THE CENTRE REPORTER. THURSDAY, DEC EMBER 25, 1915. SUPPLEMENT Value of Vora Sliage Shown. The Pennsylvania Experiment Bta- tion at State College has conducted several experiments to determine the difference in cost of feeding oattle by the common Pennsylvania ration of mixed hay and corn stover as rough- age, and chopped ear corp, or corn and cornmeal and brap, as concen- trates ; and a ration composed of corn silage, mixed hay and cottonseed meal, supplemented by ear corn. In all ex- periments smaller gains were made by the lot of cattle fed the ordinary Penn- sylvania ration, In one experiment, which is typleal, the average amount of air-dry matter required to make a pound of gain ranged from one to three pounds more per head for cattle fed the common ra- tion than for those fed the ration adopted by the Station, The cost of producing 100 pounds of gain for the entire period of the experiment, in the ease of the lot fed the Penpsylvanis ration, wae $2.87 greater per hundred, compared with the cheapest of the other lots, and $1.85 higher than the most expensive lot where silage form- ed a part of the ration, The dally cost of feed per head for the entire experi- mental period ranged from 22.04 cents with the common ration to 16,92 cents for the adopted ration. The experiment emphasizes a de- cided advantage in using corn silage for at least a portion of the roughage in fattening cattle, if they are to be fed economically. Results also show the advantage of feeding a large amount of roughsge during the early part of the feeding period, especially with the prevailing high prices of grain feeds, siesta e—— State College Gets Coke Pinat Model, With the closing of the Pansma- Pacific exposition, at Ban Francisco, the school of mives of the Pennsyl- vania State College comes into pos session of the $12,000 model of a cok producing plant extiibited at the fais by the H., C. Frick Coke company. The model will be received next month and will be added to the col- lection of exhibits in the museum of the new mining building. The mode!, which is sixteen by twenty-four feet, is complete in ail de- tails, representing the surface works o the coke plant, showing the shaft by which the coal is raised from the mive, the coke ovens, the supply houses and the miners’ homes. A plan for land- scape development, by which the grounds and surface works are beauti- fled, is an: interesting feature of the coke plant model, Through the generosity of the H. C. Frick company, the model is loaned t: Btate College for instruction purposes to the students in mining. JUST A MITE T00 STRENUOUS Marie Corelli's Yea o of Love Draws Forth Some Criticism From American Periodical, If IT loved a man I should love him 80 completely Fat I should never think of anything in which he had not the frst ar d greatest share. I hould see his kind looks in every ray of sunshine—I should hear his loving voice In every note of music if 1 were to read a book alone, I should wonder which sentence in it would please him most—if I plucked a flower I should esk myself if he would llke me to wear it—I should live through him and for him-—he would be my very eyes and heart and soul.—Marie Corelll. We want to thank you, Marie, for letting us know in time, but to be real candid we don't want to be loved your way; mighty few men do. It all reads beautifully, but most men don't like the same kind of books their wives do. Most men hate to be sung to; and as for being the very eyes and heart and soul of any woman-— not all the time. Even the best of us like to be left alone much of the time. When we marry we don't want to be strapped down to a 90-horsepower love car. In a life endurance test two yeople need to know each other not too well. It takes a lot of water to as you indicate, Marie, would run out of power in two or three weeks, Lite. THEMISTOCLES When Themistocles was asked by his host at a dinner party to enter tain the guests by playing the lute. he replied that he could not play the fiddle, but that he could make a small town a great city. We have in this nation many politicians who aze good “fiddlers,” but they cannot make a small town a great city. We are over run with orators who cau play upon the passions of the people, but they can’t put brick and mortar together, We need builders, Let those who hunger and thirst for power understand that the highest INDOLENOE~A ORIME, Little Talks on Henlth & Hyg'eve by Namunl CG. Dixon, M, DD, LL, ©, vommissionor of Health, It bas been sald that the crinie which Nature never forgives is indo- lence, Itis certain that our bodies were never planved for idleness, Good health je invariably the result of a continued and rational exercising of both our bodies and minds, Whenever we fall Lo exercise them for a period of time they are apt to de- generate, Not infrequently, owing to the close association of the various parts of the complex human machin- ery, this results in the lmpsirment of one part and reflects upon the others. The complications of modern life are very apt to result in our being forced into & restrioted sphere and it re ;uirea thought and intelligence to keep mind and body in good condi- tion. The normal man and woman is en- dowed with a brain capable of develop- ment along various lines, To promote this development along a sivgle line creates a one-sldednees which may readily become abnormal, There has never been a time when opportunities were so great for those who desire to broaden their horizon and sultivate interests aside from those forced upon them by their particular trade or occupation, Not to have in- terests and occupation in a world teem- ing with opportunities and possibili- ties is to admit of stupidity and sloth, Fads of one sort or another may pot seem worthy of comparison with the more serious employments of life; pevortheless they may serve those who have been relieved of the necessity of labor and in lieu of better occupation prevent degeneration of mind and body. To be occupied with trifles is | better than not to be occupied at all, | T'o devote one's self to tasks which | require concentration and a combined | effort of mind and body stimulates al ward keepiog uasane sud hesithy, a— Acne Manners Can Be Acquired. An English critic says that the ath- letic girl has no manners and has other faults. showing of a little Baltimore girl late ly in rescuing several children single handed from a burning house, a res cue made possible by her practice at athletic exercises, the lack of polish more or less can easily be forgiven. Manners can always be acquired, but it demands very quick action and abil fty to save lives. The mistake of such critics is to lay the blame on athletics when that blame is due to entirely dif ferent causes. The old idea that gen- tieness went with weakness and wom anliness with timidity is now exploded. ~Baltimore American. The Raa! Dellvery service The following is reprinied from the Postmasters’ Advooate, and will be of special interest to Reporter readers just at this time ss it will aid in cor- recting a wrong Impression : # According tu Fourth Assistant Postmaster General Blakslee, the ru- ral delivery service is in better condi- tion today that at any time since ite inception, There has been some criticism of Mr, Blakslee’s policy Ip regard to this service, ¢specially in the establishment of sutomobile routes, but this will undoubtedly work out all right in most cases, The idea that the Department was trying to save money is completely dispelled by the assurance that whatever Is saved goes into new routes estab'ished. Mr. Blakeslee hss quite a formidable array of figures at bis command to prove his statements in regard to thie, and the other bureaus under his mans- gempent that show a saving, It le evident that businese moihods pre- iif in his corner ¢f the Department,’ FOR BALE i H COAL BTOVES FOR SALE~Large for heating large office or workshop sized wove, sulted tor alinoetl any purpose i first-class condition and good As Bow SMITH, Centre Hal) Pa SO0008CBQ SHES DHT OBEN DOSS Holiday Goods Table Cloths, Nap- Guest Tow- pairs. Bath Linens, kins, Towels, els, and Towels in Center Pieces and Sets, Gloves for Men, and Children. Kerchiefs from 5 cents to 60 cents apiece, Ladies’ Neckwear Fancy York Baskets Toilet Set Book 8 and Toys fi ir 1 he lit { folks. Our China Cor 8G CON ip et £ a Fresh ( Fruits Women eee 9080 ees BRO000000000000ETRNS andies, This Store will ening unti open after OVervy ev * Call before In 1y ing your rifts for vour friends. H. F. Rossman SPRING NILLS, PA COVPrOPRPOPIRE BIE OB CL BROE vs anoEOCW esos 22QO0O9® CH Beware of Ointments fof wereury will sure sell ar yd comp ly destroy the sense whole gystem when ent deranged the ever be ured e pt on prescriptions from reputable phy ans, as the damage they will do is ten can possibly deriv from them, Catarrh Cure, man wufactured by F. J Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., mercury, and Jz taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous sur faces of the system In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure ba sure you get the genu- It It is taken Internally and made In ’ do, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co, Tes- nials free Sold by Druggists. Pri s» per bottle, Take Hall's Family Plils for The Dor betta. CYRUS BRUNUGARI JUSTICE OF THE VFEACE CENTRE HALL, PA, rite gs of al asses, including deeds, mortgages c marriage Heeonses and hunter's CONSOR ROC fared, and all matters pertaining to the ¥ Hoe attended Wo promptly TICE OF THE PEACE L ub] N HALL, CENTRE CO. PA , Mongages, &, &c, written and ex oy wi th care Al {i Pree | mptly sitended Ww 24 al wit given to set. ng of Estates, Marr Avenises, ulomo James WwW. SWABB ACETIBte, snks kepi on hand Nov. 201 yr See me for best prices on | all sizes of WATER PIPES | -also- PUMPS and REPAIRS Everything in the Plumb- ing Line—bathroom fix- | tures, etc., at lowest prices. | J. S. ROWE Centre Hall, Pa. Holiday Cifts of ilverware Det Ah » Silver is the frst thought when considering gifts for any season or occasion. No more graceful ¢ omplime nt can be extended than an offering of rich silver elegant in design, perfect in taste and in the newest shapes. 1847 ROGERS BROS. is the mark which represents the highest perfec. tion in silver plate. With this imprint on every article, you can buy "Silver Plate thai Wears” as safely as an expert. This stamp also guar- antees that each piece 1s perfect mn arustic design and finish. Sold by leading deslers every. where, Send for catalogue “1. showing sll demgns, INTERNATIC HAL SILVER CO. Bucorssor (0 Meriden Br sia Co, MERIDEN, CONN. SBPLROLSARVNIRCL00000000800R0ROR00RO NORD Reo EGDOHIPIOB GORD vo “BER 90002 GRi O00} Insurance and Real Estate If you want to buy or sell propert Centre Hall . ' me, I have several properties in Centre Y near rmerreP0 con 14 COnNnsuit Hall now for sale. sia BR PDewme Chas. D. Bartholomew e t CENTRE MALL, PA, # Svea RPReSPLR LL ¥ HBR rces BBE RNR GOO” LADIES’ “FITZEZY" SHOES will cure corns! SOLD ONLY AT YEAGER'’S SHOE STORE BELLEFONTE pn gd OR EER gl LS a Li 1 up to 50 cents, bough ;before the advance ial prices. 7 cents a pound market - 40 Size Prunes - 60 Size Prunes - Not-a-Seed Raisins Owl Seeded Raisins glory of a statesman is to construct, and that it is better for a man that he | should build a public highway than | that he should become Governor of a state, and that he start a plow than that he become the author of a law, The true test of statesmanship {a the plow and the hammer so let thos who would govern, first build. PREP- I have gathered to- then My candies were in sugar, therefore the spec- - 3 Ibs. 20 cents . 10 cents a 1b. . 12 cents a 1b. . 10 cents a 1b, . 12 ets. a pkg. . - 11 cts. a pkg. £5 HM "fidence ADE in alipopulachi ig game calibres— guns of splen. did accuracy, range and power, hint | ings success if 5 “DP a J g 174 Lik é Big Game Repeating Rifle and famous for their extreme pecuracy, the shooter's face, ealibirey W2520, 2k ramp schon” a5 wih 3 same postage for hig cata. to help you select right gun, i Feed BADGER Dairy Feed Has We have just received A MANL RE PUL Y E RIZER «RESULY ome. 3" OUR MOTTO is worthy of w Boot, Now Haven, Conn IDEA,” for several years past, attests to its manure ders, ID 4 Centre