THE CENTRE REPORTER. CENTRE HALL - - PENNA. | THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1916 | SMITH & BAILEY 8. W., SMITH . EDWARD E. BAILEY { Entered at the Post Office in Centre Hall as second Class mall matter. TERMS, —The terms of subscription to the Re- porter are one and one-half dollars per year. ADVERTISING RATE:-Display sdvertise ment of ten or more inches, for three or more in portions, ten cents per inch for each issue. Dis lay advertising ocoupying less space than ten Dahon and for less than three insertions, from fifteen to twenty-five oents per inch for each fssue, according to ocomposition. Minimum charge seventy-five cents, Local notices accompanying display advertis- ing five cents per line for each insertion: other- wise, eight cents per line, minimum charge, twenty-five cents, 1 notices, twenty cents per line for three insertions, and ten cents per line for each ad- ditional Insertion. CHURCH APPOINTMENTS. Spring Froprietors Editor Loca! Editor and Business Manager Reformed-—Union, meorming : Mills, afternoon : Centre Hall, evening. Lutheran--Spring Mills, morning, Harvest Home: Centre Hall, afternoon ; Tusseyville, eve- ning, Harvest Home. DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL TICKET, FOR PRESIDENT, WOODROW WILSON FOR VICE PRESIDENT THOMAS R. MARSHALL Democratic State Ticket FOR UNITED STATES SENATOR ELLIS L. ORVIS FOR STATE TREASURER, SAM’L B. PHILSON FOR AUDITOR GENERAL, JAMES B. MURRIN District and Sounty Ticket. FOR CONGRESS, WILLIAM E TOBIAS Will Speak at the (range Fair | Hon. Clyde Kelly, congressman from the Pittsburgh district, is to be one of the prominent speakers at the Grange Encampment next week, His address will be the main feature of Wedneaday afternoon, Congressman Kelly's reputation for making a good specch in so well known that every- body within a hundred mile radius of the Plenic should avail themselves of this opportunity to hear hiw, A ————— SM Marriage Licenses, Watson E. Stout, Jereey Bhore Bessie M. Zinr, Jersey Bhore Earl 8, Boal, State ("ollege Nellie E. Adame, Tyrone Oscar McMuller, Bellefonte Eva 8B. Lucas, Bellefonte George 3. ~huey, Lemont Klizabeth MM, Kerr, Lemont FOR ASSEMBLY, MITCHELL I. GARDNER There may be some merit in the enforcement of the speed limit ordi- nance provided it is not for *'revenue only.” —————— A —————— Put down your hammer, There are too many visible and knocking agsinst thinge the kpocker knows little, Hide your hammer, —— Add one more schievement to the Woodrow Wilscn administration ; namely, the masterful handling of the threatened nation-wide railroad strike and the amicable settlement to all con- cerned. Thomas A Edison for Wilson, Thomas A. Edison, inventor, life. long Republican, and a strong support- er of Theodore Roosevelt's candidacy for the Republican nomination, made announcement of bis intention to vote and work for Woodrow Wilson, He dictated in part the following state- ment : “ Not since 1860 has any campaign made such a direct call on simon-pure Americanism. The times are too ser- fous to talk or think in terms of Re publicanismm or Democracy. Real Americans must drop parties and gat down to big fundamental principles. “ More than any other President in my memory, Wilson has been faced by a succession of tremendous prob- lems, any one of which decifed the wronz way would bave bad disastrous consequences. Wilson's decisions so far have not got us into any serious trouble, nor are they likely to. “ He has given us peace with honor, This talk about the Unit: d Htates bee ing despised is nonsense, Neutrality is a mighty trying policy, but back of it are international law, the rights of humanity and the future of civiliza- tion,” LOCALS, Labor Day was pretty generally ob- served in and about Centre Hall That is, we labored. Elias G. Krumrine visited his sone in-law and daoghter, Prof, aud Mrs, L. O. Packer, for a few days last week, Miss Carrie Bweetwood Is home from Philadelphia where she ia at tending a school for nurses in one of the city’s leading bospitale, James J, Gramley, who has been visiting relatives in Penne and Brush valleys since his return from Itlinois a few weeks ago, greeted o'd friends in this place last week, Mre. Roberta Bmith, of Bellefonte, was in Centre Hall several days last week taking orders for made-to- measure clothing and succeeded in taking numerous orders, Noah Corman and sister, Mrs, Emma Bruogsrt, of Rebersturg, passed through Centre Hall «+n Mou- day afternoon, on their way to Belle- fonte to take the train for Freeport, Illinois, to attend the funeral of their brother, George Corman, who wae killed on the railroad, Two auto loads of people from Read- ing stopped at the home of Mr, and Mrs, William Keller, at the station, on Bunday, and remained until Mon- day noon. The following comprised the party: Mr. and Mr, F, E. Auchenbach, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Ruth, Mr. and Mr. Daniel Bpa'z, ‘Mrs, J. M, Welder, Margaret Arters, and Nathan I. Rath, The party claimed relationship to one another, snd Mre, Bpalz and Morris Ruth are sister and brother, respectively, of Mire. Keller, , ! Frank Rost, Pittsburgh | Mary C, Daugherty, State College | Vietor A. Moore, Sandy Ridge | COstherine M, Dixon, West Decatur James G. Murray, Reedsville Grace M. Sheffer, Philipsburg tp Boozer & Smith's Garage, Agents for the King, Reo, Dodge and Ford sutomobiles, Ford accessories and supplies kept constantly on hand, Our experienced mechanic will take care of any needed repairs on your ma- chine and the cost will not be great, Auto oils and gasoline—ihe best grades only. D. A. RoOZER L. L. *MITH J Centre Hall, Pa. ——————— Opening of New Meat ——— \ The undersigned desires to announces that he is ready tosurply persons with fresh beet, pork, veal, ete, at the new meat market erecled near his resi. dence, immediately south of Centre Hall boro. Ooply the choicest young stock is butchered, Deliveries will be made on Grange Park next week, GEORGE E. IsHLER. ———————— 1. O O, F, Stand at G ange Falr, The 'oeal Odd Fellows lodge will sgain occupy their buildiog at the Grapgers’ Pienie on Grange Park, Csntre Hall, Bept, 8th, to 17th. They will be in a position to serve the pub- lie with ice cold drinks of all Kinde, good candies, cigars, tobsccoe, celery, fruite, novelties, large and small dolls, Indian blankets ; in fact, a larger live than they had Isst year. It ia their intention to be able also to give belter service, In addition to the above the Re- bekahs of Centre Hall will occupy a Isrge tent next to their tuilding in which they will serve ice cream in dishes or cones, sandwiches, cakes, coffee, ete, Their building ie located in the up- per end of the ground at the head of “ Fakir Ave,” not far from the rail- road station located on the ground. If you come to Grangers’ Picnic don’t fail to call around snd ree whether or not we are able to supply your wants before you go elsewhere, Our assort- ment of goods will be large and we assure you that your patronage will be appreciated, The proceeds recured from our sales and work will go towsrd paying for the buildiog recently purchased by the lodge #t this place, —"‘ommittee, ————— i APUG PENN HALL Mre, Epbhraivi Bhook srent Bunday with ber gor, Ralph, ard family. Mrs, Earl Bartley and children from Bpring Mills spent Bunday with Mrs, Bartley’s brother, Lloyd Houser, Luther Bnyder and family from Ban. bury are visiting relatives at this place, Gladys Wesgley and Maggie Beltz- finger spent Inst Sunday at the home of Nathaniel Zeigler, above Spring Mille, Mr, and Mre, Deafenbaugb, Mr. and Mie, John Overdorf, from near Lewis burg, spent Bundsy at the bome of Charles Bartgee, Lb f— A ————— HBunday will be especially interest. ing at the Grange Evcasmpment,. No class of people bave a better right tos Harvest Home celebration then the farmer who tills the land and harvests the crope. AI MAR Labor day brought the biggest quantity of mail to the local post office #ince the record of eighteen sacks in & single mail just before last Christmas. - Auto Drivers, Notice, The boro council, at ifs meeting on Friday night ga. e out that on Sunday a State policeman and on» or two as- sistants would be on hand to watch automomobile drivers who exceed the 15-mile limit, [It is inferred that the rule is to be enfored to the letter, The Reporter deems it a privilege to give this notice in advance to its many automobile friends, Millheim. Walter Springer and Lewis Brown returned from Akrov, Baturday. The potato hsrvest in this section will ba about a half crop, Mra, William Kreamer of Lock Haven spent a week with friends here, Frank Geary of Centre Hall traps- acted business in town one day last week, Mr. and Mre, Blick Kerstetter and daughter Ruth of Lock Haven spent SBunday at the home of Anns Kreawmer, Dr. and Mre, John Hardenburg and Mre, Harry Foster, mother of Mre, Hardeuburg, left Friday morniog by auto for Philadelphia, returning Tues- day evening, A letter from Paul Masser, who Is with the Das Moines club of the Western Lesgue, and Champions of 1915, says his team isn’t doipg good this year aud they will be lacky to fiuish in third place While sitting on the porch of his home, Sunday Meade Rleiffer espled a ground bog crossing the street, Meade wasn't long getting the hog, killing bim with a Later in the day someone sek what be had dope with it, was, be isteady for the pan, On Tuesday of last week Perry Adame, while returning from Centre Hall with Dr, Allison, in the latter's | sutomobile, volunteered to crank the] car after a brief stop, when the crank | beck fired, breakiog his right arm near the wrist, Dr. Allison not being prepared for any such sccident, hur- ried bim to Millheim where Dr, G. B. Frank reduced the fractare. afternoon, after slick, The reply Potters Mills George Boal was to see his sister who i8 on the sick lst, at Rockview, "Squire Carson snd James Moyer took a trip to Bunbury on Monday, Ewanucl Soith and son Boyd were to Biate College on Bundsy. i Frank Carson and family took a trip to Lewistown on Buuday, Four hundred sutos passed through Potters Mills on Sunday. The stork visited this place and left a little baby girl at the Frank Ennist home, Mrs, Alexander and son visiting friends this Spring Mille, Samuel Bible ia on the sick list and is with his dsughter, Mre, Joseph Carson, Mr. and Mrs, Overly, from Clear- field, made a brief stay at the Michael Smith bome on Monday evening. Cliftord Thomas and daughter-in- law, Mre. Ruth Thomas, started in their car for New York sand after s brief visit will return tome, brioging with them Mrs. Thomas, who has spent most of the summer in New York with her mother, A fn A Aaronsburg, Mise Margretta Witmyer spent a few days with her uncle at Coburn, Mra. Miller and son of Lewisburg are vieiting Prof, and Mre. Bartlet. Mr. and Mre, F, D, Stover spent the Sabbath with Jerry Martin at Pine Creek, Mr, and Mre. Blick Kerstetter of Lock Haven autoed to this place on Sunday. Mre, Mary Friel and children of Renovo are being entertained by her uncle, A. B, Btover, Lest Wednesday Blain Bitner, Mr, and Mrs, U. B., Bitner, and Alice Bright attended Lhe condpnsary plonic at Lamar, W. B. Mussina and wife, of Cowan, their sor, wife and children, of Milton, eslled on a few of their frienda in this plaee, The e'der Mr. Mussina was born and reared in this place, Two families by the name « f Hoover and Moore, of Canton, Ohio, made » short eall on their second enueir, Mre, Lavina Lenker, on Monday sfternnor, Earl Cummings, who was employed for the last six monthe in Akron, Ohio, returned to his home here on Friday to finish his high school course, On Bunday Mr. and Mre. James Levker, deughter Hara, ana Nellie Bhuey ; Mr. snd Mr, Jesse Bhuey and daughter Beatrice, autoed to the home of Mre, L. K. Lenker and persuaded her and her sister to accompany them on a short plessure trip. ——————— A ———— Tusseyville William Emenhizger and family, of Rock View, spent Bunday evening with their sop, Paul Emennizer, Calvin Rossman, of Siglervil'e, spent Thureday evening at the Michael Rossman home, Charlee Dale sand wife and "Mire, Heury Dale, of Houserville, spent Bunday afternoon with Mre. Adam Krumrine, ; Misses Emme, Blanche and Daley Rowe, of Boslsbiry, spent BSundsy Hugh are al place and Spring Mills, Ambrose Gentgsll and wife of Bha- mokin spent Bonday at the, G orge (Gen'zall home, Misa An paying ber many friends au extended visit, John farully, Mr. and Mrs, Bamuel Condo, spent Hatur- day and Bunday at Bellwood, Mr, and Mre, Martin snd family of State College were visitors st the Dr, H. B, Breucht home on Bunday. Walter Wolfe, who spent a few weeks in Clearfield county, returned home on Bunday. Mre, ( Dr.) Alexander snd son of Mifflin county were circulating among friends and relatives, A session of quarterly conference was held in the M, E, church on Tues, day afternoon and evening, Abou' 125 tickets have been sold for the Lecture course for 1916-1917. The first number will be Oct. 18 bh—Dar- nelle Company. Johu Rachsu and wife, Harvey Rote and family, Bruce Hettinger and family, Philip Bhook and family, were a family party at Apdrew Rote’s on Sunday. na Commipgs of Sunbury is Myers, wife and ne ftp Good Corn Urop Expected, Pro:pects for an average corn crop in the Btate are indicated by the August! reports of the crop correspordents of the Pennsylvania Department of Agri- culture with danger fiom early frosts being the only obstacle which the farmer now has to fear (0 keep him from sdding the corn crop to the suc- hay. The weelher Curirg July wes very favorable for corn snd the condition in the Mlale showed an Improvement of ten per cent, over July 1. dition The con- of the cereal now appears to be compared with sn average and the yield st the present time js estimated at 51,186,200 bushels, com- pared with a yield of 54,762,000 bushels a year sge. The estimated production is expected to ipcrease malerially when the figures of harvest are obtain- able and there ls every reason to believe that the yield will resch last year's tots), The corn seems to be in the best con- dition io the south central part of the Riste where it is fully up to 100 cent. In the rorthern tier connties where the corn ie grown lsrgely for epsilage, the condition fs only about 81 per cent, Conditions fsvorsble to more thar aversge yielde are reported in Ad sme, Bedford, Berks, Carbor, Cumberisnd, Drsuphir, Deleware, Fravkiiv, Lap- caster, Northamptor, Perry, JPhiiadel- phis, Echuylkill, ard York counties. Corn is from ten deye lo two weeks beck sccordipg to aversge condition and one of the thiogs the farmer hes to fear is early frosts which may do cop- siderable damasge snd prevent a full crop. [er evil il m— Tragnstors of Heal Estate, Centre & Kirheerquillas Turnpike Co. to Isasc Miller, tract of land io Bpring Twp. $800, Arthur Halderman et ux to Lenora Bhadow, tract of Isnd in College Twp. $1560. vider Mill Buoulag. The cider mill at our plant in Cen- tre Hall will be in operation esch Thursday, begioning August 81s, une til opening of Grange Picoie. Lucas & ZETTLE. —————————— Firmers should help the Grange Fair by brioging fruit and grain to place on exhibition. Premiums will be paid for every meritorious exhibit, A LA — Grange Park will be better lighted than ever before, Louis Dammers Philadelphia BYESIGHT Specialist SPECIAL NOTICE I personally will be One Day Only in Centre Hall Centre Hall Hotel Parlors Thursday, Sept. 14th Office Hours, 8a m. 08 p. m sharp I offer you a fine pair of glasses, including Dammer's examina- ton, clear orystal lenses, gold filled frame and elegant case, as low as $1.00 Special lenses at lowest prices, Invisible Bi Two ralr in one, No lines No cement, Last for years, examinat Soratifie Method without asking ques, tions without drops, test cards of charts absolutely free of charge, S07 Chestnut Street, Phila., Pa, To By Be sad. Allen: with their friends, Esther and ES FITLEM ENT OF ESTATE - Eatite of G. L. Goodhart, late of Centre Hall Borough, deceased, Notloe is hereby given that all parties knowing themselves to be indebted to the above estate are requested to make immediate se!tiement, and those having claims against the same 0 presenl them, duly suthenticated, for payiaent. MRE. G. L. GOODHART, J.C. GOODHART, 0.087 Centre Hall, Pa. HEED WHEAT FOR BALE ~About 156 bushels of Leap's Prolific seed wheat: price $200 per bushel, recleaned —C, T, CRUST, Centre Hall, Pa., Bell ‘phone, #1-R4 0.85 pd. How’s This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and belleve him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE, Toledo, O Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mu- cous surfaces of the system, Testimonials sent free. Price 76 cents per bottle. Bold by all Druggists. Take Hall's Family Plils for constipation WE HAVE ON HAND A LOT OF PAPER ROOFING on which we can quote you BIG attractive prices Doors & Sash Well made with the best quality of Pine and Cyress woods. Price are right. Thinking of Bui!di~z? SEE US FIRST Zettle & Lucas CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS Proprietors Centre Hall Planing Mill, Centre Hall, Pa. constantly keep on hand, Former Price Now $2.50 75¢ $1, 1.50 - $1, 1.25, 1.50 Centre Hall, Pa. Stock of goods we become a regular Try us.—W. A. Odenkirk. prasssssesns o ~ save money at hb Bitner. Building - oa: ng House