quor Licenses 1915. fac Lefont Borough. tiall Borough irg Poroeugh JaoWw Shoe Borough. Howard 3Sorough. elim Borough, Iwi wi Twp Uswp TWD shoe Twp SE ——————— Recapitulation of State Licenses for 1915 1 due ASSETS AND LIABILITIES i.labilities om Total 30 00s 600 00 6 OU} 00 84 00} y 00 12 OU 00 6 OG 120 00 6 00f 120 00 3 00] 60 WW 3 0 60 00 3 00 60 00 5 00) 120 G0 00 120 Qu 6U 0032760 00 Assets. D 41864 12 13045 having carefully ex- ounts of the County veriff and Treasurer wereby certify that i true and correct coipts and expendi. raspective accounts County.