ACCIDENT, (AD. MAN TELLS OF GOOD REMEDY A J. Alexander Says Treatment Did More for Him Than Any Other, A. J. Alexander of Accident, Md. was a victim of stomach disorders He tried many remedies and treat dts without satisfactory results He was and pleased. He wrote; “I have taken your remedy with good results. It has done more for me than anything I have ever taken BB has done what you claimed it would. I am advising all my friend sufferers to take it, feeling confident that it will be a great blessing to them.” Mayr's Wonderful Remedy gives per manent results for stomach, liver and intestinal ailments. Eat as much and whatever you like. No more distress after eating, pressure of gas in the stomach and around the heart. Get one bottle of your druggist now and try it on an absolute guarantes—if not satis- factory money will be returned.—Ady. Remedy. surprised Late Arrivals. got me in bad,” gaid the ap burglar, the found. dog of ¥i bega “What tured ed pet Cot it “was ur wife's ut my the stair.” “Too bad.” "Evidently the me.” AFTER SUFFERING TWO LONG YEARS Mr. Meektos took you re dog mis plied for Health by Lydia E. Fink- ham’s Vegetable Compound. Minneapolis, Minn. — “After my ltd] a one was born I was sick wi p n Y sid e8 wi doctors said caused by inflamma- fii tion. I suffered a 4 great deal every month and grew very thin. I was under the doctor's care for two long years without any benefit. Finall after repeated sug- gestions to try it we got Lydia E. Pinl ham’s Vegetable Compound. After tak- ing the third bottle of the Compound I was able to do my houséwork and today I am strong and hes althy again. I will answer letters if anyone wishes to know about my case.”’ i JosEPR ASELIN, $08 Fourth Avenue, Minneapolis, Minn, rich ‘the were Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com- pound, made from native roots and herbs, contains no narcotics or harmful being the most successful remedy wo know forwoman’'s ills. If you need such 8 medicine why don't you try it? that Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegeta~ ble Compound will help you, write to Lydia E.Pinkham MedicineCo. (confidential) Lynn, Mass., for ad- vice. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman, and held in strict confidence. —LADIES!!-—— USE GILBERT'S JEWEL TALCUM POWDER The Taicum of Quality, for refined p> ple, Perfume rich, lasting, and ex Quisite. Powder of velvety flueness tn Glass Jars—15¢, and 25¢. Soid by all dealers MADR BY GILBERT BROS, % CO BALTIMORE, MD The Anti-Usury League exposes the evils, the oporessions, the frand and the sin of vsury or interest. Usurers ae boldly combining to resist government contr. I. Wake ap, patriotic men and women. H ip us For enrollment or § tion add { § fu ler informa ress THE ANTI-USURY LEAGUE, J C.ELLIOTT, SILVER SPRING, MARYLAND Tult’s Pills stimulate the torpid liver, strengthen the Signetive of gans, reguiate the bowels. A rem Sami sick headache. Unequaled as an ANTI-BILIOUS MEDICINE. Elegantly sugar coated. Small dose. Price, 28¢ DAISY FLY KILLER Tracts ang Mis ahh fies. Neat, clean, or Ba Ct de ot pvt ps pe over; wiil not soll ow injure anything Guaranteed effective Alldealers orfsent express paid for 81.00. RAROLD SOMERS, 156 De Kalb Ave, Breskign, ¥. V. oun SILO 725 it, Your and ‘wigtmation free G, Eline & Bro. rs al Terms Ww Live Agents LAND WARRANT ih A naw enlony fury the Month, EY to rant to locate la PWataon Ke Coleman, Pe I i Colony Gumpany, 458 Lawyer," PATENT a Ww. N N. u., ti NO. 20-1018 |STATE NEWS BRIEFLY TOLD The ton Gleanings From All Over the State. TOLD IN SHORT PARAGRAPHS co a—— Fifty Autos Disabled Strecte—Hoverter Gets Five Years in Lebanon Bank Looting—Sold eo “Dead” Goes To Jail. In Nail.Strewn Men; the cre illlam H. Co., alias and before States Accused of preying upon dulity of bereaved persons, W Chapin, alias B. F. Brown & D. N. Walters, of Harris Lewistown, pleaded guilty Judge Witmer in the United Coart at Sunbury to sending parcels weap jewelry addressed dead and then receiving from their eatates payment when they had never been ordered. The Court told him that he hard-hearted man to prey upon the estates of the dead sentenced him to burg of el to persons Was a three Unknown the tho fothe: she persor imnite on front tory of Church, one ef Catholic churches one was Injured, but and adjoining David Rennie, a ar edd There are harch, and She } nd T. J. Mau to ths violen os disabled in Chester sunciured tire trouble Mh It ha r antomoblles ee POC inve ling been learned t “robnails”™ of peculiar design the and by of sree? traversed the is thal the var ho are trying t out of bn strewn along automobile the pol work of parties w the “jney™ ears supposition ho gall Arthur J fFuUrance agent, plicity in the wrecki ferstown National Witmer, im the Un! entenced him to H the ded averier, plea Lebanon five plea him el saved from IAry Bachma M. Colleen, ill =: F.ND oliege ¥ Mat ale wend Lhe semmer in Eorope ministering to the of the in} chiman the German army, at the John R. Mott needs troops es and the ured men in hoe pital. Mr. Br probably with request of Dr goes to the front, started wh children, of Miss Allentown, and MN Y. A romance that to sehool in the wedding Shields, of of Rorchester, mony being performed of the Immaculate Father J. J. Mahon ™~ wort an Ww the Conception by first State lostitution in Union county, £25. £00, possible, will be pushed as rapidly as With a gash in the head quired fifteen stitches to close, arms broken and other injuries, Mrs. Benjamin R. Koch, fifty-eight years old, of West Hamburg, is in a eritieal condition, the result of a fall down- sialrs while answering a telephone eall at her bom. that re both his semi-aanwal report, seperintendent of the Read ing schools, ealls attention to the neoesaity for an addition to the Girls’ ¢ neod of ad maintain the even general financial stringency of the school department in to The eighteenth annual commence meat of the joint Upper Saucon and Lower Milford High School took place in the Union Chureh, Center Valley. Thirteen graduates, the largest class in the sehool’s history, were given diplomas by County Superintendent Alvin Rapp. Her preference for her stocking as a depository for her money, proved costly to Mra. Willlam Townsend, of Reading, when she lost a roll of $100, when her stocking wore a hole while she was shopping on Penn street Anthony Brill, nine years old, is In a erfitieal condition at the Home opathic Hospital, Reading, the result of a fall from the Reading Railway bridge on Sowth Eighth street to the street below. Fifteen aceidents in which jitneys fgured characterized eircus day fin Harrisburg, but no one was seriously hurt. Three jitneys hit trolley cars, and two crashed into fences. Over 100 jitneys were operated. Paul Dasmmrieh and Lloyd Miller, of Allentown, have started to walk to the San Francisco Exposition, expect ing to get there about September 1, THE MARKETS S| a IW YORK.—Wheat—8pot irregu lar; No. 2 red, 171e, and No. 2 hard 172 ¢ 4 { track; No. 1 Northern Du Juth, 166, and No. 1 Northern Man! toba, 166% ¢ i f Buffalo. Corn--No, 2 yellow, 88i4¢ Oals-—Standard, 62¢; No. 8 61% @62; fancy clipped white, 63 6434 Butter creamery firsts, Eggs Fresh gathered extras, 22 storage packed, extra firsts, 213% @22¢; firsts, 21@21%; regular packed, firsts, 21Q21%:; firsts, 19% @20% nearby hennery whites, fine to fancy 23% @24; nearby hennery browns, 2114 @32%. Cheose white ~Creamery extras (higher ecoring). 28@30; seconds, 27% @ 28% extra whole milk, W@lé'ge, 5% @16 Dressed Poaltry- roasting chickens, 14% @17%; turk Live Poultry broilers, 35 ais; keys, 12615. frest RVETHE State, specials, 16 do, Western 17@21%¢; 164022 frover fowls yy 58 PHILADELP} @1.63 spot, 1.54 $166Q01.¢ 11.661 i22%¢; Jobbing File Nearby « $8 per ‘ iIrrent receipts siandnas . eXtra {reds : $5.85 per 70 per case enndled and freeh en * per dozen Jobbing at Orecse New York fall L171 © @17 Fall do do. fa cream tO ge do do Four Live 181 15 12€ 1: fuineas, as to qualit turkey 1 do rier nair 9% per pair wh pair, 30a: 222% Wheat N 2 red West BALTIMORE and May, 182% ¢ spot and May, 167 Corn Cont xe: mixed, 782%. OatsStandard white, white, ¢2 Rye-—No. 2 rye, Western, $1.25; bag nearby rye, as to qual! ty. 85@ 5 * 5 aot NO “mh ract steamer 62 14 Hay--No. 1 timothy, $21; Ne. 2 do $2092050; No. 3, do, 317619; Nght clover mixed, $2050@21;: No. 1, do. $19.5020; No. 2, do, 3175091850: ciover, $18@ 1850: No. 1, do }1.509.8; No. 2. do, $15G 1656; No , do, $11.50@ 14. SBtraw-—No. 1 straight rye 12: £10 $11.506G No. 2, do, $10.50@ 11; No. 1 tangled, No. 2, do, 385069; No. 1 whest, $9.50@10; No. 2, do, $8¢G 550. Batter Creamery Fancy, 31%; choice, 29330: good, 20628: prints, 31@32%: bloeks, 30@32; held, 22025. ladles, 21922 Marviand and Pennsylvania, rolls, 20@ 21. Ohio, roils, West Virginia, rolls, 18% @ 20 1IR@19. Maryland, Vir dairy prints, Process butler, 23025 Maryland, Pennevivania and firets, 19@20¢: Western firsts, 19@ 20; West Virginia firsts, 196230; Southern firsts, 18619 Idve Poultry -Chickens—OW hens, 4 Ibe and over, 16@ 16%; do, small to medium, 16@16%: old roosters, 10 €@11; young, ¢holee, large, 20022; do, rough, poor and stagey, 156@16; do, winter, 2 Ibs and under, 30@32; spring, 191% ibe, 406043. Ducks Muscovy, 3 Ibs and over, 18%¢; Pekings, 3 Ibs and over, 14; puddle, 8 Ibs and over, 13; smaller, 12; Indian rumners, 12. Pigeons Young, per pair, 26@30; old, do, 26@%W. Guinea fowl, each, 2% 85e. Ag 19G 20 Eggs Live Stock CHICAGO, — Hogs ~ Bulk, $7.55@ 7.70; light, $7.86@ 7.90; mized, $7.35Q 7.90; heavy, $7.10617.70; rough, $7.10 @7.25; pigs, $5.26@7.10. Cattle—Native beef steers, $6.15@ 8.96; cows and heifers, $3.1008.50; calves, $6G8.75. S8heep—Bheep, §7.4008.40; Jum, $8.10@ 10.75. » KANSAS CITY. —Hoge—Dulk, $7.95 @7.45; heavy, $7.36@ 7.456; packers and butchers, $7.36@7.50; light, $7.90Q 7.50; pigs, $7@7.40, Cattle—Prime fed steoors, $8.2060: dressed beef stoers, $7.40 8.15; South ern steers, $6.75@7.75; cowa, $407.25; heifers, $6@8.75; stockers and feed ern, $6.5008.76; bulls, $56.50607; calves ae. RESULT IS MUCH THE SAME | Slight Difference Between the Meth. ods of the Ancient and the Modern Turtles. A wicked 'urtle had for years been troublesome to the inhabitants of the marsh in which he dwelt. He bit the legs off iroge, ate fish with relish, | and occasionally grabbed hold of al snake and held on until it thundered. Finally the animals beld a court | and tried the turtle on the charge of | murder. The turtle was there, with | his harveyized shell in perfect repalr | and covered with moss an inch thick. He apparently enjoyed the delibera- | tions of the judicial body, and observed to smile at various times The judgment of the court was that | the turtle should be hanged by the | neck until he was dead When this | decision was announced there was | great cheering, and the court office rs | prepared to put the sentence into exe. i at once. They prepared al and approached the turtle, | tortoige drew his head his ckled the i: was tute ide tO Carrs Moral Optimi st and Pessimist, heerful ehar there just Oh, Well VO he's a six-months he 3 r-looking indivie talking to him is a two-year man “What do you those | by mean “One thinks the war will ead in six the other th inks it will} | st at least t two years lor ager.” = CASTORIA For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria ALCOHOL-3 PER CERT AVegetable Preparation JorAs- similating the Food and R ting the Stomachs and Bowe sof Promotes Digestion, C Cheerful- ness and Rest Contains neither Opium, Morphine nor Mineral Nor NARCOTIC Recipe of Old Dr SAMUEL HHTCHER Pmpliin Sood « Ax Senna » Fochells Sally « niin Sood « remind - BC wbenate Sodav Morm Seed » Clordiod Super Winkrgreen Flavor ce ———————————————— F ———————— | Aperfect Remedy for Constipa- tion, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea Worms Convulsions Feverish- ness and LOSS OF SLEEP Foc Simile Signature of CE pf Fliidew. THE CexTaun COMPANY, N E WwW YORK T00 MUCH FOR JUDGE GARY The Watts changed Lhe throt vindow at Detro nd gt looked those nfertaining tic inly in the War Zone. I'l » ncle has gone to the Mr. Watts that car, Alfred tossed his much- | has he? golden mane, and re | “Yes, si with his characteristic drawl And don’t ever don't be a piker! ll mate 1] “Why, yes, they have dol ‘ hasn't been wounded yet” atch you for So you back raphed marked ‘Aw, miss him far. He yhody BO lars.” and I'll have a good bug and kiss for you.