The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, June 17, 1915, Image 4

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T THURSDAY, JUNE 17, 1915.
SMITH & BAILEY . . . . , Froprictors
S. W.SMITH . . . . . «. « «. . Editor
{ Local Editor and
EDWARD E. BAILEY | Business Manager
Entered at the Post Office in Centre Hall as
second Class mail matter,
TERMS. ~The terms of subscription to the Re
porter are one and one-half dollars per year.
ADVERTISING RATES-—Display advertise
ment of ten or more inches, for three or more iu
sertions, ten cents per inch for each issue. Dis
Pay advertising occupying less space than ten
nches and for than three msertions, from
fifteen to twenty-five cents per inch for each
issue, according to composition. Minimum
charge seveuty-five centa.
Local notices ASOOWpANYIDE
ing five cents per line for eac
wise, eight cents per line,
twenty-five cents.
1 notices, twenty cents per line for three
insertions, and ten cents per line for each ad-
ditional insertion,
display sadvertis-
insertion ; other.
minimum charge,
Presbyterian — No service.
Lutheran~Spring Mills, morning ; Centre Hall,
afternoon ; Tusseyville, evening.
United Evangelical- Lemont, morning ; Lin
den Hall afternoon; Lemont, Children's Day
service, evening.
Reformed-—Union, morning, Communion
Spring Mills, afternoon, Communion ;
Hall, evening, Children’s Day service,
We are authorized to announce that James K
Harter of Penn township is a candidate for the
office of County Treasurer, on the Democratic
ticket, subject to the rules governing the Primary
Election. paid
We are authorized to announce that W. Francis
Speer is a candidate for the office of Recorder of
Centre County, on the Democratic ticket, sub-
ject to the rules governing the Primary Election.
We are authorized to apnonnece that D. KR.
Foreman of Bellefonte is a candidate for the
office of Prothonotary, on the Democratic ticket,
subject to the rules governing the Prupary
Election, paid
We are authorized to announce that J. Frank
Smith of Bellefonte is a candidate for the office of
Register, on the Democratic ticket, subject to the
rules governing the Primary Election.
To the Democratic Voters of Oralre Couns
At the coming Primary Election
candidate for Democratic
Sheriff and respectfully solicit the votes
Philipsburg, Pa.
We are authorized to announce as the candi
date of the people and for the people the name of
J. Kennedy Johnston for the office of Jud
Centre County ( being the 49th. Judicial D
who respectfully solicits your influence and =
port on his behalf for said office upon & non-part
san ticket,
We are authorized to announce that N }
Spangler is a candidate for the office of Judge,
subject to the decision of the voters at the pri
maries to be held, Tuesday, September Jlst,
The Weather.
Readings of the thermometer are made dally at
5 p.m., and indicate the highest and lowest
Joan reached during the preceding wwenty-lour
wus y
(re song
| soyou; uy
Wednesday, »
Thursday, 10
Friday, 11!
Bunday, 12
Monday, 14
Tuesday, 15
F means fair; ©
means cloudy; F (
partly cloudy.
Mre. A. Luckenbach of Bellefonte is
spending a week at the bome of her
sister, Mre. D. J. Meyer.
Miss Lulu Homan spent Bunday sat
the home of her sister, Mre. Chester
Homan, at State College.
A union prayer meeting will be held
in the Reformed church Friday even-
ing at 7:30 o'clock. Everybody is in-
A Children’s Day service will be
held by the Murray Union Bunday-
school, in the Murray school building,
sunday evening.
More than 150,000 horses have been
shipped from the National Stock
Yards in Illinois to be used in the
armies of the Allies,
There was a flood of sutomobiles
through Centre Hall on Banday. The
light rain in the morning settled the
dust, so that the day was an ideal ove
for motoring.
Millhelm's Evangelistic Unmpaign,
Interest in the evangelistic oan-
paign in: Millheim is reaching fever
heat, Half of the six weeks’ oamx-
paign is completed and the results
show that about one hundred and fifty
persons have accepted Christ and the
number is steadily inoreasing. Dur-
ing the past week the meetings have
been so well attended that the tabe:-
nacle failed to hold all who wished to
hear Evangelist Brown in his forceful
and damsging attacks on sin and vice,
Interest in religious matters appears to
be getting a mighty grip upon many
of the people of the community.
Thursday night was ‘‘ Booster’s
Night.” About one hundred chi’
drer, all under twelve years of age, oc-
cuplied the choir and gave some apler -
did selections which were highly ap-
preciated by al'. Mr. Goodwin has
won the hearts of the children and
they are doing their part nobly, Fri-
day night a large crowd was present
and erjoyed the specisl music, this be-
ing ** Musieal Night.” On Bunday
morning the meeting took the natu e
of a consecration servica again and
those who were present assert that it
was one of the beat services held up to
the present time. Bunday afternoon
at eleven hundred
women came and listened to the spec-
3 o'clock aboot
ial address which was given to women
only. Evangelist Brown has a way of
presenting the truth slong the line of
questions of vital importance in life,
which leaves the message of truth im-
pressed on the hearts of the hearers in
a way that can not be shaken off. A
large crowd was in attendaupce in the
evening. Thesutject of the evening
‘ The unpardonable sip.” The
messsge was presented in a way that
cleared up much of the cloudy atmos-
phere of doubt and fear in the hearts
of many. or more per-
gona hit the trail at the conclusion of
this being the largest
number that ever surrendered to the
Lord during the campaign at any one
the servicer,
The meetings are just rightly get-
tiog bold of the people and hopes are
running high for a great Ingstheriog
of souls before the meetings close,
an A — A LA ——
New FF, Mat Leman?
John I. Williams was recantly sp-
pointed postmaster at Lemont to suc-
ceed John Mitchel has been
efficient postmaster at that place for =
period of fifteen years. It is presumed
Mr. Williams will enter upon the
duties of his appointment July Ist,
which is the beginning of the new
quarter in postoffice business. The
location of the postoffice will be
Mr. Mitchell has been
conducting it in connection with his
hardware business and in
changed, as
the same
emma ons
Ntate College Ve, Centre Hall
ball tossers
of Btate College will endeavor to clean
ap the local club on Grange Park this
Thuraday ) afternoov. The team will
be composed of members selected from
the four different clubs comprising the
SBaoday-ichool league at that piser
The game promises to be a good ove
so go out and *' root, root, root for the
home team.”
A team of the best nine
edb stfem——
Odd Fellows Will Decorate,
Centre Hall Lodge, I. 0. O. F., will
decorate the graves of deceased broth-
err, on Runday, June 20th. A large
number will be conveyed in sutomc-
biles to the several cemeteries in the
valley where deceased members are
buried. The services will be held at
these bours: Tusseyville and Zion
hill cemeteries, 2:00 o'clock ; Bpruece-
towr, 230 o'clock ; Centre Hall, 6:30
o'clock. Vietor Jones will deliver an
address at Sprucetown and Rev. W. H.
Williams at Centre Hall.
Marriage Licenses,
Earvie Lytle, Philipsburg
Mary A. Ramey, Hudson
Daniel A. S'etler, Aaronsburg
Helen L. Btover, Asronsburg
Free Lecture in M. KE, Charch,
George Houlz spent Saturday snd
Honday with friends at Millhelmr,
J. H, Water of Centre Hall spent s
day at Boalsbury,
Rev, J. M. Marshman will preach
in the Presbyterian church Sunday
afternoon at 3 o'clock.
“ Loyal Hearts and True’ will be
given in the Reformed church, Bur-
day evening, st 745,
Joseph Myers, with his chiidrer, of
Axe Manr, spent an afternoon at
George C'. Meyer and family of State
College spent Bundsy at Locust urove
Kdward Tassey of Arch HBprings was
a guest at the William Goheen home
for several days.
A. N. Hosterman spent 8 week with
relativ 8 at Penn Hall, Asropsburg
and Woodward,
Mre. (. KE. Mothersbaugh, with her
child, spent several days with her pe-
rents at Mtate College,
Mre. Annie Laytor, with her grand-
daughter of Pittsburgh, were
visitors at the William Patlerson
Mr. Long of Bedford and Miss Lu-
cretia Thompson of Juniata visited for
geveral days with Mr, and Mrr, E. RB.
Mre. H. N. Lonberger, with some of
her childrer, of Biate Collegr,
in Boalsburg from Friday until Tues
M. Goheen and family and Mrs, H,
M. Hosterman and son Frank enjoyed
an auto ride to Aaronsburg and Wood
ward on Friday,
Members of the lodge of Old Fe!
jows st Boalsburg who attended the
funeral of George Pine
Hal', on Bunday afterpoor, wera 0,
W. Stover, Harry Harro, H. M. Hos
termar, Albert Kyler, Geo. FF, Meyer
CC. W. Corl, D. W. E. BRB.
Mre. John Durper gave » surprise
party for her son Paul, Friday evep-
ing in honor of his twelfth birthday
Ten of his companions erjoyed
RBeahers at
Myers and
(George I=hler, Elwood Rtover
wood Aller,
evening with him,
| Fisher,
| Joseph
| Harre, El
=mhutt Ream,
Frank Hoste
ouse, Paul Coxe;
Lester Bi
a——— or —
Pine Grove Miils
A. ¥, Walker has the suto fever and
only 8 Ford car will suflicr,
F. H. Bailey and W_. H. Glenn were
Milton visi ors last week.
Mr. and Mrr. J. F. Kimport spent
SBandsy with friends at Bloomsdor!
(. F. Miller is re-rocfing his barp
with cedar shingles
W. H. Brown.and J. H. Balley sare
each mauipulating the wheel on a new
We are sorry to announce the iliness
of Clayton SBtruble with sciatica ; he is
confioed to hed
Miss Esther Spare of Ohio is makiog
ber snpusl summer visit with Miss
Maggie Reed,
Mrr. John Olewine of Bellefonle has
been visiting friends in the valley for
the past week
Mre. Bue Fry and Esther
Richie, of Altoone, are at the L. H
Osman home for a brief stay.
Mr. and Mrr. William Glenn and
daughter Margaret spent Funday at
the home of W. H. Glenr
Mrs. David Beruder of Ohio is here
for a brief visit among Centre county
Children’s Day will be obwerved in
the Reformed church at Pine Hall
Sunday evening, the 27ib.
Miss Dorothy Miller of Holiday:-
burg is spending ber mid-summer
vacation among friends in the Glades.
Sehreck Bros, the hustling carriage
dealers, were here on Monday and
made several large sales of rigs and
Mre. Millie CU, Bwigg of Nebraska is
here for Old Home Week and to spend
the summer with friends of her child-
hood dayr.
Dr. Frank Bailey of Milton was here
several days visiting his mother and
giving his brother John instructions in
manipulating his new Ford car,
will te more cautious about keeping to
the right.
| Rev, L. P. Bpanglet’s resignation
| has been accepted by the charge and
he fillea the pulpit Funday evening
for the last time as pastor. His people
are loath to see him ge, He isa gifted
pulpit orator snd his true christian
#pirit is thoroughly interwoven in his
mak«up sa 8 minister of the gospel,
His household goods were shipped by
rail from Penn's Furnsce to Evereut
on Wedoesday., He will make the
journrsy in his new Ford car.
The stretch of state road west of Pine
Hall hss been completed. Under
supervisor I. A, Decker's management
work was pushed to a finish, Mon.
day and Tuesday the state machinery
wae moved to the road just east of
town wheres good quarry bas been
opened up and work on the state road
westward through town will be rushed
through to Rock Bpriogs before the
snow {likes flv,
Robert Bailey, tenant farmer on the
T. D. Boal fare, Friday figured in a
runaway while ia the set of unbiteb-
cornfield. When one horse was freed
the other took fright and the team
started snd he became entangled in
the harpess snd lines and was dragged
some distaces when he caught a lree
aud tore looser, sustaining some ugly
brujees and badly Iscerated hands
The machine was badly twisted,
Pursusnt to a call of ex-students of
the Pire Grove Academy sud semi
nary & meeting wes held st Bellefonte
H. Mumer's office on the T'b
jnut. and an organization sflec’ed by
electing W. Miles Walke-, presiden’
D- .T. Alkenr, vice presiden’, Dr. J.
E. Ward, tressurer, and Capt. W. H,
Fir, secretary. Afterafew prelimivary
remarks it was motion
that the reunion be held daring Old
Home week in Bellefonte, on July 6
The executive coumittee consists of
(3. W. Ramberger,
| Bas Meek
Meek, A.
1 EE. L
at W
on resolved
chairman ; Mr
Miss Bue Danler, DID. ©
(°, Archey, A. CC. Thompsor
Maser, L.. IL. Thomas The
| finsnce committee consists of M, J
F. Homar, E
Eiters Wallace ©
Ievir. Loeal
DA Grove, B
D. O
| Chadmar, E. M
| Wats
will be selected by the ex-viudents of
B This committee will
at on transporiation and excursion
trains for the occasior, |
that sll the ex-students or -perats
with them in an effort to make the a’
fair an er Let there Le
a big turn out and once more get (o-
gethe’ UL-P-GLAL-U-KUWM. --W
H. Fry, Becrelary.
Among the speakers will be Col. D.
F. Fortney, Rev, [esac Kryder, Hor.
Cyrus Woodr, Rev. H. A. Thompson,
LL. D., Hor. L.C. Thoms, Dr. C. T
Alkenr. A. C. Thompson and others
wwable success
Mre. Roy Krider of Illinois is visit
at the home of Wallsos Krider
Miss Maggie Winters returned home
alter a week's visit at Willismapor!,
Mr. and Mrs. Torbet of Pittsburgh
are visitors at the (". O, Mallory home
Harry Stoner and family of Ualon
county spent Bunday at the home of
Robert Hackenbory
Lee Kidder and wife left on Monday
for Burnbam where Mr. Kidder found
John Spangler and wife spent last
week at State College and er jryed the
commencement exercise.
Funday evening the members of the
Reformed church of this place will
hold Children's Day ¢xerciser.
The Evangelical parsonage at this
place received a coat of paint during
the past week. This greatly improves
the appearance of the building.
William Noll of Btate College was »
Sunday caller at the home of Samuel
Mowery. Of course, there is som -
one there that ls very stirsctive to
John Rupp of Btate College and his
brand new bride of Isst Friday arrived
st this place on Saturday and will
‘ i A
Summer Goods
Dress Goods, all Overs for
Waists, wide Lace for
deep flounces, wide and
narrow Embroidery, nar-
row laces and insertions,
White Goods in all the
faney and plain weaves.
White Hats with bands.
Men’s fancy Dress Shirts
and fancy Ties.
All Dry Goods and Notions
by Parcel Post, Postage {ree
of charge,
risburg, Pa., every Tues-
day, Thursday & Saf
every Wed-
at 6 o'clock
This Store will close
nesday evening
Both T+ legion
Call and See,
H. F. Rossman
f80sra030000000000000 20008 20¢ 2000 VOO0
ed i a--
“4m ts
July Bist
wow .
Fixtures of all kinds.
Repair work of all kinds
done at reasonable price.
Stock not on hand will
be ordered promptly.
Phone us
a i i iii ie
LLawns, Plisse, Voiles,
, Rice Cloth, Etc.,
Ss ————
your order.
moderate cost, are
—and the price is
of Fine
the chief features in
more than right.
W. ®B. Meek, publishing sgent for
the Lucknow mission in Indis, will
give an address, supplemented with
stereoptican viewer, in the M. E.
churer, Tuesday evening of next
week, at 7:30 o'clock. The lecture is
free to everybody.
A ———— A TP AAAI
Mies Chestie Stover spent Bundsy In
Bellefonte among friendr.
Mre, Clara Bhafler of Btate College
spent a few days smong friends at this
Adam Hosterman of Boalsburg
spent a few days among friends at this
Mr. and Mre. Willlam Meyer from
Centre Hall spent a day this week in
this place.
Mr. and Mre. Charles Kerstetter
spent a few days among friends at this
Mar. and Mre, J. KE. Harter spent a
day last week at Brush Valley at the
home of James Wert,
James A. Harter of Altoona ie
spending a few days st the home of
his uncle, James ¥. Harter,
Mere. Caroll Corman of Bellefonte is
spending a few days with ber slater,
Miss Chestie Btover,
James Harter and W. CO. Krader
made s business trip to Pine Grove
Milly and Boalsburg one day this
spend a week at the home of J. N.
Roy Miller of Charlotte Court Meyer
House, Virginie, is spending a short
vacation with his family at Tussey-
ville, and on Tuesday he and Mrs.
Miller made a trip to Centre Hall.
At a special meeting of the borough
school board on Tuesday evening the
tax rate was fixed at the same figure
a8 last year, namely, six mills for
school pusposes and two mille for
Mr. and Mre. Lambert Noll of De-
wart spent a few days at the home of
the latter’s sister, Mre, Mary Rearick,
and on Tuesday attended the funeral
of the Indies’ sister, Mre. Nancy Barl-
ger, at Millheim,
Mr. and Mre. Oliver Btrunk and the
latter's mother, Mre. Bohosrr, Mr. and
Mre, Joseph SBchnarr and children, of
Clearfield, traveling in Mr. Btrunk’s
auto, spent Bunday at the home of Mr,
snd Mre, William Grossman, near
Tussey ville,
One of the handsome granite monu-
ments in the Heckman cemetery, be-
low Penn Hal!, marks the resting
place of Mr. and Mre. John Bhook,
snd is the work of H, G. Btrohmeler,
the local marble dealer. The monu-
ment is one of unusual fine propor-
tione, and the lettering fully upholds
the dealet’s good reputation as sn
artiean, ;
Mre. { Dr.) Houser is in Lancaster
attending commencement exercises at
Franklin and Marshall college where
her son Clair graduated with honors.
Miss Isabella Goheen of State Co’.
lege will give a recital in the Preaby-
terian church at Graysville Saturday
evening, June 26th.
Grandmother Donnpely is confined to
her bed suffering an attack of rheumas-
tism and other ailments owing to her
advanced age.
Bquire Jacob Keller is slowly re-
covering from a paralytic stroke that
affected his right side and caused a
slight impediment in his speeeb,
Mrs. Ballle Brown le arranging to
leave the old farm home and move to
Btate College where she has purchased
a comfortable new home.
J. I. Reed, Mr, and Mra. H. H. Goss,
Mre. Annie Tate and daughter Helen,
spent Bunday at Altoona to visit sunt
Lydia Stover, who ls quite ill. The
trip was made In the former's car,
Mre. ¥. D. Batton came up from
Philadelphia to attend her class re-
union at Bucknell college, Thursday,
and continued her journey to Htate
College to visit her sor, L. M. Ba'tor,
a junior,
Matthew Goheen in his new Max-
well was out for a spin Friday evening
sud came in contact with a passing
rig, smashing a buggy wheel. That
Willlam Bwartz spent Bunday with
his parents st this placer.
Mr». George Rpangler of Centre Hall
visited among ber many friends from
Thursday until Monday.
The Children’s Day service held in
the Evangelioal charch Sanday evi-
ning, was well attended.
Mr. and Mre. Paul Eminhizer a!
tended commencement st State Co'-
lege, Tuesday.
Mre, John Wert spent part of the
week with ber sister, Mre. Charles
(Geary, at Altoons.
will cure corns!
From last week,
Calvin Rossman of Bieglerville spent
a week among relatives here.
Miss Anna Mary Dunkle of Panxeu-
tawney is visiting amoung relatives
here for some time,
Quite a number from here attended
the Children's Dav service held Buco
day evening at Egg Hill.
Mr. and Mre. M. F. Rossman and
Misses Elizabeth and Esther Bitner
attended the missionary convention at
Centre Hall evening.
Mre. William Bitner has returned
home after attendiog the W, CC. T. U.
convention held at Hablersbury, June
Tot and 20d, to which she went ae
Robert Wolf little son of Edward
Woif of Juniate, who is visiting at the
home of his grandparents, Mr. sod
Mre, James ngler, was oa the sick
list inst week, but i better at this