The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, July 15, 1915, Image 7

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| STRAWBERRIES ON OLD LAND ! Exceptional Luck.
—————— A vehement argument, in whieh
White Grubs in Soil of This Nature | |WO racehorse players were defending
May Be Killed Out by Winter their judgment, was overheard . last
Weather—Good Care Pays. night.
ci ! “Why, nobody but
{ havé played that
“Well, he won, didn’t he? You can't
How about this
I's a Picnic Getting Ready for a Picnic
If you choose
Sweet Relish Ham Loaf Veal Loaf
Jellies Apple Butter
Pork and Beans
Mr. Butler Bdgar of Danville, Pa
writes “1 have had an aggravated
case of Eczema for over 25 vears My
hands were unsightly for a great part
of that long period. 1 have used seven
60c. bottles of Hancock's Bulphur
Compound and one jar of Hancock's
Sulphur Olntment 1 feel as though
I had a brand new pair of hands. My
case has such an aggravated
Hancock's Sulphur Compound
cured me I
and 1 am certain it wil}
Pure Milk Cannot Be Secured
From a Filthy Animal.
a sucker would
farms if a horse,” gald the
plantation is to be had it must be |
from an old meadow. If this is the |
case, the fall is a good time to pre | get away from that.
pare such a place. A few years ago I | bank roll?”
followed out this plan, and had ex- | “Well,” sald No. 1, he looked
cellent results, says a writer in an | rather longingly at the money; “well,
exchange. 1 plowed the land just be. | all I've got to say is this: Most any
fore cold weather set in It | old blind hog will dig up acorn
The curry comb and brush are just | some day.”—Loulsville Time
&8 essential to the health, comfort and | —— — cure
appearance of the cow as they are to |
the horse. Clean, pure milk cannot be
had from a filthy cow A well ar
{ ranged barn and plenty of bedding as-
| sist in keeping the
| a sanitary condition at all times.
By the use of good stanchions the !
| cows are kept much cleaner than where :
| they are simply tied with a rope or |
| halter, as by the use of stanchions the |
| COWs are not able to back off and li
in the manure with |
methods of
On many strawberry
Spanish Olives Pickles
Chicken Loal Fruit Preserves
Luncheon Meats #
Curry Comb and Brush as Essential in
Dairy Barn as in Horse Stable—
Remove Bedding From the
Stalls Every Day,
Ready to Serve
Food Products
Insist on Libby's at
Your grocer’s
Libby, MSNeill & Libby
“oy one
one if they
fans persist
according to directions Hancock's
That's All
Sulphur Comraiund an
d Ointment are
-— Adv,
‘What at
the photographer's?”
you doing so long . Ye ,
sold by dealers Hancock
Sulphur Baltimore, Md
greatly cow in
The War Zone
| down as they do
{ other stabling §
sually and plentiful
dairy farms, and it
| neg
The Effects of Opiates,
Te INFANTS are peculiarly susceptible to opium and its various
preparations, all of which are narcotic, is well known, Even in the
smallest doses, if continued, these « piates cause changes in the func.
tions and growth of the cells which are likely to become permanent, causing
imbecility, mental perversion, a craving for alcohol or narcotics in later life.
Nervous diseases, such as intractable nervous dyspepsia and lack of staying
powers are a result of dosing with « piates or narcotics to keep children quiet
in their infancy. The rule among physicians is that children should never
receive opiates in the smallest doses for more than
only then if unavoidable,
The administration of Anodvnes.
other narcotics to children by any
decried, and the druggist should not be
lect to bed the cow
ding should be removes
Fooling the Enemy.
was falling steadil
i 3 3 every day, and fresi
plodded on through
At last he
rd him
cyclist ‘
| Daddy Happily Possession The manure should be |
Knowledge as to Where One Vac. bam to the fleld
Was Located. every day or two |
it from ‘he
spied a fig
through the |
LArougn tt uum
barn fi
a day at & tine, and
Drops, {
but a physician
rdials, Soothing Syrups
cannot be too strc
it. Children who are i
Wrong Document.
on leave
asked t«
wccident his
Corn on the Cob
—the Roasting Ear
Is not more delicious than the
Post Toasties
In the growth of corn there is a period when the
kernels are plumped out with a vegetable milk, most
nutritious (roasting ears). As it slowly ripens this
hardens and finally becomes almost flinty.
This nutritious part of the corn is cooked, sea-
soned, rolled thin, and toasted by a new process which
enhances the true corn flavour.
Different from ordinary corn flakes, the New Post
Toasties have a distinctive form and flavour; and they
keep their appetizing crispness, even after cream or
milk is added.
These Superior Corn Flakes come oven-fresh in
tight wax-sealed packages; and they cost no more than
ordinary “corn flakes.” Insist upon having
New Post Toasties
Your grocer has them now.
I rs
pens i
of feeding
rovided with
is a very cleanly
readily eat soiled
Insects Are More or Less Abundant in
All of Corn-Growing States of
Mississippi Valley.
J. TROOP, Purdue Exe
Numerous have been re
viz., the corn root
The corn rootworm has destroyed
of insects to control. when once the
habits. Like most insects of this
class, it is useless to attempt to hold
it covers too much territory,
and, during the period when it does
its injury, is concealed beneath the
surface of the soil. As one becomes
better acquainted with its life history,
therefore, the more evident it becomes
that the application of good, up-to-date |
farming methods is the only remedy |
needed, i
As the larvae do not feed upon any. |
thing but the corn roots, it is evident |
that if a regular rotation of crops is |
practiced, so that corn is grown on |
the same soil only once or twice in
three or four years, there will be no
chance for the insects to increase,
Water Supply for Cows.
In the matter of water supply for
the cows if it cannot be had from
running stream or spring it should
come from a deep well that is kept
clean at all times and not subject to
surface drainage, and the water for
use in the barnyard or for washing
the dairy utensils should be kept free
from foreign matter and taints of all
kinds, :
Life of Asparagus Roots.
Asparagus roots, properly planted,
fertilized and given good culture, will
continue to produce large spears for
Gfteen to iwenly years in nsccession.
a good pri ¢ for the
Loves gr rena ration ¢
fODE Preparation
North Dakota Experiment Station
Makes Interesting Test With Dif.
ferent Noxious Plants.
in a
weed experis
Bo green foxtall
fo live-in
i Ai
In five years the seeds were
None seeds at the o
two-inch depths were left A
of the French weed geeds at the seven
and ten-inch depths grew, Of the green
foxtall, one seed from the five-inch
depth grew, and one gixteenth of those
buried ten inches germinated. Of the
of the
the ten-inch depth grew. Of the wild
wstard, a few of The
ten inches grew, and one-fourth
of the wild oats and wild buckwheat
seeds were dead.
erable Depth Without Elevating
Surface to Any Extent,
ing a traction plow invented by H. N.
Carpenter of De Witt, Mich., says:
plow, in which a number of rotary cut
Traction Plow.
ters extend deeply into the ground ané
are rotated positively by powerdriven
gearing employed for the purpose, so
that the cutters stir the ground for a
considerable depth, but without sie
vating the subsoil to a substantially
higher plane than that in which it is
located before the plow begins work.
Keep Cats Around Barn.
Always keep a family of cats about
the bam. By feeding them at milk
ing time they will do much to keep
down the rats and mice. Rats, mice
and milk make very good ration for
cats and young growing kittens. Not
exactly balanced, but fully adapted
to their needs.
need the attention of
dose them willfully with narcotics.
signature of Chas. H. Fletcher
After Twenty Years Son Pre
Had Been Obeyed
duces Fa
~Testator's Instructions
As to Your Hair and Skin, Cuticura
Will Help You. Trial Free,
The Soap to cleanse and purify, the
Ointment to soothe and heal. These
{fragrant super creamy emollients pre.
serve the natural purity and beauty
f the skin under conditions which.
if neglected, tend to produce a state
of irritation and disfigurement.
Free sample each by mail with Book.
Boston. Sold everywhere —Ady.
Easily Pleased,
“Guess I'd better order a few going-
gowns.” said she brightly
"Nix on the goingawas gowns, my
dear,” sald her husband gloomily., “I
afford to take nywhere
can’t you
right,” was cheerful re
‘Then I'll order a few
home gowns”
Not in It
Oldboy-1 suppose your many
mirers are getting jealous of me?
Mise Liveleigh
ing on mother. Judge,
Sounds Like a Stadium Piece.
of Andromeda?
She--No: where was it played?
The Taleum of Quality, for refined
people; Perfume rich, lasting, and ex-
quisite; Powder of velvety fineness
In Glass Jure—18¢c. and 28.
Bold by all dealers.
a party to )
nothing less than a cris
Weak Watery
TT g
f the Fre
y WeRnLD's .
aT 1 Td Restorer
Never Fails
te give beautiful color te
FRA i}
Sealer has
wil be sent 3
| MRS. S. A. ALLEN, 55 Barclay St. NewYork
Make the Liver
Do its Duty
Nine times in ten when the liver is
right the stomach and bowels are right.
gently but firmly com
pel a lazy liver to
do its duty.
Cures Cone
stipation, In-
and Distress After Eating.
Genuine must bea: Signature
rashes, hives, red.
ness and skin blemishes can
be quickly removed with
Delightful in = warm bath
before Petiring-soothes the
nerves and induces refresh.
ing sleep. Drugyists, «
“Hil Hair and oy hishs § Dye,
Placed suywhere, at.
tracts and kills al)
Eivn. Kent oloan, or
metal, enn tepd ior big
over; will net sell on
injure anything
W. N. U, BALTIMORE, NO. 28-1915.