The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, April 20, 1916, Image 4

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    PR OE
—— so
Charles Hassioger is
making pre-
SMITH & BAILEY . . . . . Proprietors
S:. W.8MITH . . . + + 4s » Editor
Loca! Editor and
Business Manager
Entered at the Post Office in Centre Hall as
second Class mall matter
TERMS, ~The terms of subsoription to the Re
porter are one and one-half dollars per year
ADVERTISING RATR i—-Display advertise
ment of tan or more {nches, for three or m ore in
sartions, tan cents per inch for each fssne . Dis
lay advertising oocapying less space than ten
nohes and for less than three insertions, from
@ifison to twonty-five cents per inch for each
issae, according to composition Minimum
charge seventy-five cents,
Looal notices accompanying display advertis-
Ing five cents per line for each insertion; other-
wise, eight cents per line, minimum charge,
twenty-five cents,
Legal notices, twenty cents per line for three
insertions, and teu cents per line for esch sd-
ditional Insertion
Meothodist—Centre Hall, morning ; Sprucetown,
afternoon ; Spring Mills, evening.
Easter program ;: Linden Hall, afternoon, Easter
service ; Centre Hall, evening, Easter exercises,
Reformed- Union, morning : Spring Mills,
afternoon ; Centre Hall, evening,
Lutheran—Centre Hall, morning, communion #
Tusseyville, afternoon ; Spring Mills, evening
Under the editorial title ‘ Disrupt-
ing the Btate Democracy,” The Times
of Erie gives a close hand-to-hand
view of Michael Liebel, upon whom
the Democra‘'ic bipartisans have een
tered to hand the party over to Pen-
rose, Mr. Liebel is a resident of Erle,
His public and political career is
known by his fellow-citizens, so that
the following comment is important :
There may be parts of the state re-
mote from Erie, and in which little
is known about Michael Liebel,
where flowery ealogies of the con-
gressman might go unchallenged
and unsuspected, but the people of
this corner are not to be deceived by
the disruptionist propaganda of the
Evening Herald, The Herald is
heart and soul for Liebel and for
that reason it could not be expected
to get very close to the truth in ate
tactiog even ne great a man in the
emocracy of Pennsylvania as A.
Mi chell Palmer.
Mr. Palmer is, and has always been,
the staunch supporter of President
Wilson. He fought for him on the
floor of the Bsitimore convention
while Liebel and his following were
just aes strenuously opposi his
nomination, He is openly for him
today when Liebel and those identi-
fled with Liebel would be opposed if
they dared.
I'he people of Erie know full well
what Liebel stands for, I'he Demo-
cratic voters of the state ought to
know and probably they will find
out before long. A. Mitchell Palmer
stands for clear, high-standard
things in the Democratic party of
the state, He has done so well to
not only maintain the dignity and
the purity of hie party but to elevate
it if possible that no one up in this
neck of the woods is at all surprised
to find Liebel and the Herald fight
ing him.
It is not a question of Palmer and
Morris and other state leaders of the
party failing to discharges their
duties to the entire satisfaction of
the better elements of the Democ-
racy ; it is the questi n of whether
the questionable element, in which
Liebe] sees himself the rising star,
will have to stand for the better
things which the rea! leaders have
given to the party. Liebel plays the
roll of the disruptiovist and the
Herald a) plauds,
Erie people know Liebel’s psst rec-
ord too well to take him seriously
when he talks about hermony snd
things of that sort which have
never been diecovered, even in the
minutest form, in his political make-
ap. Suey know that he deserted
the regular Democratic candidate
for sherift in his own county to suy-
port Frank Laird and only the feet
that the miserable trick was dis
covered by enough Republicans to
more than offset his scheme brought
about the eleciion of the present
incumbent of that office, Ask the
regular Demociatic nominees for
sheriff at the last three sheriff elec-
tions who Liebel supported! Itis u
long list of staunch Democrats in
Erie who have feit the point of
Liebel’s political dirk. Asa matter
of fact, Democratic candidates for
congress from this district and
Democratic candidates for important
county offices during the past ten
years know what sort of a harmo ny
worker Liebel is. Few, if any, of
of them ever received his support,
As a disorganizer he hiss a marvelogs
reputation for one #0 young and to
assume the role of harmony and
rush to the front shouting his will
ingness to martyr himself that the
Democracy of the state might not
crumble in the dust is seriously ree
ceived only in the office of the
Ip the internal organization of the
affairs of the state Democracy The
Times has no interest further than
to challenge any such statements as
uttered by the Herald of last night
and to call to the attention of the
Democratic voters of this section the
acharacter and intentions of the two
men, Palmer and Liebel, It ought
not to be very hard for any voter
who stands for decency to make a
In the light of these revelations, as
The Times says, ** it ought not be very
hard for any voter who stands for
decency (0 make a selection.”
Fire Destroys Much Property,
Tuesday's gale was responsible for a
disastrous fire at Morrisdals, 8 few
miles northwest of Philipsburg, that
resulted in the destruction of King's
and vine dwelling houses, en-
tailing » loss of $50,000,
A — A I A————
Matt and Jeff at Bellefonte,
Mutt and Jeff are coming to see the
Fellows at Bellefonte next Wed
nesdny and in the evening will enters
tain them with “ Mott and Jeff a
Vollege,” in Garmaa’s Opera House,
Mies Helen McManaway of Belle-
fonte epent Bunday with girl friends
in town,
Monday Earnest Schreckengast left
for Jubnetown where he has secured
Robert Breon and family of State
College spent Sunday with relatives
W. B, Bhelton and family sutoed to
Bellefonte last Wednesday to see the
There will be a six o'clock service on
Easter morning in the Reformed
Charles Burrell, who has been seri-
ously ill for several weeks with pneu-
mounis, is some better,
A. A. Frank and T. F, Mayer, two
of our leading merchants, made a busi,
On last Friday Degen spd Jordo
again sold their entire lovd of
consisting of twenty-eight head, aver-
Mre, Ira Frank, who underwent an
operation in one of the Philadelphis
hospitale, is reported as doing well
and expects to be home in several
The band, under the instructions of
Ru sell Gephart, is doing fine ani the
public enjoy hearing them play when
ever they come out, BStick to it boys,
it sounds better every time,
The stork has made several trips to
this town Lhe past week, leaving a
baby girl at the home of Mr, and Mre,
Robert Colyer, and a little boy with
Mr. and Mrs, Orvis Gramley,
On Friday evening the wembers of
the Methodist church to welcome the
return of their pastor, Rev, Willlame,
bonored him with a reception. A
good crowd was in attendance and a
pleasant evening passed by all,
Judging from the amount of booze
we see going through our town ons is
almost persuaded to they
using it some where to sprinkle the
siree's, Sirange -we thought
people had quit drinking beer around
bere, but some one has opened the
plug again, Well, this much
know, that Mr, Quigley has either for-
gotien some of the things id
last fall regarding the booza questios
Atreet Commissioner Ira Gramley is
at work fixing the
wn hich have been neglected for
years ; in fact, of them
helieve are
we 90
he 1 us
some of alleys
one was ir
such a condition as to make almost
impassable, vet a few of our so called
progressive citizens say it lsn’t
sary. Just because some people are
lucky enough not to live next door
some of these mud holes they imagine
they have a kick coming when the
borrugh spends a few dollars to mend
these conditions. But take
these same people and the borough can
consider itself lucky that it is not ssk-
ed to sow lawn in their alleys,
We hope Mr, Gramley will go on wit
this work and fill bis ears with cotter
to these knockers,
some oi
me tle
George Bheealey is ill with grip,
Miss May Belle Stover spent Huon.
day with her cousin, Miss
Master James Ard from Asaro: shurg
#pent last week with his «
Dr. and Mrs, Ard,
Miss Pearl Grimm from Lewisburg
ie visiting her sister, Mrs, Ruth Bar; -
Thomsa Everett and Mr. K Her,
from Madisonburg, accompanied Rev,
Caries to Woodward Suoday evening.
A. B. Meyer and wife from Coburn
spent the Sabbath at the home of the
Iatter’s parente, Mr. and Mrs, James
Steward Orndorf and family wera
guests at the home of the gentlemar's
parente, Mr, and Mre, Isanc Orndorf,
on Buanday,
Miss Lida Hosterman, Charles
Musser and Bherman Smith are at-
tending a term of summer school at
There will be an Easter Services in
the Evangelical Association Church
Sunday evening. The program con-
fils of singing, dialogues, recitations
and a cantata, * The Ten Virgine,”
RE —— ro ————
Georges Valley
Mre. Busan Davie is spending this
week in Poe Valley with her daughter,
Mre. Morris Lingle.
Mre, (. OC. Bariges and pephew
Charles, of Bpring Mills, spent a day
last week at the home of D. D. Decker.
Mrs, Ida Ripka and Mre. Rose
Lingle spent Batarday with Mr, snd
Mre. T. F. Rote, near Coburn, ‘
Mr. and Mre, E. L. Lingle and two
boye, Miles and Robert, spent Ruoday
at the home of the former's mother,
Mre, Lydia Lingle.
Rev. Bones, the presiding elder,
preached a very Interesting sermon
Inst Sunday at Locust Grove at which
time he held communion service,
Those who visited at the James
Foust home on Bunday were, Mr, and
Mre. W. F. MoClellan and two little
daughters, Ruth and Blanche, Mr. and
Mire. Reaben Hook and two little Hone,
Ralph and Robert,
a ————— A ————
Growers of berries and smali fruite
are anticipating a good crop this sec.
Leater Minoich, who Ie employed at
State College, spent Bunday with hie
family in thia place,
At present John Zeigler is the busi-
eal men In this vicinity, He is spray.
ing fruit trees for San Jose soale.
Maggie Musser, of State College,
with her twin daughters, are spending
several weeks with her mother, Mre,
Herene Harry,
Mrs, Nathaniel Bowersox is spend-
ig this week at Greenburr, Clinton
county, with her daughter, More,
Ammon Hazel, a former merchant
at this place but now residing at
Boaleburg, spent part of this week at
this place on ¢pecial business,
Robert Bierly quite lately
Howard K rape 's Bulck car and =
faw days later he bought a Ford car
from Mr, Musser, of Asronsburg.
The yonug men’s club
place has closed doors for the time be-
ing. he
aire to work are out
room at this
yourg m+n who have a de.
hunting employ-
deep gash io the palm of his left hand
while in the act of hanging
This puts Mr. Stover out of cowmie-
gion for several weeke,
Eline Breon is at present building »
lime stack on his small farm, He
will goon be ready to furnish lime to
all parties who have need of same,
Bierly, Duck & Co. the other day
placed their shingle mill on the old
mill site at BSmuliton and are making
preparations to saw shingles, Cusiom
Thursday Scott Btover eat
work is their speciality.
Mra. Asron Bmull,
died at the home of her son,
on last Friday, The remains
buried in the Union cemetery on last
Monday forenoon,
On last Thureday the steam roller
which the supervisors bought several
months ago was brought to this place
by Mr. Btover, of Aaron burg, who
u=ed it several davs on the pike in the
was taken to
80 aged lady,
vicinity of Millhelmm, It
other road ms-
Pp id
junk pile with the
chinery which the supervisors
several thousand dollars for
years ago and which has not been used
ten hours on our roads, Perhaps
Columbus, the Millhelm junk dealer
desl if b
Come and see,
could make a good e would
buy-it for junk.
Mise Lucy Musser, who haa been 11],
is abe ut again.
Frank Musser trapsacted business at
the county seat one day Inset week,
Mr, and Mre, William Smits moved
in the Grenoble home st Spring Mille,
J. CC.
made 8 business trip to Milihelm, Sa
LO be
Conde and daughter Bars}
Rev. M. D. 3 from
Asronsburg, were entertained at the
home of W. H. Siaksbine, “saturday.
Ear! Bartges and sister Jennie osli-
ed at the home of their
Susan Barrell, at Millheim,
Mr, and F. M. Fisher,
Mery Fisher, and Ulrich
travescted business in Bellefonte Mop-
Ge sey and wile
sunt, Mra,
M fae
Miss Lola
Mr. and Mra, John Hosterman visi'-
ed the former's sunt, Mrs, Amanda
Halnes Woodward, one day last
Mre, A,
=paan Bu
has gone to
asatat Moe,
ly taking care of her
who i= ill,
her sist A
son Charles,
The members of the commonweal
clab of the Y. W, C, A, will render »
play in the Grange Hall st Spring
Mills on Wednesday evening.
Mr. and Mre, Harry Ulrieb and son
Kenneth, from Bpring Mille, visited
the former's parents, 5r. and Mrs,
samuel Ulrich, Sunday,
E. Roy Corman, a student in the
Theological Seminary at Lancaster, fe
home to conduct an eight weeks’ sug -
mer normal at Spring Mille, 4
Velma Weaver spent Banday sfter-
noon with her friend, Dora MoeMutrie,
Ralph and Gross Bhook made a
business trip to Millbeim on Thursday.
Mre. Daniel Luese, of Centre Hall, fs
visiting friends and relatives about
Rev. Dooat aud Jjamily, from
Asronsburg, spent Thursday at the
home of Mr, and Mrs, Jacob Meyor,
Cora Osman, who underwent sn op-
eration in the Bellefonte Hospital last
week, is getting along real good,
Harry Ulrich sand family from
Hpring Mille, spent Bunday with Mr.
Ulrich’s parents,
Mre, John Eckel and four children,
from Pleasant Gap, visited the form-
et’s parents, Mr. and Mre. Bamuel
Ulrich, over Sunday.
George Bhook sold six head of fine
Jersey cattle last week; Clarence
Htover bought one and Ammon Vop-
sda bought the remainder,
Mre. Robert Musser from Hpring
Mills spent Thursday with her sister,
Mre, Halph Bhook,
The Penvsylvavia Raliroad will run
a Washington $3.00 excursion from
Centre Hall and other points on the
L. &T, branch, leaving Centre Hall
Haturdsy night, May 18, st 11.50 o'-
clock. The cles] sdvertivemert
will appear next week,
ama a
Wilmington Town.
{ehip, Lawrence County, are planning
the erection of brick silos during the
Farmers in North Annville Town-
ship, Lebanon County, are selling off
their mixed breeds of cattle and buy-
ing only Holsteins,
Elk county farmers in Benzinger
township have organized a ecc-rpere-
tive creamery at Bt, Marys aod are go-
ing buck to dairying se they feel it is
their main dependence,
Crows are said
Ten farmers in
to be uvusually
plentiful and a complete pest in some
parts of Lsckawanna coun'y where
they are destroying crope and eatir Eg
youug en ckene,
Reports to the Department of Agri-
cuitare indicate a larger acreage of po-
tntoes In meny
In Ls:
scereage of tobacco is reported.
A letier to the Department of Agri-
{culture frome » Junists county corre-
pordent states that 100 yesrs ago, in
1816, there wes no summer
ard no crops in that section,
counties than 8 year
Ag caster county a lurger
little or
—————— —————
Mre. Lydia Meyer, notice of whose
iiness wos made Inet week, Is improv-
ing splendidly under the skilful treat-
ment of her trained puree, Mies Keller,
rnest Blover, who was among the
first auto owners in this town, last
week purchissed a six-cylinder Over
sud from L. L. Weaver, of Wood-
L. EK.
farines, had a stroke on
nicg, and is not
at this writing,
Mre. Clark Hermsn, of Rate (ol-
lege, was the guest of ber brother, A.
. Hiover, and wife, :
E. A, Bower, is transacting business
in Beliefonte with his sop, Elmer
homas Hull, the carpenter, left for
Hiate College on Monday to work at
hie trade,
T. C. Weaver left on Tuesday for the
western states Lo serk employment st
ithe i Inetering trade A
i Misr Lodia Herter
| wi nA very bad throat,
| Jeff, Btover and family, from We fen
were Fabbath of
, John Durst,
homes Messer from
{erin " days
stover, one of our first-oless
Friday eve-
lwproving very fast
is housed
{' wn
oF i
apt, BUenls Mar,
i Mrs. Coburn
at the
3, J.
of her
ned fow
of Ler 1 “Aw,
Ww RVar, id osiled on &
{many friends while hore,
infield, snd
Are WOrg-
t former's bro-
1, E. Crouse, will
twiler and little boy, from
nt io a few hours with
Warren Winkie.
$ Fi 4
of the f
Gil ep ¢
ia Hite
w and
«fl from
SNigte (nl
they were
relatives Wes,
Laat raiurdsy Abner Aker, a life-
long resident of this pleor, had sale snd
will move with bis sor-ip-law, Rsy
Sticker, to Banham, wi ey both
tin the ste] worke,
Frank Haines, from
ing entertained at the
former's brother, John
From here they will go to
iny where
for a few
ere it!
hone ©
fhe Lord's
in Peter's
Rev, Joh
{f the
was oelebrat d
church 1)
. Reformed
Bowersox and son, from
, #pent ew days with the
arents, and Mrs, Bowei-
fen (
aur—r— eg —
Fe:mer Fred Best ia busy hastebiog
hicks in his incobator,
Mr. Bateman
Kline's m i
A We
Jerry Stover, of Pleasant 3
Adam Relsh several dais and
he horse sale at Millheim,
8 ls» Lucy Jordor, of Tusseyville,
188 COME live at the home of Johy
Kline the ensuing year.
Fred Meess drove from Heecla on
Sa'urdsy snd spent Bunday at his oid
Mre, Arthur Cummings entertained
her sister, Mre, Fred Brosn, snd chil-
dren, of Colyer, several days inst week,
John Kline will off r st public esie
Saturday, April 22, al his farm impl-
ments, hotees 0d vogey and carriage,
He proposes purchasing a car,
the pew miller in
began bu pees Inet week,
stump has been suflering from
K heart for several dave,
Pp, visited
took in
wanted to cut chemieal wood and paper wood.
Good wages paid. Apply at Bilgers saw mill in
Greens Valley —L. G. BARNES, Forester, 2%
horse power machine, in good running order,
with good tires ; will be sold at great sacrifice, —
EDWARD BROWN, Centre Hall, Pa.
motorcycle, in first-class condition, with good
mir of tires, Wil be sold very reasonable
LE. VONADA, Centre Hall, Pa., R. D. 2-Bell
phone 78.6, 0.16 pd.
Ford touring car; seats upholstered in genuine
leather ; top in fair condition ; paint on body
good, You can have it at 8 bargain, but come
guiok ~F. VV. GOOGHART, Centre Hall, Pa.
sll phone,
HOUSE FOR RENT.One half of the double
dwelling house, located on East Church street,
and containing seven rooms and bath, is offered
for rent Place will be vacated Aprill ot. If
tenant desires, will put in electric light, Inquire
Sha. H. J. LAMBERT, State Ooliege, Pa. Bell
WANTED, ~One of the large magazine publish.
ing houses desires to employ an active man or
woman in this community to handle a i
an which has rn ususually profitable,
Hood openin for rlght part , Address with two
referen: JBLISH ER, X 156, Times Bq.,
Bia... New York City, on
WANTED ~Retired business man or farmer to
solicit ordem in Centre county for ornamental
trees, shrubbery, roses, eto, igh issions
ed woekly, il gladly conimact for all or Rast
IES, Rochester, N, Y. v0.16
DISSOLUTION NOTICR- Notice is hereby given
that the S00 partuotatiip firm conducted under the
title of © Brothors, has been d ‘
partion Mowing themselves ind
will kindly make settlement with KE. E.
to whom all claims must likewise be pre.
April 12, 1916, A W, LETTLE
AE Ello ign ss
Letters of administeation
Mary A Dvret. Inte of Harris
Letters of adm
having bess dg
would respect
themuelves Inde i {
diate payment, and tho
the satne 0 present thew duly
CORA E. WAGKER, Administr
the estate on Lhe
Ietters of administration on
of Mm. Effie Taylor, ate of Poller
Letters of administration on the above estate
having been duly granted to the undersigned, he
would rer poctully request all persons knowing
thewselves indebwed Lo the estate to make imme
diate payment, and those having claims agains
the same Lo present them duly suthenticated for
A. J. WEAVER, Administrator,
0. 16p'd
We have on display an entire new
line of Coats and Dresses for women.
We want all our friends to partake in
this event and get first choice of the se-
lection. The most stunning models in
the most fashionable colors, made of the
latest materials such as tafetta crepe,
meteor, faille, crepe de chine, poplins, are
made in the season’s array of dresses in
our store.
COATS made of faille, serge, pop-
lin and tweeds in every model you may desi
SHOES--A beautiful array
for women— White Kid, Buck, Bronze,
All the new styles for MEN : New Tan, Mahogany,
Black and Chocolate. “1 he new Spats English and
Comfortable models,
MEN, it is your time to take ad:
of shoes
gs by ry
3 {
ddiaLhy Lil»
« 4
wih b
vantage of the beautiful array of Spring Clothing
have the finest and most up-to-the-minute selection t
we have ever carried.
Our new and complete line of furnishings, ties,
shirts, hats, etc, —just the thing for Easter—at
Kessler’s Department Store
i J: rt
- CHEVROLET --“Four Ninety
$550 Electrically Equipped
The lowest priced REAL automobile
passenger car complete,
At the New York and Chicago Shows The
was the most widely discussed model exh bite
It is easy to handle, is very powerful, and exceptionall v
operate. It is large enough for the WHOLE FAMILY — it's
the world has been waiting for.
Remember, it comes complete $230 F. 0. B. Factory
yet pro'uced—a powerful five.
“Four Ninely” Chevrolet
eronom ical to
he car
the Car
ane ”
When purchasing silve
ware, remember that in
silver plate no name stands
for higher quality or greater
durability than the
nowned trade mark
Ask your dealer to show
you the various exquisite
patterns in which the
"Silver Plate that Wears”
can be had. The wide lati-
tude for choice in knives,
forks, spoons and fancy
Serving picces assures satis-
faction to every taste,
Sold by leading dealers
everywhere. Send for cata.
logue “CL,” showing all
designs, ;
Butcewer to Meridon Be tema Oo