THE CENTRE REPORTER. ISSUED WEEKLY. CENTRE HALL - - PENN’A. THURBDAY, MAY 6, 1915 SMITH & BAILEY . S. W.SMITH . . . * +» { Local Editor and | Business Manager Proprietors Editor EDWARD E. BAILEY Entered at the Post Office in Centre Hall as second Class mail matter, TERMS. ~The terms of subscription to the Re porter are one and one-half dollars per year ADVERTISING RATES-Display advertise ment of ten or more inches, forthree or more in sertions, ten cents per inch for each issue. Dis | play advertising occupying less space than ten inches and for less than three msertions, from | fifteen to twonty-five cents per inch for each | issue, according to composition, Minimum | charge seveniy-five cents, Local nd tices accompanying display advertis- | ing five cents per line for each insertion; other- | wise, eight cents per line, minimum charge, | twenty-five cents, Legal notices, twenty conts per line for three | insertions, and ten cents per line for each ad- ditional insertion. CHURCH APPOINTMENTS Presbyterian - No service, Reformed Spring Mills, mornibg; afternont ing. Mother's Day. | Union, ning, communion; | evening moraiog, ; Lamont, vamig YOUNG FARMER BLOWN TO ATOMS, Dypami‘iog Stamps on Father's Farms Res sults in Morrib's Fate to 10.Yeur Old Hoy. Terry Glosener, the 19-year old son of Fred Glosaner, a well known farmer of Beech Creek township, who resides shout two miles west of Beech Creek Boro. in Clinton county, was blown to atoms some time Tuesday forenoon whils engaged in dypamitiog stumps The young man, who assisted his father on the farm, left the house in the morning with a quantity of dyna mite to blow up stumps in a field, ss he had done last year and earlier this HEBRON, When the dinner arrived hour for failed to 1 ut jr his appearance This f.¢t worried the parents, who feared an sceident bad fom the table the father declared ie could not eat until he knew where ng out into the Held found where the vouth had blown his son he out trace of proceed. the particles large hole in fhe gruesome but no grief. tule of the son's fate Mr, Glossper returped home and sre- asajatar ce and a search was f blown to bits, and thus far only portions of lega have bee: found from small particles of bone and strings 8 h ti mad th ong man placed { ¥ the aside ¢ i i ii R Tus:avville Mr and Mra. Rymor and litle Mra, Charles (Ganry and two ehildran, Algier and Alianna, apent daturdey sand Banday st the home of Mr. and Mra Michael Rossman, The Y P B's will held an entertain. ment in Emanui’sa Uaglon ehurch, Baturday. May 8h, Mra. Ellen Weiser of Altong spending the summer months at tl home of her gon, John Welsar, Domer lahler of Washington, DD spent a week among relatives here and at Centre Hall Mra. James Bpangler ia with Bon, Linla, of spending a time her dsaghter, Edward Wolf, at Juniata AS or epent short Mra 11a. Maris Wag afew « nye at Pleasant Gap. a — A Ap tly UENTHE OAK John M, Ream, painter, employed at Altoona John B "Frankenberger gpent dny with his parents Weather fine, is way ahead thia planted hefore the first of May that ie going some, Whest is coming nie«ly. Mia Kathryn Rishel grant daughter, Alta Rinkabine, from Pens Hall spent Funday at the b of W F Rishel snd family Rev Mrs, R R # and denghter Gladys ; M re r end Hy, LE brid Frankenberver and sfEily ia at present Hun- sid the farmer's work suring Linta of care cut wa and Weasley Bhar man and his ut the home of Harry day - mn LEGAL — ADVERTISEMENTS Hy virtu boiough o One « ental i that F's BALE of a writ of Levar! Vaclas ri of Common iin #l Lh Pa. on MONDAY, MAY 17TH, 1915 clock P, M., viz the following descrit ft WW WN NNN NN NH WS WW BN WNW SPECIALS-at Emery’s Store Oranges _ FRUITTOWN. | f A p 25¢ to 35c¢ doz. Onion Sets - - -. 8c Ib. (or qt.) Home Cured Country Hams for sale. “Salvat’’ for your Stock, 75c for 10 1bs., $1.25 for 20 Ibs., $5.00 for loo Ibs. tL fommencemen’, May 14i'h BARGAINS IN ALL DE- PARTTIENTS w Ibe « Centre Hall high school will Friday of next we Grange Arcadia, Prof, J. T. man of Htate Coll commenceins ’ mencemnent exercises «a be wn Woodward. Mr. and Mra, ovd Fiedler ai ‘abbath witl Dugan Quime ane evening ” Art gle, Mrs, — neuf d obi PENN HALL GIVE US A CALL rom State College ite hi day at the Woo Thurs Class Day exercises, ba devoted at which time the iay eve ing wiii class will produce the play," Why oot | Jim?’ C. F. EMERY, Centre Hall NNN ND NV CW BBD BW WB WT ¢ parents Mr. and y . 3 Dr. George Ard leit z and v 4 . Oot smi 4 ¥ T ' . ART i y i 1 ne dey sal week. week. a ihe Hm fe 3 y aut week | oar, d on un y mada 3 ts o the nests . : : A N EW LIN E OF Effie M The iegiare by Dr H itz, gCcheqauieqd for Thursday of next and hite Goods just received. goods. before sewing, Ss fp Spt . ge LOCALS | Mr and re. J Why spent the Sabbatl U. wil po ao wai “WT TB UN DD BWV BBD BND BTW WN WWW WDD DD | meet Haturdsy | rormer H. J. Lambert, at Biate ( lege, purahased a Ford touring car this | 4 Mrs week, has beer Journal moved in the Gramley The Millheim their new quarters block, on Monday. One of the biggest potato acremges | osirs Biore, spent Sunday un uuday with Me, in the valley is that being planted by | narental roof. W. F, Colyer, who is seeding seven. ~ Most of th teen acres, The local Rebekah lodge, 1.0.0. F., installed a plano in their hall, this week, purchased through Prof. P, H. Meyer. The instrument supplants an organ which (has done service for a period of twenty-two years. into Srem——————— Brush Valley Georges Valley Wert, wl ja rortking t } d Mrs. HL. AH snd Mrs John f ¢ ialiners are Pretty pattern in colored goods spring Evangelical ebureh, Traffic to Penns Us the summer ‘aed ie bed John H, Wiser is making a start to Z Ian) Rossman | hia vicinit ! grow alfalfa on the Michael ia vie farm, near Tusseyviile, on which he is . W. Mitterl the drover, was the tenant. He is one of the young cugo JILg up cows farmers in Potter township who is adopling the best farming methods, and undoubtedly will succeed as a till er of the soil, Robert P., Campbell, proprietor of the Penns Cave House, finished build- ing a fifty-fool concrete dam at the outlet of the famous Penns Cave, on Baturday. Mr. Campbell found it necessary to do this on acceunt of the low water in the cave proper during protracted dry periods, which made navigation difficult, e haa begun for You should ‘see these thinking of doing your PORTO Bric through LOW RATE SUNDAY EXCURSION ONLY 5 Round $3.00 Trip "ASHINGTON SUNDAY, MAY 9 A Rare Chance to Visit the National Caiptal ay See the National Museum with its interestin nificent Capitol Building, Corcoran Art Gallery, which will be open on this date. KREAMER & SON CENTRE HALL, PA. The annual meeting of the Centra) Ped i Pennsylvania Funeral Directors’ Ae- ST PY sociation is in session in Altoona toe day ( Thursday ) and is being attended by F. V. Goodhart, the local funeral director. F. E Naginey of Belle. foute is the toestmaster, and one of the afierdinper speakers is John Paul Rearick of Martinsburg, formerly of thls place, whose topic is ** Why germs make embalming necessary.’ John Fleish r is visitiog the scenss of his youth for the first time in a period of fifty-seven years. On Tues day be arrived at the home of his bres ther, T. J. Fleisher, near Colyer, dir ot from Alda, Nebraska, to which state he went when a young man niveteen years of age. He engaged in the car- penter trade and aleo farmed for a number of years, Mr, Fleisher fluds very few familinr faces among the residents in the locality of his birth. He is unaccompanied on the trip, his wife having died a number of yesrs ago, He will remain among his relatives in this section for gome time before returning home, fur, lu view of his advancing years, iL Is Improbable that he will make another trip east, LADIES’ “FITZEZY" SHOES will cure corns] exhibits, the Beautiful Library of Congress, Mag. ashington Monument, and Botanic Garden, all of A DELIGHTFUL SUNDAY PLEASURE TRIP Lvs, May 8 sional 0 PM cers HBPM vesHMPM SOLD ONLY AT YEAGER'’S SHOE STORE BELLEFONTE Bellefonte . , . . Lemont |, | Oak Hall , , . .. . lindas Ball . . . . .... Centre Hall , , , ...... Rising Springs Coburn | |, | Glen Iron Millmont , , | | ars ’ vou ks AL PM Miflioburg. . ......... L i Returning, Special Train will leave Washington 4.06 © M Tickets on sale by Ticket Agents beginning May 7. Consult Ticket Agents, or David Todd, Division Passenger Agent, Williamsport PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD “aie “a a i Vicksharg | 2 : Lowisburg . . . Montandon , , |, Northumberland , | ,