IIR [Meat Makes Bad Kidneys Too much meat is jist as bad as not enough, Such a diet is apt to load the blood with uric acid and to injure the kidneys. Bad backs, blue, nervous epells, dizziness, rheumatic pains, and bladder troubles indicate weak kidneys, foretell danger of gravel and Bright's disease. Don’t neglect this eondition. Use Doan’s Kidney Pills. A Virginia Case *Poery Picture Tella J F, 3 Story! Roxbury St, mn Forge, Va., says: “Uric acid had poisoned my system and 1 was emaciated and had last lost "4 A Thomas, 27 CHI my back s contracted in agony after I Doan's Kid felt bette short time Get Dean's at Any Store, 0c a Rex : DOAN’ Rn KIDNEY PILLS FOSTER-MILBURN CO., BUFFALO, N. Y. STATE NEWS BRIEFLY TOLL The Latest Gleanings From All Over the State. TOLD IN SHORT PARAGRAPHS John Wesley Beers, a Pennsylvania Railroad brakeman, was killed in the Enola yards when thrown under a Car, The chap w knocks in earl well years content “YAGER’S LINIMENT Yor Horse L.ameness Yager'sliniment i spavin, galls, I x Ngaments, sw wounds, cuts and ¢ & “Bost Liniment on thy Market’ had strain two fous on him sud ‘ w bag Martin, Wesle i. Writes: i 5 At all d botu rd Prepa GILBERT BROS. & CO. ! Baltimore of Constipation Can quickly be I 1e by CARTER’S LITTLE LIVER PILLS, ger hv Head- ache, Dizzi- ness, and Ind: tion : SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSI Genuine must bea Cold Breezes Cause Sneezes ® F wom + and warn you s Toothach When it aches ssnim—tr+ Pik Ex ; Why Callonses, 13 not do somet JOHHSON'S FOOT Soap living The aale and re ren ‘ w of the afd Mi. S5¢ per cake at f oF sent prepaid on pt « » § manufacturers. THOMAS GILL 711-717 Bent Ave., Brookiys, N. ¥ ORIVEMALARIAOUTOFTHESYSTEM : re : # S5GAP CO A GOOD — AND APTETIZER DAISY FLY KILLER . RY ok) R308 placed Srrwhers, at. tincts and kills ail fies. Meat ciena, or namental, sonvenient cheap Lasts oi Beason. Made of metal, eantepilior tip Over; will not soll or injure anything, Guarsntead affective, Alideniors ortsnt express paid for $1.06 Ave, Broakige, N. ¥. yo! * 2 HAIR BALSAM A toilet preparation of trey it, Heipn tn eradicate dandryf, For Restoring Color and uty to Gray or Faded Hair) fhe, aad $1.00 ay Drop iste ive Poult gd § ¥ Prodoce Now Yors + Fruits, Vegetables, Je market grieos FILED Yim i erehawis, 190 Reads Nt forany case of ohay pod, rowed or $25 FORFE(T fran goer ohare: omen Sxpostire that “Mirlitine” will n are. Agents wanted, oi Rmergoney Servigs Work Hidg., Sew Tors Riis. mtores, tim ¥ POULTRY 255800 zat PATENTS WL. NU, BALTIMORE, NO. 17-1016, £0 Bn Dius grace fe § Vg Watson B.Coloman, Waste inguin, D.C, Books 1 res Highs Osh relovences. Best results, He leaves a widow and two children. ears old; David swal Mary Elizabeth Davis, two » child of Mr. and Mrs of Wyoming, died after lowing some liquid nail cleanser Pav is, a hundred th and dollar building permits Thu: ou worth of at Harrisburg building of As ig¢ an appaot r for f was recommended t to farmers a annual convention of catt feed ers at the Pennsylvania State College that the sweet syrup influencing the cattle to consume larger quantities of rough feeds such as hay and clover, For the last year State College had scientifically fed seventy-two head of beef cattle in coven different lots One important result was the finding that silage and other rough feads are much cheaper in producing beef than are the concentrated foods, such as eorn and bran Ie shown Following the lead of Mayor Arm. strong, of Pittsburgh, who recently sanctioned spooning in the city parks, Mayor Ezra 8. Meals, of Harrisburg, gave his 0. K. to the practice insofar fs the parks of the State Capltol are concerned, Methodist ministers from central Pennsylvania gathered In Harrisburg, to attend an executive session of the Conference Board of Trustees. The distribution of annuities amounting to penrly $100,000 was the principal busi. ness of the meeting. PERCENTAGES FOR ATTORNEYS BARRED Workmen's Compensation Board DI rects Insurance Carriers To Pay All Claims Direct. Harrisburg The Workmen's Compension Bourd directed the following letter be sent to every Insurance carrier insur ing against workmen's compenéation lability within the State “It has come to the attention of the Workmen's Compensajion Board that in certain cases where compensation has been paid under agreements or awards to the attorneys of elaimants, that the attorneys have retained or induced the claimant to pay to them exorbitant fees large the in paid had their approved bs or unduly percentages of having the board, 501 of the Com stallments without foes ection yensation Act “The oard emphatical practice or in order that in the future, % 11} pa dil CO apreenie N. G. P ntments, Appe y eo] 111 AN NOUN } of James E. Rod« rick, Hazleton, as chief of the Department of : iH y of eounty, “a partment of Fisherles, Mr Mines Mines 3 aller commiseioner of the De Department since 1899. Com officer of the Department of Fisheries in 1911 Must Pay Tax Penalty. Auditor General Powell was in formed in an opinion by Deputy Attor ney General Hargest that he has no authority to waive payment of a pen alty of fifty per cent. placed upon trust companies which fall to pay State tax under the Act of 1807 within forty days, Halts Work On State Ald Highways, Construction or improvement of a State ald highway on a State highway within the limits of a borough is not permitted under the law, according to an opinion given to the State High way Department by Willlam H. Kel ler, Deputy Attorney General. The opinion will halt preparations of the department to do construction and Im provement work In eeveral boroughs through use of Bats aid money. It is held that this work must be paid out of State main highway funds. NEW YORK.—Wheat-8pot easy; No. 1 Durum, $1.85; No. 2 hard, $1.32; No. 1 Northern Duluth, $1.41 and No. 1 Northern Manitoba, $1 44% ft o b Naw York. Butter ~Creamery, extras (92 score), 36% @3%¢c; 31% @28¢; 36@ 36 %e. Pggs— Fresh gathe extras, 23% @24c; extra firsts, regular packed, 2% cc; firsts, 21@22%¢; Nearby hennery firats, A6@36%¢c; seconds, do, near hennery browns, 24@25¢ Cheesre--—8tate, held specials, 18% @ pecials, 174 4 average run, 17¢ Wiscor fresh, 17@17%e¢ 3 Poulirs current make 17%ec; do, Dressed Qld hen mall 11@12 winter (£4 ronrters nd over, Ja 40 and under, 32@35: » 2424: do, pmooth, fat, 22¢ stagey, 1RG 18% Ducks Young 3 Iba and 20@21c; do puddle, 3 Ibs and over, 1820: do Mus covy, 3 Ibs and over, 180019; do small er, 16@17. Pigeons—Young, per pair, young, large rough and over, Live Stock CHICAGO. Hogs — Light, $9.35@ §.85; mixed, $0403 9.85; heavy, 30.2 @9.86; rough, $9.35@9.50; pigs, $7.40 @9. Cattie--Native beel steers, $8610: stockers and feeders, $6.10@8.75; cows and heifers, $4.20@9.10; calves, $6.50@0. Sheep Wethers, $8.2069.25: $6.25@R.85; lamba, $8.75611.40 Hoge~-Market lower at $§0.25@10.20: roughs, $8.50 8.75. ewes, PITTSBUROH, -- Choice, $8.65000.15; 0.05 Sheep--Prime wethers, $7.4007.60: culls and common, $3.50@4.50; lambs, $000.55; veal calves, $8.50 10. PA. — Cattle prime, $9250 Ordeal of Hospitals ar should be the last resort for peculiar to their sex. Many women after they have been operation have been made Vegetable Compound. Her { Hi he told mm i} trouble married only mare and n time. 1 tool pound ] \ I give way. becanse 1 am y adit } e troubles tl said I would have to undergo an it had done for others I Lydia KE. Pinkham's Vegeta ( Pinkham’s Sanative Wash and They helped me and today I am a) Tros. Dwyer, 959 Mil * Pa. —* | suf r down pains and they all told me the sam : an operation and I just dreaded good many other medicines that of them helped me until a f ham's Vegetable Coma POU t and no Fa latr a tri CCCs8ary mmsti ’ 1 women who suf letters on file in the Pinkham } 1 ¢ number ot + i to an vie § hre e i. I first took es Ox mpound I WER BO TUDn hing, and Our 3 i £1 ha ith terrible “ ioctors and opened, ont to TR there oA —— ot Tr of ALT wr Over 30 Yoars. Nn NG STOP ITCHING INSTANTLY i Ointment Free. NEED THIS FAMOUS DOCTOR'S PRESCRIPTION | i Thousands of women who are now | blessed with robust health cannot un-| allments peculiar to women when they | can obtain for a trifling sum pr. | Plerce’'s Favorite Prescription which | will surely and quickly banish all | pain, distress and misery and restore | the womanly functions to health. This prescription of Dr. Pierce's ex- | tracted from roots and herbs is a tem- perance remedy To get rid of irregularities, or ca- tarrhal condition, to avoid pain at cer tain times, to overcome irritability | and weakness, waste no time, but get | ir. Pierce's Favorite Preseription in| quid or tablet form this very day Druggist Knows the Best Kidney Remedy Swamp-Root Will [ “ANURICY” NEWEST IN CHEMISTRY This is a recent dizcovery of Doctor Buffalo, N. Y. Experiments for sev eral years proved that there 18 no other eliminator of uric acid cc mpa rable. For those easily recognized symptoms of inflammation—as back ache, scalding urine and frequent urd nation, as well as sediment In the urine, or if uric oid in the blood has caused rheumatism, “Anuric” acts quickly. In rheumatism of the joints, in gravel and gout, invariably the pains and stiffness which so frequently and persistently accompany the dis ease rapidly disappear. Send Dr. Pierce 10¢ for large trial package. Full treatment 50c AD Fully guaranteed w= bap at responsibility For sale by dealers everywhere at reasonable prices IB New vik ity Obissgs PMA Velphin B40. Lowls E Now Ovtonne Boe hoped Winssapaliy Pi Detroit Ban Prawsloe Chnebrnalt taburgh Alhaein Richmond Boweion Lovbun Sydary