“~Display sdvertise ment of ten or more inches, for three or more in sertions, ten cents per inch for each Issue . Dis PA advertising occupying less space than ten os and for less than three insertions, from fifteen to twenty-five cents por ioch for each sue, according to composition, Minimum charge seventy-five cents, Local notices accompanying display advertis- five cents per line for insertion ; other- , eight cents per line, minimum charge, twenty-five cents, Legal notices, twenty cents per line for three insertions, and ten cents per line for each ad- ditional insertion. CHURCH APPOINTMENTS Lutheran--Unlon, morning ; Georges Valley, afternoon ; Centre Hall, evening. Reformed ~Centre Hall, moming ; Tuseyville, afternoon. Methodist—Spracetown, morning ; Centre Hall, | afternoon ; Spring Mills, evening DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL TICKET, FOR PRESIDENT, WOODROW WILSON FOR VICE PRESIDENT, THOMAS R. MARSHALL Democratic State Ticket FOR URITED BTATES BENATOR ELLIS L. ORVIS FOR STATE TREASURER, SAM’L B. PHILSUN LOUALS, Bunday -ichool convention at Farm- era Mille, Friday, Nov, 10th, William Zettle left thie week for Milton where he secured employment in a shell factory. Mre. Christine, widow of Rev. Christine, of Elysburg, is visiting her daoghter, Mre. T. L. Moore. Mre, J. ©. Harper snd dsughter, M ies Heler, of Belletonte, spent Batar- dsy avd Bunday at the George H, Emerick bome, Mre, Reuben Garis and little deugh- ter, of Luxor, in the Pittsburgh die- triet, visited relatives bere and at Pleasant Gap the past weelk, Mrs. Rosetta Luse and Mre, Famuel Long, of Penns Cave, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Luse, on the Huyett farm, a few days last week, Mr, and Mre. Charles Fair and son William, of Reading, spent from Bat- urday until Monday at the home of Mre, Fair's brother, John Kreamer, J. Frank McClellan is floding easy digging for the cellar of his new home, baving come upon an old foundation of a houee, apparently, at a depth of four feet. The homes of Mre. Mary Roes and Mre. O. F. Funk were wired for eleo- tric light during the past week. Oop Wedpesday work was begun on the Odd Fellows’ store building. Guy W. Jacobe witnessed the Penn- Htate football game at Philadelphia on Saturday which spelled defeat for his He then came up to Centre Hall, spending Hundsy and Monday with bis mother, | Tuesday afternoon he returned to New | York City where he will be employed | for the winter in the repair of ice manufacturing machinery. Mr. and Mre, J. C. McClenahan, of Potters Milles, motored to Union coun- | ty last week, spending the time with relativie, Mr, McClenshan'’s big osr oze cut snd out, |, oontiy underwent extensive repairs | and during the time It remained st | the garage Mr, McClenaban was called Regardless of your political convie- | upon to make 8 number of big tripe tione, spy voter in Centre county who | which necessarily had to be refused. is & temopersree men cen vote snd | | However, at present he ls sgalo ip ought to vote for 8r, Gardoper, | take care all touring M Tobi ' ed parties. Mr. oblar, if elected 0 Congress, i would vot be epgroseed in other busie | Mr. and Mrs. FB, E. Hpangler, of ness to euch sn extent that be could | Cblesgc, Iilinole, are visiting the pot be at his pest of duty when the former's father, W, W, Bpapgler, In workingman’s interests are at stake. Centre Ha h Mr. Hpengler is a repre Congressman Rowland voted only on sentative of Fisher & Company, mano- about half the bills before congress, factures of cigar boxer, which business is booming just at present, He views —————— — ————————— . No wag who whi vote for W. BE. }the campaign as being favorable to the Tobias for congress wil! have cceasion election of Wilsor, and gives as hia to regret it, He wes raleed on the | OPinion that fahis home state wary farm, taught school 10 various patts of women will vote for the retention of Clearfield county, became suparic- | President Wikon on the pesce issue, tendent of the schools of that county, i and that the iaboring class see in the all of which indiestes Be has the | president a willingoess to desl iquare ability to serve in the office to which | with tain aud capstquent'y wil to # he aspires. Vole for bim becsure he | very ‘arge extent suppor hiw, is just the kind of man who can be| Mr. snd Myre. J. C. Beholl sud son of approsched sfler be biccmes 8 con-| Altovts, on Tuerdsy, stopped at the gressman in fact, home of the former's sister, Mre. B, B, ————————— Kresmer, on their way to Lewistown, Hunting Notes and while here paid his respecte to the Rabbits may be legally killed begin-| Reporter. Mr. Beboll for a long time ning next Wednesday morning, bas been conuected with the Peon Erdman West killed the limit Central Electric SHBpaDS) With his " . . Copecern Liss ODE O a ree anis » grey squirrels o8 Monday afternoon. Lewistowp. The junior 3 Beholl Archey W. Zettle of Pleasant Gap | , 4. o position ss chemist with the succeeded in killiog a 10:1b. turkey on | , ..\y Chemical company, Pittsburgh. Friday. Speaking of the prospects of Wilson's Charles Wagner, of Potters Mille, | glection, Mr. Beboll thinks that if killed s ten-pound wild turkey on | conditions about Altoona can be judged Friday. from the President is a sure winner, Al, Krape ran into a bunch of wild | and in his opinion ought to be. turkeys on Nittany mountain last A drove of seven deer—six does and Thureday, but failed to get a shot, a buck—w1s the pretty eight which Palmer Dreese bagged five greys and | presented iteeif to Frank Phillipe, of two phessants on Tuesdsy morning, | Colyer, early Monday morning while sand returned home only because hie | on bis way into the Beven Mountains smmuniiion ‘an out, where a force of men are engaged in J. L. Goée of pesr Milroy won the | mowing fire roade, under Forester enviable distinction on Fridsy of | Montgomery. The deer were partak- shooting a wild cat that he encounter- | ing of their morning meal in the or- ed in the mountain wilde near his | chard on the David Geary farm, which home while tracking emall game, The | Jo right in the heart of the best deer slain animal measured over two feet in | hunting country on the entire range. body length. There is a bounty of $4 | There was only a moment’s chance for upon wild cate, sdmiring the beauty of the fleet-footed —— - snimale, bul it nevertheless was a feast Temperance Workers at Tasseyviile, for the eyer of the early morning visit. Five students from Pennsylvania] or, who thinks nosuch luck would be Btate College will hold a temperance | possible on the first day of December, meeting in the (Union echbareh, st] Justtoshow a New York business Tusseyville, Funday evening pext. | man what a pretty drive in Pennayl- These young men are holding similar | vania really wesnt, I. L. Harvey, con- meetings io all parts of Centre county, | nected with the Orviston brick worke, and their program is ssid to be both | at Orvistor, motored to Centre Hall varied snd highly interesting. Ev ry-| on Mordsy sftesnoor, bringing with body is invited, bim Charles E. Fowler. Mr. Fowler represents the Cazsrnlkow-Rionda Company, who have a battery of suger refining plants in Cube, one of the five of which is located at Frat claco, Cube, havivg a plantation connected with it of 60,000 scree. A single plant (urns out from 860,000 to 500,000 bags (880 Ibe, per bag) of raw sugar per year. His mission st Orviston wes to hurry a consignment of an order for a mill. lon fire brick ueed in the construction of the sugar refineries, Fpeaking of the drive to Centre Hall, Mr, Fowler declared be hed pever in oll his travels witnessed a prettier sight than was presented to him from the top of old Nittany, ——— A ——— Marriage Licentes, Ew E, Riter, Bellefonte Evelyn E. Brower’, Fleming Jos ph 1. Johustor, Crafton Rose A, Woods, Boslsburg Perry CO, Moran, Bellefonte Morthe Botbrock, Bellefonte FOR AUDITOR GENERAL JAMES B. MURRIN District and County Ticket FOR CONGRESS, WILLIAM E TOBIAS FOR ASSEMBLY, MITCHELL I. GARDNER If ycu sre for bu vote for Neott, ——————— A oi —— shape {to of { of Wugner-Haupt, On October 17th, at the Reformed parsonage in Boalsburg, by Rev, RB, C, Btover, Ernest A, Wagner, of Oak Hall, and Miss Marie K., Haupt, of Bellefonte, were united in marriage, Akror, Ohlo, will be their future home, where the groom has employ- ment in the rubber mille, I MAA SE At Garman's Upera House, Baturday, October 28th, matinee sud evening—'' Meid to Order "a theatri- cal attraction that hes made a real hit amorg theater goers, A rollickirg comedy with spirited music. Don't mies i*, Hee ad, for prices, Mondsy, Ootober 80h, ¢vepning only~*" The Gir] Without a Chance" ~g play for the mothers; full of comedy, pethor, tears and lsoghter, A mode} sud fearless ples for the bete terment of girls who are without pa- rents and homer, Bee ad. New Series Model 75 B Roadster $620 fob Tolede Three to fifty per hour on high—that’s the speed report. we get from owners all over the country. And 20 to 25 miles per gallon of gas is the economy report. A corking good car— A price that makes it the greatest value on the face of the earth- That combination has kept the factory thousands of cars behind sales for weeks and weeks. But we're getting them in right along. Better see us about yours today. BOALSBURG. Misses Nora Miller and Luella Ross visited friende at Biate College, spent Bunday in Brush Valley. “ The Camp Fire Girls” will hold s Willism Adame, of Millbeim, erjoy- box socisl in Bosal Hall, Baturday eve-! od a good dinper at the home of his ning. Everybody come, sunt in this place. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fisher and Mrs. H. E. Crouse and Miss Radle three children, of Altoons, spent sev-' Guisewite visited relatives in Winfield eral days with Mr. Fisher's mother. for a few days. Mr. and Mrs, Elmer Houtz and! Charles Harter, of Madisonburg, three childrer, and Mary Kidder spent | wae 8 Sunday guest at the home of his Haturdsy afternoon in Milibeim. mother, Mre. O. L. Mothershaugh spent Hat- Mr. snd Mre., Adsm Bowersox, of urday ip Beilefonte, with her brother, Lenore, were guesta of the Istter’s sis George Keller, who is very sick in the | ter, Mis. Alice Blover, for a few days. hospital Mre, ( Rev.) Eyere, nee Musser, of Mre. Fred Weber, Mre. Charles Danville, is visiting her brother, Dr, Kubn and Mrs, Charles Megner, spent CO. 8B, Musser, Thureday at the Charles Rose home Mre. George McKay and daughter near Pipe Grove, Florence, of Philadelphis, are visiting Mre. Wm Goheen, Mre, Alice Me- the former's mother, Mrs. W. H. Goffin, Mrs, HBophia Hall, Misses Pbillipe. y
  • where they will| wil} eur to Uisfion The Bente of Georges Valle , spent Bunday with ople sre all sorry to part with Mies | Mre. Elizabeth Weaver, oods ; she will be missed in many waye in her home towr, snd every one | extends 10 her the very best wishes for | a hap y wedded life, fA sn, Aaronsburg. Warren Winkieblech and family 8 trip to Williswsport recently, and Tusseyville Mre. Henry Moyer, of Lemont, is visiting smong relatives and friende, Mies Jennie Bodtor! is assisting Mre, | Linden Hall Jobn Black for a short time. Harry Keller went to Philadelphia Mre, Joho Bleck spent a few days in | for the football game on Saturday and | Bellefonte the past week, ! returned Sunday evening. | Andrew Horner is visiting bis broth- | We are glad to note the recoverv of | er, John Horner, for a short time, i Mre. Frank Isbler, who was seriously | Samuel Fioray, who bas been sick | ill for some time, | for rone time, 1s pot improving st Mr, snd Mre. Willlsm MceClintie | this writing, ; were called to the bedeide of Mre.| Mr, and Mrs, Lawrence Runkle and | Naney McClintie, on Tuesday moro-| three child # | ing, who fe quite sick at the home of | Jann Kuakie bomen Fuoday at the her daughter, Mre. Cormer, at Peon George and Bernice Bwartz are at Hall. the parental home on 8 short vacation Edward Horner will move from | from school. Mre. Ellen R so’ house next Tuesday | - i — G AR OPERA HOUSE MATINEE AND NIONT to Pine Grove Mills into the house which Mre. miller owned, Mr, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28th THE BIG MUSICAL COMEDY— Horner is employed at the Snook stone mill at that place, Mr, and Mre, George M. Ha!l apd daughter, Virginie, motored here (n Batarday aud retarped Bundsy, tak. With a Strong Cast of New York Musi. £1 Cur Comedy Fa. orites, and the Smartest SINGING & DANCING GIRLS State College, who will epend a few on tour this season, 18- BIG MUSICAL NUMBERS -18 200- BIG HEARTY LAUGHS -200 who is in Centre county on a fifteen day furlough, motored here Baturday and on Fuonday morning left for Bloomsburg, taking with them F., E. Wieland ana family, where t nt the day at the Normal with wins Wieland, THE MARKETS, GRAIN Corrected weekly by Bradford & Son, WHORE (NOW)..acncsiernmsnenisssnpmsssrsenne $1 00 Corn a Oats 40 BATE vo icosnns iss iss sesssinss susmmessiabomns 0 Rye 7 FECES SSR RS EE I SER FEES RRR REISE SES CS SR PRODUCE AT STORES Putter TERE SS BOS I Re Eg vii, shrbendiabersont souls 0 borden ber nephew, Beinard Lemon, a mi shipman on the battleship Arkanses, Prices . TINEBR--ase, soc ' OT 33, oo 75, $1.00 S.A" ora SY 7s Cs CARRE he i 5, The Fall Season is On in Full Swing Now is the time to make your purchases§forjFall and Winter, We are ready to supply your needs at the lowest possilbe prices. Ladies’ and Children’s COATS AND SUITS The beauty of the new fabrics, the style, swings to the new models. The quality of the tailoring in every garment will please you exceedingly. D. J. NIEMAN MILLHEIM ———— mn — — — The Centre Hall Pharmacy | , A Guaranteed Corn Cure 25 Cents THE CENTRE HALL PHARMACY A Store You Like to Go to