The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, May 11, 1916, Image 4

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THURSDAY, MAY 11, 1918
SMITH & BAILBY . , . + Proprietors
S. W.SMITH . . . . . . . Editor
Loca! Editor and
EDWARD E, BAILBY Business Manager
Entered at the Post Office in Centro Hall as
second Class mail matter,
TERMS. ~The terms of subscription to the Re-
porter are one and one-half dollars per year.
ADVERTISING RATEs-—Display advertise
ment of ten or more inches, for ar or more in
sertions, ten cents per {noch for each issue. Dis
lay advertisin Soelipylng leas space than ten
hae. os and for less than three insertions, from
fifteen to twenty-five cents r inch for each
{mme, ing to com tion. Minimum
charge seventy-five cents.
Local notices accom nying display advertis-
ing five cents per line for each insertion ; other-
wise, Sikhs pents per line, minimum charge,
twenty- cents,
Legal notices, twenty cents per line for three
insertions, and ten cents per line for each ad-
ditional Insertion.
Mothodist-Sprucetown, morning;
Hall, afternoon ; Spring Mills, evening.
Lutheran Georges Valley, morning ;
afternoon ; Centre Hall, evening.
Reformed Centre Hall, morning : Tusseyville,
United Evangelical-Tusseyville, morning,
Mother's Day exercises; Egg Hill, afternoon;
Centre Hall, evening, Mother's Day exercises.
Every Democrat should get s sam-
ple ballot and etudy it before the
primary election, You will want to
vote for the right men,
—— fp Ms si,
You Uan Trust Orvis.
Penrose and Bonnewell are intercst-
ed in the same things. Bonpewell
wants the Democratic nomination for
United States Senator go that he can
assist Penrose at the November elec-
tion in electing Penrose’s man,
Bounewell was elected a Judge in
Philadelphia by the Penrose crowd,
now he wants to sell out his party for
favors received, Hon, Ellis L., Orvis
was never guilty of such party tresch-
ery, 1s a man of sbility snd integrity
and would be a credit to hie party sod
the State if sent to the United
Benate. You can trust Orvis,
———— fp ————
Scranton Editor Wants Nomiustion,
{Proud of having helped by his vote
to nominate Woodrow Wilson for
president of the United States, at
Ba!timore, four years ago, Edward J,
Lyuoett, editor and publisher of the
Seranton ( Ps.) Times, wants to again
participate in the renaming by the
Democrats of the nation of this truly
great president, Mr. Lynett is a can-
didate for delegate-at-large on the
Democratic ticket,
There 1s no more steadfast advocate
of the principles of Jeflerson, Jackson
Wilson than Editor Lynett. He is
unswerving in his loyalty to President
Wilson and his policies. For a quar.
ter of a century Editor Lynett has
been a power in state Democratic
politice. His election as national dele-
gate-al-large will be a fitting tribute to
his worth as a Democrat,
A o—————
Bunday is Mother's Day. Wear a
white carnation in honor of your best
i Farmer George E. Heckman drives
to town in a new Ford touring car
which he purchased a short time ago.
George A. Hettinger, of Farmers
Mille, was a caller at this office on
Tuesday. He reports the farmers in
his section busy sowing oats,
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Rankle, of
Bellsfonte, were in town Monday eve-
ning, the former being called to do
some repair work on a boiler for L. L.
Clyde Bradford and Mrs, E. H,
Ripka are attending the sessions of the
Grand Osstle, Knights of the (olden
Eagle, which are being held in Read-
ing this week,
The annual Korman reunion will be
held at Grange Park, Centre Hall,
Baturday, June 24th, Amusements of
all kind, Everybody cordially invit-
ed.~—C. W, KorMAN,
Girl Wanted.—A girl, 16 to 18 years
of age, to do light work in a bakery,
and make her home with the family,
Address or telephone the Centre Hall
Bakery, Centre Hall, Pa,
Rev, and Mrs. R. R. Jones are at-
tending the commencement exercises
of the Theological Seminary of Frank.
lin and Marshall College, Lancaster,
to-day. Their youngest son, Victor
Jones, graduates with high honors,
The undersigned has on hand a
quan‘ity of roof aint which he
guarantees to give the best of service
for from five to ten years, With the
use of ' Beal-tité” he can pateh up an
old roof to again be like new, These
materials can be bought and applied
by purchaser or I will do the work,—
F. M. ACKERMAN, Spring Mills, Pa,
The Btate-Uentre Electric Company,
who have the contract for Hghting
this borough, last week were granted a
franchise to operate in the borouzh of
Beech Creek. The franchise is perpet-
ual but not exclusive. The company
has two years time In which to install
the service. Three other companies
were after the same business. ‘rhe pro-
posed line will run from the Milesburg
plant down the valley, to Beech Oreck,
Clinton county, and will pass through
the towns of Mt. Kagle, Curtin, How-
ard and Blanchard in Centre county,
Rov, Stauffer Resigns Pastorste,
Rev. A. GG. Btruffer, pastor of the
Reberaburg Reformed charge, an-
nounced to bis congregation Fundy
evening that he had accepted a call 0
Hawthorne, Clarion county, and that
his resignation at Rebersburg wou'd
take effect Monday, May 20th. Rev,
Btauffer served his present pastorate
for five and one-half years and it was
with much regret that his people
heard of his intention to leave them,
The church council alresdy has
several applications in hand for the
fA ———
Installed Lutheran Fastor,
Rev, IL. N. Fleck was inetalled as
pestor of the Pine Grove Mille Luther-
an charge on Sunday. Rev. B, F.
Bieber of West Milton, had charge of
the installation ceremonies, being oe-
sisted in the afternoon by Rev. W. H,
Traub, of Btate College, at Gatesbuig,
the other appointment on the charge,
The services at Pine Grove Mills were
held Bunday evening.
— A fp
Mrs Las Mauce to Speak,
Mre. Loura 8, La Mance, national
organizer and lecturer for the W. C, I.
U., will speak on the diamond, Centre
Hall, Tuesday afternoon of next week,
at 2:80 o'clock, Mrs, La Mance has
been in the fleld for twenty years, and
is accustomed to addressing open cir
George Miller was in town several
days last week,
The boy scouts will soon be out with
new uniforms.
J. C. Bmith of Btate College was In
town one day last week,
R. B, Btover 18 having his house re-
painted, C. WW, Miller doing the work,
The carpenters have put a bay win-
dow in P, P. Leitzell’s home on Penn
street, .
Harry Hassipger is a delegate to
the K. G, E. convention at Reading
this week,
Calvin Bmith has been sufferin
from toonsilitis and is still confined
the house,
Frank Davis and family of Belle
fonte, were visiting relatives nid
friends here Saturday.
Joseph Hoftman, having a sbort
furlough, spent a week here wiih |
Mre, Bara Orndorf is having & cone
crete walk built in front of her home
on Penn street,
Ed. Royer of Centre Hall spent a
few days the past week at the home of
bis brother, Charles.
Miss Flossie Huston, of New Port,
spent a few days last week at the
home of Mr. and Mre. N. A. Auman,
There is a man who never does any
thing that is not right, His wife can
tell just where he ie, morning, noon
and night: He's dead,
On Bunday afternoon someone driv.
ing a Ford tried to crawl up on W.
E. Keen's porch on Penn street,
What he was doing on the side walk
underneath the trees is hard to under-
stand, unless he may have seen an
automobile coming.
Is Millheim retrograding in one of
its most vital interests, namely, its
schools? There certainly can be no
progress without interest, acd since
this hss been a minus quantity with
our present board of school directors it
appears as though our schools are on
the downward path unless & change
in spirit of the present incumbents
takes place or a change in the per-
sonell is made, The past term bas
seen the appearance of only one mem-
ber at any of the school sessions,
Beveral times daring a few months
preceding commencement the mem-
bers of the high school gave entertain
mente, also a festival, for the purpose
of raising money for ineldentsls for
graduation exercises, also purchased a
beautiful large flag for the pole on the
school building. Class day exerclece,
Friday evening, brought out a god
crowd, filling the suditorium, for
every one knows that were Mise Bessie
Bhelton is to appear before the public
it has the assurance of a good laugh,
and no one has yet been disappointed,
Misa Bhelton usually hss the clown
part and she certainly plays it to the
Queen’s taste; however, when Lhe
time arrived to present the flag not
one member of the school board wae
present to receive it, Shame! It's a
question in the minds of some of those
present if the directors really knew of
class day exercises. We know of sev.
eral of the clase, (and possibly all of
them ) who feel offended owing to the
negligence on the part of the directors
in failing to attend these exercises ard
especially, during commencement,
They should at least have hovored the
class by their presence, /
AIA msi.
Potters Milis
Mrs, Henshal spent a fow days with
her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Wilkinson,
Willism Wilkinson, of Harrisburg,
is visiting his brother John st this
Jease McClenahan was in Bellefonte
a few days and had his car done up in
fine style and Is now ready for trips
any distance,
The Epworth League anniversary
will be celebrated at Bprucetown,
May 14th, The title of the program 's
“Tribute to Mother’, Everybody a
Myre, C. O. Mallory ie spending this
week at Pittsburgh with relatives,
The cherry trees in this section sare
in full bloom and we look for a full
cherry crop,
Harry Brumgart and wife, of Pitte-
burgh, are this week visiting the
former's brother, Victor,
The health of Daniel Weaver, an
old Civil war veteran, who reeides at
Wolfs Store, is fast falling.
Edwin Weaver, of Lewisburg, Is
spending a week under the parental
roof at this place,
Mre., Edwin SBmull and children, of
Mifflinburg, spent the past week at
this place among relatives,
Fred Esterline, farmer on the Cor-
nelius Bower farm near Wolfe Btore,
is seriously ill with ppeumonia,
Mre, Harry Bowers and ehildren of
Btate College, spent a few days this
week among relatives at this place,
Mre. Eory Orndorf and daughter
Ethel, of Penn Hall, visited at the
home of Allen Brungart this week,
James P. Frank, who spent the past
winter at Philipsburg, with his son
Orvis, returned to this place on Iri-
day to spend the summer months,
George Btoner and wife and
Jersey Adame, all of Livons,
last Tueadsy at the home of Monaeeas
Oentre County ¥, W, ©, A,
The True Blue Common Wesl Club
at Lemont is starting to study
Y Christianship for Girls” in covnec-
tion with thelr other work,
The Bpring Mills Club deferred cotn-
plete organization to give time to the
practice of a play which proved most
successful from every point of view,
The Branch Commnn Weal Club :
The play given by this club proved so
successful that it is to be repeated in a
nearby town for the benefit of the
county work, This is the club that
comes in to the College every week
to take cooking lessons,
Center Furnece : The activities of
the Comnmon Weal Club tere have
been centered around tomato snd
lettuce gardening, crocheting, and
learning the Helen Gould Bheppard
Bible verses, Mrs, Bheppard oflers a
handsome Bible for learning certain
passagee, with the owner's pame
thereon, ( Anyone who is interested
may secure further ipformation from
the county secretary.)
The latest ¢'ub ie the Common Weal
| Club at Oak Hall, The girls have de-
e'ded to study a combination course in
sewing and embroidery, bave Bible
|#'udy, snd plan some form of enter-
tainment spd belp for the little gidle,
One new game
Staufler, who handed in his resigna-
tion as pastor of the Beformed eharge.
He has accepted a call to Clarion
Victor Brungart and
leave today ( Thursday)
burg to attend the family
the bome of the former's parents,
and Mre. Newton Brungart,
Martha and Elsie Fo
two chill
family will
for Lewis
reunion ai
Centre Hall visited Miss Hoss
Mre, Charles Begner snd
dren speat Friday at Bellefonte,
Miss Ee«ther Mang, of Pine G
Mille, visited Miss Elsie Rishel,
Miss Margaretta Goheen spent Het-
urday and Bunday at Htate College,
of Hublore
Mre, J.
Miss Bose MoeCormick,
burg, visited her sunt
Chester K, Lehman retur:
ed to |}
n Maturday,
home in Lancaster o
teaching a term of school he
Mr. aud Mre, Warre:
McClure, visited the f
Rev, and Mie. G. L.
Mre. Robert Harter of ttate
visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs,
Miss Annie Lohr
neral of her nephew, at Bell: for
{ f
raer’s pare
ourt: ey.
home on Monday after sp:nding Lhe
winter with her sister,
Mr. and Mre, Adam
State College, and Mrs,
er, of Rock Bpringe, spent
with Mr, and Mre. Rowe,
C., U. Wieland
wife and son Robert to Mi, U
where he will remain until they get
settled in their new home, Mr. Wie
land will then return to Boalsburg for
an indefinite time.
Mrs, Hall, at
sumuoer JB
sccompanied hie
0 pion
A ———
Linden Hall
Miss Phoebe Potter spent
with friends in Centre Hall
Mise Irene Ross is at Axemsnn
ing care of Misa White, whe
covering from an operation,
Mr, and Mre. John Reifsnyder are
spending a week with friends in Lee
mar. During Mr. Relfenyder's ab-
sence his brother is running the mill,
Ned Keller, who graduates in June
from Belinsgrove, will deliver a lec-
ture on Sunday evening in the Luther.
an church ino Bunbury.
Miss Ruth Ros: will graduate from
the Altoona hospital Laining school
for nurses on May 16:h, The com-
mencement exercises will be held in
Jaflas Temple.
Elwood SBlover, the youngest son of
Rev. and Mrs. Blover, un erwent an
operation in the Bellefonte hos; ital on
Monday afternoon for appendicitis,
He is getting along ss well ne can be
expected owing lo the seriousness of
his condition,
Mre. Mary Carper, who has been
with ber grandson, Enos Rupp, nar
Pittsburgh, ls visiting her brother,
John Carper. Bhe has with her a
granddaughter, Miss Lydia Zeigler,
who will spend a few days here before
going to Btate College to visit her
uncle, Adam Zeigler,
Georges Valley
E. D. Foust aud Harry Lingle were
Centre Hall visitors on Raturday,
Mr. and Mre, W, P, Liogle and son
Newton spent Bunday at the home of
their daughter, Mre. John Vonsds,
E. L. Lingle came home on Haturs
day from Woolrich where he had been
Mr. and Mr, J. W. Gobble spent
Bunday at the home of their son, HN,
E. Gobble,
James Foust and granddsughter,
Mies Myrtie McoOlellan, spent Bundsy
at the home of W. F. MoClelian, at
Bpring Mille,
Adam Mingle and H, E. Mingle, of
Bchoylkill Haven, returned to their
homes on Mondsy after spending a
few days at the home of their friend,
I uesday
is re-
I'hey sim to learn at
They are aleo hopiog
lecture in
each meeting.
have a bird
{echool bouse Mpy 13ih and lo take
{to given he
{some bird walks later,
Howard Branch has undertaken the
| standard course in sewing offered by
the Extens Department of ihe
| Btate College, and leading to a cer ifi-
| cate, The work will be supervised by
Miss Newcombe of the Extension I
“Girls of Yester-
CC. A. better under-
or the local snd county work
A baby perty
members, In
A. the
a ler nis
i partment, These girls recently
jeented the pageant
{ day and Todsy " ther by he
work of the Y, W,
algo mCcuribg a sum
a eilver offering.
| waa en) iyed by all
{connection with the Y. W, C,
i t
{girls are planning to fix up
{ court for the use of both sssocistior
A room has
| been secured and atirsctively fitted for
state College Branch :
various classes and clubs,
ng an Classes are bx -
ing conducted in bar ketry DE,
1 ase
Lie use of
i rendivog.
y Crochet
Bitie, §
, folk dancing, sud
| A eplendid High school club hss been
following pury ose
members: “ihe
e of this club shall be to create,
| Spanish eonversation, yn
un oalure study
organized with the
{drawn up by the clu
| purpe
aifi sud promote throughout our
ing service for others, upl
ping ec-g
neat ness
ding bLon-
sud cleanliness in the
tr, devel ratior,
| school,
{ srd bavivg the right kind of a good
maiuiaiuing good scholsrehiy
Hpnow Bhoe Branch: A large room
suitable for weany purposes has been
rented snd sriistioally
and je beivg gradusily furpished,
papered ved,
the rext meeting the girls are plap-
ning to come in the afternoon to make
rag rouge, and if the westher permits
to take a titd walk snd er joy a picnic
before the evening
ie called
The room
Hall" and is to be the disposal of
the community. Clesses in gymbnse-
ium and cooking are to be slarted, the
latter to be introduced by a lecture
given by Mise 8, C. Lovejoy, Dean of
the Department of Home Economics
of the Pennsylvania State College,
Thie lecture which will be of great ip-
terest and help will be open to all
girle and women of the community.
It is to be given on May 15th.
The Man Who Forgot.
Katherine Oliver McCoy, the
‘Queen of Dramatic Readers,” will
recder her thrilling impersonation of
“The Man Who Forgot” on Moudsy,
May 16th, in the Court House, Belle-
fonte, at 8:00 p. m., under the suspices
of the Flying Fquadron Foundation,
Admission to this recital is free,
The public Is cordially invited, Rev,
J. J. Davis, soloist, of Iodisnspolie,
Ind., will accompany Mre, MoCoy,
——— A AP AAS
Mr. and Mre, Bamuel Wise spent
Hunday st the home of Matthise
Florence Bariges aod Jennie Al-
bright spent Fridey witt their friend,
Iria Bhook,
Edwin Musser spent Bunday with
his friende, Charles and Christie
Arch Decker and family, from
Miflinburg visited at the home of Mr.
and Mere, Charles Hennigh over Fun-
Florevce Bariges and Edwin Mukser
were appointed to stisnd the County
Banday-school convention, which is to
be heid at Howard,
Maggie Seltzsinger, who underwent
an operation in the Bellefonte hos
pital four months sgo was brought
home by Dr. Rogers last Thursday,
On Bonday morning Rev. Geeeey
will preach a Mother's day sermon at
this place in the Lutheran churoh.,
Every body is invited to attend,
William Hostermar, sccompanied
by James Harter, from Altoons, both
students at State College, visited the
formet’s parents at thie place over Bun-
G. W. Breon,
— ——
Ladies" MM. 4G. F to Hold YVertival
The 81st sunusl convention of The | Thel
Centre County Woman's Christian | Golden Kagle will hold a festival in
Temperance Unlon will be held st | Grange Arcadis, Centre Hall, on the
Btate Co'lege, Thursday and Friday of | evenlog of Memorial Dsy-—-Masy 30 hb,
next week in the Presbyterian church, | Ice coffe and sirsw-
Mre. La Mance will speak on Thurs- | berries will be served,
day afternoon and evening,
On Friday afternoon st 2:20 Dear father of Blerling
Arthur Holmes of the College Faculty | Miller, of Hebersburg, aropped over
wiil speak on ‘The Psychology of [dead at bis home et Tylereville, Mor-
Alcoholism,” President Edwin Earle | day mornipg, sge was eixty-
Bparke, Dr. Fred L. Patllee, Dean |eeven years,
Thomas Blaisdell snd Dr. Irving L.
Foster will each address the conven-
tion at various times during its see
Visitors and non-members will
most welcome, The delegates
members will be entertained by
Bate College W. C, T. U. All
latter who are coming will please noti-
fy Mre. A. B. Wright, President Hiate
College W. C. T. U.
Mrs. Alice Robb, Mr, and Mrs,
Nelson Robb snd eniidren, snd Bre,
Fisher, all of State College, spent Bur-
dey at the home of the forwer’s deug li-
ter, Mrs, Thomas 8B. Bwartz,
Mise Bertha Rimmey, of Plessant
Gap, was the guest of Mies
Horner, one day lsst week,
” b FE i
ane vencre wu, , OF, U, Convention, |
cea] order «of the Loedles of the
v aes &
create, cake,
George Miller
dread is the staff of live, but lots of
us subsist on pay-rolls,
The people who are always looking
{ for the worst of it are seldom disaj -
Muny &« man bes su idea be ls golug
to get into heaven by putting his rc
ligion in
ois wife's name,
Pub je sale,
I one o'clock
The Centre Reporter, $1.50 a year,
New Goods Arriving Continually
Try Our Perfumes & Toilet Articles
Full Line of Baseball Goods
ial ive S00u
Worry About Style if You
Want to--But Wear Our
Clothes if You Don't
in Ladies’ and Gentlemen's Ready-for-Service Clothes
interpret the prevailing mode, correctly, conservatively,
and distinctively. They are not extreme or faddish—
but they have a positive character that expresses good
taste and good style.
For MAY month we received a new and hand-
some line of
Women’s & Children’s Lingere Dresses
New Coats for warm days & cool ev'gs
We just unpacked a new and handsome line of
So many exclusive styles for the young men, Before
buying your next suit look over our line.
Don’t forget about our STRAW HATS
We have the line—Panamas, Milans, etc.
A beautiful array of Shoes and Oxfords
can be found in our store for men, women and children,
style, color, I~ather or cut you may prefer at the most reasouable
Ladies, we invite you to inspect our line of WAISTS
all the most up-to-the-minute styles for warm weather wear.
A complete line of WASH SKIRTS—
with a complete line for full dress wear,
We are Giving SPECIAL PRICES During MAY
80 we wish to have you purchase while the selection
BUY NOW and supply your wants and wishes at 8 We somples,