THE CHARM OF MOTHERHOOD Enhanced By Perfect Physi- cal Health. The experience of Motherhood isatry- ing one to most women and marks dis- tinet¥y an epoch in their lives. Not one wom derstands how to properly care for her- self. Of course nearly every woman nowadays has medical treatment at such times, but many approach the experi- ence with an organism unfitted for the trial of strength, and when it is over her system has received a shock from which it is hard to recover. right upon this comes the nervous strain change in the mother results. beauty. ple time in which to prepare, women will persist in going blindly to the trial Every woman at this time should rely upon Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, 8 most valuable tonic and fnvigorator of the female organism, In many homes once childless there are now children be- cause of the fact that Lydia E. Pink- ham'’s table Compound makes women normal, healthy and strong. Voge Ef you want special adviee write to Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. (confle dential) Lynn, Mass. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman and held in strict confidences The Wretchedness of Constipation Can quickly be overcome by CARTER’S LITTLE LIVER PIL LS. Purely vegetable -act surely and gently on the hver. Cure Biliousness, Head- ache, Dizzi- , ness, and Indigestion. They do their duty SMALL PILL, SMALL DO SM ALL PRICE. Genuine must bear S Signature The | Old Home Prescription that is pleasant to take to help, 18 Hale’s Honey Of Horehound and Tar Stops coughs and reliev Contains no opium nor anytning injurious, All Dru gists. Pike's Toothac vg Drops Stop it and sure DROPSY MEATER relief and short breal fte ir 15 to 95 days. Trial eatment sent FREE DR. THOMAS E. GREEN, Successor to Dr fl. i. Green's Soms. Box A. Chatsworth. Ga And Now They Don't Speak. Annie—It we met think 1 Fannie-1 it. dear I don't think 1 it had it the where first was awfully dark under the trees, and the knew, he'd kissed about done Judge wouldn't been in Credulous, is he?” could sell him a in the “Very credulous, “Why, Eage you mort on a castle Judge Write Murine Eye Remedy Co for Hustrated Book of the Eye Free Queen ith of a degree Elizabe of doctor of IE Car’ t Do the Work A bad back = makes hard i work harder, { All day the dull throb and the sharp, darting pains , make you mis- erable, and there's no rest Lat nignt, Maybe it's your daily work that hurts the kid- > gt D gneys, for jar ring, Jjolting, lifting, reach in dampness and many other stra do weaken them, Cure the kidneys. Use Doan's Kidney Pills. They have helped thousands and should do as well for you, KIDNEY DOAN'S “is 50¢ at all Stores Co. Props. Buffalo, NY. HAIR BALSAM toilet preperation of merit, Pp 0 evadionte AARArY Ha Color or do Cen or Sadat Hale, CANDIDATES AND BOSSES be bossed Unbossed Boused candidates will public officials, if elected. candidates will be unbossed officials This is self-evident that it would seem hardly necessary cal! atten tion to it. But the voters of Penn- svlvania have so often forgotten It or disregarded it, that this reminder may not be amis: What is its application to the pres ent sitnation? in every county of Pennsvivania at this moment certain chosen and the annexes of the Penrose machine called by Elihu Root on one notable occasion, “corrupt and criminal binations masquerading under name Republican’—are seeking tion to office They declare that elected, they will no boss expect the voters to believe them, and unfortunately many voters will be lieve them If a majority voters so foolish as to believe that who are willing to accept the orders of the will disregard th es and disobey their orders after tion. the local government of Pennsyl will be tprned over to the criminal” masqueraders and the bosses will 1 nave Jaugh at 80 to com the elec serve of men and to take the before election, BOSSES @ boss elec Yan.a ‘Cor rupt another term another “plain people Governor asking the gens, declared hi of bosses, and and ior expense of the Brumbaugh on the independer indej voles ate them hey Bruml ove (Governor houl of Re THE ISSUES We NATIONAL DEFENSE of Woodrow Wilson for vividly in a single phrase the essen. tinl force of any great cause, that he should be the first to convert crusade for larger armaments into a defensive rather than an aggressive movement. “National Preparedness,” “National Security,” “Larger Army and Navy"--all the terms and phrases used by advocates of a larger gram for bullding up the army navy of the United States-—failed express efther the justification or purpose of program "National fense" concisely and completely presses both, In assuming the cause, President Wilson has more merely to lend jt the vast of the best-balanced, most calmest judgment now life in America--he slogan that makes irresistible to the intelligence and fe« vast ma of the citizens De ex done than public it a ap ling fority of the country Alleghenie It is mind and and opportunism a f dice, oliti and parti excluded fr con om inject made by National president ONEresses navis critic to es made the rtunit! for the men and the pres good of the The argu Daily here is eloguence wind, and and Thought tae oO in the of the their thing 1# gpirits to apture ngue flow brooks tiling i by i} “OMe n the soul, aw dance of bregatl ~Shel ley Real business is ind and govern other projects and in Man's Business The of man fo his great his n all whether our power to not, are only amuse Pliny New Kind of Fertilizer. A new fertili ize edish scientist another with and iron by minaral a suitalle in an electric treating or bar um furnace, Courage of Despair. foliowing: ‘The courage Turks is explained by the fact man with more than one wife willing to face death than only one” if he had To Prevent Dampness. In damp weather always place a small wooden box filled with lime in the storeroom. This keeps the alr dry and sweet, as the lime absorbs all the dampness, Pines Purify Air, According to a Finnish scientist, the air around pine trees is purer than that around others because their needles disseminate elsetricity into the “mosphere, Sporting Risk. Small Youth.—“1 ain't goin’ to say my prayers tonight, mother. I'm go Aldrich during Payne in effect yuld it for the gos faxes” urn VvOar Ww mgh revenue ut dditional Judging from Aldrich iff its life, under en imports hie war. the the ret tar in normal were deficit af been far greater than un revenue un fiscal year about $363.1 peri yd, 1913, under the the revenues were The of revenue ction of imports on account of course, have been far than the loss of revenue from the reduction of im- ports when those imports paid lower duties. It is clear, therefore, that the Republican tariff law would have left ge in a worse hole, respecting reven- than the Democratic tariff ier the fer the {Under for the Were 00,000 game losa the red ties from Irdian-Americans. The Indians have the best title to the name “real Americans,” since they were here when the first immi grants from the old world arrived on these shores. The fact that they (the indians) may have come here from some other continent does not affect the argument Franco-Prussian Losses, Block, in his book, the “Future of War,” gives the French losses in the war of 1870-71 aa follows: 310,449 prisoners, 21,430 killed in battle; dy ing from wounds, 14398 He does not give the German losses, but in killed and wounded the losses were about equal between the two armies Daily Thought. A great part of the happiness of lite consisis not in fighting battles, but in avolding them. A masterly re- {treat is in itself a vetory —Longlellow, i ALCOHOL-3 PER CENT AVegetable PreparmlionforAs- similating the Food und Regula- fing the Stomachs. and Bowe 50 of Promotes Digestion Cheerful ness and Rest.Contains neither Opium Morphine nor Mineral. or NARCOTIC. Recipe of Oi De SAMUEL PITCYER Rochelle Satter Anise Seed Papperinand Ly -larbongte Soda * Worm Se Clantliod Sugar Wendergreen Haver A perfect Remedy for Cousipa: tion. Sour Stomach Diarrhoea, Worms, Feverishness and | ISS | OF SLEEP, Fac S Simnile Signature of A FETE: Tix CENTA ft COMPANY, NEW YORK. The Right Place. Where was dents college had su a | I Ruess iL was MOTHER'S “NOTIONS” Good for Young People to Follo ag iy little grands to show me how his arms are ‘He n often comes up large the muscles of was a delicate ch but has de- into healthy boy and n has been the principal factor as induced to give him the Post um bec my experienc with it 1 am sixty vears oid, a victim of many medicines yeloped a strong Postun Iw Of own been for tried ail sorts of treatment from no permanent re and have nervous dyspepsia Have had , but Care an q physicians lief came “1 used Postum At first | gave fon to them, but finally of the advertise conclude to try Pos to read the but little attent something in ments made me tum 1 was very prepared strictly according to direc tions, and used good, rich cream. was very nice indeed, and about bed- one of them laughed and said, ‘That's an- other of mother’s notions,” but the no- tion has not left me yet. “I continued to improve right along after leaving off coffee and taking Postum, and now after three years’ use I feel so well that I am almost young again. I know Postum was the cause of the change in my health and 1 cannot say too much in its favor, 1 wish I could persuade all nervous peo- ple to use it.” Creek, Mich. Postum comes in two forms: Postum Cereal—the original forme | must be well botled. 16¢ and 25c pack- | ages. Instant Postum--a soluble powder | dissolves quickly in a cup of hot water, | and, with cream and sugar, makes a delicious beverage instantly. 80c and 50¢ tine. Both kinds are equally delicious and cost about the same per cup. “There's a Reason” for Postum. 1 gorie, It is pleasant, It substance. and allays Feverishness. It destroys Worms Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Pilarrhoea. Troubles and and Eowels, Teething THE CENYTAURN C CUTICURA COMPLEXIONS Are Usual and Clear, Try Ons J Soft anc ANU NEW YORK CITY, methine Better to ng Bette y wale RIC wonderful how sur The best of results are always obtal rheumatism and gout, and invariably stiffness ich 4 ace idly disappear Go in of acute the CARCS join ite, in gravel the pains and wh sistently Grug ho-cont to your nearest gimply ask for a package Fails. ricl untry., sal coonomy Where Money raid that have (oo dg the the this ct That may admitted notice in some « the observant rich man to get has to wait about as person that when a of » number he anvhody el urry 4 ey hd wo The Man for the Job He at his luck Just takes his misfortunes with a smile and keeps plugging along. “Fine, he's just the man we're look ing for. Let's make him chairman olf the entertainment committee and give the worst of Detroit Free never complains it Preas Do you believe that there is a higher power? “My dear sir--1 married her If your disposition is to taik in tidal waves, you will finally be swept from your moorings CITIZENSHIP Every patriotic Citi oy 1 an vat a NATURALIZATION oe, i weihee cre who wi sooner or Inter know its LIZATION Le Fore i. thinks of becomi ) is 8 book Rives you all this informa Hr und. Men to learn barber -_— lod anywhere a re WALT LEL EW SRE WANTED =o ane ates Wontar tal demand for bar oata’ogue. “bs satisfacto DC 35¢ Brings You 6,000 Th A und se sell Law fa A don) Sand with $2500 can ier mang tor price | Hah plant ioe Wg EE Knee kt Ue; eheonp Wg iimi- ut may eas tb reliable be safe chemical compound that ly given to children, be used only by grown-up wish to restore their health by con jously one box-—or more in extreme as “Anuric” (thanks to Doctor Pierce's ach ent) the most perfect k ider core rector obtai 10 acto- ally ys fo gcie is by far jevem idney and bla able do a mean thing, but if you are do it now If you intend walt until ton do good. io OTITOW | going to Relieves Neuralgia h quick relief from atica or rheumatis ent. It stops p imation instantiy. thing gives su gia nu all lays the i YAGER’S LINIMENT The great external pate allevigty TESTINONY Mes, Mary 8 Paterson, 635 Fa Ave 8 BE Washington D.C i have rout ae Yagers Liniment and found It gives greal from pain At all dealers — An elght unce bottle for 25%¢ Prepared by GILBER! BROS. & CO, Ine. Ga'timore. Md. relief be dissolved in water as needed For Douches In the local treatment of woman's § such as Jencorthoea and inflam douches of Paxtine are very efficac No woman who has ever used med douches will fail to a ental condition Pax Jrodhons and the healing Firms | por ety fe Oo igi Yoo | ommended Paxtine in their Bo i ees op | | men, which proves ita arity. Women we have boen | rolisved say it | weight in gold. it A le, a free,