THE CENTRE REPORTER. Pi mce——————- —— —— - ——— ———— THURSDAY, O TOBERZ28, 1915 CHURCH APPOINTMENTS Reformed Centre Hall, moming ; Tuseyville, afternoon. Lutheran—Unijon, morning: Georges Valley, afternoon ; Centre Hall, evening. Presbyterian—8pring Mills, morning ; Centre Hall, afternoon. Prof. J. T. Marsh man of Btate College will preach, 10:80 a. m.; 700 p. Methodist. ~ Sprucetown, Centre Hall, 2:80 p. m.; Bpring Mills, m A special service will be held at these appointments | at which time Dr. Winter and Prof, Eddy, lay" | men of the ME. church at State College, will | speak in the interest of the Conference Annuity fund. LOUALS John A. Black of near Potters Mille is quite ill, suffering from pneumounis. Mr. and Mrs, Jacob Ray of Lemont are spending a few days at the home of the latter's niece, Mrs. John Ruble, Mrs, James Herring of Altoona spent a few days last week with her sister, Mrs, Laura Lee, at the George E. Breon home, Mr. and Mis, Willara former’s mother, Mre, of Franklin, traveling spent Bunday at the C. mew home, Mre, Joseph Kreamer, Mrs. Charles Fair and eon, William K., of Lebanon spent a few days last week at the howe of the former's sop, John Kreamer, in this place. Henry Potter, west of Centre Hall, has been confined to bed for the past several weeke, suffering with liver complaint. Last week a specialist, Dr. C. A. Rossell, of Philadelphis, was in attendance, Mre. John Ruble and daughters, Dorothy and Genevieve, and sob, Donald, attended the funeral of Mre. Ruble’s nephew, Richard Hoy, the un- fortunate young man who met death while hunting on Monday afternoon, Wilk and the Lorenza Wilk, their car, Bartholo- in D. Among the apple orehards in Penns Valley produced good yields this fall waa that of J. C. pear town, Mr. Rossman’s orchard is small in the number of trees but the yield and quality of fruit was exce!- lent. Wanted :(—Man to which Rossman, take orders and * MN. 8, Convention at Spiing Mills, The twentieth semi-anpual Bunday- school convention held at Bpriong Mille, on Friday, was one of unusual interes’, Delegates from sixteen gechools were in attendance, A hearty welcome was extended to all by the pastor, W, H. WiHiame., The address by Rev. Donat on “Does the conven tion benefit the Funday-schools?” brought forth a lively discussion, Mre, OC. E. McGirk, Dean Watts, and Pres, 1. IL, Harvey, all handled their subjects in a manver that showed deep thooght, carried out in the Bunday-schoo!, Cer tre county would soon be In advanced position instead of lagging behind, The great “Convention by the Lake,” from the testimony of those who bad the privilege of attendiog, proved it ome of the most successful and educational ever held in Pennsyl- vanis, and the State ¥. 8, Association faces the coming year with high hopes and much enthusiasm for the work, The music under leadership of T. M. Gramley helped to brighten the geasione, On motion a letter of greetings from the convention and sympathy illness and recent bereavemen!, was sent Dr. W. H, Behuayler, who has al- ways manifested a deep interest in the schools and convention of eleventh district. oi rien fp Qe ———— and were thelr suggestions the in his Marriage Licenses, A. Ralph Krumrine, State College Gordon Riter, Chester Hill -—— Linden Hall Paul Noll, the youth seriously injured lsat week in from the hay mow, is able to who was be out again, HMamuel Ross, aged seventeen shot a fat wild turkey tain pear Linden Hall on ing. Mr. and Alonzo toons, accompanied by Mary Carper, arrived on Thursday, taking Mrs, Carper to the home of her daughter, Mre. Nathsniel Ziegler, at Mille. They returped on Monday, morn Mre, Rupp of Spring deliver tes, coffee, baking powder, nearby towne. Highest Apply to The Gt. 18308 N. 8rd. st. it. Nary a wild turkey has graced the board of a local hunter since the open- Turkeys are being killed on all sides, but this side of Nittany Mountain for a stretch of several miles has proved poor turkey country, although several flocks were seen shortly before the season. tre Hall and commission paid, Atl, & Pac. Tea Co, Harrisburg, Ps. ing of the season, The Btate-Centre Electric Company on Wednesday morning commenced setting poles in the mountain for carry- ing their line to this borough. The company is making rapid progress ip their work and if weather conditions don’t interfere will make good their promise of early service. And on Movday the cottontail will hear the hunter's gun close to his ears, The season ia the shortest in years, extending only throughout November. A peculiar law which makes the ses- son on game which exists in the great- est numbers in the state almost as short as that of the deer season, The Ladies’ Aid Methodist church was entertained at the home of Mr. snd Mre. Chas, D. Bartholomew on Thursday. More than two score ladies were engaged the entire day in plying ihe needle on articles which will be sold at 8 bazaar this winter, Twenty-two took dinner and twenty-five supper at the Bartho- lomew home, Society of the Arbor Day was observed by the local High school by a trip to the Greens Valley State forest, under the care of Forester Leonard Barnes, Prof, W. O. Heckman and twenty of his tcholars were shown every detail of the work of reforestation, including a visit to the nursery and the plantations, Mr. Barnes presented the class with two thrifty five-year-old pines which the cisss planted on the school cam- pus. The first fatal hunting sccident of the season in Centre county was re- corded on Monday when a young man at Centre Furnace became the vietim of his own carlessnese, It’s the old story of holding a gun with the muzzle directed at some point of the body. This indiscretion has been the cause of many hunters’ lives being lost when a jar or the releasing of a cocked ham- mer has sent a load of cold shot pour fog into the vitals of 8 human being, instead of into the ground or air, in which directions only the muzzle of a gun should be pointed when it la pot desired to take aim st some game bird or animal, ———— IA IPRA Georges Valley Mre, Ulrich of Mill Hall js visiting her granddaughter, Mre. Dolen Decker. J. B. Ripka and family spent Bun- day at the home of his slater, Mrs, William Musser, near HBober, J. CO. Barger attended the funeral of Samuel Neese on Saturday at Milroy ; he also visited hile daughter, Mre, Or. ris Pecht, at Biglerville, returning bome on Bundsy. Edward Horner, a nut to Willismeport on Monday to in regard to | health, and was advised to submit to He entered the Belle and Wednesday section hapd, | wi | consult a physician he an operation, fonte hospital went under the knife for appendicitis, on Centre Hil, Lloyd Smith finished his threshing lant week, Harry Schuyler “ trip to the home of H. I. Monday evening. Charles Foust f#*8 busis Foust made mn another wreck last week. While making a turn in front of Carson's store at Potters Mills horse frightened and overturned the bugey, dragging it and the boy for a few feet the animal was The buggy was strsined some placer and the boy's bruised ; otherwise tl ere were no dam- sges. had the before caught, in legs were Tm —— — FRUITTOWN. Miss Elia Phillips returned to Mil- roy on Bunday where she is employed. D. C. Fohrioger moved last Wed- pesday from the Thomas farm fo his homestead at this plsce, Mr. and Mre, J. B. Bitner and daughter, Ethel, spent the latter part of the week with friends at Htate lege. Orpba Fleisher returned home one day last week after a two weeks’ visit with friends and relatives at Aarons burg. Those who spent Bunday evening at the home of T, J, Fleisher home were Mr. and Mre. C. A. Miller and Doras Klinefeller, ——— AS ———— mxperiments at tate College Show Vaine of Barnyard Manure Experiments at the school of sgri- culture and experiment station of the Pennsylvania State College show con- clusively that grest care must be exe:- cised in bandling manures in order to secure the greatest returns from their use, A well-kept manure hesp may be token safely as one of the surest indi cations of thrift and success in farm- ing. The keeping of live stock to con sume farm products and convert them into manure has long been recognised as an efficient way of maintaining the fertility of the farm, All farmers recognize the beneficial effects of farm manute, but compara- tively few realize the losses to which manures are subjected or the care necissary to prevent these losses, A clear understanding of the man ner in which these losses occur, of the enormous amount of money that must be invested in fertilizers to make good these losses, ne well as of the elements which need to be sdded to manure to make it 8 well balanced ration for plants, would undoubtedly be an in centive to most farmers to endeavor to get the most out of this valuable by- product of the farm. I TAI Houtheide voters, turn out and help elect your Demoorstic nelghbore, They are all thoroughly competent and obliging. vole “ine Grove Miils Tuesaday ia election ; : out ight, wat vote and vote al James Dixon spent Sunday parents at Bate College, Myre, Frank Bmith, very ill, ia now convalescing, George and Boyd Hall were here for their frisky tribe, Mre. Mary Homan visitor at home with hi who bas been of Centre of the Potter shinre wis 8 welcome the old weow, tary W oid [fr the valley. fant fri 5 vigs "ng Mra, lenry Wagner a Grover Harpets Allen Wieland home, Mre, W, K, very near life’ repent Monday ¢ y orl Wio nes 3 eng the past very much lmproved, William Miller and esch came in with a fat turkey on the Ad, Hartawick second day's hun’, Register Fra ner W. H. N riewing thi ! Mre. W. E. visitors at the . and Hnday at Pine Hall, Jaen both Bpruce Ureek home Oliver aud epergelic Young i Valley, greeted [rier in town Haturday Mre. John Qainn sand mother, Mre, Katharine K vis verhar!, wern Mondas itors at the Samuel Everhert hom J. H, Birouse and fi i Ove thelr 1 Geir Low Pens : Valley and ut of | i Frank Keller and mother o new Pullman car, i spent Williams nome, Royer sper man bow Hall i to Bloon day si the J. W, fin sUUrg where Lhey Hsanoah ogether and ne NE Eran fary Ja uHOe i ugh aimos tk and well, Flick iB Dri EY. wi preach ($a! al Pine heran ireh at Hall “vel A new 25-"on spans the Branch snd open for travel, tinl strociure and a credit builder, The Woman suflrage meeting i $ “a frteene out, Mire. Beech of sum { stock left Newlon Hees and nes! departed ~aturday n sight-seeing trip toward Lh and will the cific ex posi vieit on and many trip points of interest, George EB, Meek and Jolin Shugs: Bellefonte tankers, regiate Ht, Elmo Saturday evening | 3 This wea their first visit to that lar hoetelry over which Mre. J. Rep'er presi Mr. and Mrs, Ie Mr. and Mre. Willlam Lytle motored down Penns Valley Fundsy and spent the day with friends near W oodwerd, being perfectly delighted with the joy ride in Mr. Ishler’s new Biludebsker Car. That famous bird, liberal last week, homes of J. DD. Neidigh where left a little Mise, No. 11 of that happy group ; at John Meyers a chubby boy, No. 4, and at EJ, Mayes a little daugt - ter, No. 2. KBherift A. B. Lee, Col. snd N. B. Spangler of Bellefonte tarried in town a short time Fridsy greeting frierds slong the political line, Baturdsy they went to Balleyville where they met with a number of volers with whom they had s chat over the oul- I ok of the coming election, J. E. Reed ia repovating his home st Rook Bprioge, both interior and ex terior. A new porch extending over she entire front is belog erectec., Mr. MoElvane bas the job, When coms pleted Mr. Reed and his wife will re tire for a well-earned reat, and their sor, Robert, will be the farmer, ¥ EY, William ler and the Ftork. wee hovericg over Lhe he “mie Regiater FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9TH, 1230 o'clock. -W, O. Gramley, at Spring Milis, will sell 32 Head | Holstein Cattio~0 registered animals and bal: ance grade ; also span of mules, 12 yours old. Hee Posters, ‘ MONDAY, MARCH 0TH, ten o'clock a. fhe D, Geiss Wagner, one mile west of Tusseyville, will soll farm stock and Implements. This will RI I CR hii Rt iis ca ana ne II SRR RRR is 4 ad pas — ees SC wu IRTISEMENTS . 4 ¢ VERT MENT Make & cross opposite the pame of That can vole for him. HOU? ish Beagle i Heglstered sito 1 Orvir, i* the only Silver of Quality 1, ite ! On wt your own as fo pat- [re the EY Et Y LOT but remember is the most lant feature, 1841 ‘ROGERS BROS. | ER IS A PERFECT | | | =m PIANO. 11 Mil itiful, the * 20 CAME right and is simply satin finish fine, the ] i . he i i ) i fhig ame stame on | join the ivory ke are perfection. the action | } a my Mm ail Lhe same time of easy touch, The scale is #5 even as any as I hove seen and the tone is beat y Lid i spent some time examining ine instrument snd failed to fin ngle flaw in it. The result i AVER n i r — 1 with the piano s Greensboro, N. (C, F¢ % Full ‘ } : : af i . lev, Bell is a Methodist Minister. wh : entering ministry was : more than years, proud of the high reputa- » suf fare 3 3p . 34 Py i Pennsylvanians alle rioni Hy f : LAY arf 1 1 of the wonderful York, Pa. Let me show you the WEAVER PIANO. PHILIP H. MEYER, CENTRE HALL, PA. I AM THE } SENTATIVE WTR ST ———— {CTORY REPRE FRESH OYSTERS AT THE~ New (Goods at Kreamer’s Centre Hall Bakery CAPS HATS SHIRTS A big variety of Caps for Men and all size: The season for this popular food is here again and you will find us to have the nicest and largest oysters that can be bought. Take a pint or a quart home to-night, The best for cating raw or ut stews. colors; excellent Soft Hats at low ave | : { JOYS In 3 and " 1 p : quality, Fine quality prices. Fresh OYSTER CRACKERS Gentre Hall Bakery Where Good ( | KREAMER & SON | CHAS. PENNINGTON, Propriet : HAS, , Proprieto CENTRE HALL. PA. Ra — Brings result —s Reg Men's and made right, look right, priced righ Ask to us show them to you, I... ue a —.— + ee . rier sav be a olean sale of everyihing, SPECIAL SALE FOR ONE DAY (SATURDAY \ YN] Y OCTOBER 30 AT NIEMAN'S DEPARTMENT STORE Our Entire Line of LADIES’ COATS, SUITS DRESSES, SKIRTS, WAISTS and FURS —Everything in the line of Ladies’ Garments in this store will be offered at great reduction and those who are shrewd enough and far-seeing enough to realize the remarkabl chance for exceptional money saving are going to secure some Stylish and Fine Quality Clothing at prices far below what you are ordinarily obliged to pay. You know that our sales have always meant big values, There will be plenty of competent salespeople to see that you will receive the best of attention in making your selections during this ONE DAY sale. THIS IS OUR REASON FOR DECLAR- ING THIS ONE-DAY SALE : It has always been our rule to buy a liberal assortment of merchandise in all lines, This season, however, we received from the eastern markets a great deal more than usual for the double reason that our business is increasing fast and that we know that much goods will be higher in price later in the season. Our buying in large quantities was done for the purpose of saving money for our friends. This sale gives you an opportunity to save beyond the orginal saving which we accomplished for you, A Big Store With Big Assortments of Big Values D. J. NIEMAN MILLHEIM, PA.