@? ‘ ELE«TRIOCLIGMT FUR CENTRE HALL, [MANY FARMER) ATTENDING | STATE GRANGE THIS WEEK day Afternoon, But Few Plages Heady fo Receive Light, —~Gosnry's Barber Shop Evjoys First Light, Put down Baturday, December 18th, 1915, as owe of the most memorable the history of Centre Hall, for 1 thia day, at four o’cloex in } ternoon to be exsct, that the firat electric fluid for the furnishing of Jight and power, entered the borough. Dyere was no notice given by the foc-vintre Electric Company of thelr turning on the juice and the dis- covery of ite presence was purely acel- dental. William C. Boozer was in the basement of the Reformed church located the switch that ' ou the power for running the connected with {Le new pipe Vhile iL was known that the would be sent over the wires hat day, the exact time was owr, and when at four o'clock was a flash of sparks when the de its contac!, resulting in a | nimiog of the molor, electricty for veuience and ulility of the ute 0 Jentre tlall was no longer va bat a reality, t use to which Lhe juics was + in providipg power lor opers- p the service io med ehureb on Bunday ever- e first light in town wae turp- be tonsorial parlor of F. P. vight, when five forth a brilliant J i where is throw motor Organ, 2 organ st on Monday lights shed light, work of wiring private resi- i 1a goiug on at present and will { I'he size of slreets and the yet been borough taken LEE for sone lime, tt @ { the same has > On not the will mined by the mat or be rly meeting. - LOCALS gler shipped bis hovsehold oona last week, Hmith transacted nesday, P. Geary | P- 0. Ob adv, Linden Hall hi his presence on . O, D. Bartholomew and daugh- few days in Al- this week, farmera are Hitate rial ij inns of the Collegr, this week. H, Kurtz on Wedneeday protracted ureh st fed a two weeks’ 1 Union ei Farm- imas entertaioment by the will i on Thursday evening in the grade room, of e Potters Mille school ’ ford, the DeLaval cream Uv, hes a display at Hiate week, during the meet- | e Miate Grange. i'e i! X nae, form There is only and that is Christ more beag- tier looks aud sounds. @ider, how much » Hoaterman will spend the eason in Larcsster with i their He Jeft mornivg. families, *» Wednesda | Htate Master MoSparrsn Speaks of The | Vital Problems Uonfronting the Farmer, ! «Opposes “Preparedness Polley Vigorously, Patrons of Husbandry and their families from all parts of Pennsylvania gathered at State College on luesday for the opening of the forty-third anoual session of the Pennsylvania State Grange. More than 1800 dele- gates are registered from the 835 sub- ordinate gran-ee. They will be the guests of the Pennsylvania State Col- lege for the next three daye. It has been five years since the college enter- tained the grangers, John A. MeS3parran, Worthy Htate Master, in his annual report which he read to the convention assembled ip the Fehwab anditorlum Tuesday morning, said that tha problemas that demand most cateful consideration from the Grangers today are not those that have to do with the culture of the soil, important ss they are, but rather to relieve the food markets of the country from the parasitic drain of un- distribution cnarges, He offered no immediate anlution of these conditions, leaving their aonsideration to the com- wittees that he sppoiuted later, The Grangers are happy that this is an off-year for tha Btate leglslatare, Mr. Bparran said in his report that the memory of last winter's legislative session with its disappointing results was atill fresh enough to arouse all the thrills needed by the farmers. Point- ing to the legislation asked by the grangers, which they didn’t get, the State Master said : " We asked for more rqual taxation and got the expenses of the primaries put back on the countier, and the honus for dirt roads denied entirely, “ We asked re def from Bigelowism. Che man was removed but the system Building roads from = central buresu is about as economical international disputes at And so another bunch of millions has veen dumped into the foul fallrcy of bureaucratic govern- remaine, as setliing 2-wile range, ment, formulated one after the school sys- tern, and the Governor asked us to that he wanted to try it for a couple of The Benate lsughed at it, and the House defeated if, “ We sgsked that the State pay the debt it owed the townships by statute law, and received a million srd a half on sccount, with the noties that we should not ask for more, ‘ We asked for an epportunity to vote on legalizing rum and got the biggest bluff that has ever bean perpe- ‘rated upon the earnest apd honest people of a soverign State, “ We asked for larger appropriations for publie schools and for the State College, and dollars by the bundred into the ecfters of institutions for which the State has no statutory responsibility.y “ We got a good dog law, for which we are thankfo’, but yet we are glad the legislators don‘i meet again this year,'’ Hiate Master Me3parran is opposed to national preparedness, favoriog in- nteroational police foree to He said be agreed years himself, thousands poured maintain peace, the at Kock View, spent a fow r, 8 gusrd afl Dew the home of his pa-| f. and Mre, P, H. Meyer. Runkle, the ¢ in rpenter | for a he last the excavation lot which Coldron, ee On the 1 from John morning merenry stood at | " ve z2ro in the gOVerp- mometer ia charge of the It was the coldest morning 200, V. B, Mingls left for P i Tuesday iladel- morning where she ¢ winter with her daugh- . Emory Hoy, and also with « Gross Mipgle, and family. sm anpoureing the death of MH, Krier, in ( hicagr, was r= Mr, Krise's sister, Mre, W, on Wednesday morning. I snd Mie, W. A. Krise, parents of the deceased, are at the present time viziting at the home of thie deceased. mri iidcanres, Fic HCE, FOr, Marriage Malcolm Petere, Bellefonte cud Miller, Bellefonte Clarence E, Watsor, Ranville Agnes Hoover, Oiesola Milla Guy B. Minus ossmar, Penne, Furnace Halinders, Btormstown Adam ¥, Martz, Tussey ville Ada J. Meier, Colyer A AP A AANA. Ea'ertaloment In Grange Aroadin, Te-night ( Thoraday ) an entertain nicnt wil be given in Grange Areadin by the literary society of the high and gravamar schooler, and will consist of #ouge, short plays aod recitatione, No ndmisslon will be charged but a liberal offsring is asked, the proceeds to be need for the benefit of the schools, —————p Inch and One gif of Hain, A weleome rein fell on Fridey and Friday night which totaled over an on that of the Nations! Grange poin’. Discussing the question aredness, Mr, MeSparran said ; ‘It looks to me sa though this noise about preparedness for defense was more of a blind than any real pri- mw ulgation of a policy, Itsavore of an excuse for a de-aothivg congress in re- gard to the grest constructive gue:- tions such as Roarsl Credite, and Economie Distribution of Commodi- tiz# on the one hand, and on the other as an excuse for the enllection of Inrger samounta of taxes from ths paople «f this country, ‘ We not only do not want to eon- tinge 'o spend over oslf the entire revenues of this government for ware, past, present and future, but I believe the time has come when some pation should have the courage to say : ‘ We will not submit our international difficulties to such an unfair and in- buman tribunal,’ Among those whom State Master Mosparren appointed on the various commiltece were Hor. L. Rhone, on legislation and on memorisl ; Prof. C, R. Neff, on resolutions ; snd Miss Florence Rbone on the peace oom- mittee, with pre Millheim, John P. Condo was a visitor in town lsat Haturday, Hermon Confer, who is employed in Miltor, is visiting at the home of his patents, Randall Miller has gait Penn State and has accepted a position with the Farmers National Bank, Mre, Herbert Smith, who more than a year ago had a nervous breskdowr, hind several epells the past week, Mre, Perry McKinney of Potters Mills visited relatives and friends In Millbhelm the p set week, Mr. and Mre. James C. Bmith of Hiate Ccl'ege ate their annual butcher dinver io Millheim Inst Thursday with their son, Robert Bmith. not srd wx half, To the farmers whope ¢isterra and wells had played out tee ralufall came most oppor. tunely. i Bweet memories of the past, joyous “greetings for the glorious day st hand, aud fondest hopes for future happiness our Christoases wish, The Evangelist Paul Browr, who is campaigoing at Sayre, will receive al turkey for his Christmas dinner from some of his Millhelm friende, Christmas entertaloments of different churches Evangelical, Fri- day evening ; Lutheran, Bunday eve- ning ; Reformed, Bunday morning. Mr. and Mre, Daniel Geary, who vieited their daughter, Mrs. N. A. Aumar, the past two weeks, left for their home in Newpor!, Monday. The Farmers Institute in progress here last week was a great success, A big crowd was in attendance at esch session, the epenkers were of the bighest cles: slong their respective lines, the honor going to Mr. Barnity, of near Harrisburg, for fo making. He had the house Isughing from the time he took the floor till he left, even then they laughed. The Pennsylvania Farmer (8 weekly journal) oftered a prize for the best exhibit of corn ; the first went to I. W. Btover, of Asronshurg, and the second to P, F. Confer, of Milihetm, the pe Spring Mills, John Bme'zler of Oblo is visiting relatives here, Mr. Meyer, Mrs, e, fell and ivjared hie arm, Mre. R, D. Musser haa been quite fli bat Is improving at this writing. William Allison spent Tuesday in Bellefonte, There are a number of sick people in this community and our doctor is ki pt very busy, Berjsmin Lohr of Union eounty fs spending some the A. Jb, Bhook home, Edwin Winters and family of Regis College are spending their Chrismas vacation at their home on Lio \g Ave Mre, T. M. Gramiey, who fell from the poreh roof and injured her snkie, about two months age, ig able ta } out agaipr, Daniel Kennelly, Jr, and Rbamcokin spent a» few James Kennelly and helped to but ou Friday. Dr. H. 8. Brageht took Oliver Zttle's little boys to the fonte beapital, or ohn Rishel’s fath- Frank and son tine a! od AV H Mondsy., Th Mre, Crawford of Jack Centre, who bad been visiting George Krape and Joseph Bituer, returned to her home on Tuesaday, The leetnra on Haturday evening ty Orrin Ulifford Lester in the {irenge hall, was » treat to heard it the course will be an entertainment hy the Veidi Ce., January 13:4, 196, Giranpera have gone to ms great all who The next number on deal these should possibly tronble and expense to egecure various numbers and be patronized by do po, they nll who ean Boer toms COBURN Mr, and Mrs, Clam Lair are spend- at Albany, New York. Allen Auman made a business trip to Altoona on ing Christmas day last week, Don’t forget the cantatta to be given by the Reformed Sg day schoo! on Christmas eve, Boyd Bt Mre, ending the Benton, ver is er holidays with ber parents st Columbia county, The hucksters busy turkey © Are pas hy 22 nnd, CYRUS BRUNUGART JUSTICE OF THE FEACE NTR How's This? One Hu: all goods, as advertised. Str Anyone, if at all interest DAYS ONLY, Player chandise ; as a Specialty, They are in as on all sea-going ships. all the State public buildings miums there. UPWARDS. Greatest Val and GUITARS, also Violin Accessories, Music Folios at 5¢ per copy, not last long, wili prevail on ictly the PEOPLE'S SALE ed, will not miss this « ppor- Pianos also the dorsed by the U. S. Govern- during the present Panama ues Fver in MANDOLINS Bows, Harmonicas and all and upwards, 19 N. Allegheny St. The use of BADGER Dairy Feed wii increase the quanti ty of milk your cows produce and improve its quality. This highly concent; ated, easily di gestible dairy ration -supplies jus what is needed to increase milk flow an make butter fat, Its cost is low enough t make its feeding profitable. It keeps your cows in prime physical condition. DAIRY FEED Follow thelead of successful dairy- men all over the country and give BADGER Feed a Trial— you'll get quick results, BADGER Dairy Feed '8 easy to handle and always uni. form in quality, The cows like it, It gives you bigger returns per dollar Come in and interesting prices on this great , dairy ration, S. E. WEBER Boalsburg, Pa. | GROTEIN 167 FAT 3-. CARBOHYDRATES 557 TAT spent than any other feed. get our Hard, Soft, Cannel and Screened Lump Coal don’t fail to first sce the In the market for HAY and STRAW. A FULL LINE OF FARM IMPLEMENTS. BELLEFONTE have the greatest assortment ever at greatly reduced prices. For To anyone, whether you are in- terested or not, the great savings to be had in this store make it a paying proposition for you to look over our great bargains. We wish to see all of our friends, old and new, take advantage of this op- portunity to fill their wants for the rapidly approach- ing cold weather of the new year of 1916, Our bargains are especially desir- able in-- LADIES’ Plush Coats, Suits, Furs and Dresses, also in MEN'S Suits, Over- coats and Shoes A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR. KESSLER’S DEPARTMENT STORE MILLHEIM as PA.