THE CENTRE REPORTER. _ THURRDAY, JULY 20, 1916 -_— LOOALS, Mr. and Mre, H. B, Wagner, of Lock Haven, spent a week with rela- tives at Potters Mille, An examination for the postmaster- ship at Nittany will be held in Belle fonte Saturday, August 12, at 10 a. m, The office paid $870 last year. Leroy Puff, who had been holding a clerical position in the Mifflinburg railroad, station, quit work last Wed- neaday and returned to his home bere, William F, Colyer had a good crop of sour cherries this year, a number of his young trees producing twenty-five bushels which he disposed of at eight cents a quart, The junior baseball teams of Centre Hall and Boalsburg are scheduled to clash on the local grounds, Friday of next week, on the occasion of the Ripka reunion. Greeley Jordan, of Colyer, was a caller at this office on Friday. Mr. Jordan, in another column, advertises for sale a Clydesdale stalliop, sound and all right, W. B. Krige, of Johnstown, spent a day last week with his father, Prof, W. A, Krise, whose covdition is such that he is required to be kept in a sit- ting position constantly. Do you realize how close is the time for the snpual Eucampment and Grange Fair, Hevea weeks from BSat- urday is the opening day—September 9th. There is a bunch of farm work to be crowded in that short space of time, Lightning is said to bave struck the barns of D. Geiss Wagner, near Tuseeyville, and that of David Glas gow, near the Harris township live, on on Thureday., The latter was equip- ped with lightning rods while the former was saved because of a sheet fron roof, The Daily Journal, of Philipsburg, had this item lsst week : H, F. Burk- holder, of Pittsburgh, spent part of the Babbath bere with his brother, W, E. Burkholder, the genial P. Kk. R. passenger agent, Returping to his home, the latter conveyed him in bis auto as far as Tyrone, Dr. J. R. G. Allison, proprietor of the National hotel, has been granted permission by the town council to place a curb gasoline storage tank and pump in front of the hotel, says the Millbeim Journal. Hosterman and Btover, the local hardware firm, has contracted to install the outfit whieh will be placed in the near future, It was a mighty nice bunch of echool teachers that dined at the Cen- tre Hall botel Saturday noon on their return from Penns Cave. There were just forty of them, most of whom were ladies who would not hesitate to give * their age to any one who had a right to ask the question. The professionals are taking a special course at Btate College, and have much praise for the institution, The Auburn (Indiana) Weekly Bee made ite pppearance ou our desk Inst week, carrying the name of Wiil- iam G. Hofler at the head of the edi- torial pege, #8 editor and proprietor, Mr. Hofer fcrmerly lived in Penre Valley and has been in the newspaper game for a long number of yeare, and just before purchasing the paper men- tioned above was editor and manager of the Deily News at Wapskonets, Ohio. He ie a brother to Mre. A, C. Mingle, of Bellefonte, Falls from cherry trees occurrivg with rare sumer, Lee, tenant on the P. C. at Egg Hill, fell a distance of fiftes: have been frequency this proved bad avd snapped oft as he ste pe ped on it, and Mr, Meveral ribs were torn loose Jee was incapacitated for work for several days, Mrs Lee, who was picking from a ladder on the aame tree, narrowly escaped a similar fate when the broken Hipb caused Ler lad- der to sway in a threatening manner, BIATE AGRICULTURAL NOTES, Berke county farmers are complain- ing of the scarcity of farm help, Fulton county farmers report alfalfa almost ready for the second cutting, The fire blight has been attackiog apple and pear trees and doing great damage in several gections of the state, Fewer calves are being raised In some sections on account of the high prices the farmers are receiving for veal calves, The wet weather has retarded the sowing of corn and oats and In some sections the ground Is being sown in buckwheat, Pennsylvania cold storege ware- houses re ported over 15,000,000 dozens of eggs and 5,000,000 pounds of butter in storage on July 1, Cultivated raspberries and black- berries entirely shaded from the sun sre said to have been drowned during the wet weather of June. The cherry crop in many sections of the state was 8 poor one, being only about half of a normal yield and very soft and hard to market. The aversge price obtained by the farmers of the Bate for strawberries was len cents a quart, Prices ranged from eight to twelve cents per quart, From many sections of the state re- ports have been received by the De- partment of Agriculture stating that the wheat has been damaged by rust. Home farmers claim that the wheat bas been drowned in the blossoms by the frequent and heavy rains and that the heads are not filled se they should be, The June drop of apples in many parts of the state was excessive and there ia a decrease in the percentage of a normal crop estimated a month BKC. Ouoe farm correspondent of the De- partment of Agriculture says that he ia seventy-four years old and pever saw 88 much rain as in April, May snd June of this year, It is estimated that the Penusyl- vania pesch crop will amount to about 1,300,000 bushels this year, although this may be iveressed if the quality of the fruit i= what ia expected, There hiss been as large increase in the acreage planted to tobacco in the Hiate this year and it is expected that the production will be sbout 6,000,000 more pounds than isst year, Many farmers atiribute the exira fine crop of hay this season to the use of lime ns a top dressing. In many sections of the state lime kilns which have lain idle for years have heen put into operation, I'he wet spring bas been unusually hard on young turkeys and farmers have had a large proportion die. The turkey is unusually hard to raise apd of all the fowls raised will stand the least rain, Owing to the weather of June the bee-keepers report that the bees were compelled to consume all of surplus honey accumulated daring May, but that with favorable weather they are expected soon to regain the losses, There will be practically no home- grown peaches In Eik, Fayette, Greene, Indians, McKean, Potter, logs and Westmoreland counties and a very small production in Allegheny, Armstrong, Butler, Cambris, Forest, Venango and Washington counties, The Red Lior, York County Fsrm- ers Co-operative Associatiop, sn oui- growth of the Farmer's Institutes i: York county, has recently declared a six per cent, dividend The associs- tion has recently received about 75,000 cunds of Linder (wife, ordered early last fall when a favorable price was tained. Wheat Is being eut throughout the state and shortly the Depsriment of Agriculture will receive many ques- moth in the wheat which is koown as the Angumok gain moth, The Crop Pest Inspec tore of the Bureau of Zoology have teen instrueted to bold public meet- ings in infested territory and to in- tious about the dt ROBBING THE OBRILDREN, Little Talks ou Henith & Hygiene by *amu- el GQ Dizon, WM DD, LAD, Commissioner of Health, v The present habit of turning night into day In our highly illuminated towne, with all sorte of excl Ing enter- tainment, keeps the nerves keyed up and upeets the equilibrium, Children especially are apt to suffer from late hours and consequent lack of sleep. For the first two years of life, eating and sleeping are the two great essentiale, Babies should sleep from fifteen to twen'y hours out of the twenty-four and older children from ten to four- teen hours. It is not an unusual thing to see babies in arme or very young children being carried about until their parents’ bed time, This fs injurious to the children and cannot be made up by additional rest the next day. Permitting children to remain up late is a strain on thelr nervous system which, while it may not be immediat- ely spparent, is bound to exert a det- rimentsl lvfluence in the long run. Oftentimes the ili effects are perfectly anparent to the intelligent observer, Irritableness and any of the train of evils which result from an overtaxed nervous system may result from con- tinually robbing the child of sleep. A regular bed time should be set for children according to their age, rang- ing from six o'clock for bables to eight for children of eight or nine and this should be regularly adhered to, This ia a matter of the utmost importance in establishing a sturdy constitution in childhood, With adulte, irregularity and short hours of sleep are often a facior which predisposes to ill health, There are exceptions to this as to all rules, Oc easionally one will find an individual who bas an unusual capacity for work with less than the ordinary amount of rest but for the ordinary man or wec- man this wou 'd end dissstrously, i—————— Dynamiters Fotled in Dastardly Attempt. An sttempl wes made Tuesday night of last week to blow up the four Penvay tracks at the water station just west of Bellwood, wreck the waler #istion and possibly blow up and wreck passing trains. The plans of the dynsmiters failed for some resson upexpisined, and their plot wae di- covered by Lhe explosion of one charge just after the Altoona local, due at 11:45 o'clock, paseed over No. 3 track and rolled into the local station on time, The powerful explosive was planted in sticks of eight with a time fuse a'- tached and in all there were about some twelve such charges planted along the water troughs on all four tracks, Only the onechargewent off and the Peuney!vania police and em- ployes found eighty-seven sticks, in charges of eight sticks. The one ex. ploded charge did considerable dam- sage to the track, to the trough snd would have wrecked the Altoona local had it gone off when the train wae passing over ir, CENTRE OAK Mire. J. M, Ream is spending a few days In Altoona with friends. Paul Hettinger, from Altoons, spent & few days in this section ss the guest of is uncle, Harry Frankenberger, Willism Hapney is runniog the milk truck through this section and is getting lots of milk. The bumber hay crop is about all in the barns in this section, Wheat is ready Lo cut and some farmers are cut- ting now, Coro is growing and the prospects are for a fine cr. p. UBLI¢ BCHOOL MENT FINANCIAL STATE. OF CENTRE HALL BORO DISTRICT, CENTRE COUNTY, PA, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING JULY 1, i918, Whole Number of Schools ......... 4 Number of Teachers Employed 4 Number of Puplis Enrolled in all the Beh ols... .. 13s Average Daily Attendance... 1is Amount of Tax Lovied for Behool Purposes $1018 wo FINANCIAL STATE PUBLIC BOCHOOL MENT. OF POTTER TOWNSHIP DISTRICT, CENTRE COUNTY, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING JULY 1, 1916. Whole Number of Hehools Number of Teachers Employed. Number of Pupils Enrolled in all Bebools ant Average Dally Attendance Amount of Tax Levied for Behool Purposes... FR TREABURER'S ACCOUNT Money Recelved Balance on Hand from Last . $1148 Received from State Appropria- tion... 2191 3% From Colle ¢ tor, ‘ine fudihg Taxes of all kinds... From Count seated Lands... . 206 22 High School Appropriations ..... 23 6 From all Other Bources... : 67 13 Total Recelpts...........conne ‘ 4074 14 Treasurer, Un- THREASBURER'S ACCOUNT Money Paid Out Tuition of High Bchool pupils. For Building Behool Houses and Furnishing. . . . 64 28 For Teachers’ Salaries, 3990 00 Amount Pald Teachers for At tending Institute.......... cco. For Re pairs and Improve: For Fuel Fee of Collector, as 99; Treas urer, $64 87... ; we 172 8 Balary of Sec a “os "es 0 8 For Transportation of P upiie . 79 50 For Text Books . 9 18 For Bchool Supplies other than Text Books oe a2 For Printing and A u¢ 1itors’ te on, 14% For all Other P Usps. and Bun- iry Expenses... wre Total Money Paid On it. $ 115 08 511 13 Cash Balance on Hand RESOURCES Cash on Hand Value of School P rope ry. Total Resources LIABILITIES None We hereby cortify that we have examined the stove and find it correct J. E. RISHEL } J. B. SPANGLER > Auditors J. H. RUSKLE Witness our hands this 804 day of July, 1916 EW. CRAWFORD, President ¥ PF. FLORAY. Becretary CLYDLSDALE STALLION FOR BALE.-A pod tay Clydesdale Blalilon, sged nine veam & good single and double driver: oan do all kinde« of farm work : absolutely ail right and "0 und Weight, 1600 [le Have good remson for selling IREELEY JORDAN. Colyer. Pa. ary Centre Hall, Pa. Kl ; or, call Bell welephone Special Prices Not for one day but thruout the season. Pints, gallon, Sa2¢ Doz. Ball Mason Fruit Jams-— sic ; Quarts, 57:1 4 Porcelain Lined Jar Tops 23¢ Doz, Jar Rubbers, 5, 6 & 7¢ Doz ; also 1 1b, Cartons at 33c. The sc Rubbers are white and heavier than most sc rubbers. The 6c Rubber is a hea. y red ring. Rubbers— s red, extra heavy and wide— the other 7¢ R ubber is the popular w site Tulip ring, one of the best and highest price rings on the market, * I have 2 kinds of jc one is Now then, don’t pay 10c for jar rubbers, If you can’t come to the store for them 1 WILL MAIL THEM to you FREE OF POST- AGE, BANANAS, PINE- APPLES, CANTA- LOUPES PEACHES & LEMONS, Now on Sale 0. W. Swartz TUSSEYVILLE i a That bnisk, live] :ly tang of a * You when you “roll your own” Durham. " with “ Bull” “rolling their own “Bull” Durham. Just} a few timesand you'll get the knack Then you can enjoy to the full that mellow-sweet luvorand unigue aro- ma which make “Bull” Durham the mostwonderful tobaccointhe world. ceep trying for Ask for FREE package of * pagers” with euch Gc wacl. more of the same. exceeds our allotment Re al C— PAINT WILL IM- PROVE ANYTHING but the face of & pretty woman, for that needs no Improvement Perhaps your house does, feo, we would be gisd to estimate on painting or paperbanging— no matter how small the job may be and we will guarantee to do it right Our past reputation for good work and our experience gained by 12 years at busi ness is at your command, FRED DUNZIK Painting & Decorating Amount of Tax Levied for Buliding Purposes... in tes bins by fumigating with carbon TREASURERS ACCOUNT bisulphide, The Department of Agri- Money Received culture alco has a circular on the sub-| Balance on hand from last year § 572 ject which can be had for the asking. |Ripeired from State appropria. £90 6 w——— From Collector, ‘in¢loding Tax: Georges Valley of of all Kinds ....coonnvven. : From all other sources From last week, Total Receipts Mre. Charles Lingle of Bellefonte in TREASURKR'S ACCOUNT visiting friends here this week, Money Paid Out Miss Abbie Barger and brother Ml] For Teachers’ Salaries ' ‘ I , | Amount Pald Teschers for ton of Bisle College spent Hunday sending Institute .... .. with their parents, For SepaLm A and a—— or Fue we Orrin Barger returned home after | Fee of Collector spending a month with friends st | Oren $6.0. struct farmers how to control this pest I © 3 SOON SONS SOS Dane swensene . Men's and Young Men's Fashionable Straw Hats Auto Caps for ladies. Comfortable Underwear for all, Sunbury Bread. Even the Democratic Watchmar has at ‘set been forced to print paper approximating in color that o other weeklies, avd dailies as we!l, For years the Watchman sappesrcd printed on a fine muchine-finished book paper, standing possibly alone in artistic effect smong newspapers in the slate because of this fact, The sky-high advance in cost of print paper has made the use of the better paper prohibitive, and the paper manulscturers sre nervy enough to tell editors that they're lucky to get any kind, Reminders Puta stop to your baking during the hot months and ptrchase your Bread, Pies, Cakes and Rolls at this bakery. Our please you. w ~§8i4¥ 51 goods will A quart of ice cream for your dinner will keep yon cool. - Salary of Secretary... Dr. and Mie. W. E. Fischer, of Bha- mokin, Mr. sud Mre. Chailes KE. Beury snd two children—Elizabeth and Marion—of Philadelphis, arrived in Centre Hall Wednesday of las: week on their return from an auto trip to Canade, On Friday Mr. Beury went on to Philadelphis to attend to a bit of legal business before the general ses sions of the Philadelphia county court, at which bar he Is an attorney, Dr. Fischer also returned to Shamokin Baturday afternoon, leaving the ladies and children here to finleh their visit among their many Wequaintances, Friday, when Mr. Beury returns, he will bring with bim J, Witmer Wolf and daughter, Miss Emms, of Ard- more, A Hiate College. Edward Decker of Milton spent » few days at the home of his brother, D. D. Decker. J. C. Reeder and family made a trip to Union county on Bunday in their new Chalmers car. Mre. Busan Davis spent last week in Lock Haven where she went to at- tend the funeral of her niece, Mise Margaret McGill, Mrs. Bertha MceCunniogham re- turned to her home in Altoona on Monday aftefspending a week with friends at this place and in Centre Hall, Mre. Orvis Pecht and daughters, Kathryn, Berths ard Eunice, of Mil roy, are prruding this week at the Botha of hot parents, Mr. snd Mrs, J. For Text Books | For School Supplies other than Text Books... : For all other purposes ‘and sun dry expenses —— Total Money Paid ‘Ont. Cash Balance on Hand... RESOURCES § aa we 518 00 rvs 8840 00 —— ~ $4915 36 LIABILITIES We hereb, ah Sara [Sty that that we have examined the “rn MOOR * KNARK 5 Fy KREAM Witness our hands this 8rd day of July, 1916, J. G. DAUBERMAN, President } Auditors H. EK. BITNER, Secretary Fresh Cakes and Can- ned Goods for picnics, Fresh fruit every Friday, Best grades of Bicycle Tires at very reasonable prices. Transact your business where facilities are best, qualities are high, goods are many and prices are right, BeV~This store will close every Wednesday evening at 6 o'clock, ; H. F. Rossman SPRING MILLS, PA. TOOTH 0009000000 VRDIVNROBH IL LER HT O00 BRGY L. 80440000000000000000000aasates Pe0neB0e900 Wall Paper & Paint Store PLEASANT GAP, PA, BELL 'PHONE at ad William McClenahan CENTRE HALL, PA.