2xy PERRY BREON DEAD, End Qomes Quickly to Heloved Resident, Funeral Will Take Vince Saturday, The announcement of the death Porry W. Breon was a shock to the community, although for a few days prior to death on Tuesday was such that his fries were alarmed, Interment will be paade from his home in Centre Hall on Saturday ; burial in the local ceme- tery. Mr. Breon was a son of the Peter Breon and was born in Georges Valley, April 22, 1858, makiog his age fifty-seven years and (went) -ix daye. He waa a farmer by occupation, and as Of Lis condition his night late such was one of the moat successful in Potter township where he lived dur- ing his active life, The deceased is survived children—Morris, al by a wife two Camder, Y., and Miss daugiter—Mabel- There also survives these sisters : W. F, Fi Mre, RB, Mre. H hmoeier, Mrs WwW. {all ster. Howard is a deceased nd Mrs, | 1 hal’ jster and home, lied when a N. Beas, A chi'd, Mire, ray, D. Foreman, . (3. = James 3 Ruok a balf- brother, le of Centre } in and Amanda Bri 8 ienretta Tr x 23 x Ripka are de¢ a : nign Ag kind . Breon was held in hi acquaintaue 1d father he apd did «1! nappr. the « was uns home Was due to y he suflfsred last - - DEAN, sel Hews, an sped resident died on f the } 'g in his eaten on township, esult 1 ir of throat, Fant ngastiber eflecis sch 3 y wr | fruit Was nd a ; aia a in MAY COURT, M, S. Fiedler of Milihaim Selected Foreman of Grand vary First Week's COlvil § 1st Rapidly Disposed of, Court convened on Monday morp- ing. The grand jury was called and aworn and VM, ¥, Fiedler of Millheim selected na foremar. List of traverse jurore called and sbsentees noted. The the several townshipe, boroughs and wards then made their quarterly return to court, The civil list for the present week was then called over and disposed of as follows : Mary MM. Walker ve, continued constables of Frank on scecount Reese, an appen’; of sickness, The second week's trial list called over and the following cases disposed of : Wilbur H, Winiog ve. Wilson G. Frantz, Defendants and three other men of them being e land and asked to re Mr. wed and sclion in trespass, appeared in court interpleaded, 1 the ie one & ner of t! made defer with # and peti- ¢ by fii iter rt DRT, 8 Monday Comw, v . 0 ‘ tt. indicted for railroad IArceny, i Arr, £0 Celina waived the finding and taki g Company April 13, if the At ndant lead guilty to a lantern Railroad | By consent | District was | uspended, YF. 3 wep iarcany ; p his defendan’, toge ke was jrintly chs Com, charge, McCoy. Henry weeks this rose Le (Gordon who bre ago, il enee, Wed- piece became fixed , found 2 ifG~- Wagner court findiog and rmatory st ead ref gulity, to the died twelve years ago Neidigh, oth f wl em borrp, ¢ Dr. Calvin Joho, Cazenovie, ght Madisor, I'rippe, uth Dak. ; tt, Wie. ; Aller, Yeagertown ; I. Wi Miilt VW. Barner, Hess, »~ J. egardner, elim ; 3 and Mrs, Haines te J. L. i, also survives, | Winklebleeh Mrs. Kreamer, is second Holderman of he was I'ussey - married seven ITED * burial adel at Buflalo Rup, (landing, . {(°, ; r # a son of Mr, and Mrr, | we snd was born near Fpring w 1540, $ nts ~‘our yeare, days. On married FHITVIVES E. . Moyer, the year his exact age months nine te meplemb D ' Tr 15861, Ns AND he waa to Miss Barah 8X i | | 1 d utawney ;| who him with H., Tuweyville Punx 3 Mrr. Busan L. Shearer, Reynoldsville ; i W.H,C : J. F., Jacksonville | | i , namely, Alice BR childres Mr. OULITH Coleville, des He was ceupation and in that devoted many yesra in township, For the past two years he and his wife had wade their with their oldest sor, bor of the at Bell fonte r member of Buflalo Bun Cemetery Association, Mr. Emma Minoemyer, Three child are farmer by «¢ gait ren ai ! pu:- lenner home He was a mer - horan fat church and a chart the Robert A. Beek, Bellefothte's first white barber and a unique character in that town's history sinee 1878, died st the Bellefonte hoepital on Monday of blood poisoning. A week sgo Le pricked his thumb with a tack but paid little attention to the sore which developed, He will be buried at Bel'- fonte this (Thursday) morning. viving bim are Lis wife and (wo chil- drer, He was a native of Germany and was eix'y-five years of age, Hur William Lness, a well known real- dent of Milesburg, died at his home on Wednesday afternoon of last week of senility, following a lengthy illness, He was born at Bnow Bhoe, He reaid- ed in Philipsburg for twenty years or more and was engaged in the mercanp- tile business before he retired. He was buried at Philipsburg Batorday, ®Hai- viviog bim la bis wife and six chi'- drep, ——— AA F.J. McClellan has converted his Ford ear into a truck and will use the machine In delivering his summer Comm. ve, Samuel Oliver; indiet- prosecutor defendant plead Charles Wands ; and sentence was suspended upon condition that he pay the costs and the board bill, v:, Tho Foreman ; r, Jo and inr- The walved Comm, nas Shannon charged with epb Martell, 7 the finding of the grand jary, plead 1ilty, and were sentenced to the r¢- charged John D. ‘hilds ; prosecalor, Comm, ve, Harry ( Iarceny ; Gill ; settled, Com, and sesnult prosecutor, Peter Greg- Luther Fish charged VP, urn Landis ; with and battery ; ory ; settled, Comm, Irvin ard Langdor, sud Dobbin Rieb- MeUsrvin ; prosecutor, ve, Robinsor, charged with murder ; Habeas corpus hess fixed for thi May wd fore r has beer 4 CREe OND Nal. urday, al ten o'clock r. In.. ur © af i i d jory : eight bi Reg grat Report that upon is of indiet- } Visiting the ¢ unty i ii MOTs be en's depsriment the ceiling of the And re- should yom al rridor should be repaired. ¥ pen and strengthened, amt and further that the grand jury advoeste that an of the exterior ; that the chicken and dog pen «should be removed, the gallery floor be architect be emp'oyed to prepare plans for the remodeling of the interior of the jail and that such plan be submit! - All jurors, traverse and grand jar adjrurned on Tuesday afternoon until Monday of next week, iis Fined lor Dynamitiog Trout Before Justice Michael Higemm at I. Wuomer, of Armstrong and Masser, all of Le- mont, were fined $100 each and costs for dynamiting the trout stream Dear Oak Hall, last week, The case will be appealed to cour’, ——————— A — fl ——— BOALSBURG, T. D. visit, B. F. Heflley of Asronsburg visited at the home of his daughter, Mre. N. W. Meyer. A san was born to Mr, and Mrs, E. Mothersbaugh on Saturday, 15th, Mrs, Eila Btairs of Youngwood is erjoying some time in this her former home, 1. Mothersbaugh visited from BHa'- urday till Monday with his sor, D. K. Motbhersbaugh and family, a: Hegp- burnville, C., D. Moore of Btate Coliege depar!- ed on Friday for California where he intends to spend the summer, Mr.and Mre. Earl Ross of west Ferguson township spent Bstarday evening at Boalsbhurg, Rev. B, (, Btover ia saitending the meetings of Classis at State College this week, Mre, Frank Tharpe and son Paul of Houses ville were guests at the home of Harry Ishler on Banday, Rev, J. M, Marshman will presch in the Presvyterian church on Bunday afternoon at 8 o'clock, Rev, M, J. Rosas will prench in the Lutheran eburch Hunday evening, May 28¢¢, al 7:80 o'clock. ’ All plot holders of the Boalsburg C. drink goods to the trade, cemetery sre rogues’ ed to meet at the cemetery on Baturday, and join in LOCALS Edward Brown is recovering from a light attack of typhoid fever, Mre. Boyd Potter was confined to severe cold, J. 0. Btover (f Reedaville was town on Wednesday, He is assistant | mall earrier on the rural route out from Reedaville, FB, W. Waite of Pleasant Gap wns a caller on Baturday, snd was not at all sparing in praiee of the good business conditions of his home town, A carload of road oll, an amount su’ | fielent for two applications, was re- ceived on Wednesday and the barrels placed along the street at convenient pointe. Mre. Irvin Bhowera of State College for a week had been ill at the home of her father, W. ('. Hubler, at Centre Hajl. Bhe was able to return home on Wednesday. Misses Margaret and Catherine Weber, Artbur Rhodes and Fred Weber made a epin from State College in the Weber car Monday evening to the W. FE. bome, L. L. his King touring | car, with three passengers, on Tuerday made the run to Dauville 1n just three the return trip in slick Smith, in hour, and made No attempt was made | rar. the same time, to make a record It was just a bit cold during the past | week lo awaken t! i of farmers, but n # germ in the grains | by in corn an carefully planted the | w ginee there more | moistare, unshine comes the | its will soon Friday Dr. H. H. Longwell operated upon right foot of Willlam H. removing 5" dead | The operation was successful. | Wetzel of Bellefonte is the yho 11 rit Sppear, the Mtiver, therefrom traic- | is attending Mr. SBtiver, ‘oble, the elusive fugitive ex-posi-| re- | un- | that master of Pleagant Gap, is again taker. An confirmed report is to the effect he at the home of uncle at Pueble, Colorade, lsst week. ported to have been wae arrested his 4 Miss Ieabel Rowe finished a term of public school teaching at Roseohayr, ov, and returped to her home Hall, Monday. The fact has niready been elected Lhe to same school next year speaks for her success al that plsor, Mrs, Victor A. operation for sppendicitis at her home Bunday sfiernoor. Dr, H. B Lovpgwell performed the operatior. Aumsn bore the ordeal very well Auman underwent aD Mre, snd all indications point to a repid recovery. A trained nurse ls attend- ing ber, J. E. Nol’, the milier at Red Mil, Is pow the owner of 8 Krit touring car having purchased from HE. (. Biungart, the Mr. Noll town one local agent. Mr. Brupgart were Tuesday, the trip having BI in been made hool the former ls operating the oD Mre, W. Thomes of Lewistown ls spending 8 week at : Mille Ashbridge her while Johnstown the Lioyd Bmitb., Oa Tuesday shir, in company with Mr, (. #, Thomas of Potters Mille, were Centre Hall and favored this with their presence, parental home at Potters her mo in guest of her Ww, ther is PE Bs in cffioe An effort is beiog made to secure tLe Lioyaville band for the Penns Valley Lutheran charge pieniec to be held on Park, Thursday, August 12th The boya st the orphansge now own a iarge motor truck apd will be able to make the trip with very much greater eas than they did the first time they attended this gathering. Garang. of the intermediate echool is the num- ber of pupils who were found in the school room every day during the eighi-month teror. This is highly eommendable and speaks well for pu. pile, parents and teacher, The honor roll includes Isaiah Emery, Howard Emery, Fred Lucer, Harold Breor, Albert Smith, Paol Fetterolf, Frank- lin Ruble, Albert Emery, Hazel Rip- ke. In the grammar school Pesrl Ruble and Rath Parsons are the star scholars in point of attendances, while in the high school Mise Mary Dioges mowing and dolog other necessary work, The citizens of Boalsburg and viein- ity are iovited to the central square of our town on Haturday evening at 7 o'- clock, and help to raise the flag pole, John Oaman ia attending the Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows as a representa- tive of the local lodge, Miss Anna Daleis the delegate from the Rebekabe, and is attending their assembly, The mestingasre held at Stroudsburg, Festival to be held in Boal hail on Haturday evening, May 20.F, under the auspices of the Woman's Civie Club for the purpose of assis ing in de- fraying the expense of concreting the town drainage, The hall will be npen to serve lunch at 4:00 p. mw. Your patronage is solicited, Prices of luneb, 25 cents for adults, 156 cents for chil- dren under ten, H. K. Hoy, one of the industrious farmers of Beoper township, and who has sleo been actively engaged ip dairying for a period of about fifteen years, took a day ofl Inst week--Ascer« sion Day nd eelebrated his fifileth birthday in company with his wife and little dsughter, and Mre, Hoy'’s mothe, Mre, Garbrick, He spent the time msking friendly calls with rela. tives sud sesocintes In Boslsburg, going from there to Spring Mille ana Coburr, Joseph Myers of Axemann gave the party this pleasure trip in his ssoc ede POOCPOOTOROAS s.omoblle, Linden Hall s Williamm Raymond hss been ap- pointed tax collector to fill the place of Frank Tahler, who resigned, Miss [rene Cressler spent a few daye inst week with her cousir, Mre. Irene Reifanyder, Mise Catharine Weber of Btate Col- lege epent a week with friends here and at Centre Hall, Mr. and Mre. Earl Rosa spent Burp - day at the J, HH. Ross home, Mre, George Hearson is spending s few days in Bellefonte with friends, James Bwabb bought a new Ford car last week, Mre, Annie Miller spent some time lant week with Mre, J, L. Tressler. Samuel Page and family, who bave number | of vears, moved into theWilliam Kenn | house, He expects to work at the penitentiary. Sonsini pul Woodward. Mr. and Mre. RK Oliver of Akrop, their parents, Allen Hess and family of town were called to see the father, Michael Heer, who died day morning, Mr. and Mre. Ralph Brandt of Co- burn were visitors in town Hunday. Mies Dolly Kerstetter of visiting her sis Mre, Weaver Myre, Ard apd Mabel Wo to Militheln Baturday sfierr Mre, Erhard and p Miss Katina visitors town last week, Miss May Btaver the week with her grandmother, B. MM, Wolf Harry Gilt Ee ding 8 1 House, ov Musser and son Ohle, are visiting Yeager - former's Mor - Coburn ter ife were Ov Joe pe Nadie Wet in 1ail sryed eile ia pepe aging Mrs, ert { nto Millersburg Woodward “ at he I now ofler at very attractive price 000 Single Comb White Leghorn Hens WO MaKe room 3 'e®iee w £ ~ WK Chas. D. Bartholomew CENTRE MALL, PA, woe OBOOONVIGOOPE RAP BORI SOON Spring Mills, Mr. and Mre, Carl Hasenplug snd gon of Miflinburg spent Saturday sod Bunday with (', 7. Decker aud family. Mr. and Mer. Frank Ripke, snd Mr, ard Mre. Robert Finkle werp { Mifl lin county Bunday to visit reli- tiver, Mr, and Mrr, College sre visiting friends and tives, Mr. Mire. granddsughiter, Beatrice D to Mifilin county on Mre. Jasper Wagner spent with her parents in Union connptr, Mre. Margaret ing the Rebekah lodge at the ssserm- bly at Btroudsburg. Samuel Bowers expected to move to the old Bowers home but yet arrived, Titus Gran attending Grand lodge at Btroudsburg. He went # delegate from the local lodge, On Daniel Zi hg Ie of Hiate Rice res snd were Long cker, and Hamel Hunday. week i Finkle is represent- ' has not 3 ley is ae See me for best prices on all sizes of WATER PIPES -also- PUMPS and REPAIRS . Everything in the Plumb- ing Line—bathroom fix- tures, etc,, at lowest prices. S. J. ROWE Centre Hall, Pa. The Centre Reporter $1.50 per year, strictly in sdvance, vinn-« ¥ ince. A demonstration will con car with you of its superior qualitics—a Call Bell phone. ’ . 89. ' y: 3 racuse Walking and Rid- noe Pl ri and Pik LW 3, ead it Pl WS. Har- Harrows, Harrows, Imperial Johnson Tootn Sntko PlK« single and double Disc Harrows. Steel and Wood Drum Land Rollers. Single and double Clod Crushers. Black Hawk Corn Planter, ROOFING Steel and Ashphalt Ww he ] Missouri Grain Dnill Youd A Johnst , “vie Rake and iOWers 8 Co ined Side Lancaster Side Rake. Valley, Hay Gearless, Hocking John Deer and Dain Loaders. CEMENT A carload just received Jn a awa Lorn Shellers. ma- we An } anvithing ir ANd anyvining in chine in want have or will get for you. e You BRICK, SAND and STONE in stock Coal: EED, S' ARD COAL; "ONICS and Sold at all times before you buy or sell,