—— WOMAN COULD NOT SIT UP Now Does Her Own Work. Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegeta- ble Compound Helped Her. Ironton, Ohio. —** I am enjoying bet- ter health now than I have for twelve . years. When I be- gan to take Lydia E, Pinkham’s Vegeta. ble Compound I could not situp. I vous, remedies a year and I can do my work months I have worked for other I cannot praise Lydia E. women, too. mend it to suffering women. "’ Daughter Helped Also. was thirteen years old. Street, Ironton, Ohio. half-hearted existence, can find health in Lydia E. Vegetable Compound ? If you have that Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegeta-~ to Lydia E.Pinkham Medicine Co. (confidential) Lynn, Mass. for ad ce. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman and held in strict confidence, He Had An Idea rant Proprietor, but It Turned Out Otherwise. ganizer of the steel trust and other important corporations, trust investigation: "Maybe investigations have the as warden. “A game these same luck the warden heard that a res pheasant. “The pheasant, roquefort cheese, pheasant should the game warden, to the last morsel, well as all good was served to aa be, of rare old Burgundy—for the of course, paid for all said: “1 arrest vou, sir, the law!’ in the name of swallow ed he gasped astonishment He three times, then ' "Wh—what for ; if warden. on season,” said the “A look of relief proprietor's face "Oh, he said. ‘that ant. It was crow.” game appearel wasn t A Roland for an Oliver. Manager-—1 say, ean we get thing like a real doctor in town to attend a sick actor? Village Inhabitant—Sure, to that corner grocery, a man there hams any Just You'll CRIPPLED WITH RHEUMATISM CURED BY YAGER’S LINIMENT BOME TESTIMONY . “My wife was so oripplod with Rhen. juhtisin that sha couki hard} walk. After everything else without tin any relief Twas : vd to ry 8 iniment, The firet bottle ao ha charm and aff immediate relief a after usiug 8 bof whe win shiirely well, and doing her work with perf ease and comfort, “ Not son sincesho had attack theshoulder, once more I used Yager niment with the same result, We arg never without & bottle in the h recommend {8 most highly,” THOMAS MOORE, Profit, Va. a (he MARKETS | \ = NEW YORK.-—Wheat—8pot easy: No. 2 red, $1.62 nominal: No. 2 hard, $1691%%, all rail c | I track export: No. 1 Northern Duluth, $162%: No. 1 North- ern Manitoba, $161%, ¢ { f Buffalo, opening navigation. Corn—Spot steady ; cif to arrive Butter—Creamery extras (92 score), 21% @22¢; creamery (higher scoring). 32% @33; firsts, 3031; seconds, 28@ 29%. Eggs storage No. 2 yellow, 8b Fresh gathered 23¢: packed, extra firsts, 21% @22; regular pack extra firsts, 21% @22¢; firsts, 20% nearby hennery whites, fine 233 nearby hennery extras, firsts, @ 2234 124s: ad, @213%c; to fancy, RC; browns, 221 @23c. Cheese—State, whole specials, 154 @16%¢c; fancy, 16@15%¢ Live Poultry--Western broilers, 45@ fowls, 16@16%; turkeys, 1440 15c. milk, do, fresh, | average PHILADELPHIA —~Wheat—Carlots. red spot, $81.57 @1.60; No. 2 red, Western, $1.62@ 1.65: round lots, In export elevator, No. 2 | red, spot and April, $1.58%@163%; | No. 2 red, Western, $1.63%@1 681%: | No. 1 Northern Duluth, $1.67@1.70 i Corn—Carlots, for local trade, as to | No. 2 yellow, S16813%e; | steamer yellow, 79@80c; No. 3 yellow, : No. 4 vellow, 15@ 76¢ sample yellow, 70@74c¢: new per 70 pounds, T8@ 79¢; for carlots in ¢ xport | No. 2 and April, steamer, 70@76c¢c: No. 3. (EWTN cob, 64 740 elevator, spot TT 3% T5¢ i Oats %@b4c; stand. | No. 3 white, 61% | No. 2 white ~ 3 623 a'63¢ 63 @62c. Butter-—Western, fresh, solid packed | fancy, special, 4c: firets, 3c; 23@30c: | ladle-packed, 19@ fancy extra, | extra firsts, seconde, 264 27¢ nearby pri is i Be age extra, o4c; firsts, 30@32¢: gee { of fancy ales extra per standard case 26.15 per ca 4 ts, $6.20 per case; i, extra ry ge $6.15 a6 per and fr dozen Live Poultry —Fowls, 176 17% 12612%e¢ per ca i0, | firsts $6.55 | southern fancy, selected, candled jobbing at 24@ 20¢ per Cage, C80 RES roosters, chickens, T@18c; do do, stagey 5 {i any 16@17¢; ne, meated, 1 15¢; 149 126 16¢ pair, GO0@ pigeons young duck as Eos to quality, per Ti old per turkeys, 15@17¢ do do, per pair, GH on nr et y 3 30 pair BALTIMORE Wheat No. 2 red | spot and April, $160%¢; May, 160% « No. 2 red Western spot, $1633 Corn—Spot and April. i8%c:. May, T0%¢ Oats—Standard white, 63¢ sales: No 3 white, 62% Rye-—No. 2 ed; baz lots iy, 806 50¢ Hay--—-No tUmothy, $2050: No $19.50: No. 3, do, $16@18; light No. 1, do, $196 sales Western of nearby rye rye $1.20 ask a8 to qual do, do, clover mixed, $1 19.60: No. 2 cholee clover 315@ 185 $17.50@18: No $15@ 1650: N 3 $11.504 iple hay, as and $10@13 Butte: {re choice i , do id; condition, Ea » kind, quality qu ry. fancy 12@ 23¢ 30@21e; do, good JE 4c; ladies Ohio 1 1814 20 ! Md, Va. and Pa Lilie do 8G 290; 31e33: Md. $6 23 23 G G0, prints, do. blocks : hald 24 498 ’% 2 . +0, held, 246 26¢ “AF Co rolls, 20@21¢ olis Va. rolls 20e; W gtore. | 18% @ 16¢; i 186 20¢ Ezgs-—Maryland, Penn yivania and | 20¢; do, Western firsts | Virginia Southern firets, 19 Chickens, 16¢c; 16¢, le; do. youtig rough and winter, 2 Ibs. and under, 23 spring, 1 to 1% Ibs, 356 40¢ 5 Ibe. and over Pekins, 3 and over, 15¢ iba 4c: ds do, Indian Runners. 13 per Guinea fowl] firats A " + "yy £81 20: do, firsts, 20: do. | Live Poultry old hens, do, old hens do, old rooster args Stn oey 15 ERY, choles, poor a 16¢: @20; | Ducks | ide; do, pud- | smaller, | lo Muscovey, do 1 ins and over, 134 Pigeona | old. Old, each, 28¢. pair, 25@30¢c;: do 25@30 Live Stock CHICAGO. — Hogs Bulk, $7.2007.40: mixed, $7.10@7.55: rough, $6.80 g 1: 50) $6.80@ 7.40; pire, 8647 Cattle--Native beef cows and heifers, steers, $6.10Q $2.90@8.10; Sheep--Sheep, $8.25@ 10.65. $7508.60: lambs, Hoge—Plgs and mixed and butch Bb: rood, heavy, 37.350 ers’, 7.50. Cattle-~Native beef steers, $708.75; cows and heifers, $5.60@ 8.25: stockers and feeders, $5.75@ 7.25: Texas and In dian steers, $5.25@7.75; cows and heif ers, $496; native calves, $8090. Sheep—Bwes, $6500825: lamba $0.50@ 10.55; yearlings, $8 50@0.50; sheared yearlings 2767.75. Sm— PITTSBURGH, va. “Cholee, §8 8.50; prime, $8€8.25. Sheep--Steady; prime wethers, iio 116; culls and commons, $8@ 4.50; lambs, $6.50@0.40; veal calves, $8.50 9. Hogs Prime heavies, §7.60@1.70; mediums and Yorkers, $7.85@ 7.90; pige. $760 Q@ 7.35; roughs, §8ge as Hr “i a Lou REPORTE R, CENTRE HALL, PA. yourself; benefits its great to teeth, digestion; ness and its cleanli- wholesome- its and Pleasant Prospect. (buying a cigar)—I burn «¢ x rears’ entirely down ts Elixt Waakis r ut in no time at all, | ong smoke {impressively ) VAS GOLD IN THE FRILIPPFINES racted malaria In 198, and after a frultiess rominent Babek tired me. On arriving bere | came i tropleal malaria—-the worst form home for Babek. Again it It ia worth ita weight in O'Hagan, rn + Ph alry. Baila nes, r Babek. &0 Poa at gion. A CL, "hie, all droggiets or by i from Riocsewaki & Co., has ru Furs man h leisure” classes un for office —— uit of wealth is the hu- urdle race great Mu casin A Bpille ville, hea troub in my bad ings, could Doan Pills pains my t neys ch so-called rheumatism is the acid forms into gs. Doan’s Kidney Pills have A Virginia Case r St, Pc. Va., work vy lifting le, The pains } back were 80 could hardly Morn it wae all I do to get up. “s Kidney rid me of the . Btrengthened ack and kid. and fixed me HIDNEY PILLS peop qulsi USE GILBERT'S JEWEL lo; Perfume rich , and ex- to; Powder of velvety flueness. In Glass Jure—18e, and 28¢, Sold by all dealors. ~ MADE BY GILBERT BROS, A CO, BALTIMORE, MD. Selfish Automobilist, in an argument about world politics —-welt politik— Senator Lodge sald the other day in Boston: “The morality of too many govern frankly unjust as the man Smithers. As Smithers, Havana in came out of*an expensive restaurant and started to get into his automobile a creditor held him up “41 tell you what it ers,” sald the creditor, £0 riding round in a fine sutomobile like that if you paid your debts ‘Ha,’ said Smithers, ‘quite point exactly! Glad agreement with Alphonse THICK LOVELY HAIR Because Free From Dandruft, itching, Irritation and Dryness. Mr. Smith is, Su + My of view | know in { The Youre golf club, { May be brought about by shampoos | with Coticura Soap preceded by | touches of Cuticura Ointment to spots of dandruff, itching and irritation. You have any hair or scalp trouble. Sample each free by mail with Book. | Boston. Sold overywhere—~Ady. Then Was the Time. of London, is possessed of a what cynical wit He was once en. gaged in conversation with a terribly. “What a fine life a bishop's must be 7” exclaimed the bore, enthusiastically “I would give anything to change hour to experience what it must be like.” “Ah,” replied Doctor Ingram, fer. veéntly, “1 wish you could this very moment.” ’ DONT VISIT THE CALIFORNIA EX- POSITIONS Without » supply of Allen's Fool- Esse. the sn'iseptic powder to be shaken into the Shoes. or dissolved in the foot-bath, The Standard Remedy for the fest for 285 yours. It gives instant relief to tired, aching feet snd prevents swollen, hot feet, One lady writes: "1 enjoyed avery mimste ol of my stay ot the Expositions thanks 0 Allen gs Foct-Ease in my shoes.” Get #t TODAY Ady Everything Higher. The Old Skipper—Don’t you come tellin’ me none of your cock an' bull yarns about waves 80 feet high, Why, I've been at sea, man an’ boy, for nigh on fifty years, and I never saw none higher than 40. The Young Sallor--