we THE CENTRE REPORTER. ISSUED WEEKLY. CENTRE HALL - - PENNA. © THURSDAY, JUNE 8, 1916 SMITH & BAILEY . . . . . SB. W.SMITH . . . . . . « Froprietors Bditor EDWARD E. BAILEY {oon Baie Entered at the Post Office in Centre Hall as second Olass mall matter, TERMS. The terms of subscription to the Re porter are one and one-half dollars per year. ADVERTISING RATES--Display advertise ment of ten or more inches, for three or more in pertions, ten cents per inch for each issue. Dis ny advereising Soulpying lou space than ten nohes and for less than three msertions, from fifteen to twenty-five cents per inch for each issue, according to composition, Minimum charge seventy-five cents. Local notices asCawmpanyiug display advertis- ing five cents per line for each insertion ; other- po, eight cents per line, minimum charge, twenty-five cents, Logal notices, twenty cents per line for three insertions, and ten cents per line for each ad- ditional Insertion. CHURCH APPOINTMENTS. Methodist—S8prucetown, morning; Hall, afternoon ; Spring Mills, evening. United Evangelical-Tusseyville, morning; Egg Hill, afternoon ; Centre Hall, evening, Chil dren's Day. Reformed Centre Hall, morning ; Tussey ville, afternoon. Centre Lutheran--Union, morning; Georges Valley, afternoon ; Centre Hall, evening. LOCALS, Harry L. Kline, the local druggist, was to Btate College on Monday. D. W. Corman, of Spring Mills, was a busivess caller at this office on Fri- day. Mrs. J. W, Keller, of Linden Hall, spent Tuesday in this place transact- ing business, Miss Edith sankey, of near Potters Mille, spent a few days at the Hon, Leonard Rhone home, this week, Mre. Linnie Ruble, of Cleveland, Ohio, is visiting at the home of her brother-in-law, B. D, Brisbin. Mr. and Mre, I. V. Musser and sous spent Sunday with Mre. Musser’s par- ents, Mr, and Mre. W, H. Meyer. Mr. and Mrs, Daniel Houser, of Houserville, spent Bunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Bradford. Nothing more than routine matters engaged the borough council at the regular monthly session, Friday night. Merchant C, F. Emery and family spent Bunday with relatives at Yeag- ertown, making the trip in their big car, Merchant and Mrs. C. M, Bmith and children Paul and Catharine, of Coburn, spent Bunday at the home of Mr, apd Mre, E. B, Ripks, Rev, Edward A. Bnook, of Manns Choice, Bedford county, filled the Presbyterian pulpit Sunday afternoon and delivered an excellent sermon. He came here only as a supply. Carl Auman was doing duty at the Penns Valley bank on crutches for a few days during the past week because of a torn ligament at the ankle of the left foot, sustained in the ball game on Memorial Day. Ralph E. Bitner, son of Dr, H. F, Bitner, last week completed a course of study at the Chicago University which earned for him his Master of Boience degree. He purposes entering Corpell University next fall to sequire a Ph. D. degree, The taking off of the toll gates to Bellefonte may not mean much to the auto owner who made only an occa- sional trip over that way, but do you know that there are parties in Centre Hall to whom it will mean an annual saving of from $25.00 to $60.00 ? Failing to pass the physical exami- pation at Williamsport Isst week, William Arney was obliged to give up his work as a student in the local rail- road station, William was proving an apt student and station agent W, F. Bradford parted with him with great reluctance, Prof. John 8B. Hosterman and son Jack are epending ten days with the former's father, Dr, G, W, Hosterman, in this place. It will be remembered that Prof. Hoslerman recently accept. ed a position as prioeipal of the Dap- bury (Connecticut) public schools. He formerly taught at Montrose, Bas- quehanna county. The red leaf beetle is 8 new bug in this locality that is attacking sour cherry trees with very ruinous eflect, It is red in color and in a few days’ time completely deetroys the foliage of the treee. Heveral thrifty young trees on the E. M, Huayett lot have been attacked, and a compound of arsenate of lend is being used to destroy the bugs. : L. I, B8mith was the victim of a careless suto driver while in Belle- foute on circus Cay. Mr. Bmith was preparing to draw his big King car from the long row parked on the dis mond when Henry Kline came along at a fest clip and struck him amid- ships. The King was too formidable to take the count, nevertheless it suf- fered some bruises, James HB, Btahl, on Monday, went to the Belléfonle hospital where he will be treated for blood poisoning, A few weeks ogo be pricked a finger on a tack and tlood poisoning set in, The disease alled to respond to treatment and a few days ago his left eye became affected so that It was entirely closed. A hemorrhage also added to his suf- fering. His many friends hope he Miltheim. | W. B, Bhelton has a new ** Reo 4.” Harry Bhires was home over Bun- day. . The Musser girls bad a pew con- crete walk laid in front of their home, “The Birth of a Nation” at Belle- fonte was attended by a number of Millheim people, Misses Belva Beaver and Dorothy Wolfe have returned from a visit to Harrisburg. Willism Keen and family bave re- turn: d to their home in Altoons after a week's visit here with relatives, Charles Geary, of Newport, was here a few days at the home of bie sister, Mrs, N, A. Avman. Monday afternoon BR, W, Gramley’s Bunday-achool class of the Methodist church enjoyed a picnic at the four- mile run in the Woodward Narrows. Last Thursday Thomas Ulrich Btewart Keen, George Bwartz and Victor Walker autoed to Lock Haven to attend the Hagenbeck-Wallace cir- cus, Lewis Winegartner property on Penn street to Bpeer Breon, Guy Springer has rented same until April 1st. He will move 8OOD. W. J. Ziegler, who has been elected cashier of the Farmers National Bank, began duties on June 1st, He fills the vacancy caused by the resignation of John G. Eby. J. Russell Gephart and family are occupying their new bullding on Main street, where they have the con- veniences for condueoting an up-to-da'e candy kitchen and restaurant. Beveral days ago while returning from a drive to Aaropsburg, Mr. and Mrs. William Catherman were shaken up, when near the pine tree one of the rear wheels came oft; luckily the horse stopped at the word and no one was hurt, After reaching home the nut was found about 50 feet from the house, Friday sfternoon the boy scouts biked to. Paddy Mountain to spend the night with visions of a camp fire and a good time, but they were kept busy in trying to keep dry from the heavy rains that fell throughout the night, Nevertheless the boys return- ed Saturday morning a happy bunch, having captured a large turtle on the banks of Penns Creek. FIRR IN HOSIERY MILL. Thursday morning of last week » fire which was caused by an over heated shafting in the basement of the hosiery mill, caused no little excite- ment for a short time. The fire was not discovered until it broke through the first floor where one of the em- ployes remarked that his feet were getting hot, A bucket brigade was soon started and with the ald of a hose the fire was put out in a short time. Twenty-five dollars will cover the amount of damage done. They have a fire drill at the mill every Fri- day, the employees leaving the build- ing at one long blast of the whistle, but strange as it may seem, when the fire was discovered no alarm was given other than running through the mill and telling one snother, Evi- dently some one had forgoiten his part, has sold his REBERSBURG John Weaver and wife, of Coburn, spent Bunday in town with relatives, Mrs. Nathaniel Bowersox Is spend- ing this week at Greenburr with her daughter, Plenty of rain and fine growing weather have made the grass and grain flelds look very promising. Harvey Limbert lost by death = valuable horse one day Iast week. The animal dropped dead in the team while Mr. Limbert was relurning from Millheim. Jacob Bower, who has reached his 87th milestone in life, and a former resident of this valley but now reeid- ing at Coburn, is spending this week with his daughter, Mrs, Hoott Btover. John N. Meyer returned hofoe on Friday after visiting his brother Bruce at Corning, New York, His brother and family sccompanied him to this place and spent a few days at the home of his mother, Mre, J. K-* Meyer, MRS, JERRY WALKER DEAD. Mrs, Jerry Walker, who had a pars- lytic stroke and which was at that time not thought serious, died on Fri- day night and on Wednesday was buried in the Union cemetery. ———— A —————— Features of “ State’s™ Commencement, More than 460 students will be awarded degrees at the annual com- mencement exercises of the Pennsyl- vania State College on June 14. Be csuse of the time required to confer the degrees on the large senior class this year, the regular commencement addrees will be omitted, a departure unprecedented in the history of the justitution. Features of Penn Btate’s ¢ mmencement program this year are: The, baccalaureate sermon will be preached Bunday morning, June 11, by Bishop Edwin H, Hughes, of Ban Francisco ; the cadet regiment will be reviewed on Saturday by Lieutenant F. K. Ryee, Bixth cavalry, U, BH, A, who is a uate of College ; two games with University of Pittsburgh ; a track and fleld meet with the same institution ; a perform- apoe of ‘ Here and Theta” by the Thesplans ; slumnol reun , and house pa at each of the cha Colyer. Mre. Bruce Weaver visited hor sle- ter, Mre, John Zarby, Thursday. Mre. Barah Spangler, from Centre Hall, made a call at the P, B, Jordon home, Thursday. a Mr, and Mre. Conrad Lingle visited the Samuel Lingle home, near Bpriog Mille, Bunday. Mre, Fred Brown and daughters epent Thursday with the former's pur- ents, Mr. and Mre. J, H, Moyer. Mre, Clair Btamm, who is a patient in the Bellefonte hospital, ls getting along nicely. Mr. and Mre, Jesse Mcllenahan and the former's mother visited Mr. and Mre, Orvis Horner, Thureday. Mre. Roy Martz and little deughler Doreths, and Miss Orpha Fleisher spent Tuesday with Mre. John Jor- dan, Mre, Foster Frazier, son Earl and Mica Badie Lee, spent Saturday at the home of the former's sister, Mrs, Charles Miller. Mr. and Mre. Harry Weaver, {rom Bellefonte, spent a few daye with the former's parents, Mr, and Mre. A. J. Weaver, Roy Miller and family had a very pleasant trip Bunday to county at which place they visited Mr. Miller's brother, Mr, and Mrs. P. B. Jordan, Mr. and Mre. Henry Reitz visited at the home of a cousin, Miss Levina Bmith, at Lamar, Bunday. The trip was made in Mr. Confer’s car, from Georges Val- ley. —————— gp — A A —————— Woodward. Robert Bnyder is spending a few days with his father, Dr. Ard, who had been quite sick, ia able to be about, Mr. and Mrs, Isaiah Boob spent last week with their children in Milton and Mifflinburg. Mr. and Mre. Ed. Miogle, from Asronsburg, were visitors in town last Thursday. Mre. Weiser; from ; Elkine, West Virginia, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Theodore Hosterman, Miss Edna Orndor!, from Coburp, spent several days last week with her grandmother, Mre. Phoebe Wise. I'hose who are seriously ill are Mre, James Weaver, Mrs. Harriet Haines and Jacob Falls, Harris Stover and Thomas Wolfe en- tertained Mr. and Mre. Hoover and family, from Lock Haven, Bunday. Misses May and Mary Kersiuger, from Trevose, are spending a month with tneir grandparents, Mr, and Mre, Jacob Faltz, After epending a month with ber parents, Dr. and Mre, Ard, Mre. ( Dr.) Kuhlman and baby left for their home in Pittsburgh last week. A baby girl came to gladden the home of Mr, and Mre. Eugene Blover Saturday a week ago. Aleo twin boys at the home of Mr. and Mre, John Elsenhuth, Rev. W. L. Boliman, presiding elder, from Allentown, and Rev. Curis, from Madisonburg, were eulertained at the bome of Daniel Benner, Bunday. Rev, Bollman presched a very inter- esting sermon in the Evangelical As- socistion church Bunday evening. Aaronsburg, Mre. Thomas Hazle, of Bellefonte is the guest of Mre. W. A. Guisewile, Z. J. Haflay, of Altoona spent (Bun- dey with his family, Trevols Heller and sister Ida spent the week end at Penn Hall, Magdalena Weaver is Lhe guest of her mother, Mre, E, P. Weaver. Mr. and Mre, Harry Long and three sons from Berwick, were guests of Mra, L. K. Lenker for a day. Mr, and Mre. Calvin Weaver, of Brush Valley, were Bunday guests of Mr. and Mre, James Weaver, Mr. and Mre. Cunnlogham enter- tained some of their friends from the esatern part of the state recently. Frank Barner motored from Salona on Bunday to the home of his uncle, Warren Winkelblech. Mr, and Mre, Clyde Blover and baby of Penn Hall, spent Memorial Day with the former's father, G. M, Btover, Frank Haloer, daughter and sor, from Woodwasid, were week-end guests ¢f the former's brother, John Hainer, Mise Bally Guisewite, who wae visit- ing in Frankiin for about a month, re- turned home on Friday evening as her mother is not in her usual health, Mr. and Mre. Charles Harter and son Ellsworth, of Madisonburg, were Bunday guests of the former's parents, Mr. and Mre. J. M. Harter. Mre. William Marr, from Philips burg, is visiting her aged mother, Mrs, Elizabeth Weaver, who is eighty-two years of age. Mre. Aunie Hetzsal, of Centre Hall, formerly of this place, was a welcolue visitor among her many friends last week, On Saturday Dr. CO. HB, Moser, W, A. Guisewite and OC. L. Feldler sutoed to Boalsburg to sttend the big pre- paredness meeting. Edward Bpavgler, who some forty years ago was a Brush Valley boy, but who now resides at Aurore, Illinofs, spent a day with Mre, L. BK. Lenke recently. Dr.and Mrs, D, F. Bowersox of Wolfs Chapel, and daughter, Mre, T. CO, Weaver, Statiidaugiter, sre. Ray Btover, of Woifs Mtore, spent Ascens elon Dey with Rev, John Bowersox at houses of the twenty~three fraternl iwton Dale, Tuseoyville Mr, and Vrs, Samuel Floray are on the elek Jet, Mrs, Hevry Moyer, of Lemon', is #pe ding some time sinong relatives, Mie, George Hpangler of Centre Hall spent sa weok among rolatives and friends here, Mr, and Mre. Psul Ewminhizer and baby spent a few days at Lhe William Eminhizsr home at Rock View, the past week, Mr, and Mre. John Diehl mop!, spent Hundasy at the Floray home, ied to their home by father, Mr, Floray. On Mondsy William and Carl Rip- ka were taken to the Reformed Or- phan’s Home at Womelador! by Rev. RB. R. Jonee, and their Mire, Ezra Ripka. of Mill- Hamuel were accompan~ Mre. Dielil’s hey molber, From jast week, Mre., Myra Miller of Centre Hall epent 8 week with her parents here, mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rickert and children of Mill Hall sre visiting here, Mre. Elmira Moyer of Lemont le spending some time among relatives and friends st this place. Mre, George Lee and daughter Rath of Lemont are spending a week among ralativer, Mre. Maria Wagner and Miss Eliza- eth Bitper are enjoying a three months’ visit in the wesl among rele- rr pte PENN HALL Mr. and Mre, John Bair made a trip to Clinton connily lust weel, Charles Buyder, fromm Blate College, visited relatives at this place over Bun- day. The Reformed Bundsy-achool at “alemn will hold Children’s Day servic: pext Munday evening. William Crater and family, from Cc- burn, visited at the home of Robert Hettinger on Bunday. Mr. and Mre, John Deiwller, of near Centre Hall, spent Fanday with the latleg’s sister, Mrs. Ephraim Bhook. William Bhowers, from Blate Col- lege, visited at the home of Charles Carter over Bunday. Mr. snd Mre, Charles Bartges and the former's mother spent Bunday sat the home of Charles Frankenberger, at Hmithiown., Mre. Philip Bhook snd son Walter returned home from Philadelphia lsat Fhureday for their summer's vacation, and Mr, Bhook will arrive next week, Frank Stover sud family, from Co- burp, accompanied by Mr, apd Mrs, Edward Braught, spent Sunday at the home of George Bhook. Mre. Robert Btrauss and son John from Nittany valley, visited the forn er's parents, Mr, aud Mire, John Bair, over Banday. Mr, and Bre, Reberstarg, Frank BSbhullz, of sccompanied by Jacob family, of Wolfs Blore ¥, ' the home of Matihiss tires and spent Bunday a Weagley. Christie Hi rendered upcon- scious, last Friday, from a kick by one of his mules which he situck a blow on asore hip when he sattempled to separate the pair ss they bolh ran into He woe landed agniuat the wall and was genecless fora few mino- tes, An examination by Dr. Frank revealed no broken bones nor internal injuries. Nevertheless it waa oall, ook was ne siall, 8 close AMES W, SWABB JUSTICE OF THE PEACE LINDEN HALL, CENTRE 00. PA. Deeds, Mortgages, Wills, &ec, written and ex- ecuted with care. All legal busines promptly attended to. HEpecisl attention given to sell tling of Fstates, Marriage Licenses, Automo- bile Licenses, and all other Application Blanks kept on hand. Nov. 251 yr $2.50 Rail & Boat Excursion TOLCHESTER BEACH Beautiful Chesapeake Bay Maryland's Famous Pleasure Resort Sunday, June 26th Bathing, Boating Fishing, Crabbing SPECIAL TRAIN Leaves Centre Hall 2.14 A.M. Returning, steamer leaves Tolches« ter Berch goo P.M $2.50 Round Trip $2 50 SIMAAR EXOURSION JULY 18 p@-Sale of tickets limited to capa city of boat, PENNSYLVANIA R. R. so Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local spplioations, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. by constitutional remedics caused by an inflamed condition of the mu- cous lining of the Eustachian Tube. this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed, Denfness is the result, and and this tube restored to its normal condi- of the mucous surfaces cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Bend for circulars, free ¥. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohlo, Fold by Druggists, Tic Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation, arid 0e0200000060000060 | Have For Sale Cut Prices 6 INCUBATORS 6 BROODERS Good reason for selling. Must sell quick. FEW HATCHING EGGS for sale now, NO CHICKS FOR SALE. Chas. D. Bartholomew CENTRE HALL, PA, 19000900 0NCO0S000080 5000 CO000CP00OVERODFT OBBVORGIFY) | WABTED ~ Housekeeper in refined family of | two - mother and son--both sdults, Conven i noes in home, ~L,. N. HOOVER, Mliroy, Pa, i ozpd i i ll Planing Mill | Work All kinds of mill work done on short notice and with a guarantee of correctness. We will give special prices on Cypress and Yellow Pine Lumber, Sash, Doors, Window Frames, and Juilders Hardware, We keep on hand all styles of moulding. Thinking of Bulldiig? SEE US FIRST Zettle & Lucas CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS Proprietors Centre Hall Planing Mill, Centre Hall, Pa, the quality and the price is right. Perfumes Toilet Articles Face Powders Baby Foods Writing Papers Chocolate Candies Rubber Goods Etc., Etc. Our goods have ||| See our lines of — Girls’ and Skirts. na Men's Summer Ladies’ Wash