The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, April 13, 1916, Image 8

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PHUR-DAY, APRIL 13, 1016
spring Mis Lodge Installs § flioers,
A highly interesting meeting of the
Spring Mills lodge, No, 597, 1. 0.0, F,,
was held in the lodge hall at Npring
Mille Friday evening, It was the
time for the semi-annual installation
of officers and there were more than
eighty members present, including
visitors, In the absence of Edward
Owens, D. P, G. M,, I'M, Gramley
was deputized to take his place, The
other installing cfoere were William
Binkabine, G. D. M,; J. O, McCor-
mick, D. G. W,; J. 8B Meyer, D. G.
G. ; Rev. W, H. Williams, D, G, (.
The new officers of the lodge ure
Noble Grand... cesses sessenss William Haney
Vioe Grand... sensi Charles Auman
f R FE Swedtwood
Fr. goarge
Eimer Lingle
Ralph Zeigler
on L Duck
- “Biaine Bitner
DD, W. Bweetwood
nahin ..Charles Zeigler
Inside Guardian... ..5. L. Condo
Outside Guardian... McCormick
Financial Secretary M. Gramley
Recording Secretary.. , B Stover
H. 8. Braucht
Ry ht Scene Su
Left Scene oR.
Right Sup. to N. G.
Leit Sup. to N. G.. V. Q.,
L.S.woV. GQ.
( The last three were not installed at this time,
their term of one year not having expired )
The following visitors were present :
H. G. Stover, Thomas Rote, of Mill-
heim lodge; E. 8. Ripkd, W. H.
Homan, Edward Homap, T. L.
Smith, Jobn Conde, of Centre Hall
lodge; Rev. W., H., Williame, of
Port Matilda lodge.
Besides the installation ceremonies
the lodge conferred the initiatory de-
gree upon Messrs, A. A. Alexander,
Charles Weaver and 8. W, Decker.
It was past midnight when the sup-
per consisting of fried chicken, rolls
and coffee was served.
Boyd King has been housed up with
the grip the past week,
Mrs, Harvey Lamey has been sick
for several weeks,
Mrs, Willism Kreamer, of Lock
Haven, spent a few days smong
friends at her old home the past week.
Mre, Bamuel Weiser, who moved
here from Altoons, has secured em-
ployment in the hosiery mill,
G. W. Harter has secured seversl
rooms in Mre, J. Bwavger's house
where he will do light housekeeping.
With the fine weather last week one
could heer the jingle of the plow, the
first we have heard this spring.
Miss Margaret Weaver from Madi-
sonburg epent Sunday at the home of
Mr. and Mie. OC, H. Breon.
John J. Flsnnagan shir ped another
load of horses to his market in Eaton-
towr, New Jersey, Wedneaday.
dren, from Williamsport, are visiting
at the home of Mre, Ream’s parents,
W. B, Shelton and Chas, Hassinger
made a business trip to Bellefonte on
Miss Mae Musser has resigned her
position as gesistant postmistress and
has gone to Philadelphia where she
wiil spend the summer,
While going from the house to the
street to buy bread from the wagon
Mrs. Bolomon Colombus fel! and
tained a severe sprain of her arm,
William Bwarm has ent down the
three large horse (hestout trees in
front of his residence and will replece
them with young maples,
Mre, Earl Bmith and three childrer,
from State College, are visiting at the
home of Mrs. Bmiith's parents, Mr.
and Mre, Bamuel Wilson,
—————— AAA
Miss Helen Neese is visiting friends
in Aaronsburg.
F. M. Fisher and Roy Krumrine
transacted business in Millheim, Sai
Mrs, Barabh Hartman is sesisting
Mise Locy Musser in doing her work,
as she haa been ill, but fs improving.
Mrs. Chsarles Carter and dsughter
Mildred sre visiting friends and rela-
tives in Woodward.
Mrs. Barah Guise visited at the home
of her daughter, Mre. H, F. Rossman,
one day last week.
Mr. and Mre. A. M. Kreamer visited
friends and relatives in Woodward
several days last week,
Mre. H. M. Bmith and children,
John and Mary, called at the home of
the former's daughter, Mre, James Mo-
Cool, at Bpring Mille, Monday.
Quite a number of the people of our
town atiended the commencement
exercises held in the Grange Hall at
spring Mille, Monday snd Tuesday
Miss Caroline Foresman, natiopal
secretary of the Y. W, (', A, in the
Middle Atlantic States and Mise Marg-
aret Hiller, secretary of the Y. W, (.
A, In Centre county, were entertained
at the home of Miss Lola Ulrieh,
Thursday evening, in the interest of
orgacizinga Y. W, 0, A
— pp ———
Ready to Do Repair Work,
The undersigned is now ready to re-
pair buggies, carriages and Wagone,
and do all kinds of woodwork, Lo-
cated in the Koepley blsckemith shop,
mn gm
The foundstion for the new Luther-
an church at Yeagertown hss been
staked off and work will likely begin
this week, J. F, Stetler of Midis
burg, the contrse or, ls msking ih
Ueoessnry prellmuibary arraugomou a,
Our blacksmith i= grestly in need of
8 good hand to Lelp him in his sbop.
Mre, Flora Limbert left last week for
Obio where she wi!l visit her eister,
Mre, Henry Krider,
Levi Fulmer, an aged gentleman o
thie place and a civil war veteran, i»
on the sick list,
Mre. Rebecon Zeigler is at present
visiting her mother, Mre. Joseph
Meyer, at this place,
The Yoder horse ssle held at this
place on last Tuesday was the banner
“ale of the season ; one horse sold for
Quite a number of cellars were filled
with water last week owing to the re-
cent thaw and the over-flowing of a
sink hole north of town,
James Confer last week moved on
his father’s farm, near Wolfs store,
His sister, Mre, Fiorence Btover, will
keep house for him,
The road eupervisor in this place is
greatly neglecting our roads this
spring. Bipce the supervisors have
purchased a $3000 road making out-fit
we are looking for better roads,
Roy Weber moved a few days ago
out on the farm with his brother,
Bruce, whose wife died several weeks
8g0o. Roy will work hireling on the
farm while his wife will take care of
the bouse work.
The past week C, O. Mallory had
hia housebold goods placed in part of
Chestie Btover’s house. Mrs. Mallory
will stay here while Mr, Mallory will
return to Pittsburgh where he has
found employment,
After a few days of spring weather
our people were surprised on Saturday
morning to see the ground covered
with about eight inches of snow and
still snowing, We are experiencing
real winter weather ; farmers are grest-
ly detained with their spring work ;
no plowing has been done so far yet,
On last Monday after the Rebersburg
wa'er company, which consists of all
the property owners of the town, held
its annual settlement, it was announce
ed that the last bond had been paid off
snd that the company was free of
debt. Fifteen years sgo new pipes
were put down and a debt of $8000
dollars incurre?’, It took fifteen long
years to get rid of this debt although
there was not twenty-five doliars
expense on the line in this time, It
takes fifteen officers to do the business
of this company; of course, there
wonld be at lesst one dozen more {f
there wouid be room for thew, [tias
pity that we gcan’t acoommeodste sll of
the office seckere. Perhaps they could
get their fingers in a plum ple else-
————— A ——————
Guyer Grove has gone to Illinois to
work on a farm,
Paul Rpayd is employed at Renovo
in the car shope,
The long looked for spring time is at
band and everybody is busy,
Theodore Geutzell ia working for W.
G. Auman at Bober station.
There seems to be some attraction in
our midet for BHelinegrove stadente,
How about jt, H-?
The Union Banday-ichool at Farm-
ers Mills has organized a Bible clase,
Hope this system will improve the
school very much,
Rasy Lingle from Georges Valley,
working for Arch Eungard., E
Vonada is working for Wallace [iger,
Nester Gentzell is working for J. W,
Foreman. Chase. Bailey ls working
for C. 8, Musser, John Frankenberg-
er is working for H. E. tye,
The movings in this section: The
Homan brothers from Aaronsburg to
Farmers Mille, occupying the plsce
vecated by Arthur Homan who moved
to Burnham ; Arch Eungsrd started
farming on hie father’s farm vacated
by O. C, Homan, the latter moving to
the William Grove farm near Coburn,
vacated by Harry Confer; Clarence
Mueser moved on his father’s farm
pear Murray school house, vacated by
Adam Heckman who moved to the
William Musser farm, vacated by A.
E. Limbert who moved to Rebersburg;
Lee Vonads moved from Madisonburg
to the farm vacated by Thomas Benn-
age, the latter moving to the Herb
farm near Madisonburg ©: (. HB, Musser
from Asronsburg to the Dr. Lieb farm,
vacated by Maynard Meeker who mov-
ed to the old fort hotel, vacated bj
Edward Royer,
———— A ————
G. R. Meliss and David Young made
atrip to Bellefonte on Friday.
Charles Miller made a trip to Belle-
forte Thursday.
Mre, Hara Philips visited the home
of ber uuele, Mr, Eadie Kline, Thurs-
Mre. Lydia Lingle is spending a
week or two at the William Lingle
home, north-east of Tusseyville,
Mies Ida Kiinefelter and nephew,
Samuel Horner, spent Thursday at the
Robert Glsegow home,
Charles Miller is building a garage
for his new Chalmers car whicu he
purchased from the Lee Motor Car
Co., of Bpring Mille,
Mre, William Martz is spending »
few days at the Meliss home at which
place she Is belping to care for her
daughter-in-law, Mre, Roy Marts,
The M. C. Gephart music store io
Rellefor » was rece tly purohssed by
E, ©, Gheep, of Jersey Shore, ho ‘ake.
lug charge of il last week, i
Batter Soorlog Contests,
An eduoations!
coatest Is to be conducted during tie
spring sud summer by the dairy luis
bandry department of Perr.
sylvania Btate ('ollege, for the benefit
of the farm -butter-mnkers throughout
The contest will be conducted along
the following lines ; (1) Every maker
of farm-bntter in the Htate is eligible
and is urged to send in samples, (2)
One-pound samples are desired, They
are to be well cooled, wrapped in
several thicknesses of paper and psck-
ed in a small wooden or tin box
similar to a common chalk box, (38)
Hamples should be sent by parcel post
to the Dairy Husbandry Department,
State College, Pa, [hey should be
sent early enough so that they will
arrive in Btate College before the date
of the contest, (4) The contest will
be held on the following dstes : May
1, June 1, July 1, August 1, Beptember
1, apd Beyptember 30; and a second
contest will be conducted during the
winter months If desired. (5) The
butter will be ecored and tested each
month, (6) A complete report of
each churning from which samples
are taken Is desired. This report is to
Le made out on blanks furnished by
the department. These blanks will be
sent out each month with the report
of the previous score. They are to be
filled out and sent in with the sample.
(7) The butter will be sold, less the
small account used for sampling and
the proceeds will be returned to each
contestant each month. (8) First,
gecond, third prize ribbons for the
highest average score for the State
will be awarded at the end of the con-
test. First, second, third prize rib-
bons for the best country ecore of
ninety or above will also be given,
(9) Farther details and information
can be secured by addressing the
Dairy Husbandry Department, State
College, Ps.
——— ff p— sin
W. W. McCormick, aseecsor for Pot-
ter towpship, was In town Friday
delivering tax statements,
———————— A ————————
$aee ..77ard, JivV
The readers of this paper will be
pleased to learn that there is at least one
dreaded disease that sclence has been
able to cure in all its stages, and that is
Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only
positive cure now known to the medical
fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutic nal
disease, requires a constitutional treat
ment. Hall's C atarh Cure Is taken in-
ternally, acting }
and mucous Surfac on |
by destroying the fou
ease, and giving the ps
bullding up the constitutl
nature in doing its work he proprietors
have so much faith in {ts curative pow-
ers that they offer One Hundred Dollars
for any case that it falls to cure. Send
for list of testimonials
Address: F. J CHENEY
Bold by all Drugeists The
Take Hall's Family Plils for constipation
Ty Cobb
“Tuxedo is
a good, pure,
mild tobacco
and m
pt 4 f
L , er
furn tuitey coring
ent strength by
nd assisting
& CO. Toledo, O
Famous Ball
Player, & Says:
akes a
mighty mus and
in, testy that they
uxedo with n
f tongue-bite
rch. That's p
[uxedois mellowed
eing inwood from ¢/
Ageing is only
«famous ‘Tuxedo Proc-
' that nobody else can
The Pesfeci Tobeocco for Pipe and Crparile
ageing makes Tuxedo
and delicious—the
tated - but - never
“Tuxedo Process”
uxedo the mildest,
most delightful of all
One week of Tuxedo will
make you its lifelong friend.
Get 2 tin and smoke it.
green tin
in Tin Hue
bmidors, 40¢
and 80¢.
In Glass
<Peand 0c,
a aa
It all depends on the ligt $ ¢ by the glimmer
3 of the ordinary flickering, sm iz, smelly lamp is
work, difficult work. dard on the eyes, ofttimes
the real cause of throb! s headaches,
out the finest
white light of a Rayo
But it's a real pleasure to pick
stitches by the radiant,
Lamp burning
Ho _ oi
hy 8 BE : JER 2
i yr PEAT SY
td 7 “ 4 br 4 Wo
afd, Ww « ad
Ll @ = 2 &
CR nn 3B Lorri
’ Send
as le wt lle
5 oA
A Rayo Lamp makes a heap of diff Fence—the ai f-
ference between work and play. And it's beautiful
~-actually improve of ; a room.
Your dealer can she
made for vq
Gives the best light when f
Rayolight Oil — the lerosene that burns without
smoke or smell, tl es 1 t char wicks, | ‘that
1 11 ty
lasts for all ti
does yield ht and un-
1 4 el
usually intense
Fpecia ition ven o
writivgs of a neioding
agreements, ole; marriage licen
office attended ocis 1
Itis the aim of this store to de-
liver such high values at such low
prices that you will never think of
purchasing furniture anywhere
else after your first experience
here. Just mow we have some
beautiful sets of bedroom, living
room and dining roon furniture
which it will pay you to inspect.
F. V. Goodhart
Centre Hall
Hoosier and Sellers Kitchen Cabi-
nets Sold by us
And thous ands and
ves say money can't buy any
Atl antic Rayoli ght Oil for wh
half cup to the boiler), ar
brushes and combs, for d
s of knowing house-
g fa a ted
carpets, polishing furniture,
Bu name — Atlantic Rayolight Oil—from any
dealer who displays this sign:
Costs no more than the unknown, unreliable kind.
Philadelphia Pittsburgh
To Eliminate runctures
Guaranteed 0000 Miles Service
Decide Now to Attend the
Centre Hall Summer
the Sessions of which
will open MONDAY,
MAY 8TH, and continue
for Six Weeks,
Preparatory Work
for High School or
College may be had,
a Tries
Try these tires now, and to asst
livery send order today, peaking r 3 ¥
P.O. Money Order, draft or check. Bold direct
to consumer only. Descriptive folder upon
Akron Duplex Tire& Rubber Co.
Any person above
the 6th year of
school work may
For further particulars confer
Contractor and Builder
Bee me before letting your building contract
with —
A. B.,
Principal of Centre Hall Schools
| Hic ION
Atlantic City
Cape May, Wildwood
Ocean City, Sea In'e City, and
Other Resorts
Saturday, April 22
25 cents additional to Atlantic City via
Delaware River Bridge Route,
For details as to the time of trains or stop-
over privileges, soe Flyers, consult Agents
milar Excursions July 8, 22; Aug
ust 5, 19; and September 2,
Pennsylvania R. R.
Estimates furnished, Address Box 104
Thinking of Building?
We're Here to Help You
ON'T rush headlong into the uilding game for you may kave to be
sorry when it ist o late. Let us assist you in planning your needs
for with our experience in this line of work every detail will have been
worked out, including estimate of cost, b: fore the actual construction is
begun. Result-—satisfaction to you by reason of a well-constructed
Our Planing Mill Work is Done Right
All kinda of mill work done on short notice and with a guarantee of
We will ye spec ial prices on C
Sash, Doors, ow Frames, and
band all Tien OF moulding.
Contractors & Builders
and Yellow Pine Lumber,
uilders Hardware. We keep on