There's nothing more discouraging than a constant backache. You are lame when yon awake. Pains pierce you when you bend or lift. It's hard to rest and next day it’s the same old story. Pain in the back is nature's warning of kidney ills. Neglect may pave the way to dropsy, gravel, or other serious kid. ney sickness, Don’t delay—begin using Doan’s Kidney Pills—the remedy that haa curing backache and Kido trouble for over fifty years. A Pennsylvania Case Mrs. Isabell F.» Carter, 6072 Rein- hert Bt, Philadel- phia, Pa.,, says: “Whenever I ex- erted myself caught cold, kidneys became disordered and I was unable to do my housework, Stooping brought on sharp pains In my back and I had dizzy spells and felt nervous and frritable. Medicine failed to help me until IT used Doan’'s Kidney Pills. JA few boxes gave me a lasting cure. Get Doen’s ot Any Stere, 50c a Box DOAN?’ KIDNEY PILLS FOSTER-MILBURN CO., BUFFALO, N. Y. [Sep That Backache! Geta Bottle Yoday 25c¢. and Colds quickly relieved by the use of Hale’sHoney Of Horehound and Tar Contains no opium nor anything injurious, Bold by druggists, The Reliable Remedy for lnmbago, gont and RHEUMATISH GETS AT THE JOINTS FROM THE INSIDE For sale by ail druggists “COUNT” TOO ABSENT MINDED Principal Reason Why One Interna. tional Marriage Was Permanently Called Off. Henry bank naticnal marriages “Well,” he eaid ternational marriage thank goodness, iT. wi he daughter of a Paint ionaire. The man was a a Spanish count. "The count wa absen That his undoing father gave a dinner for Paint Hock castle overlooking Rock, and at the dinner's count got up to light a cigarett then, by jove, started to remove plates "Tha guests ched him in open-mouthed silence. His slung over his arm, h all the plates removed Honafre host said to hi: " ‘Wake up, waiting in bean know. You're pres count in Paint Rock. for gracious sake! P. Da ng firm to come off. The i ¢ was the an napkin 1d got nearly when his mil 1 gently You're not now, you youre a up, man, George tho Ty i J ending Wake The man who makes the best everything should have no trouble i disposing of his goods emiling It is all right to keop you have snvthing to smile about After Winter's Wear and Tear one requires a food in Springtime that builds up both brain and body. Grape-Nuts FOOD made of wheat and malted barley — supplies in splen- did balance, the elements necessary for upbuilding and keeping in repair the brain, nerve and muscle tissue. Grape-Nuts has a rich nut-like flavour — always fresh, crisp, sweet and ready to eat direct from ge. Thousands have found Grape-Nuts a wonderful invigorator of both brain and body. “There's a Reason” Sold by Grocers everywhere. SYSTEM IN THE HOME | EXCELLENT IDEA MUST NOT BE CARRIED TO EXCESS. Careful Preparation of Menu ls De sirable, But Like All Good Things There Is a Possibility of Its Being Overdone. Carefully planning and writing out menus at least three meals in advance, and marketing for the same, is abso lutely essential in housekeeping efl- ciency if a woman expects to keep her youth, beauty, good health and sunny disposition. | Tam told by some that women do not like the word “System.” Neither do 1 when it is so ironclad that, if my husband asked me to take a little spin with him after luncheon so we could both get a little fresh air, I would have to stay home and follow out my “Reg- ularly Planned System!” The butter, cream, bread, ete, could quickly be taken care of and the dishes to be washed certainly would not run away {we often wish they would) and would be done with greater ease change and fresh air which we have enjoyed. | a system, and so does any well-organ the women who think. No wonder women wear out! They or they forget it entirely | happy, helpful medium. tor after breakfast and make of just what food is there in overs." Then decide where these may meals; maybe the outside stalks celery are there which will make a fine | dinner. Now plan and write out on a card (which is kept in your card index tea or coffee, rice, ete., must be If you wanted or twice, or even r can be tel necessary know exactly what is once three this phoned; at to go to orde week, other times it is market become gkiliful it is a great y have personal acquaintance , the baker and tl al ilues and Jesides, i candlestick maker Now, with this these meals as far gible, suet wate, de that vour work can be all pigeon holed, as it were Very little then is needed preparation of any of als at the last moment, in the Philadel done, prepare in advance us pos ete. so sserts in one those three me Alice phia Ledger Critche!ll Kirk Oysters in a Crust Case. bread, one quart oyst ipful melted butter, tablespoon salt and Bn, parsley from loaf of bread, brush inside of case ers, two tn utter, two titer and pl risp. Prepare top in asten to crust. Dry p them. Keep ten of Plend butter and { ’ i p stirring until it bolls. nicely with salt and pepper and lemon Add oysters, make very hot and turn bread case Heat whole oysters and lay them on top ith parsley and serve at once. Cre: d chicken may lace of oysters. juice into Garnish «= sarnisl Curried Rice. Poil two cupfula of rice in momenta. follows: to dry a few 8 BRUCE As in the oven Meantime make ful of butter till a light brown. Add a tablespoonful of lemon juice, a table spoonful of curry powder, salt to taste matoes, rice in it, pour over the i i over for luncheon, as well as freshly made Potatoes a la Lyonnaige. Cut cold boiled potatoes into tiny With a skimmer re- Toss and When hot, add a i § i and cook a minute longer. Remove f i forated spoon, that the fat may drip from them. Serve very hot, Flour for Gravy. Keep a quantity of browned flour on hand for making gravy; you will fiad it saves a great deal of time. Put sey. eral spoonfuls evenly on the bottom of a baking pan and stir it over a mod. erate fire until it becomes an amber brown. Turn it into a bottle and keep for use. Sponge Cake, Four eggs, one cupful sugar, one- half cupful potato flour, salt, one tea- spoonful baking powder. Beat yolks, sugar, baking powder and flour. Plavor when you take it ont of pan when one, #0 it won't jounce. It just melts, t is so light. (THE MARKETS | | 2 NEW YORK.—Wheat—8pot easy; No. 2 red, 161c, and No. 2 hard, 163 all rail ¢ i f track, export: No. 1 North ern Duluth, 167, and No. 1 Northen Manitoba, 163 ¢ | tf Buffalo, opening navigation, Corn—Spot easy; No. 2 yellow £2 ge elf to arrive. Butter-—Steady. Creamery extras (92 score), 31%ec; creamery (higher scoring), 32@32%; creamery, firsts 20% @31; seconds, 27@29. Eggs—Fresh gathered extras, 22%e; storage packed, extra firsts, 21%: firsts, 20% @21%; regular packed, ex tra firsts, 20@21% ; firsts, 20@21 near by hennery white, fine to fancy, 23; nearby hennery browns, 22¢23. Cheese—State, whole milk, fresh, specials, 15%e; do, average fancy, 14%. Live Poultry—Firm; Western fowl, PHILADELPHIA —Wheat export elevator, No. 2 Carlots, in red, spot, round lots, in export elevator, No, 580% @164%; No. 1 Northern Duluth, 1.60% @ 1.65%. Corn--Carlots for local trade, as to No 2 yellow, BRO@GRl1c: yellow, 78@79: No. 8 yellow, No. 4 yellow, T4@75; sample ellow, 69@ 73: new per seventy for carlots, In export ele No. 2 spot and April, 5% @ steamer, 74075: No. No. 2 white, 6234¢ white, 614 @62%: 60 @61% teamer "mo id cob ne yalor, Oats white reamery a9. fancy, special, 84c: extra extra firsts, 31; firsts, 29G 20: sec 3@27. ladle packed, 19621: fancy, 35; average ex seconds, prints, fircts, 30@232: jobt ing 342 Egg» an. eal Nearby a rd case t earby kr West fandard whit bite, 62% sales No. 1 timothy 1% No. 2 do. 15 £2 17 clover mixed, 1850619: No 1 clove 1850; No. 2 do, 1850@17.50 15@ 18.50: No. 1 clov 2 do, 156216.50; No clover No 1.50014 raw-—No. 1 straight rye No. 2 1010.50; ¥e. 16; No 2 E6850; No Go, 010: No. 2 do ery. fancy 0; do, 1 Eig do, 850@9 6 4 ey La “ §58 SZ 1 va Aansid G9 ese EooQ, Zire - do, blocks, 30g 32: Md 4 85 ladles, 20021 rolie, 180 26 IG and Pa Ohio rolls Vo 1%: Md. Maryland, Pennsylvania 20c; Western frats firsts, 20; Nearby, 20 inia nek egos Southern, 204 21 Recrated handled eggs, % to 1 higher Live Poultry- id firmer, Ducks dull and generally of poor qual. ity We quote, per ib Chickens -— id hener, 4 Iba and over, 18% @ 1%; do, small to medium, 16%: old roost. 10611; 18@20; hen a young, choice, and iba and poor ' 1% ibs siagey, 14@15; spring. 1 to 38040. Ducks—Muscovy, 3 l4e; Pekings, 8 Ibe and puddle, 3 Ibs and over, 149 15: 13; Indian Runners, 13. Pigeons-—~Young, per palr, 26@30¢; old, do, 25630. Guinea Tow! Young, 1% lbs and over, each, 35¢: smaller, do, 25; old, 25. aver, over, 15; smaller Live Stock | CHICAGO, — Hogs — Bulk, $6900 R874: light, 6.7067: mixed, 6.700 7.02%; heavy, 65067; rough, 6.50@ 6.65. pige, 5.6006.60. Cattle Native beef steers, $6@8.90; sows and heifers, 3@7.90; calves, 6Q 8.75. lambs, Sheep—8heep, $7.4008.50; 7.80010.50. 8ST. LOUIS. Hogs—~Pigs and lights, $6607.25; mixed and butehere’, 7607.25; good heavy, $6.95@7.15.. Cattle-—~Native beef steers, $78.90; cows and heifers, 6.50@8.80; stockers and feeders, 5.76@7.26; Texas and Ine dian steers, 6.26@ 7.75; cows and heif- ers, 4@6; native calves, 6@9. Sheep-—Native muttons, $768.25; lambs, 9.501045; yearlings, 7.509 8.90; sheared yearlings, 6.600 7.00 GASTORIA Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria LCOHOL~3 PER CENT Aegetable Preparation for As- similating the Food and Regula- ting the Stomachs and Bowe 3 A] INFANTS “CHILDREN Ee Promotes Digestion Cheerful ness and Rest Contains neither Opium Morphine nor Mineral Nor NARCOTIC Rosie of Old Dr SANUEL PITCHER Clordied Sugar Wintergreen Flavor A perfect Remedy for Constipa- | tion , Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, | Worms Convulsions .Feverish- | ness and LOSS OF SLEEP Fac Simile Signature of Tue C ENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK. Err Ta 135 Doses; 353 Cents rn Use For Over Thirty Years Tr rw - £ SEILER TAN dn Pe» MOND, ~~ Pos A FREE i. - nS Crd dws Exact Copy of Wrapper. THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORE CITY, woman's estima 5 confirmed by the fa is 2a mar Every Home Is Much Same as Is Evidenced § in Humanity. the tinues to suffer without ir Brat fas table Compound a trial ne or that tinually bein ] me as the attach tion that th TP a DE AMONo wormess $1 ing Alll ng wOInicn than g publi 8B LDILS is early n of birds me after a tO secure Tells What's the Matter With Him. “Well, what i= t! unplaint? uine and true. ae Fknown | Constable entered 3 utter escorting a colored male done I wish to state what has done for me. caused a displacement. efter my baby was 1 tration, from w bam’ “De honah—and replied ¥O rrygation tho officer could 8 posthumous 8 Vegetable Compound koteches me iries to run been dat-uh. | yuh, wouldn't uh over. | - me in a munt o \ansas City Star. in mub back, dat every time | if it hadn't uh to take your medicine.’ Providence, ILL A Sundays! e- | pound I children, and felt worn out all Had Some Training, Mooney, after running a bar in Centerville for two or | decided to become a den i Hiz Uncle Bi, upon bearing of | decision, dropped in to talk it | Billy that I took it."—Mrs, Years, {| and he doctored me fora Yes Bilty * eald he, “dentistry is | the easiest new job you could | You how to work the | rest ought to | finished the first bottle, through middle life know easy enough” A Golf Widow. 4 true that Mre. Brown's hus. | (CONFIDENTIAL) our letter will be o “Is it “Almost. He hag taken up golf.” i ' LJ 12 EXPLAINING SONGS OF BIRDS Beautiful Notes of the Nightingale, for Instance, Are Inspired by Paternal Love. It is generally assumed that a bird sings because he is happy, but seb ence goes deeper for an explanatios of the why and wherefore of the bird's song. Nature's optimistic joy in constructive progress is expressed in the singing of the male birds whe charm their mates to further thelr wooing, and continue after eggs are laid to encourage the fulfillment of hatching. The song stops when the little birds come out of the shell. The nightie gale, for weeks during the period of nest-bullding and hatching, charms his mate and human ears near him with the beautiful music of his love tong. But as soon as the little night ingales come from the eggs the song changes to a sort of guttural croak implying anxiety and sense of respos eibility If the nest and contents were de stroyed the nightingale would at ones resume his beautiful gong to inspire mate help him build another nest and start all over again the lov of being fruitful and mult 10 ing work plying Unfailing Courtesy convict ped } i th who esses FASE One rison.” d the Iie Same Thing. 18] t ¥ | -~ nan in this countrv who Cone Pinkham’s Vi gC whe TRE 3 ch proves 10 contra ved more suit - beyond er cine in the world of the Unit : ers than have ever been pub- r i . by rn per 1 States iw 4 YLT et - WAaCr medicine WOME) == » i 11 sie all eves iy All Hh never before publish 1. s R.L of wi men who suffe ras] have it rk d Se s Frans 5% 3 ? lifting and the doc pL) VOT sad E and I overwe : Nervous 1 { Compound is ¢ iNKe vy best friend and try to induce herp had ys Vegetable Com. I had lost throes This splendid medi ine every day Ba dicihhd Quincy, Mass. and I did not get any relief I Jaxe D. MEDICINE Co, answered MENS $2.50 *3 $3.50 *4.00 $4.50 *5 $5.50 SHOES | WOMENS $2.00 "2.50 *3.00 *3.50 & *4.00 SHOES | BOYS $1.75 *2 ‘2.50%3.00 MISSES $2.00 & #2.50 YOU CAN SAVE MONEY BY WEARING W. L. DOUGLAS SHOZS mado of the best d ~