-~ WOMAN WOULD Last Found Help in Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegeta- ble Compound. { taking Lydia E. Pinkham’'s Vegetable , Compound Iwasina dreadfully rundcwn state of health, had internal trou- bles, and was so ex- i tremely nervous and prostrated that if | had given in to my feelings 1 would have been in bed. As it was 1 had hardly strength at 3 a feet and what 1 did do was by a great of course felt very bad in the moming, and had a steady headache. “After taking the second bottle I no- ticed that the headache was not so bad, I rested better, and my nerves were stronger, made a8 new woman of me, and now | can hardly realize that 1 am able to do so much as 1 do. Whenever I know any woman in need of a good medicine | highly praise Lydia E. Pinkham’s Veg- etable Compound.’ — Mrs. Frank CLARK, 8146 N. Tulip St., Richmond, Pa. Women Have Been Telling Women for forty years how Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound has restored their health when suffering with female ills, for it from coast to coast. troubled with any ailment peculiar to women why don’t you try Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound? It will pay you todo so. Lydia E. Pink- bam Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass. Aeroplane Propellers. Selected ash, which is both and light and will not spli vibration ghock ers of spruce with centers are the pellers o mahogany materials with which the pro be rare con { aeroplanes such are as Ing used in the European wi ftructed The framework of the chines, too, is i iB generals EPruce its hidden being much used on straignt grain and defects Kill the Flies Now and Prevent disease. A DAIRY FLY KILLER will do it Kills thousands. Lastsall season. All dealers or kix sent express paid for §1. H. BOOMERS, 150 De Kalb Ave N.Y Adv trooklyr That London Fog Church— What GGermar Why her has Londor combat the Gotham Zeppelins wellknown YOUR OWN DRUGGIST WILL TELL YOU Try Murine Eye Remedy for Hed, Weak, Watery Byes and Granulated Eyelids Ro Smarting- net Bre comfort, Write for Book of the Hye 7 mall Free. Murine Ere Remedy Oo, Chioago rth has aer Probably rheumatism dyspe; hobby EVETY man on ea BIR OF BOs Metal railway tles For Young and Old The acute agonizing pain of rheumatism is soothed at once by Sloan's Liniment. Do not rub—-it penetrates to the sore gpot, bringing a comfort not dreamed of until tried. Get a bottle today. RHEUMATISM Here What Others Say : *1 Bighly recommend your Liniment ae the best remedy for rheumatism | ever umd. Before using it I spent large sume of money trying to get relief of the roineTy and pains in limbs and body, so 1 tried your Liniment both internal and external and 1 found quick relief, snd Bow am well and strong again. “Geo, Curtis, 285 N. 16th 81, Bpringfieid, TH. Here's Proof “I wish to write and tell you about a fall I had down fourteen steps, and my neck and hip very bad. 1 could not sleep at all. 1 sent my wife for a 25 cent bottle of your Liniment sad in two days’ time I was on my feet again.’ Charles Hyde, 138534 Prairie Ave, 81. Lowss, Meo. mest con he Ht must contain tonic, Pills nasess these qualities, and ” (By MICHAEL K. BOYER Of late dry feeding quite popular, althongh it new idea in the poultry ranks. Fully 25 years ago the matter was agitated apd adopted by some poultrymen, but general thing ft favor received is becaming is #8 a Was not ably The argument used today mash and whole grain First, after fowls become prefer the ground grain in of dry diets are to it, they wil try to that steamed; second, it is a laborsaving method: third, it keeps more healthy condition: better fertility to the eges At first the fowls will not t: kindly to the dry feed is mixed with it, they will pick out all such, then probably the corn meal, © some may prefer the bran, but all of it is seldom until to It 1 } fowls and consumed fowls become accustomed Gradually will ” HAE thew eal more more trough Another a8 few mouthfu y will repai and ewalllows of water then back ng after eating the drinking veszsel secure sey in to the trough and po on durd the « it consumed by dry ntire or eal imed that fed more water is fowls, and BS water enters largely into the compo sition of increased the method is a epEE exe produc tion should the be result great labor saver possible to both feed and water same time it takes prepare the wet mash and feed it The writer prefers feeding the It the stock in the is to mash in troughs instead of hog pers a hopper is used that net rats and mice made of unless proof agai hopper iron, pight 0 must be opened In the morning igh to hold veral days’ feeding be and be If large eno material for se still more labor can saved in the system from a health stand point. There ig not so much danger of and consequently there soft-ghelled and formed or illshaped eggs hens, will he fewer de There troubles and trouble Wet mash troughs any length of the hot weather will the cause of many indi re time leggy with gestion main in during which is allowed to sour r cases of For growing chicks it is recommend- They eat a few mouthfuls and take a swallow of water and In a few mo repeat ed then scamper off for a run ments they return and dose They never gorge themse and when they feel a little hungry a little Ives, food helps them out At night an extra allowance of food I boxes in their youngsters oan at break day chick a for food small hat themselves placed houses, the help of Nothing gives a back than pining But like only the mash fed fowls in that way. The grain should be strewn along worse set we to he some #0 that the birds must scratch for This The hour roost, exercise Is needed should be the time for that ample unt. If thus the fowls tinue thelr search the next break of day, and the attendant will find them hard at work when he comes around them thelr breakfast least them to time is fed in a will con- morning Krain given at before BO an to shed, to give consin Station With Corn, Mid diings and Alfalfa. kinds of little iitable On farms where many Erain are grown, there should be or no difficulty in providing a s ration For several years mature brood in the Wise herd have been one-third Ows onsin experiment sia fed rations com corn, one-third tion of wheat bran or alfalfa. Such feeds are satisfying and b sufficiently to live Iky, ana at the nutrit gain from § weight during same time 8 to cause io preg SOwE in io pounds nancy. A mixture of equal parts, by fed in the weight form satis res an equal propor. the the animals of the {eeds mentioned thick factory f a slop, is always very This ins tion and distribution of feeds and is relished by be fed on Car need not be and the id be given as VAN ous The the COrn may and alfalfa the a thick slop Hrood sows, ghing usually can rations cut rest of ration sho from 300 {to be kept on for we 300 pounds, one of the above His ve n a section where these fUgaAr beets or giant mangels be to bulky grown, ¢ jad the ration IRRT may form the portion of or mangels can be cut up and fed raw or may be cooked with middlings and other made into a thick slop Kept The sugar beets Soy beans on the vine make They stacked in or near the hog lot fall and fed out as needed. The hogs will get abundant exercise work of search can be in the aver the plle vines in Dark Barns a Menace Well lighted horse or dairy stalls | | { months than in the gince the absence of light lowers the temperature. Then, leading the ani winter their long confinement in the gloomy eyesight, while the poorly lighted stalls also contribute to the advance ment of almost every known ailment of live stock Sheep as Weed Sheep will eat Destroyers. more than a hun stable to cattle these stanchions are made. can be obtained by writing to the provided, their feeding ilystration shows kow NEW ilar hard, 1644 port; No. 1 and No, 1 ef Mm Corn--8Bpot firm KNeel! Hay Firm NO a6 Butter A 4034 aril 27%. } YORK red all Northern Northern Vheat 160% ¢ ratl, ¢ | 1 Duluth Manitoba navigation No 2 yellow Spot irreg and No. 2 track, ex 156% 164 No fflulo, opening to arrive No. 1, $1.07% shipping. SOG TERInery (#2 thirher scoring) 28Q 30 4c extras Foore) ereginery : firsts #eeonds HE 7 § red iH vg florage packed, extra firsts, 210021% do “ii@2l regular packed extra 21 19% @ 20% n henfiery fine to nearby whites Blute 1IT@plhiic ERe--Fresh gathe extras, 22% firsts firsts, firels carbs whites fancy “2% E23 hennery Cheese whole milk epedinle 147% live do, average Poultry 16¢ furkeys, 1 poultry firn fowls Western chickens 1% 17@21c;: tre turkeys, 13@ 24 exXnort spot. $1.02@1 04 $§1.50@ 1.6); round No. 2 108% 1.62%: No. } red. si YRIO! AO red Wests Northern | incatior sleamer yellow, 786 7%¢ 687 vellow NO. 4 vellos LS Gr To Lew 7G 78 for No. i sleamer Tht WUNGE Wil elevator FTE 2% aT Onts ard wi tic Butler packed rXirs 26 3 f OE 22 extra Urey & Hr ons » fs rer « { I= Ape sal fresh egw i EK OER a8 10 Qual York, full crean New 16%, @17¢ do Ire { hiees ! 0« GO oe G 161 fo 16@ 16% | d¢ ao do good ils @ 1€«¢ part skizos BALTIMORE No Apri West Whent spol and No. 2 red 156% ts al €2's@ 62% No 1 No 2 do. $15 xed, $1R@ IN G0 mixed, $18 clover $17.50@18 white {any timothy $I1S@ 18.50 clover NO 101 ee $156r18 50 lover 16 LO Separator Extras G28 Prints ib firsts, 20631 alga Extras 21g 32 Extras, : ibe Dairy Prints KALE 7 3 | » Hlocks 20631: Meron Maryland, Pennsylvania and Virginia Extras, 20021 1820. lows and N W. ladle 2223 21g22 firsts, 28. Maryland rolls Ohlo le, 18@ 16 Maryiand, Pennevivania 19% Fons Maryland Virginia, Erste Western, Ohlo, fir 193 Hrate 19% Bouthern firsts, 15% CRgs ‘ rehandled egy and firwts # HrEls firets Extras firsts Storepacked Pennsylvania IG 18, West and 186 20: rolls Virginia Erge nearby rol and Shore firsts ern and 18% Nest \ North ste gina duck near 22 Recrated higher Poultry C large, semooth, 1880 20; ibs and under 23025. do. tagey. 14615: do. old hens 15@ 15%; do, ligher fowl do, old roosters and stags il Ducks, muscovy and mongrel do. puddle, 3 Ibs snd over, 16: do white Pekings, 16@16. do, Indian run ners, 13@ 14; do, small poor. all kinds 12@13. Pigeons, per pair, old, 25 do. young, 2L@ 360, young, each, over 1% young. smaller, each, 26 3h Dressed Maryland Live hickens YOuns de winter, 2 rough 4 Ibe and iLa 10@ LE id's Ibe, 2f¢ do, old, each, Hoge - Choice Western and Pennsylvania light welghte, 8@8%c¢: choice medium weights, TWEE heavyweights, smooth, 6% @ 7. stage and sown, [G6 heavy old boare and rough stock, 5. Live Stock PITTEBURGH, PA Cattle steady; choice, $R.25@R 40: prime, $7.90G8.20, Sheep Steady; prime wethers, $6.00 @6.75. culls and comuaon, $3@4.60; lambs, $6@RE5; veal calves, $11Q 11.50. Hogs—Prime heavies, $7.36: me Alums and heavy Yorkers, $7.70 7.95; light Yorkers, $7.66@7.70; pigs, $7.50 @ 7.60; roughs. HEGE.6O0 i i CALIFORNIA'S EXPOSITIONS AND THE PAGIFIG COAST Low. round trip fares are in effect via the Beenie Highway the Northern Pacific Ry. to California's Ex positions via the North Pacific Coast now of Expositions as well as a stopover at Yellowstone National Park via Card! If yon will advise when vou will plan Your western trip, 1 will be pleased to some Expositions folder as well as Yellowstone National Park and travel any way posible in planning vour 1915 tion trip. A. M. Cleland, General Agent, L17 Northern Pacific Ry.. Bt. Paul, Minnesota —Ady. Marital Plunger—1 felt Diplomacy. awiully sorry for down at the five BOVE were WOOT He guy owt exXenange 1oday thou cotton ar all the he with started off hor the predic would land on his cenap ne bad about it Mri . Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle CABTORIA, a safe and sure remedy for infants and children, and see that it Bears the - Signature of ZT In Use For Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria of An Art Suspicion FIIXIR BARBER A GOOD TONIC Amd Drives Malaria (Pal of the Sysfem Your*Mabek® sts likes i Elixir Babek, = ce Parve ¥ La DONT VISIT THE OA IFORNIA rx. POSITIONS Wihhowt o supsly of Alies's Foo Exse the ary sept Power 1 te 0 © or &iceived t wih J he Bias ¥ ernady for the fort fon 2 yours It gives wats tolief tO tr feet 20 preveris wales bed fost Coe . "1 erdoves f my ey Foet-Fane in thak er tet tH wos the fon * Most of Us Are FOun Tan are YO of hat “€ habit sir-—-other ix 0} Hoston Evening Tr » i 3 Good tobseco is what every smoker wants, The careful mas makes sure he gots it by asking for Fatima Cigerettes. Fetimas are simply good tobsces blended to suit the grestes! pumsber of men. Have you smoked a Fatima lately? and cut your feed bill in half. wa lien f GG. Filne 8 Pow i tw Live Agents 2 308 x 9 bers. Terms o You Want ©/I'% free * 3 ¥ 3 rie i Watson ¥., Coleman, Fates Lawyer WW —— DAL Ag * 6a Laws Ere, Highest refervncrs. Post servis. TO $100 [5.2 2 yg cee : he a MiB n free Progrensren kerlucker Bidy A nd se Kr HAE ~—LADIES!! USE GILBERT'S JEWEL TALCUM POWDER « for refoed lasting, sod ex- wider Of velvet; pes bs Clase Jars 15¢. and 25¢ Sued by all dealers MADE BY . GILBERT BROS. & CO BALTIMORE, MD Perfume i. a FMRI Le MN. L BALTIMORE, NO. 16-1915 Unperturbed 11 spring The { expect to 1lra oare put their labels on it, and written guarantee of asphalt roofings. est manufacturer of sell goods, make. It's the best roof. It is made with that one pu poor quality roofings to meet the Certain w, m———— carries our Com ply 10 years, last and remain waterproof on the We alo make cheap grade, very temporary roofs, but the It is the guarantee—1-ply roofing by ing at it, The man . He cannot tell their relative values by looking at them. Why take the chance of Foessing, when you can get the safest gusr antes on the best quality goods al & resson. want a temporary roof, we the Jowest price on fa- ® third nd Noone can tell the quality of & piece of the length of time each one will dest on Use LETS BOOST BUSINESS i i i