The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, June 15, 1916, Image 5

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    OM 1
Uenire Uounty Graduates at “Siate,"”
In the large class of students who
are being graduated ab Penpaylvania
State College, this weelt, a ige &bhm-
ber are from Centre county. . In the
list the name of Miss Bara M. Neff,
daughter of Prof. and Mre, CC, R. Neff,
of nesr Centre Hall, appears. The
Centre county studens who are gradu-
ated with distinction are :
Bachelor of Arts in Modern Language and
Literature Thomas C. Blaidsdell, Jr, and Miss
Mande L. Krumrine, State College.
Bachelor of Artsin Commerce and Finance—J,
Fred Harvey, State College,
Bachelor of Arts in Education and Psychol
Ogy—Mrs. Annie L. Holmes, and Harold B.
Williaxas, State College.
Bgthelor of Science in Home Economics—Miss
Bara MM. Neff, Centre Hall.
Bachelor of Science in Agricultural
tion-Laurence H. Smith, State College.
Bachelor of Science in Agronomy- Lester E-
Baird, Roy M. Decker, John F, Musser, State Col.
lege, and Harry P. Muflley, Howard,
Bachelor of Science in Horticulture— Barclay
H. Bottenhorn, Harvey R. Bowes, State College,
and Harold 8, Ward, Homer D. Zimmerman,
Bachelor of Science in Landscape Garedning—
Miss Ethel C Sparks, State College.
Bachelor of Science in Industrial Education
Btephen J, Millard, State College.
Bachelor of Science in Industrial
ing -Benjamin G. Hunter, Bellefonte,
Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering—
Charles M. Grimm, State College.
Bachel r of Science in Electrical Engineering—
Robert F. Bailey, David A, Barnett, State Col-
Bachelor of Science in Industrial Chemistry—
Harold G. Bell, Willlam B, Walton, Philipsburg.
Bachelor of Science in Natural Secience- Pres-
ton A. Frost, State College.
Bachelor of Science in Highway Enginbeering—
Blake E. Williams, Port Matilda, Robert H, Wil
son, Siate College,
Bachelor of Science in Highway Engineering
Donald W, Simler, Philipsburg.
Bachelor of Science in Electrochemical Engi-
neering—Benjamin F, Swartz, Hublersburg,
sn — pp AG ——————
Land Usse Settied In Court,
Court convened on Thursday after”
noon with the honorable Thomas J.
Baldridge on t'.e bench and the case
of the BHteele heirs ve. White Rcck
quarries taken up, the jury baving
been selected on Friday, June 2ad, and
allowed to go home until Thursday,
June 8th, This case was brought to
recover about seventeen and one-half
acres of land in Bpring and Benuver
townships and in possession of the de-
fendant company upon which its qusr-
ries are located, The Bieele heirs
some years sgo sold their real estate to
Mre, Crotzer, one of the daughters oi
Jecob Steele, sud before the deed was
executed Mie. Crotzer had gone into
an arrangement with a representative
of the defendant company to gell the
limestone ridge apd had entered iuto
an asticle of sgreement, receiving some
mouey on account, When the deed
was c¢xecuted by sil of the heirs to
Mre, Urotzer, the defendant company
paid to Mre, Crolzer or ber altoruey,
the amount agreed upopr, bul when
others of the heirs learned of the situ.
ation they ol zelal (o tisk Mawefes end
Mrs, Urolzer eonveye@ the property
back to the heire, The main question
in the case was whether or not she
could violate her agreement with the
defendant company, the ese haviog
been r corded, and the defendant com-
pany claimed the title to the lands de-
scribed in the writ, Verdict ou Bat-
urdsy morning in favor of the defend-
ant. After which court adjourned,
———— SM
©, 2, Convention st snydertown,
The 23:d appuel Christian Eodeavor
convention will be held in the Lutber-
an church at Bpydertown, Wednes-
day of next week. There will be three
sessions during the daj—morning,
afternoon aud evening. Among Lhe
speakers are Rev, F, H. Foss, of Centre
Hall ; Rev, E. Fuleomer, of Bellefonte;
Rev. Samuel Martip, of State College ;
and Rev, W, J. Shultz. The conven-
tion sermon will be preached in the
evening by Rev. R. G. Banner, of
Williamsport, a noted CU, E. worker,
Officers of the Centre county union
sre: GG, H. Resides, president ; G. O,
Benner, 1st vice president; Darius
Waite, 2ad vice president; Helen
Weber, secretary ; Leila E. Ardery,
cor, secretary ; Urace Crawford, tresc-
————— A ————
Held Family Reuslon,
A reunion of the GQ, W. English
family, of which Mrs. John G. King,
of thia place, iz a member, was held on
Tuesday, the three surviving children
making a trip to Lhe burial grounde of
their parents in Milroy. The other
two temeinipg children are H, D. W.
Euoglisb, of Pittaburgh, and Mrs,
Morris Furey, of Bellefonte. The
former was aco ompanied by his wife
sud deughter Dorothy, Mre, George
W. Englisb, a sister-in-law, of New
York City, was also in the party. On
the return trip the ear in which the
party was traveling skidded at Cen-
tre Hill because of the muddy road
and became lodged in the ditch, It
was necessary to hitch a tesm of
horses Lo the car in order to bring it
again on solid ground.
——— A ———
Rev, Ut. H. Brown, of Fredonia,
Freached for the Reformed people of
thé Rebereburg charge, with a view of
becoming their pastor,
Mr. snd Mre, Adam Epley, of Free-
port, Iilinole, accompanied by the
Iatter’s mother, Mre, I'a Walker,
came to visit friends in and around
Mr, aud Mre, James T. Corman left
on Tuesdsy for an month's visit to the
home of (heir daughter, Mre, Deihl, at
+ Colby, Ohir,
——— A SAS ——
The Centre Reporter, $1.50 a yeu”,
Dr. ou, V, Foswer Figures in Smash Up,
Friday night about nine o'clock Dr.
J. NX. Foatev’a Ford etx and J. B.
Mingle®s Dodge came together on the
State road at the Daniel Grove farm,
pear Lemont, and when account of
damage was taken it was decided to
call the contest 8 draw. The blow
was A side swipe and resulted in the
left front wheel on each car being
smashed, the wind shields broken and
parts of each chassis bent. The occu-
pants escaped with a few minor
Dr. Foster wa? on his way to Lewlie-
town while Mr, Mingle was on his
way home to State College when the
cars met, Each claimed the lighte on
the other’a ear blinded him, Both
cars were traveling about fifteen miles
an hour,
——— et ————
Woman Soll sage Parly to Couvene.
The third ennual eoonventiou of the
Woman Buffrage party in Centre
county will be held in the El igh school
building, Bellefonte, on Baturdav.
I'he convention will begin at ten o’-
clock #. mw. and continue all day, Ad-
dresses will be made by Mrs. John BH,
Walker, Mies Auna H., Hoy, and Mise
Fioreuce HB, Rhone, Miss Grace Bmith
is one of the vice chairmen. All
members of the Buaflrage Party and
others interested in the cause are urged
to be present. A good representation
from this section of the county is de-
i ————
Marriage Licenses,
Herbert Confer, Orviston
Elizabeth Maraball, Orviston
Paul Drallier, Emporium
Laura 8B, Wells, State College
George Bpeal, Boggs township
Laura Graham, Boggs township
Joseph Davidsor, Wingate
Ruth Custer, Fleming ~
Charles Faust, Centre Hill
Mary A, Byers, Centre Hill
——— A ——————
Penu State Trustees Elected,
The Alumni Association elected A.
N. Diehl a trustee for Penn State, and
the agricultural societies throughout
the State elected R, L. Munece, J. T.
Wallie, H. V. White and A. W.
Mitchell, Messrs. Diehl and Mitchell
are new members of the board, Mr.
Caruegie, whose term expires, exprese-
ed the wish not to be repominated and
his request was respected. Mr,
is associated with the Carnegie
Who Uso Help Hor Out ?
In Buyder county a young dames
believes the way to land the man of
her choice ia to advertiss for him, giv.
iog also her qualifications, A Mid-
dieburg maiden had this ed. inserted
in a recent jesus of “Uoplds Columns’:
63, Middleharg,
boys. I'm not looking for a f
but I want a good, respectable,
able, sober, industrious man uoder
years of age. Am a very mis
of 17 summers, 5-4 lal), 130 Jb,
have bine eyes, very fair complexior,
brown heir snd eke ;
can play pisno and am good cook spd
neat bouzekeeper, faith.
Wiil inherit. Bee photo above,
Pa. Spe hers
light rosy coche
means oe—
Teks Out the Deasdwood
From ** Collier
“ The sch ols don't educate
boys to til the roi’, They don’t even
tesch them to lock on farming ss a
digoifi d buosipese.” A farmer
quoted as saying this in Esiog Gal's
lowes’s arlicle, '* Btay on the Land,”
printed in a recent is ue, It is »
damaging statemen', hut we believe
the farmer who made it knew only too
well what he was talking sbout, One
of Mr, Galloway's points is that the
textbooks used in most country schools
are not the right kind of textbooks,
The problem in the country-school
arithmetics are problems sbout jm-
ports and the stock market instead of
hogs and cattle and corn ; the question
is not the one of the number of bush-
els of wheat a farmer can tease out of
s given number of acres, but some
matter that concerns city people acd
clerks who draw a salary and wear
made-to-order clothes and live indoor
lives. There lan great deal of dead-
wood in the school books used by
country schools and a correspondingly
large opportunity for the {extbook
author whe, knowing country life se
well as his epeciaity, will write
eountry-life textbooke. Buch text
books will teach the three K's all the
better because they deal with familiar
terms ; and they will tend to make
more fi st-rate farmers out of farmer's
vaps First to Culfivated Oysters.
As early as 1720, at least, oysters
were grown by artificial means in
Japan, and long before the descend
ants of the Mayflower pilgrims had
reaiized the desirability for oyster oul
ture the Japanese had grasped the
situation, and provision for an enlight-
ened administration and utilization of
oyster grounds, Old as the industry is
in Japan, it has not grown to great
importance in itself, the aggregate
output being valued at less than a
quarter of a million dollars a year.
Electric Restaurant,
A son was born to Mr, sand
Milton Bradford on Saturday.
Wanted at once, —2 tons live chick-
ener, Bell while price is up.~Chas, D,
Mre, D.
H. A. Dodeop, who la employed at
Burnham, Bunday with hie
family in this place.
Merchant OC, F, Emery killed a five.
foot four-inch black snake in the gar-
den at bis home on Tuesday afternoor,
Mies Mable Arner, tending
a pharmaceutical ¢chool in the city of
Pittsburgh, is home for the sumuwmer
D. WW, Bradford is spending this
week in Clearfield county in the in-
tereat of the De Laval Cream Bepare-
tor Company.
who lan
Mies Bertha Blrobmeier accomjan=-
fed Clayton Homan, last week, to his
home in Cleveland,
will spend some time,
Mr. and Mre. E. Huyett and
daughter, Miss Miriam, sre spending a
few days this week with the Rev. BE,
F. Blaber family, at West Milton,
Ohie, where she
Cleveland Mitterling on Saturday
made a trip fo near Philadelphia and
on Monday went to Collegeville where
the Mitterling sre a bi-
weekly event,
F. V. Goodhart and mother, Bre,
Mary Goodhar', motored to Milroy on
Monday where the latter will epend
the week with Mra,
William Winegardner,
cow eales
her daughter,
For antomobile licenses the Histe
since the first of the year has already
received two million dollars, It is bee
lieved that guarter million
will be realized on the
low tag".
sale of the yel-
$031 §
sone a8
The second carload of fine
being put on the boro rosds this week,
which makes them the best roads to
ba found in many miles running, Not
in many years have roade—bolh slate
and township—been in so poor eond!l-
tion as at the present time,
James BH, SBiahl returned home fr
the Bellefonte Tuesday
w here he spent a week or more
ing for blood pols
He is very much impro
hospital on
treatment ning.
vel healil
and speaks in the higt
courteous treatment
hands of the hospit
Judge Orvi
st, Late, In aces)
addressed the d
nake ev
them !
eanvinelng vo!
candidate aboul to be nan
There was not the usual large ram-
ber of sulos on the
road Handay
characterizes the Bonday
cement at Btate Colleg Jain in the
morning deterred many ming
in this direction with
y oh lea weint wawaril
the ot! oly point, ever
famous hostelry e
fore Lu
Care « ared
shilpa that ds
al the!
F.F La
Centre Hall ‘as
Lane, « tus Pol
week and for
several days we e gues's a’ the W, H
ii he in Central
the grosnter part of a
rived i
Stjver home, They wi
Pennsylvania for
month, during which
visit B I'ysroun
pointe, Rev,
time they will
Hefonte, gud cthor
charge al Lhe
serving #
New York
point psmed,
Bembirger Refared New Trial,
H. B. Bomberger, the coll ¢tor-or-
ganizer of the slieged Ugited Cattle-
men's Protective sesociatior, who was
convicted at the May term of the
Westmoreland county court ou charges
of fraud and receiving money under
false pretense, was refused a new, trial
inst Saturday. It ie eald his swind-
ling operations extendad to 49 of the 67
counties of Pennsyivania.
————— A TS AAAI
Dancing Girle Married to Idols Rep
resenting Gods, Is One of
the Oddities.
Parrots are taught in India to spend
a large portion of thelr time In re
peating the names of gods, and such
a spokesman brings a good price, es
peclally among business men, who
lmagine that by ownirg such a parrot
thelr spiritual treasures are aocumu-
lating while they attend to thelr usual
Many of the dancing girls in India
belonging to the temples are called the
wives of ths gods. At an early age
they are united In wedlock to the
images worshiped In the temples.
This strange matrimonial connection
is formed in compliance with the wish.
ea of the parents, who belleve it to be
a highly meritorious aot to present a
beautiful daughter in marriage to &
ponseless idol,
The only foreigner who ever saw
the inside of the great temple of Jug-
gernaut was an English Jfcer, who
succeeded in gaining admission by
painting and dressing himself like a
When the Brahmins discovered that
thelr holy place had been thus de
fled they became so enraged that all
An electric restaurant is in success
ful operation in London. The ocook-
ing is faultless and the prices are |
lower than those of neighboring
establishments of the o class, |
In the heavy dow npotr of rain .
day afternoon .60 of an inch of rain fell |
in about fifteen minutes,
the Bnglish residing at the seation
were obliged to flee for thelr lives,
Buspecting their pursuers to ba more
desirous of gratifying their avarice
than thelr revenge, they strewed ail
ver money by the way, and while the
natives stopped to plok it up they
ined time and succeeded in reach.
» place of asfely, i
SLL ALIA br + Pt bs dtl BTEC
Commissioner of
various State Departments st Harrisburg from citizens who
Probably no Department head has a larger number of correspondents than
The enforcement of the laws pertaining to the public health entail
ratory of Btate Board of Health,
+ after the mare was dead,
“Brush Valley, Pa., June 28, 1814
It was there the trouble seemed to be. We gave her
We gave her two ounces of laudanem in two doses and % ounce of
Im 2
to teach handicraft is in youth, and everyone who has had experience is
arranging the treatment
need, but the active temperament and growing mind
The competition between
would be hard to find,
Rail & Boat Excursion
Beautiful Chesapeake Bay
Maryland's Famous
Pleasure Resort
Sunday, June 6th
Bathing, Boating
Fishing, Crabbing
Leaves Centre Hall 2.14 A.M.
Returning, steamer leaves Tolches
terBe ch gooP. M
$2.50 Round Trip $2 50
pESale of tickets limited to capa-
city of boat,
In all transactions with the buying public we place
the satisfaction of our customers first,—our profits will
take care of themselves, for we realize that satisfied
customers are our biggest asset, It is our chief aim to
sell you goods that will please and bring you back for
more of the same.
PLYMOUTH binder twine is every where recog-
nized as the world’s best, and it will save you time and
money, just as it has millions of others. We offer it
as the most satisfactory and economical twine to be had.
Runs smooth and even in size, Carefully balled.
Guaranteed full length and strength,
We carry a good stock, but give us
your order early fore some times
the demand for PLYMOUTH twine